[Official] Christopher Daniels possible return Thread


Its Been a while
Original source:WZ
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Christopher Daniels has not committed to any pro wrestling bookings after July as he is reportedly in serious talks with TNA about a new deal which would see him return to the company.
As a huge Christopher Daniels Fan i really hope this is true.I have always believed he could be world champ and have great matches and feuds.A feud with AJ,Hardy,The Pope, or Mr.Anderson could all be great IMO.If Daniels dose come back,how do you what to see him used.Also do you thing he will return?
This is one of those "They were dumb and stupid to let him go in the first place moments"

You look at Christopher Daniels and he practically screams TNA. The fact that they let him go and now wants him back proves to me that they are smart to know when they made a huge mistake.

But this also means that Daniels has the power to ask for what he wants. I say skip all the X division crap and give him a straight shot towards the TNA Championship. They were dumb enough not to let him go. and If they are serious and going to bring him back, show him how much he should have meant to you the first time, and give him a TNA Championship run. He at least is owed that.
Yeah, I read this and I hope it's true. "The Fallen Angel" is another one of those original reasons I really got into TNA in the first place. The guy is awesome and helped to build the company and added credibility to the roster before the "Big Stars" would even set foot in the promotions door in the first place. Christopher Daniels should be a top talent in the company.
I really think it's true...I follow the guy on Twitter and yesterday he posted a picture of himself in a MoCap suit standing in a wrestling ring...I know for a fact that there is a new TNA video game in production and this is just a little teaser to me that screams at me that he is going to be in the next TNA game...or maybe I'm just reading too much into it...if he does come back I could see him doing whatever he wants to do, if he wants to get in the mix in the X Division he could do it, if he wants a shot at the title then put him in the top 10 poll and see how much he means to the fans, I think he will win it hands down...here's hoping that he does end up back where he belongs...
While I doubt that Christopher Daniels will be given the push he always deserved in TNA and that I don't trust a single mainstream promotion these days, I guess he needs the money as well. But I'm telling you, TNA is making mistake after mistake after mistake. They're a bunch of morons and misusing and letting Daniels go just shows that you can't trust them. But I'll hope for the best and they better do the right thing too while Daniels still has anything left in his career.
He has the best mic skills out of all the original talent in TNA, letting him go in the first place was just stupid. It's time for him to be a FU**** champion. Im tired of all this politics bullshit.
I am honestly not sure they ever actually let Daniels go in the first place, and not just give him some time off to go do some other stuff so they can bring him back and change his gimmick up a bit or something. His profile is still listed on TNA's website, and they have made several updates since the time he was supposedly released, as recently as Sacrifice in removing Tara. So either he wasnt released or they have fully expected him to come back in the first place. TNA does have a bit of an overabundance of talent, so they have been smart enough to know they need to rotate some people in and out, so am I pretty sure whether he was still technically under contract or not they were planning on it only being a temporary thing.
I don't think he should come back until Hogans gone. Which will hopefully be when his year deal is up...or even earlier.

He was main eventing, Hogan/Bischoff show up, and he's hardly on TV and starts jobbing to Val Venis :suspic:
I am hoping he goes back to the Fallen Angel could do so much with Dinero. A feud, a team-up. But I would want the feud. Daniels is good on the mic his ring skills are good as well. Maybe he will be a part of Team Sting going up against Hogan/Bischoff.
I adore Daniels, and I have for nearly a decade now, but as of this moment in time, there's no place for him in TNA.

The only way I consider bringing him back is if it's to revitalize the X Division. While I too believe he's World Championship material, most would disagree, and most matters in this case. Our WHC tier is already flooded plenty with a number of key players, so bringing in Daniels again would work so long as it mean replacing someone/something that isn't working particularly well.

Assuming the talent cuts hit relatively soon and a few guys are released – including at least one who gets TV time – I'd have no issues with his return.
I would also love to see Daniels back in TNA... and marketed as a Main Eventer... no place for him? TNA has so many face Main Events but hardly any heels, and in that you have forced Heel like AJ and Sting that really don't come across well. (AJ more than Sting)

I'd love Daniels to come back as a full force Heel "Fallen Angel" have him preach to the fans in a similar way to CM Punk with his SES... give him a stable and have him as the leader. Have him come in to preach against the "Evils" of the new roster additions.
I hope it's true...though I am anxious to see him back in ROH awhile, they will give him a nice spotlight there. His matches in TNA are generally my favorites, and there is so much more he can do in TNA. With the X division hurting right now, he could pretty much instantly inject some life back into it.
I think the proper place for Daniels is in the X Division. Sorry, but I just don't buy into the guy as a main eventer. Daniels is one of the wrestlers that pretty much built the X Division and it's ultimately what put TNA on the map in the first place.

However, like IDR said, I don't think there's really that much of a place for Daniels in TNA at this point. Daniels went from being in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene the last few months of last year to jobbing cleanly to the likes of Sean Morley and Rob Terry after Hulk Hogan's arrival in TNA. Instead of at least having him revitalize the X Division and devote time and energy into a solid effort, TNA began hardly even using Daniels. And, when they did, it was just to job him out to someone.
A part of me would love to see The Fallen Angel back in TNA,but I think I'd rather see him in ROH right now,because he gets a good push there,where in TNA he loses to Val Venis of all people.I've always felt that if AJ Styles can be world champion and a main eventer,then so can Chris Daniels so if he does go back to TNA,I'd like to see him go for the world championship.
getting the Christopher Daniels of old before his pink sliping and Curry Man antics (not knocking Curry Man) Suicide use and all that crap
he was putting on some of the best matches in all wrestling before all that, pushing the top of the roster and kicking butt in the x-division (when it ment something) then bring him in

But TNA have too many guys sitting on there asses doing nothing now so unless you can garuentee the guy a close to top spot and some genuine feuds then dont waste our time with bringing the character back for a third time

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