Official Justice League Trailer


The Phenom of WZ
So has anyone seen the official Justice League trailer yet? If not, here it is:


This trailer looks awesome. CGI still look a bit off but they have plenty of time to fix that. It looks like the DCEU is heading in the right direction. It's all riding on Wonder Woman though. I think that if Wonder Woman is as good as the trailers for it seem to suggest that it is then the DCEU can recover. If Wonder Woman is bad, though, I don't think that even a great JL film can save the DCEU.

What do you guys think about the trailer and the future of the DCEU? Let me know your opinions.
I've been disappointed with the latest DC movies and this doesn't make me any more optimistic. This preview is paint by numbers, "I'm putting together a team" B.S. One guy is going to be difficult but the young kid is going to be fun and far from serious. Most importantly, don't show the minority too much who is playing a character casual fans are less familiar with.

And then there is the bad guy. Or the lack thereof, telling me that either JJ Ambrams produced or the bad guy is going to be a confusing letdown.

I do agree that Wonder Woman's success will have a big part in the success of this movie.

Edit: my bad I thought this was the extended trailer that I saw before. This one wasn't as bad but only due to the music. DC hoping to find success in the Ben Affleck/Aerosmith formula.
Thought Batman should have said "I am Batman" and not "I have money". Would have been much better pun.

They are withholding a lot. Superman is there but I guess they want us to think he is dead even though its clear he is alive. Stephenwolf is bad guy but he is not there or maybe just in split second. Darkseid should be at least seen once in movie. Luthor is probably there but cant blame them for withholding that, nobody wants to see awful Eisenberg portrayal again. I have no interest in Aquaman. Should be either Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter instead. And yet they are promoting "Oh look at me I am so awesome I ruined Conan remake" Momoa. Cyborg is, well as far as I see just awful CGI. And that is huge letdown. Flash should be interesting. Though I have no doubt that lot of people are disappointed because they didnt used TV version of him, I think it would be just fine. Overall, Snyder is in "make it or break it" with this. It would make a bundle, I dont doubt. Just dont believe it would be quality entertainment.

Oh, and looks like its based on this

At least with those cubes.
It's a good trailer, but nothing about it excites me. This is supposed to DC's first film featuring their all-star lineup, and I just have a lukewarm reaction to it.

Both films are not as bad as the critics and the reviews suggested, but Dawn Of Justice and Suicide Squad were duds, when you consider all the hype and big expectations. So far DC is not off to a good start for starting their own cinematic universe. Warner Bros./DC's strategy to fire most of their big guns out of the gate is a head-scratcher, because they really don't have any momentum going forward. And I'm not so sure a good Wonder Woman film and a strong run at the box office will be enough to spark anything.

I'm hoping Justice League delivers, and there's a chance to standout amongst all the other big superhero films this year. Logan was phenomenal, but when November rolls around, there's a good chance it'll be an afterthought. Power Rangers will probably end up in the scarp heap with other forgettable reboots, and Thor: Ragnarok will just be another stopgap before the new Avengers film. Of course, the release of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 is highly anticipated, but there's still enough space to standout, when you look at the big picture.
I can't say I'm at all impressed. It just seems like a generic, CGI heavy action movie without any depth to it. Sure it's got Aquaman, Cyborg & the Flash but I don't really give a damn about them and just think of how potentially interesting each of them could be if even one of them had their own solo movie before the Justice League. It just feels like DC's cinematic universe is both rushed and backwards and I frankly don't know why they simply didn't copy Marvel's formula. Even if they'd have been labeled as some sort of copycat by going down that road, it wouldn't matter when it was all said & done if DC had an extended universe full of well received box office smashes that fans enjoyed seeing. I felt that WW, Luthor, Doomsday and all that was unnecessary for Batman v. Superman as I thought all the focus should be on those two iconic characters, their differences in personality, their differences in how they view the world, their responses to dealing with criminals, etc. Some great CGI battle scenes could've been added, of course, but it could've been far better if they kept the story centered on them without all the other distractions and rushing things with Superman "dying" already. Sure, he'll be back but it seems extremely, extremely strange, improper and ass backwards that Superman, the overall centerpiece of DC Comics for the last 78 years, isn't part of the first Justice League movie.

That's not to say that Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad were total failures. If you want a couple of movies to just watch and eat popcorn while sorta turning your head off for a while, then they definitely work in that respect. However, comparisons with Marvel's cinematic universe are inevitable and DC is nowhere remotely on the same level as Marvel right now. A lot will be riding on JL and Wonder Woman to deliver not only big box office but also something that critics won't wipe their asses with.

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