[Official] Money in the Bank 2010 Thread

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Ah, the MITB Ladder Match. This is an event I look forward to every year, because it signifies a new superstar taking the next step to (hopefully) main event status, while providing us with a fun match and cool spots.

Who do you think will win the MITB this year, and why?

For me, it goes down to three people:

Christian is the strongest champion in the WWE, or at least the longest-reigning one. He is over, great on the mic and solid in the ring, and is currently the top face of the WWE's third brand. His main event push is, in many people's eyes, long overdue. He has a very good track record in ladder matches, and seems to be ready to "graduate" from ECW.
What's working against him is actually the contenders to the ECW championship. I doubt he can compete and win a match like that while still holding the belt, so he will have to drop it to someone worthy enough to carry the brand before moving on.

John Morrison
Morrison looks to be on the fast track to stardom. His offense in the ring is universally praised, and he is more and more over each week. His matches with Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio were excellent. His tag title run with The Miz was a strong one, and The Dirt Sheet was the number 1 program on WWE.com for a very long time. His DVD is going to be released soon, and what better way to sell some than to give him a huge push and victory?
Unfortunately, he's lost a bit of momentum since winning and losing the IC title in my opinion. I'm not sure if he's quite ready, either, since his mic skills are lacking when he doesn't have The Miz to play off of, as those two are magic together.

Kofi Kingston
This man was my number one choice until he continually lost to Orton. Kingston was arguably the stand out performance of last year's MITB, and could have been a breakout star of the year. With his more "serious" turn, Kingston has shown he has the mic skills to back up the ring skills.
However, I believe his losses to Orton slowed his momentum down a lot, and we don't know if anything bad could be in store for him after Orton's blowup during the triple threat match. We shall have to see.

Who else do you predict could win? Who else would you like to see in the match? Who is your dream winner? Discuss everything realted to Money in the Bank 2010 here!
The three you listed Doc are excellent choices. All three are worthy of winning it and could be world champions in the future. I honestly believe Christian will win (assuming he isn't ECW champ). It is kind of luck when Punk when the first time. He was an ECW guy, but the MITB was a way to get him onto one of the big shows.

Some other options:

Drew McIntyre
-With all the pushing of the young guys, McIntyre hear would make sense. He is decent in the ring, good on the mic, and I think he is better than Sheamus, but we'll save that discussion for another day. Plus he has a good following backstage and has the right people supporting him.

The Miz
-This guy is on a serious roll right now. He is generating awesome heat and is one of the best promo cutters the E has right now. A MITB could easily propel him into the Main Event. His in ring skills have improved. And at one point I really only saw Miz as an ECW champ and that was it. But now I can see him easily being a future world champ. He has the tools and a MITB would do just that.
Dolph Ziggler could easily be put into this match and I would look at him as a legit threat at winning. He is incredible underutilized by the WWE right now and hopefully the begin his push right now leading into Wrestlemania. He is having a nice little feud with Kane currently and if things go well Kane could put over again and back on the fast track to stardom.

Ziggler has the look of a champion and I am positive championship gold would look good around his waste. He is very solid in the ring and can put on great performances, just look at his matches against Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, and Kane. His mic skills are good when he is allowed to speak.

I could easily see Ziggler picking up speed heading into Wrestlemania, especially with this current Kane feud. Kane will probably end up putting him over and doing it well. With Kane putting Ziggler over, he can begin to brag about how he beat a former World Champion and how he deserves his chance, thus setting him up in the Money in the Bank match.
I expect Christian to win even if he is still ECW champ but I also expected him to win it last year too and he didn't. If it is not Christian then it would have to be one of either John Morrison, The Miz or C M Punk. I could easily see Punk win it again especially with Luke Gallows on his side but i'm really hoping it's Christian he deserves it.
The MITB is rarely put on someone they don't already have a plan to put a world title on, but just don't know how(with the exception of Punk at WM24 who won because Jeff Hardy was suspended) So I doubt Christian will win because I havnt seen anykind of world title build on his behalf.Its looking more and more like either Kingston or Morrison at this point.Even MVP has a better shot.I think Miz would do better if his world title push was more organic like Jeff Hardy's. I don't want to see Punk in the MITB match at all,because I think its a waste of his talent to not book him in real wrestling matches.To date, he's yet to actually 'wrestle' at a 'Mania. If they really want to piss us off, Big Show will win....
The MITB match is a solid way to go at Mania. Gives us big spots (which I think there are far too many of on a regular basis) and, most importantly, gets more guys from all three rosters in matches at Mania.

