Good Things About TNA

There are 5 good things about TNA right now as far as I can tell:

1. Jeff Hardy's character

2. Brian Kendrick

3. The Motor City Machine Guns

4. Velvet Sky's ass

5. The way they shoot backstage segments in a realistic manner

The problem is, with the first three, we don't get to see enough of these guys. Fucking Jeff Hardy is the WORLD CHAMPION and still gets less air time than a piece of shit like Matt Morgan and an over-the-hill comedic relief in Ric Flair. WTF is up with that crap?

Kendrick, man, he should be carrying the X-Division right now, no ands, ifs, or buts about it. He is one of the absolute best wrestlers in TNA, with a GREAT character, and they are wasting him just like WWE did. Makes me sick.

MCMGs.. well, this is kind of understandable since the lack of competition hurts these guys more than anything else. But TNA has a lot of motherfuckers on their roster... there should be more tag teams.

So, yeah...the bad in TNA heavily outweighs the good, but there's absolutely no denying the amount of talent they have and the potential the company has to turn itself around and become the most enjoyable wrestling program each and every week. Hopefully they can eventually get their shit together and live up to that potential some time soon.
Yeah, here's a good thing about TNA: no promotion does a better job at initiating good angles and storylines. Unfortunately, no one in TNA knows how to properly bring a satisfying ending to those angles/storylines that had such fantastic and promising beginnings. In other words, TNA's biggest strength and most significant weakness are intimately related.
The tag team division. Is the best thing they have right now. lets take a look in their past pay per views. The tag team championship matches are 4 to 5 star classics. I don't watch TNA impact anymore but I do watch the ppv's.
TNA has a lot going for it that I like and very little I don't like.

Talent: AJ, Desmond Wolfe, the Guns, & Beer Money are among my favorites. The remainder of the roster are for the most part great performers in the ring.

Bishoff & Hogan - I like 'em. Bishoff is one of the best heels ever, maybe that's why so many of you hate him. I like Hogan with the limited appearances hes been making lately and as long as he doesn't wrestle.

Jeff Hardy - used to be kind of neutral about him, but love him as a heel

Jeff Jarrett - like the MMA gimmick and the dojo promo was priceless

Ric Flair - A you can tell by my avatar & sig, I'm a Flair Mark. The best promos in the business and the getting Iced gimmick is always entertaining. His forming Fortune is one of the best things to happen in TNA.

Tagteam: The best in the business, some of the most exciting matches on TV, especially like the Ultimate X.

Knockouts: I used to find them boring until BFG, since then they have really upped their game and are putting on some great matches. The Tarra/Micky feud has been outstanding.

X Division: One of the best things about TNA, although they have dropped the ball in not featuring it more. Amazing Red is amazing and proves a little guy can put on a good show. I know some of the guys are spot monkeys, but they can be... well, as fun as a barrel of moneys.

Personal Feuds: This is what makes wrestling entertaining. The Tara/Micky feud over shit that happened years ago gives real meaning to their matches and brawls. Even though most feuds are a work, it makes the whole thing seem a bit more real.

What I Don't Like:

Tommy Dreamer:, please keep this guy off my TV Screen. Everything about the guy SUCKS. And kill off the rest of EV2 while you are at it. Put Dreamer in the back if you don't want to fire him.

Coffin Matches: This is the Undertakers gimmick, and reminds me too much of the garbage WWE tries to feed its fans. (No disrespect to the Undertaker, one of the few guys I like in WWE)

Long Promos: Sometimes the promos go way too long, especially at the beginning of the show. There are a lot of segments that could be pushed to Reaction to make room for more wrestling. One way I think they can really improve is offer more wrestling and less promos.

Overall, I really enjoy TNA. As with any program, not everything will be great, but the good far outweighs the bad.

Motor City Machine Guns. They are very exciting to watch.

Kurt Angle. One of my favourites. Always enjoyed his matches.

TNA allows the wrestlers to take more risks compared to WWE. The wrestlers in TNA are allowed to do more high risk moves as the top stars have a less punishing schedule and/or do not cost the company as much if they are inactive due to injury. (Insurance, refunds due to non-appearance, etc.)
TNA allows the wrestlers to take more risks compared to WWE. The wrestlers in TNA are allowed to do more high risk moves as the top stars have a less punishing schedule and/or do not cost the company as much if they are inactive due to injury. (Insurance, refunds due to non-appearance, etc.)

I am curious to see where this storyline will go after Anderson reportedly got a real concussion due to an unprotected shot he took... Especially after Morgan has agreed to be part of the concussion study Nowinski is working on.
Jeff Hardy- I don't like how Hardy has been booked so far. He is the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and he's the 4th biggest heel in TNA. There's something wrong with that. But I really have been enjoying his Antichrist Of Professional Wrestling character. Hardy is the perfect guy to portray a character like this. He has the look, and he does come off as this creepy and evil guy. I also enjoy his promos a lot more as a heel. I like how Jeff delivers his promos slowly. They can be so dark, and his promos do have this haunting feeling to them.

The Motor City Machine Guns- The feud with Beer Money was epic on so many levels. I literally sat on the edge of my seat, as I watched five and four star matches week after week. The feud with Generation Me has also been pretty damn good. The Guns have been having a spectacular reign as TNA Tag Team Champions. Shelly and Sabin are also very underrated when it comes to mic work. The MCMG are a must see every Thursday night.

Matt Morgan- Morgan has always been one of my favorites in TNA. He's very athletic for a big man, he can be very charismatic, and I think with more time he can become one of TNA's main event guys. I prefer heel Morgan, because I think he's far more entertaining as a bad guy, but it's nice to see TNA give him a chance in the main event.

Mickie James- Mickie has been reborn in TNA. She has easily been the highlight of the Knockouts division for the past couple of months. James is one of the main reasons why I have become somewhat interested in TNA's women's division again. I think she will become the Knockouts Champion soon enough, and I really hope it happens, because I haven't been too crazy about Madison as champion.

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