[OFFICIAL] Intercontinental Title Discussion


The Cerebral Assassin

That's how I would describe what the I.C. Title has become in one word. Or maybe it would be "pointless". Nah, let's just go with worthless. We all know the thing's been dying for quite some time now. It used to be an extremely prestigious title- it used to really push superstars to the main event scene. But now things like the MITB do that. The I.C. Title just gets given to random guys on the midcard now with little to no reason behind it. It just gets tossed around like a hot potato cuz no one really wants it cuz all it does now is slow down your career, not accelerate it. The horrificly bad I.C. title reigns over the last few years have been almost unbearable (Regal, Kofi, Punk, Santino, & now JBL). All forgettable. Name one entertaining match that the I.C. Title has been involved in over the past couple of years? Don't worry, I can't either. But alas, WWE would surely fix it all by throwing the belt on good 'ol JBL and FINALLY include it in Wrestlemania- for 21 seconds in a squash. Wow, if that's not a slap in the face to the belt and its prestige then I dont know what is. And to think, I actually thought the WWE was going to turn things around with the title. It makes me sick. Just get rid of the damn thing already. Unify it with another title and be done with it. Stop spitting on its history.
I kinda agree with you that it's basically worthless in today's WWE but I would hate to have it unifed for a 2nd time. What else would the mid-carders have to fight for?
I didn't want to post in 13 different threads, so I'll just do it in this one. First, no, they don't need to get rid of the IC belt. They tried that once, and I seem to remember everyone begging for it to come back. So they did, and few years down the road everyone is complaining that it holds no prestige. Guess what, none of the belts hold any prestige like they used to. Difference is, the cat is out of the bag. Pro wrestling is pre determined. The prestige that these belts hold, are only in the minds of us, the IWC. We can continue to complain about everything they do. But what is the point of bitching about everything all the time. If you think Vince and whoever else booked WM 25 fucked up, don't complain, start watching something else. I seem to remember a couple pretty good IC title matches between Regal and Punk. And guess what, if anyone is gonna give us the IWC some entertaining IC title matches, and maybe bring up the "prestige" of the once great IC Belt, it just might be Rey. His world title run wasn't the best, but he was forced in the ring with guys he can't work his best with. With the IC title, he can work with every young guy in the company, and get at the least good, and at the most fan-fuckin-tastic matches out of them. So no, don't get rid of the IC Title.

Next, since WM ended last night, I have been reading all of your posts about how much it blew. Sorry, I'm gonna not agree with you there either. Why do we all sit here, in front of our computers(prolly in your mom's basement) and shit all over the thing that we all love. No, last night was not the best wrestling show in history, or even the best Wrestlemania. But I for one, will never forget it.

MITB, I think was the best one they have done so far. But, instead of saying that, let's talk about how shitty it is, that a guy like Punk won, for a second time. How could a guy, who lives, breathes, eats, sleeps, and shits wrestling deserve another push? HOW COULD THEY? I mean comon now people. Guess what, like him, love him, or despise him. There is a really good chance that he will be a face of not only WWE but pro wrestling in general for a very long time to come. You know why he won? Not because Christiain is on McMahon's shit list. Not because the McMahon family is so hell bent on keeping Shelton down(he does a pretty good job of that himself, by not going out every night and trying to up his game, his fault, not Vince's). He won, because he is a Professional Wrestler. Not just that, he is a pro wrestler who does his job pretty friggin good, and continues to get better. I was a fan of his in ROH, but now he is WWE, and he does it justice. He can work the WWE style. Yea maybe the straight edge is helping him out. You know he won't get drunk and piss on a flight attendent. He's not gonna get hopped up on pain pills and destroy a hotel room. He's gonna do his job, and do it good. I'm glad he won, and I'm looking forward to what he will do with this oppurtunity.

I'm getting tired of typing, so i'm make the rest of this quick as possible.

