*OFFICIAL* 2011 WWE Slammy Awards Discussion (Non-Spam)

Kayfabe? Del Rio didn't "win" anything. He was booked to win. He didn't outdraw or outpop anyone. He's not the superstar of the year. Punk probably added the most fans to his "brand" than anyone, so I say Punk. If not Punk, then maybe Mark Henry. Everyone else either kept their fanbase stable or didn't really get as over as you'd think.
Sadly enough Mark Henry's title reign is the best title reign all year. Every other reign(WWE title) has been meaningless. ADR two reigns even equal up to Mark Henry's 1? I personally feel Mark Henry is Superstar Of The Year with ADR running a close second. I love ADR, from his submission finisher to having his own announcer to driving fancy luxury cars out.
I am half expecting the "shock" and for Zack Ryder to win it... It'd be a good angle for him and help solidify his push. ADR would be behind Punk, Cena, Henry and Bryan for me, he just hasn't been as dominant as any of those guys.
Del Rio had a bunch of kayfabe accomplishments. CM Punk had kayfabe accomplishments to go along with actually having a kick-ass, game-changing kind of year. Think back to February and look where Punk is now...I don't see how he's not the Superstar of the Year. Del Rio has been at the same level the whole time, and isn't showing much depth or upward mobility.
People are thinking that this award is being done for the best superstar, when it's actually just a Kayfabe way of getting someone over.
Punk deserves it; has a good chance.
Del Rio was put in the spotlight, and has had a great year. His reaction has been a bit light, but he's working the Mexican JBL gimmick, so it's limited to where it can take him. I don't think he's going to get it unless they plan to push him hard in the new year.

Punk isn't the type to receive awards like this, if anything it would be better to screw him out of it, and make a storyline over it.

Mark Henry is a very interesting choice, because he went from a jobber to a legitimate champion this year.

If this were a real Award, Punk

In the world of Kayfabe, which the awards are part of? ADR or Henry.
It's not who deserves it as the rewards are only held to boost fueds ect... It's who will win it. If I had to choose two people, one heel, one face of who I think would be it is, either

Zack Ryder; Zack Will win it and it will be stripped off him because he don't deserve it or something along that line.

Dolph Ziggler;
Dolph will win it to help build his push as being perfect. people seem to be over looking Dolph. He might not of one the big one, (well technicality there I guess) But he has had the united states championship for half the year and has done nothing to improve. It would also fit in well with his cocky character.

They could even tie in with that and have both guys draw... only to have Zack not be eligible for some silly reason. to further the fued.
I'm of the opinion that today's wrestling fans don't know what they have in Alberto Del Rio. We want our superstars to be over-the-top, bold and loud. If you watch the fans in the front rows of the brand's two shows (the only ones we can see on TV during a match), they want quick results, not having the patience to watch two guys work a match for very long.

Insert Alberto. He's methodical, not quick. He's looking to do damage, not nuke his enemy immediately. He's sneaky, yet his dirty tactics don't win him the match in micro-seconds.....rather, they lead him to the point he can apply his finisher.

In other words, he's an old-style wrestler in a modern world. He earns his keep the old-fashioned way, in the manner of Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers and even Ric Flair. He impresses a lot of fans who crave the classic style.

Problem is, many of today's wrestling fans like pyros and outlandish personalities (Hello, Zack Ryder!). They want high-flying moves and a quick finish. None of this applies to Alberto Del Rio. People who claim to be fans of true wrestling find him boring, which is illogical. Del Rio is a true wrestler.

But, on accomplishment alone, Del Rio could be Superstar of the Year, as could C.M. Punk.....or John Cena. Cena's path is one of continued excellence rather than "this is his greatest year ever!" We're so used to his achievements that he might be overlooked (by the fans) for the honor. But if the pick were up to me, I'd take Cena.

You know what worries me, though? That they'll give it to the Rock, just because of the glitz and glamour the fans crave. If they did, it would kind of negate the meaning of the words "of the year."
There is no way Punk is going to win Superstar of the Year when he was basically jobbing to Orton and Cena for the first 6 months of 2011. I know Punk is now god to the IWC but people really need to give his dick a chance to breathe because everyone here is gonna end up sucking it dry.

