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*OFFICIAL* Edge injured and return thread

Would Edge make a good Raw GM?

  • Yes. He's a great mic worker and would do the job well.

  • No. He's a wrestler and should only wrestle. Not be a GM.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Edge was injured tonight in a match with Jeff Hardy in San Diego. About five minutes into the match he suffered what at this point is believed to be a torn Achilles tendon and the match had to be stopped. Edge apologized to the fans before being taken out.

The match started with posturing so they were really only a minute into the actual action when the injury took place. It appeared he simply planted his foot wrong and went down with his leg at a bad angle. EMTs came to give him help before he was taken from the ring.

That is a serious injury that would likely require surgery and a long period of down time. We'll have more on this as we get updated. The rest of the Smackdown crew has to leave first thing tomorrow for a flight to Honolulu.

Well fuck, this really sucks as I was interested to see how the tag title run with him and Jericho was going to go. I hope Edge gets better. Hopefully he'll be able to return soon. What i'm wondering now is what are they going to with Jericho and the tag titles. I think Jericho should get a new partner and who better then Dolph Ziggler? Zigglers apparently done with his Khali feud so he's open to be Jericho's new partner, if thats the way booking goes with it. I think this could help Zigglers career alot since he'd be working with one of the best heel in the business. Thoughts?
So I guess I'll try this again.

Too bad it was a more serious injury than I thought.

I guess they are going to have to take the belts off Jericho now.
I wonder where they were going with their title reign.

Smackdown just lost a top heel. Someone is going to have to step up.
wow, that's a huge shame

i bet there were a lot of aussies looking foward to seeing edge

but i reckon he just wont appear on tv, and they will make him seem to ditch jericho at NoC so that legacy will win the belt, and then blame i on the ego's or something for why the team broke up so quickly

all i gunna say is probably not, but it's just a prediction, anything could happen these days, we could see santino become wwe and womens champion in a single week:icon_:icon_biggrin: :band:
Well fuck, this really sucks as I was interested to see how the tag title run with him and Jericho was going to go. I hope Edge gets better. Hopefully he'll be able to return soon. What i'm wondering now is what are they going to with Jericho and the tag titles. I think Jericho should get a new partner and who better then Dolph Ziggler? Zigglers apparently done with his Khali feud so he's open to be Jericho's new partner, if thats the way booking goes with it. I think this could help Zigglers career alot since he'd be working with one of the best heel in the business. Thoughts?

Well, first of all. Tis only a rumor. It's why the news site had RUMOR in front of the headline. Until WWE comes out publicly with it, I'm not believing a damn thing. That main news site has had to rescind how many stories how many times? Please.

If I were to humor it though, that would normally suck for Edge. But he was being moved from the title scene anyway. Instead of fucking around in the mid-card now he can go home and recover and take some time off. It's not the end of the world, he wasn't in a world title match or some shit.

As far as Jericho, why take the titles off of him? Make him the solo defender of the Tag Titles. How much more heat can a dude possibly get in the tag team division? Of course, this means burying his tag team opponents. But Legacy was fucked over by Shane motherfucking McMahon. It's not like they have much further to fall.

Though, if you really want a new partner for him, go with The Brian Kendrick. The Tag Titles are fluid throughout the shows, so he doesn't have to leave Raw. And it'll get everyone to stop shouting that his partner is HBK. There. You're welcome.
Originally posted by Razorback:
Though, if you really want a new partner for him, go with The Brian Kendrick. The Tag Titles are fluid throughout the shows, so he doesn't have to leave Raw. And it'll get everyone to stop shouting that his partner is HBK. There. You're welcome.

It sucks for Adam Copeland gettin the injury cause i know all about a leg injury and they're b!tchz. So if true i hope for a speedy recovery for him. As far the titles go and jericho w/ a new partner i agree that jericho should reveal himself as Kendrick's partner so He can finally get the push he deserves. all in all both parties r winners this way jericho gets 2 keep while revealin kendrick's partner and edge gets a not so lucky vacation. He could host raw in a couple of weeks to annonce the brian kendrick will be takin his spot as a tag team champ while he's out.
Since it can be defended on any show what about Christian? He fills in for his injured brother and then gets to work matches with Jericho and Legacy and gets to kinda ride the coattails at the moment of Jericho and then eventually break up and have some classic matches against each other. Just my two cents
Well with the WWE just recorded 2 weeks of smackdown they have plenty of time to make a decision if its true, they won't have to rush a decision and potentially end up hurting Jericho in all of this. Maybe it wont be as bad as first feared and will only keep him out for a number of weeks instead of months...who knows. I would have Jericho defend them on his own with promos about how he is single handedly dominating the tag division and then perhaps turn him face have him fued with the Hart Dynasty and Legacy.
If he is indeed injured is bad timing. If it was before before the Bash it wouldn't hurt Edge at all, right now, he needs to drop the titles and a good feud he would have with Jericho.

