[Official] All Things Dexter Thread

Dexter makes unusually long posts in the Bar Room.

Ya know, I noticed the same thing. I don't mean to or anything, it just turns out that way. I just have a lot to say I guess. Someone will say something that interests me or relates to something I have a strong opinion about, and I'll just start replying and the words just flow out. I don't have a lot of control over it.

It's a bit like "stream of consciousness". You've heard of that, yeah? It's the Style of writing where you don't try to format or edit your thoughts in any way. You just write whatever happens to come to mind as you think it. It can be a pretty interesting window into someone's mind, since it's a little like getting full access to their thoughts. Sort of a Rorschach Test in verbal form.

Speaking of Rorschach Tests, did you guys see in the news the other day where a lot of psychologists are upset because the full Rorschach Test is published on Wikipedia for everyone to see? That's that "ink blot test", if you're not familiar with the term. Well, as it turns out, part of what makes that test effective is never having seen the images before, so that you're "what's this look like" description is a spur of the moment assessment rather than something you've had time to sit and ponder.

If you ask me, things like that and the word associate game, etc, are a bunch of crap anyway. I mean, it just doesn't seem to account for individuality, ya know? Does the fact that I think an ink blot looks like a guy molesting his next door neighbor at knife-point necessarily make me psychotic? NO, of course not. It just means I think an ink blot looks like a guy molesting his next door neighbor at knife-point. Any further analysis is just speculation.

Anyway, I forgot what I was saying so I'll leave you with this closing thought...

Gettysburg Address said:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate...we can not consecrate...we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
This needed to be bumped. Because you're one of the coolest new posters we've had here in a long, long time. And I loved your post in the Gateway Drug thread.

All Hail King Dexter.

This needed to be bumped. Because you're one of the coolest new posters we've had here in a long, long time. And I loved your post in the Gateway Drug thread.

All Hail King Dexter.



The guy in the Gateway Drug thread was just asking for it though wasn't he? "Bad things happened to some guy I used to know and he smoked pot so POT IS BAD, AND MY LOGIC IS FLAWLESS!"

Me too. And the best part? Some dude did it for free. Guess he just likes the attention or something. ;)
I think it's because he has fun making stuff :)

But seriously, I'm really glad you like it.
Well, since it is, and since this is all things Dexter, I'd like to point out that I'm currently watching Batman: Mask of the Phantasm with my 4 year old little girl as we enjoy bacon, eggs, and toast with strawberry-rhubarb jam.

Life rocks.
Well, since it is, and since this is all things Dexter, I'd like to point out that I'm currently watching Batman: Mask of the Phantasm with my 4 year old little girl as we enjoy bacon, eggs, and toast with strawberry-rhubarb jam.

Life rocks.

Congradulations for your side. I am listen to Stone Temple Pilots whilst watching the Triple H adventures on youtube with a glass of whiskey at 11.30pm at night.

Does it suck or does it rock?
See, I can never get used to this whole time zone thing. It's 9:30 in the morning and I'm thinking "how the fuck can you stand to drink whiskey this early?" It's not that I'm one of those stupid Americans that doesn't realize there are other countries or anything, it's just... I can't wrap my head around it being the middle of the night somewhere right now.
See, I can never get used to this whole time zone thing. It's 9:30 in the morning and I'm thinking "how the fuck can you stand to drink whiskey this early?" It's not that I'm one of those stupid Americans that doesn't realize there are other countries or anything, it's just... I can't wrap my head around it being the middle of the night somewhere right now.

True, but I could wake up in the morning and drink some whiskey at 9.30am. Depending on my health in the morning.
[115]FalKon;1307916 said:
True, but I could wake up in the morning and drink some whiskey at 9.30am. Depending on my health in the morning.

Oh, right, you're Australian. You know Americans have this imagine of you guys (and the Irish for that matter) as hardcore drinkers from birth, right? It's not a bad image.
Well, the REAL Aussies drink a shitload of beer if you consider that hardcore drinking. Those who aren't full-fledged due to out backgrounds like me go for the spirits. Myself, I rarely drink beer... I only do it in front of the REAL Aussies to keep up appearances. Otherwise, its whiskey; liquers; scotch; vodka... crap like this.
Batman sigs for life.

Also, I have never met a Straight Edge Australian. Although I'm probably not looking hard enough.

They are called under-18's in Australia. Have you not seen the youngens hang out at McDonalds cause they cant go out & drink yet?

One thing that is a negative about Australia is that McDonald's is the cool peoples hang out for the young people. Its a shame really...
Should I trust you? Are you being sarcastic?

Its not McDonalds anymore. They've all renovated into McCafe's. It's the hot new place to go now. Apparently. Not that I ever get invited to roll with them
Should I trust you? Are you being sarcastic?

Its not McDonalds anymore. They've all renovated into McCafe's. It's the hot new place to go now. Apparently. Not that I ever get invited to roll with them

Its still McDonalds. But then again, I live in the western suburbs of Sydney. For the Americans, I guess it could be Queens or New Jersey. For the English, its... err... France?
For americans it's New Jersey.

Doesnt your Maccas have a McCafe extension? I live in a desert and we got that. 45 cents for 2 Marshmallows. I go up to the drive thru and ask if I could have them in a bag please.
For americans it's New Jersey.

Doesnt your Maccas have a McCafe extension? I live in a desert and we got that. 45 cents for 2 Marshmallows. I go up to the drive thru and ask if I could have them in a bag please.

Only those Maccas that arent derro, dirty or ultimo-bogan. We have McCafe's but we still got people showing off their "sweet rides," doing burnouts/donuts in the carpark & gangs of kids hanging around.

Only the business or sophisticated people go to the "McCafe extension." For me, its always the decision with Starbucks or McCafe. I always flip a coin I cant decide!

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