Anyway, now that I got that off my chest, I agree with the OP's belief that Del Rio deserves (and is going to win) Superstar of the Year. He won the Rumble, won MitB, became a 2-time World Champion and "retired" Edge. Regardless of how much he sucks (which is a lot), in the world of kayfabe there is no one who even comes close to accomplishing as much as he did this year. Also, winning this award would give Del Rio some much needed momentum, which is something that Punk, Cena, and Henry definitely don't need because they've been gaining momentum for months now. Del Rio all the way, but maybe Cena if Vince gets horny before RAW starts
I understand where you are coming from.... and ON PAPER Alberto Del Rio would indeed be the superstar of the year..... if WWE was a competition about Championships and other such trinkets like Boxing or UFC then yes, Alberto Del Rio would be the Superstar of the year.

However, this is not one of those sports, it is a form of entertainment and the "superstar" who has provided us with the most entertainment is indeed CM Punk! He is the man everybody has been talking about and he has been taken to the top as arguably the JOINT face of the company....CM Punk is without a doubt the Superstar of the year.... and if he does not claim this Fictional Title... then well wrestling must be fake musnt it :shrug:
I am a huge Del Rio and as much as I do believe he deserves the Superstar of the year Award and will get my votes. I can see why so many would want CM punk or Zach Ryder to get the award.
CM PUNK has many first, First guy to ever cry and quit himself in to the main event and title picture. The first guy to kick Del Rio once and him out cold even though he kicks many superstars doing the match and they get right back up. He is the first Superstar to cry over Ice cream ( note : we still don't have them, change my ass). He is the first super star to get fans by saying FU to the fans...oh wait no that was stone cold so scratch that last one
Zach Ryder: Other that making a crappy youtube channel...oh wait Hardy's and Raven did that. But he is the first Jersey shore drop out to get a match in the WWE. ( I think) Honestly I really can't think of anything Ryder has done that hasn't been done before or done better than everyone else. Hardy did the same thing as Ryder but he forgot the key ingredient to getting mass amounts of morons to follow you the word "Broski". He has no titles, he barley gets TV time fans follow him now, but what will happen when he stops with Youtube and has to go heel.....Ryder is one denominational and remains that way all he has is youtube.
Alberto Del Rio deserves the, "Biggest Waste of a Main Event Spot," award and nothing else.

CM Punk used one promo to make wrestling cool again, until HHH got involved and took over the story. He deserves the award, if you want it to have any credibility to it at all. ADR has done nothing since Summerslam but prove that he's not ready for the spot he has. He should have been wrestling for the US Championship with the mid-card babyfaces, but the mistake factory that is known as the Money in the Bank ladder match had to spit out another Jack Swagger by the name of Alberto Del Rio.

Sorry to be so anti-ADR, but this guy is just at everything that not between the bells. I think his main event push has been such a disaster that I'm pretty sure he's not going to come back from it. He does and says the exact same thing every-single-time. If he can work on his character, maybe develop some mic skills, or maybe just learn how to tell a different story than, "I put you in an arm bar and now you want to beat me." He's had a big year, but that big year was an even bigger mistake.
In the ring, I find Del Rio to be more than passable and something of a breathe of fresher air as a more methodical heel but on the mic he is as bland and repetitve as it gets and as a character he has done nothing but arive in a different car. The continued silences he received as champion/challenger throughout the year were deafening and the reaction that Ricardo Rodriguez gets makes it even worse.

Much of this is not Del Rio's fault though. Circumstances such as Edge's retirement have worked against him but mostly it has been how badly his character has been handled by Creative, cutting any heat he was able to build from butchering the likes of Mysterio or Kofi off at the knees.

Del Rio should win the Superstar of the Year as an apology from Creative for booking his character so badly throughout the course of the year.
Alberto Del Rio, or as me and my buddies call him "Senior Honey Mustard Pants", doesnt deserve it. I think it goes to Punk by a landslide. He has done the most to expand his fan base and breathe life back into Monday nights.
I'm a fan of Alberto Del Rio overall. For the most part, I've enjoyed what he's done. As for him being Superstar of the Year, I disagree wholeheartedly.

When Del Rio was on SD!, he was great. His feuds against Mysterio, Edge & Christian delivered top notch matches, his promos were better and he was just generally moving in the right direction. He was charismatic, had good natural presence and was portrayed as an aggressive heel that would do anything to get ahead. Winning the Royal Rumble all but assured everyone that he'd be a World Champion. We thought it was going to be at the expense of Edge at WM but Edge was allowed to retain the title due to revelations that injuries were forcing him to retire. His feud with Christian over the WHC produced some of the best matches of the year but he still didn't win. When Del Rio was drafted to Raw, things just went downhill. The creative team that'd helped make Del Rio a star was no longer behind him, plus Vince has his fingers into everything that happens on Raw. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it isn't. For Del Rio, it simply wasn't. Gone was the aggressive, opportunistic heel and in his place was the more traditional cowardly heel with a touch of the rich asshole gimmick tossed in. Del Rio was watered down on Raw and was just flat out eaten alive when put up against the likes of John Cena & CM Punk. For the most part, Del Rio was made to look like a scrub against Cena. By the time Del Rio was up against Cena, he hardly resembled the same guy that'd spent 7 months practically dominating SmackDown!. Del Rio's 2011 started off with a bang and has ended with a whimper.