Hardy's match. Perfect. It is what it should have been. It didn't make Jeff look weak. It put both of them over. Matt picking up the win is the best thing that could have happened there. If anyone deserves a push its him(not shelton). And I think he will get it now. Before last night, Matt was a face trying to be a heel. Last night Matt became a heel. Thank god.

The diva battle royal was saved by Santino. I thought it was great, the moment I noticed him in drag. Good stuff.

The triple threat WHC match was as good as it could have been. I like most of you, am not a big fan of Cena. But he is damn good at what he does. He proved it last night to me. IMHO it was better than last years triple threat WWE Title match. Following Taker/HBK would be tough for anyone. But those three went out there and did it. It didn't come close to comparing to that match. but they did a good job. Ok Cena is champ again, I can live with, you know why? Cause I'm a wrestling fan. Plus, one of these days, they have got to turn him heel, and then we all be talking about how great it is that they did it.

I wish they would have kept the Tag Title match on the PPV. I really wanted to see it. 4 guys who can go. Though i didn't see it, I'm happy to hear the Colon's pulled it out. didn't think that would happen did ya?

Yea, Trips and Orton should have been better. It could have been better. I didn't like the finish, and I was dissappointed with the whole match. 6 weeks of some of the best storyline they have done, then they messed up the match. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as good as it could have been. didn't ruin the PPV for me though.

Finally. I have always said that Austin vs Rock Wrestlemania 17 was the best wrestling match in history. Now it is just the best WWE title match in history. I thought nothing could possibly compare. Taker and HBK, not only compared, it blew it away. I never thought Taker would have a match at WM, that he could possibly lose. Last night, they made me believe it could happen. It was the best story telling in a ring I have ever seen. The false finishes, the near count out(BTW I thought he was dead when he hit the floor, i bought it hook, line, and sinker). HBK kicking out of the Tombstone, and Lawler's call right afterward(In-freaking-possible). Taker kicking out of Sweet Chin Music. The second tombstone. It doesn't get better than that. It was the PERFECT wrestling match. Those two men had 70,000 plus in that stadium, quiet. Yes quiet. Everyone was in amazement, so much, they couldn't cheer at times. I myself could barely speak during this match I was so enthralled. Let's talk about that shall we. Let's talk about why we love wrestling and why we all still watch it. Why we all post on forums like this. Cause we are wrestling fans. Yea we might not like some of the stuff they have done, and some stuff they will do. But it's what we all love.

Quit bitching, if you don't like what WWE is doing, stop watching.

Just my opinion.
I agree with the above. The only part of Wrestlemania that struck a sour chord with me(aside from Kid Rock's ten minute opus, but I got a Wrestlemania where they used not one, but two AC/DC songs as the themes so I can't complain too much) was the main event.

In order to tell that story of Triple H wanting to punish Orton but being threatened with losing the title on DQ or count out, Orton should have gone over to further that. Then Triple H comes back and says he wants a match where he can't be screwed by the NWA circa 1979 rulebook.

Also, for some reason there was no drama to the finish. Triple H went from pummeling Orton to a Pedigree without any real struggle or drama. As it is, Triple H won a clean victory over Orton in a match where the deck was heavily stacked against him, what motivation is there for the feud to continue?

Beyond that, I though this years Wrestlemania was pretty solid from top to bottom. The only other minor problem I had with it was that the Diva battle royal really solidified the fact that so many of the WWE divas are carbon copies of one another. There were so many blonde, skinny chicks in the ring that they just kind of all blended together and you couldn't tell who was who until they got down to the last five or so.

I don't see the point of getting rid of a title like the IC belt. It gives the midcard guys something to fight for. Double Eh nailed it. Belts don't have prestige because they're no longer protected as they once were. People know that it's scripted and thus, belts become props. Now, not that they should be treated that way. They should still be put over as something that these guys are willing to fight for.
I think they Rey Mysterio having the strap will actuallly bring something back to the belt. I thought when Punk had it he would make it mean something again also. Rey is the perfect person to have it, hes over enough, just stop making him wrestle "monsters" all the time. Maybe a Morrison-Mysteriofeud, or even some one like The Brian Kendrick feud could breath some life back into the IC title.
Instead of getting rid of the belt, maybe the WWE should focus on re-inventing the belt & adding some prestige to it.

