[OFFICIAL] Batista Returns Thread (Keep all Batista related discussion in here)

The problem I have with wrestlers today is that they all appear to return to action very quickly. Maybe I'm being worked, it's not hard, but I suspect oodles of illegal drugs might be helping these wrestlers heal slightly quicker than usual. I just find it very strange how the the superstars with the over inflated physiques come back a lot quicker than the ones with average bodies. But I'll forever be a cynic.

I'd care if A) I wasn't expecting him to have ring rust, B) If he wasn't shit anyway and C) If he'd had a little longer off.

At least he'll turn heel at Backlash, that should eb intresting.
he looked like he was seriously limping or nervous to run after his injury, he was slower than usual maybe he was rushed back and his been told to take it easy, also i think batista will screw hhh out of the title but how would it work if he joins legacy? ortons leader and batista just protects orton but doesnt go for any titles, i cant see him goin down to the ic division
Batista returning last night was just another f**kup by the WWE. Common sense would have said have him return at Wrestlemania, cost Orton the belt (thus not burying Orton) and give the people who paid money something to remember.
Instead we have Hunter's ego bury Orton, then Batista come back on FREE TV and bury Legacy. What was the f**king point of that? Utterly stupid
They just did this so people wouldn't see the predictable thing coming which is the draft next week. I guess they wanted to make things interesting coming in to the draft. Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Orton, and Batista back on Smackdown again feuding for the title. Who knows how the WWE is going to play the draft out?

I would think that his run in was just some payback to Orton, and possibly not long term or anything. This should be the point in which Legacy does bring out a new member, but not Batista. Possibly someone to feud with Batista. DH Smith would be nice, and I think Mr. Kennedy would be a shocker, as people would wonder what wrestling family he is from. someone else brought that up here on this forum before, there is a thread.
I'm happy Batista is back...wwe needed 2 inject some new life into this fued after what happened at wm(anyone noticed the boo's HHH received everytime he was on camera?)...Batista adds a little more "realism" to the backlash title match cuz there's no way even with HHH on their team that u could get me 2 believe that shane(put out by rko) vince(put out by rko) could really do significant damage 2 the Legacy..I mean look at the beatdown "the Mcmahons" got last nite b4 Batista made the save..it brought a little excitement back and also I wouldn't want 2 c a match I saw at the 2000 king of ring just with a few minor adjustments...as for the actual match I c The Lame losing the title without getting pinned...n Batista will take the fall..
Man Batista sucks... His figure as a wrestler is what you want. But his move set is worst than anyone's. The Batista bomb is so weak, I remember when power bombs were an awesome finishing move. Like Sid and Nash they would fold you up like a accordian(SP?)
The Batista bomb just doesn't show off his true strength. I think batista needs a character change. Become a Heel, turn his character into a Lex Lugar/ Rick Rude type persona. Get rid of the Batista Bomb do a Jackhammer or something?
But yeah HHH will lose the title, the question is how is WWE going to do it!
Batista to me is just another Goldberg v 2.0.

Outside of his ridiculously large physique, he brings little to nothing to the plate. Ever hear him cut a promo? It's horrible. It's like listening to one jacked up juicer scream to another in a gym about how much much he can lift.

For whatever reason though, Vince likes those Greek god looking wrestlers and Batista ended up with a pretty decent pop from the crowd – I'll give that. I just never saw what was so interesting about him to begin with.
Before I saw the finished WrestleMania card, I didn't even know Batista was gone. I take it he was injured.

Can't say I was blown away by his return. To be honest, the match at Backlash now seems kind of unfair. Well, it did when Vince was in it too - both he and his son have now demonstrated they could kick the shit out of Orton and his inferior lackeys if they want to. But yeah, with Batista back it seems even more unfair.

I wonder if he'll climb back up the ranks. With the current standings, I'm not sure if we'll ever see him hold a world title again. Someone will inevitably get injured though and, granting he doesn't injure himself, Batista will fill the gap.

For now, it looks like he'll be playing second fiddle to Triple H. I'd have given him his own match. Have him take on DiBiase and Rhodes in a handicap match while Triple H has a rematch with Orton. I'm sure nobody would lose sleep over Shane McMahon being left off the card.

I'm hoping they'll save Orton/Batista for 'Mania next year and not spend it on the nothing pay-per-views. Of course, everything will be shaken up soon. I could live with a series of 'Tista/Cena rematches.
But his move set is worst than anyone's
What's so bad about his moveset? Would you expect a man the size of Batista to fly around the ring, landing dropkicks and performing swanton bombs? No, you wouldn't. His moveset complements his style and size, and the moves he use make perfect sense for his character.

