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[Official] Good things about TNA

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Everybody Has A Price!
I have been enjoying TNA a lot recently so I decided to make a thread about the good things in TNA. Yes, TNA still has some flaws, but this thread is designed to steer away from the negatives and to only focus on the positives they (TNA) currently have. So with that in mind I ask that you only post good things about TNA and why you enjoy/watch their product. Another thing that I ask for everyone to please do is refrain from saying it(TNA) is better than the WWE or anything that has to do with WWE. This thread is meant to be about the positives in TNA so let's just do that: focus on TNA and their positives only.

Now with all of that in mind, the thing I like a lot about TNA and I think they have been doing very well is their tag-team division. I like that they have a lot of talented wrestlers and their talent pool in their division is great and it's made up of for the most part of talented wrestlers that can put on fun and entertaining matches week in and week out. Another thing that I like about the tag-team division in TNA is that their title belt has prestige and is defended a lot. One more thing that I will say about their division is the feuds. Currently I think they can make some very good feuds with the guys in the tag-team division. So far I have been enjoying and like TNA's tag-team division and I only hope they continue doing a great job like they have been doing so far in the tag-team division.

Now it's your turn.
I like the direction TNA has been going in recently by pairing off the future stars and the veterans. Examples: Sting/Morgan, AJ/Booker, Joe/Angle, Raven/Abyss, Jarrett/Young, 3D/Beer Money (now Booker/Steiner/Beer Money, while British Invasion/3D). I hope that they continue the Eric Young heel turn leading to a match between him and Jarret, as well as continuing the Matt Morgan storyline where he demands a spot in the MEM. Now that he's no longer champion, Mick Foley has the opportunity to start rubbing off to the younger talent, maybe Daniels (who got to defeat Shane Douglas).

What I like most about this, and the company overall, is that they're taking their time. They know these veterans probably have 2 years in them, and they're willing to use them effectively until then. They aren't rushing Matt Morgan defeating Sting, but laying the groundwork for it. For the future heels (Joe/Morgan), forcing Sting or Nash into retirement would be huge for them. For the faces (AJ/Daniels), defeating Angle or Booker in tough matches will help them (although it's a shame the Legends title hasn't been much to date, but hopefully that changes starting at the next Impact since the PPV passed).

I've always been a huge fan of the cruiserweights, in whatever company, and I'm glad TNA makes them a relevant focus. When WWE got rid of the Cruiserweight title, it made a bunch of guys on the roster irrelevant (Gregory Helms, Jimmy Wang Yang, Chavo Guerrero especially), and it's unfortunate because they're such a great counter to the matches consisting of the muscle heads. The amount of risks these guys put themselves in is astonishing. Many criticize it as being a "spot fest", but to draw the parallel to the circus, where rassling began, it's the danger of the trapeze artist that's exciting, even if there's a net below. In any event, I'm glad that TNA keeps this style of wrestling alive.
I love to watch TNA, its a fresh, fast paced alternative to WWE. Granted there is the MEM whos time in the spotlight will surely be coming to an end soon (Sting is 50 after all).

The Tag Team Division is hands down the best division in any promotion with the likes of Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Team 3D, British Invasion. They actually focus on their Tag Teams unlike WWE whos division is dead although they are attempting to re-establish it but not very well.

The X Division. For those who don't watch TNA and are fans of Evan Bourne, you should really start to watch TNA. The guys in the X Division are just as good if not better than Bourne.
Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, hell even Suicide. These guys put on breathtaking matches every week.

TNA is exactly what it offers and that is Pro Wrestling at its finest and I for one love TNA
I never, ever watch TNA except on the rare occassion that something quite big has happened. For me though, the only thing that is a saving grace for TNA in my eyes is that it still has Kurt Angle. The man is a legend and one of very few people I will actually mark out for. If they can keep Kurt Angle, who knows I might even start watching it because I have been hearing some good things about it recently. Hopefully it has turned a corner and can become a very good wretling show.
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The Tag Team Division is hands down the best division in any promotion with the likes of Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Team 3D, British Invasion. They actually focus on their Tag Teams unlike WWE whos division is dead although they are attempting to re-establish it but not very well.

TNA's tag team division is probably better than the WWE's. I'm not certain, I stay away from TNA. However, you say the WWE are attempting to re-establish it but not very well. They've only just started, it's lasted all of 2 days. Edge & Jericho winning the title puts the spotlight back onto the titles. They're two huge, huge names. Now people are going to pay attention to those belts, and hopefully some more fueds will occur. Give it some time.