All it needs is one big fued centred around the belt, and it's worth something again. Mysterio is the champion at the moment, and there are plenty of superstars that he can fued with. For now, there could be a month or so fued between him & Kofi Kingston. We all know Kofi had a good showing at WrestleMania, so let's use that momentum and see if he & Mysterio can produce a good fued for the belt. That way, it has prestige again and we didn't need to get rid of it.
i thought jbl was gonna go over nd retire the belt. that what should of happen. jst retire it nd keep the u.s. tittle. the last time the i.c. tittle was in a classic match was at survior series 2003 in the shelton vs christian match. that was over 5yrs ago
The answer is to give the belt more prestige. Luckily Mysterio could bring that back to the belt, he definetely has the talent and he kind of fits into the position well (A great worker with a solid fanbase, maybe even a future World Title prospect). The IC Title should stay around because it is a good tool to make wrestlers when its used right. The WWE has made the IC title seem worthless with bad booking, when it could be made to look almost as big as the World Title (Like Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage did).
I think the IC title is just people wrestling for a belt. It needs to have more fueds, like the WWE title is in right now. You never see two random people fight it out for the WWE title. let Rey keep it, Start a personal fued with someone(Like if only Hardy VS Hardy was for a belt) And have a ladder match or something. Make people want to see it!

Side note: In 2008, the belt was held by 5 diffrent people. This year, its already been held by 4 people.

2008= reigns and defending gold.
2009= useless pathetic piece of metal

I don't really know if this means anything, but they are giving the title to easy.
No. They should get rid of the US belt and give the IC title what little push that belt has. The Intercontinental title isn't worth shit, but it does have a legacy that people look back fondly on. The WWE US title has only been going for 6 years, but it's taken over from the IC belt as the ''premier'' mid card title. Problem is, it'll take years for people to really hold the US title in the same regard no matter how it's portrayed on TV.
No what the WWE needs to do is Make it worth something. Having the champion lose it in six seconds at wrestlemania, is not the thing to do. Maybe having JBL as the champion would of been a good idea to help build it up but look at what happend. Th best thing to do with this belt now is to turn it into a cruiserwieght style championship, Where the high flyers are in control.

Or better yet give Helms a year long riegn, let him build it back up.
Anyone who watched wrestling in the 1980's or 1990's, or even the early 2000's know that the Intercontinental Championship has not been giving much prestige as it has shown in the past. Not many people show a desire to win it anymore and it just seems like it serves no purpose.

Now, the question is... can that actually be a good thing? Though there hasn't been a proper fued over the Intercontinental Championship, unless you want to call the C.M. Punk/William Regal fued ''proper''. I still feel that the title is serving its purpose. Three IC Champions in a row (C.M. Punk, J.B.L., and now Rey Mysterio) have all won the title this year and become Triple Crown Champions. The title has switched hands many times this year and all of the champs accomplished the feat of being a Triple Crown Champion.

I know that the Intercontinental Championship is not the same it used to be, but can it actually be serves a good purpose now?
well as much as it seems Rey gets shoved down the throats of the fans, with the title on him now it will get a lot of attention.
Of course it can. If the prestige of the IC Title is brought back, it can help elevate superstars. I miss the days of a good fued over the IC Title, when it meant something. With Mysterio as champion, maybe something can happen. It cements superstars' legacy sort of, as in, they're now more established once they win the belt. It serves it's purpose well, just not recently.
It depends, I don't think there is anything wrong with the belt it's self, I generally thing it's WWE having to many titles cluster fucks everything.. even the US title gets defends and recently been in some high profile feuds, (Benoit/Chavo, Benoit/Booker, Benoit/MVP, Lashly/Finlay, MVP/Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy/Shelton, MVP/Shelton) now look over the last 2-3 years the IC Titles has had very feuds, (Umaga/Jeff Hardy, Regal/Punk TV only) I get the sense they're running on past glory with the belt and it's failing.