The Batista bomb is so weak
Being hoisted up over a 6'6, 290lbs mans shoulders then driven back down to the mat is weak?

I remember when power bombs were an awesome finishing move. Like Sid and Nash they would fold you up like a accordian(SP?)
Sid and Nash had a considerable height advantage over Batista, thus being able to toss their opponents higher and further across the ring. The sitout powerbomb suits Batista much more than a Sid/Nash Jacknife powerbomb would.

The Batista bomb just doesn't show off his true strength.
I think his moveset in general shows off his true strength.

I think batista needs a character change.
He returned less than a day ago, got a considerably huge pop and now he needs a character change? What sense would that make?

turn his character into a Rick Rude type persona.

I can see it now, Batista coming to the ring wearing a robe, swinging his hips, flexing at every given opportunity and bragging about how all the women want him. :lmao:

You seriously think that gimmick would fit Batista?

Anyway, I was extremely happy to see Batista return, and was legitimately shocked. They definitely needed something to spice up this McMahon/Orton angle a little, and Batista seems like a good choice. But as Sam mentioned, the match scheduled for Backlash does seem unfair - Shane alone has taken out all three members of Legacy. With the addition of Batista, the odds are heavily stacked against Orton and his lackeys, the latter of which I still see as nothing more than mid-carders. It will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
Before I saw the finished WrestleMania card, I didn't even know Batista was gone. I take it he was injured.

Can't say I was blown away by his return. To be honest, the match at Backlash now seems kind of unfair. Well, it did when Vince was in it too - both he and his son have known demonstrated they could kick the shit out of Orton and his inferior lackeys if they want to. But yeah, with Batista back it seems even more unfair.

I wonder if he'll climb back up the ranks. With the current standings, I'm not sure if we'll ever see him hold a world title again. Someone will inevitably get injured though and, granting he doesn't injure himself, Batista will fill the gap.

For now, it looks like he'll be playing second fiddle to Triple H. I'd have given him his own match. Have him take on DiBiase and Rhodes in a handicap match while Triple H has a rematch with Orton. I'm sure nobody would lose sleep over Shane McMahon being left off the card.

I'm hoping they'll save Orton/Batista for 'Mania next year and not spend it on the nothing pay-per-views. Of course, everything will be shaken up soon. I could live with a series of 'Tista/Cena rematches.

They'll pin the title on him again for sure – he's talking about retiring within a year or two. He wants one more run at/with a title before he goes.

It wouldn't shock me at all to see him turn on HHH and go after the belt.

Or depending on what happens at the draft next week – maybe a run with Cena as you noted.
I was expecting to see Batista brought back next week at the Draft in Atlanta. I was pleasantly surprised with his return last night though. It was awesome to be surprised in the same sort of way I was when John Cena returned at the '08 Royal Rumble. Neither return was leaked in any way prior to it's happening.
As for Batista joining forces with Triple H and the McMahon's...there are pros and cons to this. The downside is that Batista could/should have come back with some sort of newer, more refreshing gimmick. I don't like how he was just tossed in the HHH/Orton feud as the same old Batista people get bored with. He is very exciting to watch, but he has a tendency to go stale on us..since his promo skills pretty much blow. He is the same old beefed up Batista..who will ride Triple H's coat tails the rest of his career in some way, whether he's facing him or teaming with him. I would love to see Batista break out on his own...far from Triple H. Joining Legacy could work though. It will be interesting to see what pans out in the coming months...
I am exceptionally glad that Batista is back. I'm not the biggest fan, but the guy fills a very important gap. He is a credible monster.

Unlike guys like the horribly underused Kane, or the Big Show, he has not been jobbed out to the point that he has lost his credibility as a dominant monster. When the big Dave's music hits, his opponent should have the biggest "oh shit..." look on his face.

I'm disappointed that they announced any matches before the Draft (it kills some of the suspense) but I do like what this does for the angle as a whole. The angle can now go in many other possible ways. Personally I would love to see a heel turn for Batista. I think he has the perfect look and personality to play a very cool monster heel. But the sheer fact that there are now a lot more possibilities than there were before is great.
I actually saw last nights fight with batista and hhh vs. legacy happening at mania, and I think it would have been much better served there. What I wanted to happen Sunday was an interference by Legacy while the ref was down. Then, have Batista dive from in the audience and even the score. I could easily believe Batista would take out Rhodes and Dibiase while HHH finished off Orton. However, no one liked that match Sunday and Batista's return last night, even though it wasn't suprising at all, put a band-aid on all the fans after the horrid match two nights ago.