I guess they can make it look that Jericho hurts Edge someway during a match so it can leave the seeds to Edge's return as a face when he is at 100%.

Too bad for him, Edge is great inside the ring.
On the bright side, if any brand can afford to lose a top heel right now it's SD. With the slowly turning Punk, Jericho, Ziggler, Kane and the Harts they're sitting pretty. They can always push Knox too or turn Finlay heel. I don't know how long he'll be out but they have Matt Hardy too.

It sucks to lose Edge but at least SD 2009 isn't anything like SD 2008 where the show flat out felt empty during the few months Edge wasn't around.
On the bright side, if any brand can afford to lose a top heel right now it's SD. With the slowly turning Punk, Jericho, Ziggler, Kane and the Harts they're sitting pretty. They can always push Knox too or turn Finlay heel. I don't know how long he'll be out but they have Matt Hardy too.

It sucks to lose Edge but at least SD 2009 isn't anything like SD 2008 where the show flat out felt empty during the few months Edge wasn't around.

I have to agree, even if Edge was out for a few weeks or even months I think SD could hold it´s own on the "Heel market".

Ok an injured Edge is not a good thing and he´ll be missed in the SD mainevent but Edge can recover and have an awesome comeback.

A new heel is therefore not needed.
Well fuck, this really sucks as I was interested to see how the tag title run with him and Jericho was going to go. I hope Edge gets better. Hopefully he'll be able to return soon. What i'm wondering now is what are they going to with Jericho and the tag titles. I think Jericho should get a new partner and who better then Dolph Ziggler? Zigglers apparently done with his Khali feud so he's open to be Jericho's new partner, if thats the way booking goes with it. I think this could help Zigglers career alot since he'd be working with one of the best heel in the business. Thoughts?

Wow, bummer man. From what I read so far about it on here it sort of reminds me of Sid's injury back in WCW when his ankle folded up it was very graphic I remember seeing that made my ankle even hurt. If that is the case I believe Egde will need metal and screws put in his ankle (like Sid) and used a cane for quite awhile. I wish Edge the best of luck and hope its not as serious as first thought but only time will tell.
Totally sucks. But am I the only one that sees this as a possible plus? I mean, some time away is a good way to come back fresh, but also if Edge was eventually going to turn face like a lot of people were saying, this would be a great way to cement that. Edge could come out, talk about his injury, forfeit the title or whatever, Jericho comes out, talks him down, get the crowd to sympathize with Edge, then tears him apart... Kind of like how Legacy "injured" Batista. Edge could come back in a few months looking for vengeance. I dunno. I think this could be a good thing in the long run.
If the rumor is indeed true and they want to continue to have Jericho carry the tag title then his new partner should be CM Punk who turns fully heel. It makes perfect sense because Punk and Jericho have very similar characters or more specifically beliefs. Punk is straightedge thinks he's better then all the scumbags who use drugs and alcohol, he can also hate the fact that these scumbags win the adoration of the fans. Jericho feels superior as well be he is a good and honest man and hates the fact that the fans cheer dishonorable people. Essentially they would be fighting to bring honor and purity to the WWE. Then maybe Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio can form a high flying babyface "dream team" and at Summerslam it could be CM Punk and Jericho vs. Mysterio and Jeff Hardy with the world title, IC title and Tag titles all on the line in one match. If it was some sort of gimmick match like a TLC or Cage Match or something it would be even better.