The Miz is dynamite on the mic, but just isn't very good in the ring, and I think that could hurt his chances at ever winning one of the two big championships (plus, he will more than likely still have the U.S. belt, so he might have a singles or triple threat match of some sort). I think Kofi's push may slow down a bit. I guarantee he will be in the match, but probably won't win. He doesn't really have the character built up yet, seeing he gets no time on the mic and is still stuck halfway in that Jamaican role (he isn't even Jamaican). CM Punk should have a one on one match of some sort, but he is always good to have in a match like this. I don't believe Ziggler is over enough yet for that big of a push, but you never know. Morrison I feel is in the same boat as Ziggler, even though I think this kid is top notch in the ring and on the mic. Christian is one of the best faces the WWE has. And if Vince could drop his ego and stop keeping Christian down because he was a big star in TNA (Vince believes TNA is garbage and none of their stars should be stars in HIS company), I would be all for his winning the MITB. I think there is real potential for Christian to become a huge star in WWE, but I am not sold that Vince will actually go for it. MVP is going nowhere fast, and I am not disappointed about it really. I think he is overrated as an in ring competitor. He's kind of slow, has zero intensity, and has a limited move set.

If Big Show wins, I am "crossing the line." haha.

If I had to predict a winner, I would say they will go with either a repeat from CM Punk (which I don't like because he could do much better in a singles match, having a REAL feud) or Kofi (if he does something big at the Rumble, but not actually win it).

Now, if I had my choice, I would go with Ted DiBiase Jr. There are a few reasons I would like to see Ted win this thing. 1. I think he is going to be a huge star someday, and I believe his mic skills and in ring work are just about where they need to be to have a low level, main event push, like the main event at Summerslam possibly. 2. I would like to see Randy Orton battling for a heavyweight championship at Mania, idealy against Taker (but it more than likely won't happen). I don't think Ted is neccessarily ready to leave Legacy in the next couple of months, but if he has that MITB briefcase, sometime over the summer or even the fall (maybe for Survivor Series even) he can turn on Randy, or Randy could turn on him (assuming Randy has the belt at that time), and that could set up their big Legacy-exit feud.

If I had to guess right now, who will end up being in this thing, supposing there are going to be 8 guys, I would go with Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Christian, Shelton Benjamin, and MVP. Now, even though I don't agree either of these next two belong in this particular match, they seem to hang around in situations like this (and I don't know why), so I will say the last two will end up being Kane and Mark Henry.
I'm going to guess the participants in order of most likely to least:

Dolph Ziggler
Shelton Benjamin
Kofi Kingston
John Morrison

OK, so Benjamin & Kane have no chance of winning.

I think The Miz has a GREAT chance of winning this year's MITB match, because not only is he getting a good push from WWE now, but he is great on the mic, improving his in ring skills, and will probably drop the US title at the Elimination Chamber/No Way Out.

Ziggler- I am a huge fan of his, he has loads of potential, but unfortunately, he was wasted by losing to Rey and JoMo. If he won the IC title, I'd say he'd the the front runner to win this thing. Still, he might.

Christian- 2 years ago, we saw Punk, an ECW star, win the MITB match, so why not let Christian win it? Look at where Punk is now. Also, Christian is over with the fans, and is one of the only credible technical+high flying superstars left.

Now, for MVP. I don't see too much potential in him. In fact, I see him as a bit embarrassing and demeaning to "colored" people. However, it seems like WWE sees him as a star of the future, and lost their chance with him by placing him in a tag team with Mark Henry and turning him face.

Kingston- He was a front runner and almost won last year. He is an exciting wrestler, has a decent moveset, average at everything else. They aren't pushing him so much right now, so I doubt he'll win, but he still has a decent chance compared to Benjamin.

Morrison- Most of the WWE fans see a lot of potential in him, and he is one of the most over superstars on Smackdown! right now. Losing the IC title did more good than harm for him, because it seems as if he's moving up a bit now.

Based on the above, I'd go with Miz, Zig, or Morrison winning. Notice they all debuted from late 2005 to early 2006.
For me, it's Christian or Kingston. John Morrison already has a golden path laid out for him. He's going to take over Smackdown when guys like Undertaker, Batista, and Mysterio get stale, injured, or retire. He and Punk are going to run Smackdown for the next year, so that eliminates them.