In relation to this thread, what's good about TNA? Well, erm, Kurt Angle? Hell, I don't know. Don't watch TNA, don't care for TNA. I'll say Angle is good because he's arguably the best wrestler in the business, so that can only be good news.
TNA's tag team division is probably better than the WWE's. I'm not certain, I stay away from TNA. However, you say the WWE are attempting to re-establish it but not very well. They've only just started, it's lasted all of 2 days. Edge & Jericho winning the title puts the spotlight back onto the titles. They're two huge, huge names. Now people are going to pay attention to those belts, and hopefully some more fueds will occur. Give it some time.

Don't get me wrong I love Edge & Jericho and I'm sure they will do well it just seems a bit forced thats all. I would have prefered Edge & Christian which is what the majority would have as they are already a well established Tag Team and one of the greatest of all time.
TNA has lots of postive storylines going on right now. You have MEM dethroneing Sting with Samoa Joe and probably Matt Morgan joining the group. You have a great tag division and X Division. Plus the promos are hilarious, Foley may be stale in the ring but every segment he does is hilarious. So is Jeremy Borash's spin cycle. I love the segments with Steiner and Booker T, they are hilarious. The MCMG are great on the mic too along with Lethal. They have a hot Women's section with the Knockouts. These girls can wrestle, look good, and cut promos. Who has ever seen a diva take a thumbtack bump like Daffney did last week? They have Tazz coming in along with Lashley sooner or later. Also Kennedy is pretty much a sure thing to come to TNA. I could care less about Umaga. But things are interesting now in TNA from start to finish. You aren't going to see the same matches over and over again week after week for a change. Also, TNA doesnt have like 15 PPV's a year either.
I love TNA and one of the reasons is the TNA knockouts,there all hot,they can wrestle,and they 100% own the "other company's" womens division.I love that TNA makes every knockout have a chacacter,there all different in there own way and theres no 2 knockouts alike unless you look at the beautiful people.these girls aim for the same respect as the guys get,there not afraid to take bumps and TNA even puts them in hardcore type matches which we never see now-a-days with females,it's great

I love TNA:D
TNA is by far my favorite wrestling promotion. Like SavageTaker stated they do have some flaws, but every company does. Even though they have a few flaws, they do a lot of things right.

Like others stated, one of those being their Tag Division. By far the best tag division in any promotion. My favorite team is Beer Money Inc. They work well together and can take it to legends like Team 3D. Also with teams like British Invasion, Team 3D, Lethal Consequences, Motor City Machine Guns, LAX (when they return), the new team of Steiner/Booker T and hopefully a pairing between Bashir and Kiyoshi we can see a lot of different and exciting feuds for the Tag Team Championship.

I personally have always been a big fan of tag team wrestling, and to see TNA actually take time and put over their tag teams is a great thing.

What I like most about this, and the company overall, is that they're taking their time.
Exactly! A lot of people criticize TNA because Joe and AJ aren't the World Champion. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see AJ as the World Champion, but TNA at this point needs a household name like Kurt Angle as champion. Simply, the only reason for this is to catch and hopefully bring in some new casual fans that might be flipping through the channels on a Thursday night only to come across iMPACT or for casual fans that have just recently heard about TNA Wrestling. Once they use the legends to bring in the new casual viewers, they can hook them with guys like AJ, Joe, the MCMG, and Jay Lethal. Also, slowly but surely they are turning AJ and Joe and even Matt Morgan now into their future superstars.

Another thing I really enjoy about TNA is their Live shows. The TNA roster loves to perform, and you can see that when they are in the ring. Also the fan interaction you get is great. They take the time after shows to sign autographs, take pictures, ect. Anyone that has been to a TNA live show, I'm sure you'll agree with me.
The Wrestling.

I'll admit I've missed TNA for the last 2 months or so, not sure how much tv time is now dedicated to in ring work. In the past, not a lot, but the PPVs have had a good amount of wrestling.

In general though, I like the fact that TNA doesn't make its workers confine themselves to a company style like WWE has done and still seems to do. I'm not going to get into the reasoning or if its right. That's a debate for another time and post. But in TNA you have a much more athletic product overall. Guys are given a chance to showcase their moveset, not told take 6 moves and use them over and over between punch/kick/resthold.

To WWE's credit, they seem to be giving some of the Smackdown and ECW roster a little more freedom. A little more variety. Mysterio and Jericho's matches are a good example. But there's still a long way for them to go. People think just because WWE matches "tell a story" that it excuses them. But it doesn't, I'm sorry. Many great matches do tell stories, but so do many crappy or just average matches that could be better. Too many WWE matches tell a bland story, whereas TNA's are more athletic which I prefer.