I think that would be pretty sweet.
Yes, this really sucks, and it's probably the worst news in WWE all year long, but maybe there is a silver lining.
My biggest disappointment is that him and Jericho make AWESOME tag team champions. They're good in the ring, on the mic, and they really are "the best in the world at what they do." The two of them really could be the most dominate force in the WWE.
If in fact he is injured and must be out for any length of time, that leaves Jericho out to dry. This has happened before, and Jericho wont just be able to pick a new partner. If Edge is out, the tag titles will be vacated (at least that's what has to happen to keep things consistent, but you never really know). Jericho could find a new partner and compete for them, but do you think WWE will do that? If Edge is out, my thoughts are that Legacy will get the titles, and Jericho will go on to fight for the World Title or IC title.
The silver lining is two-fold. We could see Jericho as World Champion, or once again as the 10-time Intercontinental Champion. I think Mysterio and Ziggler are going to go at it, so I would think Jericho would be at Night of Champions for the tag title match in some compacity, and then maybe fight with CM Punk and Hardy after that.
The better silver lining, is that when Edge returns, he could either go against Jericho, with some sort of "I can't believe you screwed it up the second I was injured" sort of thing...OR...if he's out long enough, Edge and Christian could be up for some sort of reunion. We'll see what happens.

Either way I'm really upset about this because I would rather see Edge and Jericho as tag team champions for a LONG time.
What a shame. I really wanted to see how Edge & Jericho went on.

I know it may sound terrible, but I would have prefered Jericho to have gotten injured. Maybe then we can see a reunion of Edge and Christian (lol).

Anyhow, it's only a rumor and I hope the best for Edge.
:lmao: First and foremost - it was at a House show. How many Wrestlers have suffered stingers, sprains, or non-major injuries and House Shows then played them off to be serious - just to get the fuck outta there?

I know it happens. I've seen it personally. Triple H fell wrong on his head, the match ended suddenly and he just left after being helped to the back. Fucker appeared the next night on Raw in a Main Event match. Obviously not injured.

Second, even if this is a serious injury.. he'd be out, what, 2-4 months max? And its not like he couldn't continue to cut promos, or do the Cutting Edge segment. All in all, with the exception of whatever their plans were for the Tag Team Championships it seems like Edge was becoming irrelevant in the bigger picture to give him a break from it for the previous, oh, 4 years. Much like they've done with Triple H, John Cena, and every other top name in the Company.

Fact is, if you look at whats been happening on the lower table.. Edge has defeated C.M. Punk for the previous, what now, 3 straight weeks? Obviously they were building to an Edge/Punk - Pay per view (possibly Summerslam) showdown. I'm not sure Edge would win or not, but my big guess is.. upon recovering from this possible broken ankle - if its indeed broken - then he'll just come right back into the Heavyweight Championship picture, or a feud with Jericho over Jericho being pissed Edge "lost it for them".

Either way, this is hardly anything to get up-roared about. Edge will be back. Possibly even as soon as next week for the Smackdown tapings. He likely even competes at Night of Champions, with or without a broken ankle.
This is from Edge's twitter page:

"I am not injured it a part of my storyline"

Take that for what you will

Edge hasn't posted anything on twitter in the last month, so this guy is lying.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how they do get the titles to Legacy now. If Edge and Jericho do forfeit the titles they could have 2 teams wrestle for the vacant titles, but they can't use the Colons now. Legacy vs Hart Dynasty wouldn't work because that is heel vs heel. Cryme Time is the only other team and they aren't getting a title match, so what can they do?

Edge apparently needed some time off for injuries anyway so this won't hurt him that much as long as it isn't too serious. Jericho can complain about how Edge's injury cost him the titles, blah blah blah..so Edge can come back as a face and they already have the feud ready to start.
Edge hasn't posted anything on twitter in the last month, so this guy is lying.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how they do get the titles to Legacy now. If Edge and Jericho do forfeit the titles they could have 2 teams wrestle for the vacant titles, but they can't use the Colons now. Legacy vs Hart Dynasty wouldn't work because that is heel vs heel. Cryme Time is the only other team and they aren't getting a title match, so what can they do?

Edge apparently needed some time off for injuries anyway so this won't hurt him that much as long as it isn't too serious. Jericho can complain about how Edge's injury cost him the titles, blah blah blah..so Edge can come back as a face and they already have the feud ready to start.

thats what ive been thinking.

they can easily make him come back as a face after his injury. a nice fued with jericho would be great.

maybe even have what everyone else has been saying. Jericho get a new partner and he holds the belts until Edge returns.