Christian is a head contender because he has to leave ECW in order for his WWE return not to be a fail. Once he goes to Raw or Smackdown, he can have a place much like Punk did last year. CM Punk was someone you could put in a midcard match, but due to his posession of the Money In The Bank case, he could jump to the main event. This position is perfect for Christian.

However, this would also be ideal for Kofi Kingston. Kofi Kingston needs a career-defining feud that will propel him to the main-event. Orton has definitely put him right under the main event, but he needs one thing to boost him to run Raw. With Cena's back injury and Shawn's relaxed schedule, HHH will be the only main event face on Raw. Kofi can fix that. Have him hold the Money In The Bank case while feuding with Big Show or The Miz. That way, he can gain favor with the fans, and when he's ready for the big time, you can boost him to his WWE Title shot.
WWE should and does pay a lot of attention to MITB,because it is one of the best and trusted ways to give somebody a push for his career.

Just remember how Edge,Punk & RVD stepped into main event stage using their MITB match victory.

Knowing how important this match is,IMO this year is Morrison's year.Christian is old and experienced enough to be in Main Event scene needless to MITB,and Kofi has already made a good progress in RAW,again I think he has earned enough push to become WWE champion.

But JoMo's story is different.He had an IC reign,which helped him to shine more,but don't forget he had an ECW World championship Reign some years ago(don't forget that those days ECW championship had more prestige) so IC belt doesn't count a forward step.He has everything it takes to be world champion,except the final push he hasn't earned yet.

MITB is the best way for shaman of sexy to finally cross the line and become a world champion that company needs a lot.
I think it's too early to try and identify who'll be in the match, but there are quite a few realistic options as to who could win.

The Miz and Ziggler are not necessarily the most likely to win the briefcase, but with WWE how it is, I could easily see one of them winning, and being the first not to win the title from the opporunity. I think that WWE could try and play to the kids in the audience by ridiculing them in such a fashion. I'd personally love to see The Miz win, he's got it all right now, and it's just a matter of time til he gets to the top, it just seems too soon.

John Morrison could also win it. He's been impressive since his move to ECW, with his ECW title run as a kind of rebirth for his character and career. I especially liked his tag team with The Miz, and his run when he first came to Smackdown, with his wins over Punk while he was champ. To me his push seems to have slowed too much however, and I can't really see him walking away with the briefcase. I'd personally love to see it, but it just doesn't feel like it'll happen.

Perhaps the most likely contender is Kofi Kingston. He is one of the most over superstars on RAW, and he brings such charisma and athleticism to every match that it's impossible not to get behind him. He should have reached the top by the end of this year, and the MITB would be the easiest way to get him there. I think he'll either win the briefcase, or at least get an incredible showing like last year.

Shelton Benjamin may seem like a less likely choice, but I think it'd be an interesting development to the match if he went on to win and then chose to go for the ECW Championship. It is unlikely to happen, and would possibly weaken the prestige of the MITB but it would be an interesting idea.

Kane is another contender. His character is kind of floating around without any direction at the moment, it'd be good to see him given a boost and pushed as a serious contender, again it's unlikely however.

CM Punk could win it again. 3 Years on the trot would be a big selling point for his career, and he'd probably hold the record for a long time, but I don't think CM Punk has the need for the briefcase, he's already proven recently that he has what it takes of carrying smackdown.

Chris Jericho could be in the match, depending on Edge's injury situation. If Edge doesn't return, then Jericho hasn't got much else to do, and he'd be a good fit for the MITB, he'd add some prestige to the match and he's got at least a good chance of winning.

Christian is another contender who everyone seems to be really gunning for, but I just don't see it. I can see him carrying the ECW Title to the PPV, after all, Ezekiel Jackson isn't going to draw on the biggest stage of them all...

Drew McIntyre has been given Vince McMahon's personal seal of approval, and he's made a positive impact on both audiences and the IWC. He could be set to win the MITB, but I think it's too soon, and that WWE would really be missing a chance with some of the more over stars.
Honestly, it comes down to four people for me.
Participants will probably be:
Jericho (depending on Edge's injury status)
Mr. Ziggles
Jack Swagger( depending on Jericho vs. Edge's stauts)
Evan Bourne
Punk(just for shits and giggles)

Now I'll narrow it down to four.

Reasons why:
Morrison-If he doesn't win the rumble, he'll win this. He's getting older (30) so he won't be around for many more years. The only problem is, unless he pulls and RVD, he doesn't have that standing up quick finisher that guys like Edge and Punk, and he isn't heel, and he doesn't use Moonlight Drive anymore, even though he attempts it.