TNA's roster doesn't have to worry about that. They can pick and choose and even with a somewhat more hectic schedule these days aren't worn out and drained. At the end of the day it's the wrestling that matters to me. I'll live with crap storylines if the talent are allowed to go out and do their thing without being held back.

The tag division and x division are great. The knocksout division, from what I recall a couple months ago, needed some rebuilding. But I've heard some positives, notably Tara/Victoria and something about Daffney and Taylor and thumbtacks.

I'd love to see guys like Morrison, Shelton, DiBiase Jr, Edge, Jericho and Bourne mix it up with Joe, Daniels, Lethal, Roode, Storm and Styles in a company where they didn't have to worry about "limits". That's my positive about TNA - a better variety of WRESTLING.

You know - wrestling, what this all was before it was entertainment?
If I had to choose between TNA & wwe I would pick TNA EVERY TIME!!! TNA has women that can actually wrestle, a tag team division whos' champions weren't just thrown together at the last ppv. They have innovative matches and some unusual gimmick matches.

I have been watching wrestling for a loooooooong time and they have the older guys I still like to watch.

The #1 reason.................. NO vince mcmahon.

I liked WCW better and I like TNA better.

And even though u asked, people who hate TNA just couldn't resist posting anyway.
I like a lot about TNA, I like the tag division, I was pleased when Steiner and Booker came out and confronted Beer Money, because that's actually what I wanted to happen, Steiner and Booker seem pretty funny together, having these guys team is a good idea.

I like the MEM actually, I like the fact that it was formed out of faces and heels and that the characters kept their personalities, Sting wanted to teach some respect to the younger guys but didnt approve of the beatdowns, Angle and the others just wanted the gold. Now Sting's been kicked out and the MEM has turned into a mixture of young and new guys, I enjoy it.

I like AJ Styles, the guy is talented. I like the Jarrett/Foley fight for power, it's coming out with some good stuff. There is much in TNA worth enjoying. Apart from Abyss's promo's there is nothing awful in TNA, it's got bad points but improvement can be seen.
Unlike other people apparently, I've actually enjoyed the Abyss/Dr. Stevie storyline. I guess I've always been a Richards fan and felt he could be so much more than a company jobber so I enjoyed him getting some time to shine. Abyss' expressions are always priceless to me and he's an awesome big man.

I enjoy all the twists and turns in TNA's product. Wrestling for years has been completely predictable (TNA even at times) but for the last few months they've shown they aren't afraid to take risks and put it all out there for us to either love or hate.

I also enjoy that TNA isn't rushing their storylines anymore. The build is there right now for all the old guys to put over the younger guys, but they are going to do it slowly to give it more meaning when the younger guys finally do take over.

I enjoy the wrestling much greater than anything else that's in the mainstream currently.

I enjoy the product being more catered to teens and adults.

And the company has some of my favorite wrestlers; Styles, Joe, Abyss, MCMG, LAX, Raven, Angle, Steiner, and Lethal just off the top of my head.
As far as TNA goes, I admit that I'm enjoying the tag division overall. It's one of the few areas that I think TNA can legitimately claim, without fear of contradiction, that it's better than the WWE in. A lot of that success, in my view, is due to Beer Money.

There was a time the Knockout Division was superior to the WWE Divas, but now I'm not so sure. The WWE has seriously toned down on the tits and ass aspect of the Divas and have some talented women on the roster, so does TNA.

Other than that, I'm not really into the TNA product very much. I think the MEM is completely lame, partially because several members of the group are lame. I mean physically and metaphorically speaking. The X-Division, couldn't care less right now. I think TNA has a lot to build on, but what might turn me onto the product enough to really care about it would be to actually use the older talent to build up the younger talent rather than having it the other way around.
i think tna story lines are on the rise now with joe in the mafia but the only thing i dont like is morgan in the mafia i have been a harcore tna fan ever since i ordered my first ppv "sacrifice 06" and ever since morgan came in he really hasnt impressed me and everytime i see him on impact it makes me want to change the channel and for some reason i cant stand his promos or his voice really and i cant believe he got the push out of the abyss storyline can somebody tell me what his appeal really is cause to me hes just a big ****** who likes to spell the word blue in the color red on his ring tights, and i have been to a tna live event this past feb and the fan interaction was 10 times better then any wwe show i have been to wether it was a house show, raw/SD, or a ppv
I actual enjoy TNA at the moment. I'm a fan of Angle, Foley, Joe, Booker, and even AJ as of late. I like that they decided to shake things up in the MEM and the ending of Impact was great last week, especially Nash's promo.