Have Edge come out and challange him for the titles with his NEW partner..... well you know :)
It's pure speculation, but if Edge has torn an Achilles' heel, then he's possibly done for the year and it may be career threatening. Tearing that part of the ankle is tough as hell to recover from. It's the one part of the foot that has to be replaced if it's torn. I had a mere strain of my Achilles' heel when I played baseball and I thought the pain was unbearable. It's a tough injury and hopefully, it's not that serious. If it's a broken ankle, maybe a couple of months and some rehab will fix it. Otherwise, Edge is due for a long stint on the DL, and we're due a long stint of monotony.
They'll be a void in the WWE now and I'm saying WWE instead of just Smackdown because he holds the Unified Tag Titles entitling him to be on any show. Edge was on a roll, with 4 victories this week. Edge did 4 TV shows (Raw, Superstars & 2 weeks of Smackdown) and a PPV this week along with Houseshows....

Back on initial thought, when Undertaker sent Edge to hell last year smackdown felt empty to me, they seem to be in better shape now in terms of credible heels in the likes of Jericho & soon Ziggler. We can see Punk adopt a full 'edge' persona by cheating to win etc and setup for Edge's return as face to face Punk who by then should be well establish. Edge doesn't even have to change, he can just cheat to win against heels and he'd be cheered..even though in the past weeks with all his earned victories it seems like he needs not to cheat now.

Wishing Edge a speedy recovery. He'd be missed on Smackdown
This is so annoying! I was really looking forward to the tag team of EDge and Y2J having a regien of three/four months,which would have been great to see.
Now thats over. Edge is one of the best things in WWE today. He intrests me far more than anyone on Raw(and I mean waaaay more)! Get well soon Edge.

Just an afterthought. Will they take this chance to drop the rated R nickname when he returns. Seems kinda sill having a "rated R superstar" on a PG rated show!:nwo:
Wow! What can I say? Other than WWE seeming to have the worst luck with injuries again, I was really sad to see this. Edge really is a very hard worker and does an excellent job with whatever WWE seems to throw his way. It makes me sad when I see these guys go through this stuff, especially when Edge is undoubtedly one of the five hardest workers in WWE and has been for a very long time. The thing that urks me though is that WWE will just explain it away in a storyline or something. I personally think that the drama of the real injuries and how they happen are much more dramatic because it adds an exclamation point to the dangers of wrestling to the fans. Plus hearing that Edge even had the presence of mind to apologize to the fans for having to end the match early really shows that he is a class act and doesn't deserve this. I hope he gets well soon and can come back shortly from this.
This is really unfortunate for Edge, from what is being reported his current injury sounds serious enough to keep him out until early 2010. I'm sure Smackdown and the WWE will suffer because they are losing one of their best all rounded talents and perhaps their biggest heel. However, this may not turn out so bad for Adam Copeland as I heard he was carrying a few painful nagging injuries prior to this current one, so this may be a gift in disguise which will allow him to fully heal and recover.

I also thought it was pretty classy of Edge to grab the mic and apologize to the fans in attendance at the house show where this happened...
This is really unfortunate for Edge, from what is being reported his current injury sounds serious enough to keep him out until early 2010. I'm sure Smackdown and the WWE will suffer because they are losing one of their best all rounded talents and perhaps their biggest heel. However, this may not turn out so bad for Adam Copeland as I heard he was carrying a few painful nagging injuries prior to this current one, so this may be a gift in disguise which will allow him to fully heal and recover.

I also thought it was pretty classy of Edge to grab the mic and apologize to the fans in attendance at the house show where this happened...

yeah man. people cheered when he came out!
so he kept trying really hard to get them to boo him.
he ripped peoples signs, talked crap to the crowd, he kept running away from jeff.

and when the injury finally happened. people booed even more thinking he was faking it.

but people started to realize it was serious. when he apologized. everyone in the arena cheered him on when was helped out to the back.
Well with the WWE just recorded 2 weeks of smackdown they have plenty of time to make a decision if its true, they won't have to rush a decision and potentially end up hurting Jericho in all of this. Maybe it wont be as bad as first feared and will only keep him out for a number of weeks instead of months...who knows. I would have Jericho defend them on his own with promos about how he is single handedly dominating the tag division and then perhaps turn him face have him fued with the Hart Dynasty and Legacy.

wtf? why would they do that? with edge out he's basically the only main eventing heel...

now on topic...this sucks because he's entertaining and he's a top heel. He's also been putin on good matches lately e.g. against JoMo and Mysterio...wonder who's gonna step up and take his spot...?

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