IF WWE joined up all the belts and were left with World, IC, Tag and Diva's title it would be much better and give them a meaning, keep the ECW title for ECW only and have the others defended on all shows. that way ECW title would be used for the new guys, and the IC Title as the stepping stone to the world as it was intended for.
The problem with the IC title lies in the fact that there are two (three technically, if you count the ECW title) "heavyweight" championships.

Unfortunately it's pecking order fell tremendously.

The overall look of the belt is also lacking. If they wanted to push the title, what they should do is give it a makeover by pinning it on a guy who wanted to bring prestige back to the title by going back to an older version of it.

The overall look of the belt is also lacking. If they wanted to push the title, what they should do is give it a makeover by pinning it on a guy who wanted to bring prestige back to the title by going back to an older version of it.


That would definitely be not only good for the belt, but an effective and "new" story-line. This could be something for Ted DiBiase or Cody Rhodes to do in the singles field to boost their credibility. They're heels, so the approach they'd take in talking about the IC belt would be different then "I want to bring glory back". With Orton involved with the McMahons, thus Legacy involved with the McMahons, they can have DiBiase come in and talk about how Vince's tyranny over the WWE ruined the IC title, and he's going to win it back so that it's actually in the hands of someone who deserves it. Since he's a heel, if it's done right you can have people challenging him saying he's not worthy blah blah, but have him continue for a long reign, allowing for fans to keep hoping he'll lose it. It also works because Legacy is a modern version of the past, and the IC needs to go back to the glory days.
Sure it is. Look at the last three champions: Rey, JBL and Punk. None of them belong in the main event and they've outgrown the midcard, so what do they have left to do? Fight over the IC Title. It's a great way to bridge the people that aren't ready for the main event yet with the main event. Feuding with former world champions is going to do nothing but elevate their careers. You can only squash Dolph Ziggler so many times before it loses its appeal. What sounds better: beating jobbers or losing a war to Punk or Rey? It's a good rub and it definitely serves a purpose.
Either have a little higher profile tournament or Give the IC title to someone and put them on a winning streak, some decisive ones too. Not rey, oh look he did that spinning kick thing again...neat....no, stop that crap. Put Rey on a different show and have him fight other little people and maybe I'll half enjoy his matches again.

For the tournament you could have some big names, put Jericho, Kane, etc in it. and the last match of the tournament should be a show stopper, I'm talking PPV defining match, hell in a call even (maybe 4 man elimination hell in a cell). Put Rey, Morisson, Bourne and Kane in a cell and tell me you wouldn't love the hell out of that, and no crap rey winning. Have morisson win and (since you all seem to think CM Punk deserves the MITB for doing absolutely nothing) have Punk cash in MITB, there is your focus and prestige for the IC title. You have a match that will rival any match for excitement, you've got your goliath falling at the hands of a bunch of midgets and you even have your ending where an over-rated guy still walks away with the title. Actually, I have one even better. What if when punk came down and did the GTS, morisson kicked out and we had a real match....I agree, I am good at this.

Now as far as one guy holding for while with a strong win streak, how about a big guy that is losing his fire...Kane maybe. It would really be Kane's only shot at a last run, also in the middle of his streak he gets in a fight with Vickie and she has him fight the Undertaker for the IC title. That would give a high profile match with a lot of big moves and if you have Kane win, then there is one more thing to put with his title reign. If you don't wanna go that direction then give it to someone who is actually capable of a win streak. I swear if you give it to CM punk and try to make him look good I'm gonna stop watching Raw. Please don't do that, I like Raw.