Now, the only problem is Shane O'mac. It obviously looks to us like WWE is stacking HHH's team for Backlash. They should have Legacy attack Shane so we could have a believable main event with Legacy vs. Evolution.

The draft is next week and I look for both Batista and Orton to goto Smackdown and continue this feud over there while we deal with a 3rd rate Cena vs. Edge vs. Big Show feud on Raw. I would rather see the later on Smackdown, but with Vickie cementing herself as Raw's GM, everyone already knows that Show and Edge are on their was to Monday Nights.
WWE needs to have something good come out of this. Think of how big everything that happened on raw "would be" if Orton was champion. It would just be so sad to think that they wasted that whole buildup to push HHH a little higher and for a Batista return. I've said it over and over again, the only way for HHH/Orton to end that would not be cheesy would be an Orton win. Orton didn't win, and what was the result? The worst main event I've ever seen at a Wrestlemania, sadly the rest of the show was not much better. There is a damn good reason that Undertaker is the last face you see on the WM 25 re-cap video; Undertaker/HBK was the only redeemable aspect of the show. I like to close my eyes and try to pretend that was the main event, but this disgusting smell of rotten wrestling ideas keeps catching my nose. Damn it creative, do your job right, this is low brow stuff; especially for a Wrestlemania.

I agree above that Batista turning heel would be a lot better, or even HHH and the Mcmahons turning on Batista after No Way Out.
.....note to WWE Creative.
Legacy Wins at the PPV, Orton Pins Batista. After the Match HHH and the McMahons attack Batista for losing the title, that should set you up with storylines till somewhere near summerslam.
Please do not keep shane in the match just so he can get beat for the title, thats what we expect and you don't wanna waste another main event.
Batista returned to Raw last night. The short n' sweet version of his return was that he Batista Bombed Cody Rhodes. Okay :headscratch:. That was it. I realize that he is a big time fan favorite so many people marked out for his return. Before I continue let me say that I am not nor have I ever been a fan of Batista. I just don't find him exciting. I'm not saying that he does anything wrong in the ring, on the mic, or anywhere else for that matter. For all of us, I would just about guarantee there is at least one wrestler, past or present that we can't seem to get behind through no fault of their own. For me that wrestler is Batista. His in in ring work is decent enough. His mic skills aren't great, but there are definately some people who are worse. I'm talking to you Matt Hardy. And for all intents and purposes, people really seem to like Batista. Evidence of this was found in a post about how amazing his return to Raw was last night. There were people just lined up to sing his praises and talk about what a great return it was.

So, what did I miss? Sure, for a Batista fan I'm sure that it was great excitement to see him make his return. It was probably even more exciting to see him placed smack in the middle of the largest storyline currently on Raw. But it wasn't anything spectacular. It wasn't anything we haven't seen countless other main event faces do in a return segment. It's the same formula over and over for the return of a main event guy that is over with the crowd. There was nothing that differentiated his return from many others that I have seen over the years. The situation may vary slightly, but it's basically this: The ring is full of heels (possibly beating up on a face). The returning superstar's music hits, the guy runs down to the ring and clears it out. "Crowd goes wild! Crowd goes wild"! It's a placeholder for crying out loud! "Insert returning superstar's name here" appears on the paper that the return idea is written on. By no means is that bad thing. 90% of wrestling ideas are recycled and I am a huge wrestling fan.

I just want to know what I missed that made his return so amazing to many people. Is it simply because I am not a fan of his? Please, let me know. If that's it, then that's fine, I will understand that. That goes back to the part about just not getting behind a certain superstar. But if there was something new and fresh to it then I want to know, please tell me because I didn't catch it.
Oh man. I predited Batista's return a day too late. Anyway moving onto his official and real return, he might actually end up costing HHH his title which might set up a triple threat feud between the three. This will be very intersting to say the least. The 3 former partners going at it together.
batista for a heel turn and feud with the face HHH and throw in randy aswell thats what im thinking anyway none of this batista as an enforcer shit he isnt an enforcer now he is a main event star
I realized Batista was out with an injury, but it didn't feel like anything had changed. It's a possibility that Batista could turn on Triple H at Backlash but I don't see it. I don't see him moving in the draft as he has just returned. After the Legacy angle, I can see him possibly feuding with whatever heel comes to RAW in the draft.

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