Kofi- He's getting a push (I guess) and he is immensely talented. He'll probably be in the Elimination Chamber, but he'll come up short, unless Edge kicks his ass again lol. Kofi has the skills, shined last year in the match. and is definitely a top candidate.

Miz- Let's face it, he's awesome. He gets alot of heat, he is great on the mic, he is a pretty good wrestler, he's awesome, he's young, he has a quick standing-up finisher, he's awesome, and did I mention he's awesome?

Shelton- I know, it's been said every year, but it's now or never for the Gold Standard. He's great in the ring, he shines in these matches, and if he wnts to be the gold stadard he better get some gold around his waist.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. MITB should be used to push young heels. The whole stipulation set up screams HEEL CHEAT TO STEAL BELT, not face cashing in. Edge's 2 cash-ins were brilliant, whereas RVD's was a waste of time and could just as well have been done without the briefcase. Punk's first cash-in, when he stayed face, was a dismal failure. The second one only worked because they used it to turn him heel. Using MITB to push a face either looks ******ed (RVD) or makes the face look weak (Punk version 1).

Ergo, cool as it would be, I do not believe MITB should be given to Morrison or Kofi or any of the rising face stars, unless they cash-in RVD-style, which IMO is frankly a waste of time and a pointless waste of the drama of a surprise cash-in moment. And it would be childishly easy to push Christian into the main event without the case. That leaves us with Miz, MacIntyre, Sheamus (surely won't hold the belt into Mania), and - outside bet - ziggler. Out of that bunch I'd go for either Miz or MacIntyre as the most likely, as Sheamus seems to be getting the Lesnar push and wouldn't really need the belt anyway, and they seem to have gone cold on Ziggler.
I really don't like the idea of the ECW champion getting anywhere near the MITB challenge. It makes no sense for a ECW Champion to be there and not the other champions. It makes the ECW look weak. Really, really weak. Like, on par with the mid-card titles. And the ECW title is supposed to be a legit world title like the others, no?

So for that point, Christian has to not be allowed to even compete. Unless he drops the title, of course. If he drops it to Benjamin I riot.


It'll be necessary for him to drop his feud with MVP first, but they have until March to do that. He's obviously grown into his own as of late, and I think he could really do well with a MITB title feud. He doesn't have to hold on to the title for long, hell. He can even drop it to Kofi if we really wanted that.


I have a feeling this is what is going to have to happen. He's at the point where the MITB is starting to seem a little low in the card for him, but he can't really sell a high profile match. Give Kofi the MITB win, have him go over a retaining Sheamus for the title. Or Orton. I don't really give a shit.



He's ma boy. In order for this to make any sense, this would have to be at the end of a push that starts now and goes right on past MITB. I only want him to win because I want him to, not because it'd make any sense. He's still solid mid-card. It's not all his fault, though. They've got a mega-push for Kofi they're trying to get a hold of.

That's it, really. All of those mentioned in the post shouldn't get a 6 month reign, of course. A few months, go over a Orton or a HBK, then drop it to whoever can actually helm the company. Christian shouldn't be anywhere near the MITB if he's ECW champion. Seriously. Stop saying differently.
i think the participants will be:

Shelton Benjamin
Matt Hardy
Evan Bourne
The Miz
Kofi Kingston
John Morrison
And Edge making his return just to fall short of the mark to The Miz or Morrison.

Benjamin has to be in the match so there can be high flying move that every1 talks about for while.

Hardy is good at ladder matches and has sme pretty good moves with weapons.

Bourne can also do some high flying moves and can create some pretty good spots.

The Miz has some good in-ring abilities which will make the match more solid.

Kingston was last years stand out in this match.

Christian i dont think can win but is like Hardy and good at ladder matches so he can be in it.

Morrison will probably win it.His in my opinion the best young talent WWE has and now would be a good time to boost him up to the main-event while WWE is lacking in good main-eventers.

Edge will probably cost Christian the match and start a rivalry with him.
I would like to see Kane with MitB. First of all, it would be a huge surprise. Kane has been a loyal employee, has excelled everywhere on the card, and is credible in the main event.

Secondly, I would love to see him cash in vs. The Undertaker. Kane and the Undertaker have had some of the most consistently good matches in my lifetime. They are always brutal, and they pull the best out of each other.