Euro title could be saved in the same ways, have Big Show get greedy for a title reign and get it. Then he could have open challenges every week until we get a guy thats close enough to make a real match out of it. That would give a buildup for the title. In the month/months your doing that just have Shelton and MVP become friends or fuel the rivalry even more; or stop it all together.

I have a lot of other ideas for the titles...Unifying the two could work, but who knows. If you start unifying titles it may end up as a dark match so you have to be careful with those.
Oh yeah, sorry. I didn't answer the question. I don't think that any titles are doing their jobs right now. Things need to be shaken up, a lot. I thought we would start at wrestlemania but no. Titles should be paid attention to, not ignored. Most titles are getting ignored. Tag Team title unification....dark match? ECW Champion is....a lumberjack in a dark match? Euro champ in a match to win a contract to fight for a title, even though they love giving it to the boring guy who did nothing the whole match? The world and wwe I don't even wanna talk about, we have CenaMania and we waste the best rivalry I have seen in years. The only titles that don't seem to be getting pissed on lately are the ones that don't involve belts.
I thought JBL would have the title for a long time, but now that Rey has it it accompishes three great things:

1} Puts a belt on Rey Mysterio - the biggest kid's Icon in the business

2} IC title will now be defended more regularly on TV and PPV and probably retained by the champion and will be less of a transitional belt

3} Gets Mysterio completely out of the crowded main event category and instead of fueding with JBL, Cena, Batista, and Big show mysterio can fued with Kingston, Morrison, Kennedy, Punk, R-truth depending on the draft, Kendrick depending on the draft and so on and so forth.
3} Gets Mysterio completely out of the crowded main event category and instead of fueding with JBL, Cena, Batista, and Big show mysterio can fued with Kingston, Morrison, Kennedy, Punk, R-truth depending on the draft, Kendrick depending on the draft and so on and so forth.

Not based on size, but the IC can allow for the non-monsters to show what they can do, similar to the Cruiserweight Title's intention. When I think of IC champions, I think of Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, the British Bulldog (although he was a big guy, he wasn't a larger than life type guy), and Razor Ramon. Guys like Punk, Morrison, and Kennedy were made for the IC title, and to try for more at a young age is just unfair to them because they're going against the big guys.

On the Saturday Night's Main Event DVD, they interview Shawn Michaels about winning the IC title for the first time against the British Bulldog, and he said that was the best he ever thought he could do in wrestling, so for him, it was his proudest moment. To restore faith in the IC title, the superstars have to have this mentality. Have a high profile storyline revolve around the IC (or US, which did have the good MVP vs Matt Hardy storyline). There is more than enough talent to give the title prestige, but simply putting a name on the title isn't enough. The WWE management has to put the effort in, otherwise the title is pointless, even if Cena becomes IC champ. 6 years of not being on Wrestlemania is ridiculous.
I think rey winning the title will bring it back and make it more a deal than it has been. I can see rey defending it on ppv's and earning it some credibility again.
I disagree, it was just a way to take it off JBL and everyone else was involved in the MITB. and since Rey missed 2 WrestleMania's in a row due to injury they had to give him a match somewhere.

none of the titles mean anything anymore, US/IC titles get defended maybe a few times a year, the world titles get thrown around from person to person every few months atleast. Tag Division doesn't exist even though we had 2 Tag Titles. SIGH!!!!

The IC title wasn't a weight class belt it's the almost Main Eventer champion. The guys that could take the step up to World Champ stage but need a spot in the almost main event limelight.
I think the IC reigns need to be a bit longer like they used to be. It has suffered massively since the introduction of the US title and the ECW title which both have more appeal - especially the ECW title which usually triggers a push.

If Rey Mysterio feuds with a couple of guys but still retains the belt then suddenly it will regain some of its importance. Some of the big guys need to win it too. All the guys primed for a big push should win the IC before imo, and that doesn't always happen anymore.

Remember how many time HBK won the IC belt before he won the World Title, and HHH for that matter.

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