Some of the spotfest matches are fun, especially those involving the MCMGs and Suicide. They need a couple of those a show and it would be outstanding.

Don West is a kick ass heel commentator. He's 100 times more entertaining that WWE commentators and I could watch TNA just to listen to him.

The Knoukouts Division is pretty interesting, especially if it involves Kong. I love the Beautiful People and Velvet Sky is the hottest woman in wrestling by far.

Jeremy Borash and Lauren are great backstage interviews, those short 1 minute segments always entertain me.

I guess there's a lot of thing I like about TNA, hopefully the rating improve and it has a real competition with WWE in the near future.
I love a lot of things about TNA,as it is my prefered choice to the WWE,for the folllowing reasons:

1)They have all of my favourite wrestlers.Sting and Kurt Angle are absolute legends in the business.Kurt Abgle has put on some of the greatest wrestling matches ever,and most memorable moments in wrestling.Sting is a staple of my youth,as my favourite wrestler in the WCW.But they aren't as good as they were now,at least Sting isn't.He sort of bores me.However,my two favourite current wrestlers belong to TNA.Samoa Joe,in my opinion,is the best ring talent there is in wrestling.He has disimproved since he gained weight and became the nation of violence,as he focuses less on wrestling and more on beating the shit into people,which I don't enjoy.However,he can still do incredible things for people his size,or even smaller.He is brilliant,as TAZ even says on his facebook page,at all types of suplexes and throws.His kicks are brutal,and he can hit suicide dives that an X division wrestler would be proud of.A measure of how much I admire him,I almost cried when he turned heel.Hopefully now he will focus on wrestling again.
And then they have AJ Styles,who is mind blowingly awesome in the ring.I enjoy every single one of his matches,from Unbreakable 2005 to Shane Douglas on impact!.He has such a diverse offence.He can brawl,wrestle technically,use power(evident when he suplexed sting and torture rack bombed joe),but most of all incredible agility and high flying prowess.I dream of seeing him hit another spiral tap,shooting star press or fosbury flop.He is in no way a spot monkey.
I would take any match featuring Joe or AJ,especially Both,over anything the WWE could throw at me,unless Jericho or Punk is involved.Then it depends.

2)I love the X division.I know many hate it,but personally,I would take an X Division "spot fest" over a 20 minute heavyweight match from the WWE,with 3/4 of it spent hurt,in headlocks,or with punches.It might be just me,but that is just boring.I don't get what a "spot fest" is supposed to be.Is it a match consisted of only high risk moves,is it a match that only goes from move to move,without any breaks.If so,I would assume a match with no breaks,or "spot fest" would be more exciting than,as I've said before,a borefest.I'd take the X division king of the mountain over any match,bar AJ vs Joe vs Daniels and Joe vs Angle.But that's just my opinion.

3)The Tag Team division is deep.The 4 greatest tag teams at the moments are in it,think of Beer Money,LAX,MCMG and Lethal Consequences.Beer Money are the funniest in ring team,and wrestlers,there is.They crack me up every time.With the "boozer cruiser" to Storms beer,to the beer money chant which I always join in.And they are very good in the ring aswell,with great double team moves.The Motor City Machine Guns are by far the best in ring team there is.They have such good chemistry, as much as Beer Money,maybe even more.They amaze me with their double team moves every single time,and Shelley is great on the mike.The LAX are both great wrestler,and I love big Hernandez.His brute force mixed with outstanding agility is brilliant.If they were better on the mike,they woulkd be almost perfect.As foe lethal consequences,they are 2 of my favourite X wrestlers.Lethal has the funniest promos ever,and they work well together,maybe not as good as sabin and shelley but great nonetheless.

4)They put on great matches.Most of my favourite matches in the last 5 years are from TNA.They are Storm vs Harris in the texas deathmatch at Sacrifice 2007,Joe vs Aj vs Daniels at Unbreakable 2005,the same 3 in ultimate X in 2006,Joe Vs Angle hard justice 2007,Joe vs Angle Lockdown 2008,Sabin vs Shelley Genesis 2009,angle vs Jarrett at the same ppv.