If not Kane, I would like it to be Kofi or John Morrison. Both of them have had pushes stopped cold this year, and I think both of them could succeed at the top in the summer months.
I would like to see Kane with MitB. First of all, it would be a huge surprise. Kane has been a loyal employee, has excelled everywhere on the card, and is credible in the main event.

Secondly, I would love to see him cash in vs. The Undertaker. Kane and the Undertaker have had some of the most consistently good matches in my lifetime. They are always brutal, and they pull the best out of each other.

If not Kane, I would like it to be Kofi or John Morrison. Both of them have had pushes stopped cold this year, and I think both of them could succeed at the top in the summer months.

If Kane does win MITB, are you assuming that Undertaker will still be champion and Kane will take it off of him because I don't see Undertaker being champion at Wrestlemania. I would also love to see Kane win MITB as well because he can fit in any role and is one of the WWE's most valuable assets. They have had so many Kane pushes that failed and if they can do this right, I believe it will be great for all involved.
You're right that I am basing my backing of Kane on assumption. There has been nothing to lead me to believe that Stamford wants to make a champion look like the best in the company, and wants to continue to make them the flavor of the month. If Taker can hold on through Mania though, I think Kane makes the most sense. Kane could go heel, take the belt off of Taker and after a couple of months, pass it on to Morrison. Morrison wins off a credible monster, Taker keeps his streak, and Kane gets rewarded for being a valuable member of the roster for so long.
The way I see it as of right now there are only three, maybe four realistic options. I'll list them in order of likelihood to win IMO.

The Miz-I personally think this is the best route WWE could take. We know Miz already cuts great promos about how awesome he is and uses the US title to emphasize it. Now, could you imagine Miz winning MITB and coming out over the next several months and flaunting that in everyones face. This is a perfect fit. Also. not only would it be a great tool for promos, but he could also use the briefcase to steal victories.

John Morrison-IMO the best in ring performer on my list. A couple of weeks ago he would have been my pick hands down, but Miz coming on so strong and being featured so prominently on Raw recently is why I have him at number two. I think without a doubt this guy deserves it. He never has a bad match and as has been mentioned numerous times, hes the next HBK. I agree with an above poster who said MITB just screams heel. I think the best way they could maximize JoMo or any other face using MITB would be to have a heel go over a face in the main event (for example Sheamus over HHH) then have JoMo cash it in and send the crowd home happy.

Drew McIntyre-The way WWE is billing him as being hand-picked by Vince it would make since for him to win. They've been pushing him along quite nicely and I hope they let him have a long run with the IC title. IMO that is the best way to have him gain credibility. I feel as though him winning the briefcase could help his character alot, but I dont think he has the mic skills to maximize the usage of the MITB case.

Kofi Kingston-With how they've seemed to cool on Kofi lately Im starting to see him as a bit of a long shot. By them not having him eventually go over Orton clean it sent the message that hes not ready yet. Hopefully Im wrong and he'll get another shot at Orton and get the clean win as I may be a huge Orton fan, but I really want to see Kofi breakthrough.
John Morrison because like every one said he's great he can do amazing moves (reminds me of Jeff Hardy) he's an excellent preformer and this summer I actually thought he was going to take CM Punk's title. But any way this could be another chance for him to have another shot at the title which he really deserves.

The Miz because do you know how much bragging he would do carrying the MITB brief case. Do you know how much bragging he would do with the title. He would take bragging into a whole new level. I know this sounds crazy but do you know how much I would boo him to show appreciation. The MIZ is the perfect heel now 4 months ago I probably wouldn't probably be saying all this but any way THE MIZ for another Money In The Bank contender.

Kane because he just needs a world title that will actually count in his carrer highlights. That one day WWE championship reign is not gonna cut it. Even though they say he is a former WWE champions it didn't really count well it did but it didn't mean anything except thet he beat stone cold steve austin in a first blood match. Any way he either he needs to win the royal rumble( witch I highly doubt) or win The Money In The Bank.
I've got to echo most of the other posters in this thread by saying Morrison and Kingston are the front runners to win the match this year.

Kofi Kingston - His change in character and fued with Orton has confirmed something I had already been thinking and that is Kofi is a future world champion. If he had gone over Orton, as in picked up a win, I believe he could already be seen as a genuine title contender. As it is, MITB could be the perfect place to take that next step.

