[Official] Bret Hart Campaign Headquarters

I base it on Kayfabe, which is why after Hogan gets eliminated I quit voting. I might throw a vote to someone under the radar, but it really wont make that big of a difference.
Not really, Kane is the ultimate jobber and usually never wins a high profiled match, nor we he be booked to go over someone like Bret Hart. But hey, that is why we vote.

That's an assumption not a fact, I bet most fans 10 years ago would have bet that there would have been no way Kane could have beaten Stone Cold to become champion, but it happened.

Bret lost a first blood match, the same match that Austin lost his title in, therefore it was very plausible for Kane to have won that match.

and I agree, its why we vote, but at the same time we have to take into consideration all factors when we vote

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