I am in no way saying TNA is perfect,it's far from it.It fails to make sense a lot,it can be stupid,it can ruin possibly good matches,they lose track of storylines,defy logic,put too much focus on old guys and have a few dead weights.But I still prefer it.
Jack-Hammer said:
Other than that, I'm not really into the TNA product very much. I think the MEM is completely lame, partially because several members of the group are lame. I mean physically and metaphorically speaking. The X-Division, couldn't care less right now. I think TNA has a lot to build on, but what might turn me onto the product enough to really care about it would be to actually use the older talent to build up the younger talent rather than having it the other way around.

Well if you paid attention to the product, you'd see that this is currently in the process.
(1): They usually deliver on the pay-per-views in references to the element of surprises. I may or may not like their surprises (I thought the Slammiversary ending with Joe and Angle was "fingerpoke of doom" - new millenium style and I was angered), but they sure can keep a secret up to the point of it manifesting on a pay-per-view.

(2): The tag teams - Better than WWE, and I am glad they finally realized that Robert Roode is a great tag team wrestler with real talents, but can not sell as a singles wrestler. Beer Money is one of those more interesting ideas that worked that I have actually grown to love.

(3): A.J. Styles, Daniels, and Samoa Joe. The fact that they let these guys get their start there.

(4): In most cases, no extremely ridiculous gimmicks like Aldo Montoya, Abe knuckleball Schwartz, Spirit Squad

(5): The Beautiful People and women's wrestling. Even though they allowed Gail Kim to go and got rid of Roxxi, I believe that The Beautiful People, if done right could be the next big stable above and beyond Legacy and M.E.M.
Well if you paid attention to the product, you'd see that this is currently in the process.

I do pay attention to it sonny. Maybe you need glasses, because what I see whenever I turn it on TNA generally are the MEM, Sting, Jarrett and Foley placed in the top spots. When they are put into spots with the younger talent, it's almost always the older guys going over.

Now that the MEM has thrown their hat into the tag division, let's see how long it takes for a young and good tag team like Beer Money to lose the straps to Booker and Steiner. If Beer Money actually comes out ahead and with their titles against those two when it's all said and done, that might be credible evidence that TNA just might, at long last, be using the older guys to build the younger talent.
I do pay attention to it sonny. Maybe you need glasses, because what I see whenever I turn it on TNA generally are the MEM, Sting, Jarrett and Foley placed in the top spots. When they are put into spots with the younger talent, it's almost always the older guys going over.

Now that the MEM has thrown their hat into the tag division, let's see how long it takes for a young and good tag team like Beer Money to lose the straps to Booker and Steiner. If Beer Money actually comes out ahead and with their titles against those two when it's all said and done, that might be credible evidence that TNA just might, at long last, be using the older guys to build the younger talent.

That's 100% necessary for the company to make progress. Samoa Joe defeating Kurt Angle for the title does more for his title win then if he beats AJ Styles. Beer Money defeating 3D AND Booker/Steiner gives them credibility. The older guys need to be in the title picture.

Also, unlike WWE, TNA doesn't have a 50 year history of their titles to fall back on. "The United States title has been held by the greats like Dusty Rhodes..." You hear that all the time. TNA doesn't have that luxury, but that helps bring prestige to a title. So what do you do? Have the bulk of your history be champions that were great in other companies as well, and that'll give the title credibility. Nobody cares that AJ Styles was a 3-time TNA Champion, that's a name people who don't know TNA would skip over, but when you see Kurt Angle, Foley, and Sting...your title matters a little bit.

So actually, this is ALL for the younger talent. This is so that their title reigns mean something, as well as allows for the opportunity for them to get rubs from some of the greats. TNA is going to, as they should, milk whatever they can get from these veterans before they go. What was the point of Tommy Dreamer winning? Same thing, it attracts people to the product, probably the people who were turned away from ECW because it's not like it was in the 90s. Sting, Nash, and Steiner probably have a year or two at most left in them, and they should remain in any title picture until that time.
I had this long @$$ explanation breaking down what’s good about TNA by each of its Divisions, and realized that it’s just one reason. TNA to me is a better product, because they don’t have to split their roster up into 2 ½ rosters. Think about it. The World Title scene is well stacked, the X – Division is well stacked, the Tag Team Division is well stacked, the Knockouts Division is well stacked, and they have enough “Legends” to form a great “Upper Mid – Card” Division. They have a $#!+ load of key players and minimal wasted space. They don’t bother forming a Developmental and Televised Developmental Brand and just get Stars who have proven skill. They don’t overdo it like the WWE where they need to split almost everything down the middle between Monday's Red Show and Friday's Blue Show. Just an idea.
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