John Morrison - I think his dropping the IC title to McIntyre is more than just pushing McIntyre. I believe that was a way of freeing him up for a world title push. Obviously, MITB is an ideal way to elevate JoMo. The plus of the MITB breifcase is that it can be used to turn a superstar heel, like CM Punk last year and I much prefer a heel Morrison to the one we are seeing today.
Participants I hope will be Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, The Miz, Zac Ryder, Tyson Kidd and MVP

Why becaus Kidd Kofi Shelton Ziggler Morrison and Ryder will put it all on the line which is wat a ladder match is all about and Miz and MVP we know will pull something out but wat?

Kofi Kingstn- I personaly want him to win because if he were to cash it in Orton to turn there rivalry into maybe the one of the best rivalries ever if they don't turn it into the cena/orton one end it in a steel cage for title and I think that is how u want a MITB.

Dolph Ziggler- Well he could have a future imagine if he could win and pull off a big win against the Undertaker etc. That would be good.

John Morrison- He is another big chance of winner ever since losing his title I knew he was a top contender for this take him to raw feud him with title with someone loike Kofi at Night Of Champions a face vs face which no one likes till now if that happens.

The Miz- Wat a build he's had but he's 4th here cause compared to them i can't see him in the main event.

MVP- I can see him up there but no build 5th.

Shelton Benjamin- another year in ECW for him no MITB 6th.

Zac Ryder- he's got a bright future in ECW for a few years.

Tyson Kidd- Not yet.
I wouldnt EVEN be suprised if CM Punk won it again :lmao:

"But NorCal, he has won it twice already!!! That would fucking suck!!!"

EXACTLY. The crowd would probably be fucking livid. He has also never won it as a heel, so that works as well. After all, the MITB for the most part is a pretty heelish thing. I mean really though, can you think of anyone else who might seriously be legit to win it??? Since right now it doesnt appear as if Jericho will be getting involved with Taker, I can definately see him winning this thing. I can seee the epic promos right now, threating to utilize it, and such.

Also, a clear cut one in my opinion...Teh Miz. How much SHIT would this guy talk if he won this thing, on a weekly basis? Fun for all, it would be. Would also be a fine way to give Miz a world title test run.

As far as faces go, a returning Edge would be fuck assed epic, but we will have to see how things shape up with him returning early, and a possible feud with Jericho.

Im thinking CM Punk and Teh Miz are the best canidates, currently. Long time to go though.
I predict Kofi will win the money in the bank match at Wrestlemania in which Randy Orton will win the main event and the title in a gruelling match only for Kofi to cash in after Ortons match. I predict he will leave Mania as champion having not even been booked for the main event and thus setting up an even better and deeper fued with Orton in which the PG era will end and a new attitude era begin.
I think that the winner will be The Miz. He is doing an incredible job drawing heat and standing out in a quite crowded heel middle card. A face has won it the past two years, yes i know it was the same person, but still, so a heel winning it would make sense. Besides, could you imagine hhh beating sheamus for the title at WM then having the Miz cash it in right then and taking away the title from hhh. This would be an awsome fued and i think the miz would do a good job of it.

My other choice is actually r-truth. he has been on fire lately. beating guys as established as jericho, having a fued with punk, eliminating both show and henry in the rumble. creative is definately behind the guy, and if the WWE is looking for an African American in the main event (which i saw an article on this website stating just that,) then if kofi cant deliver, they might go with Truth. Or have them both eventually established, but just have them on different brands. there is nothing to say you can not have two people of the same minority in the main event. Not to mention truth is very over with the smackdown crowd.
third guess is hornswoggle, and vince then comes out to literally shit on every fan in attendance. lol
Who I would like to see in MITB
Kofi Kingston
John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Drew McIntyre
CM Punk

Now if not Christian it should be one of a couple of ppl Luke Gallows only to make it look like CM Punk might pull of 3yrs in a row, Ezekel Jackson, Kozlov (he has been to quite), or bring someone back that no one would expect.

MVP- He has been so close so many times so it is time to push thru. Plus why else make him lose to Miz at the Rumble.

Kofi Kingston- He went toe to toe with Orton and the fans love him so he will go and shake things up.

John Morrison- Another person that was on a roll then out of no where stopped why maybe they are getting ready for bigger things.

Christian- What better way to get him off ECW other then the draft.

Shelton Benjamin- He was suppost win it the first yr Punk did but got hurt and had to be taken out so why not give him it now.

Drew McIntyre,CM Punk & Miz- All on a roll and both hated by the fans and two different shows and it will put 3 fueds in one match. MVP/Miz McIntyre/Morrison Miz/Morrison. CM Punk will also be against both of them.
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