Superstar of the Year isn't just about title runs or how long a run lasts, it's also about good old fashioned buzz. And, seriously, let's be honest here, nobody in WWE has generated as much buzz as CM Punk. Punk's worked shoot let people know that one of two things was going to happen: either Punk was legitimately leaving soon or he was going to be a solidified main eventer. Nothing in-between. The concept of Punk "leaving" with the WWE Championship was a novel idea that we'd never really seen. The angle was so well done that even many hardcore wrestling smarks, journalists & insiders weren't sure if it was a work, if it wasn't or what was ultimately going to take place. I personally do think that WWE did drop the ball somewhat by bringing Punk back too soon rather than milking his absence and lack of a WWE Championship for a month or so, but that's just my opinion. Still, the ultimate goals of generating controversy, generating buzz surrounding a highly talked about angle and elevating a new star to Raw's main event scene were accomplished.
I just had a thought. Even though I personally see CM Punk as Superstar of the Year purely as a fan, I don't think he'll get the "award" tomorrow night.

I think a lot of people are expecting it to happen and a lot of fans are wanting to see it happen. Therefore, I think WWE will use the Superstar of the Year Slammy tomorrow night as part of the John Cena storyline.

Last Monday, Cena "gave up" his spot in a WWE Championship match so Zack Ryder could have another chance at getting his shot at the WWE United States Championship. Cena interferred in a no DQ match and helped Ryder score a victory that would earn him his US Championship match. Made Cena look like a nice guy, a good guy, a guy helping out his friend. It was a slight difference from the previous few weeks as WWE has portrayed Cena as maybe becoming frustrated, yet in denial, concerning the response of WWE crowds to him. So after maybe making some headway last week, it evaporates this week as he's awarded Superstar of the Year over someone that maybe more fans would want to see get it.

He'll most likely get the crap booed out of him and, kayfabe, maybe Cena thinks it's an award that he deserves and the lack of a favored response after another year of hard work and sacrificing another shot at glory for himself to help a friend just a week before could be used to bring the frustration out a little further and put it just a little bit closer to the surface.

After all, they're probably not gonna have Cena just suddenly snap and go off his rocker all in one night so this would be another step in the slow build up to what, at least in my eyes, looks like a heel turn.
Announce Team Of The Year- Cole and Lawler. I find the back and forth between the two of these is better than SmackDown. Also, because there’s only two of them, Cole tends to call the action a bit more, which he is actually good at.

"Oh Snap" Meltdown Of The Year- Under normal circumstances I would go with R-Truth’s turn on Morrison, but at the same time, if he’s still suspended then he’s obviously not going to be there to accept the award so it may be given to someone else instead. If that’s the case, then I would go for Kevin Nash turning against Triple H, ultimately leading to him taking him out with the sledgehammer. It’s a sure fire way to build up the feud these two are having at present, largely just because it needs something to make it entertaining.

Guest Star Shining Moment Of The Year- It has to be Hugh Jackman realy, doesn’t it? Though I would like to see it given to Drew Carey for being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. I didn’t see that one coming in the slightest.

Finishing Move Of The Year- My own personal choice would be Wasteland by Wade Barrett, just because I think the move looks cool as hell. Since it’s not me picking the awards though I'll probably go for the Worlds Strongest Slam, simply because it’s what Henry used to beat Orton clean.

"OMG" Moment Of The Year- The shoot by CM Punk. I think there would have been many people (myself included) whose jaw simply dropped at some of the things which were said.

Extreme Moment Of The Year- I'd love to say when Morrison planted a knee in A-Ry’s face. It looked genuinely painful, but there’s not a chance in hell that will win, so I'll go with the standard, boring, ring collapsing from the superplex of Henry/Show

WWE Moment Of The Year- Return of the Rock. It has to be really, I can’t think of anything else which has created such a reaction, other than Punk winning the title and leaving through the crowd

Shocker Of The Year- Edge retiring. I never saw it coming, and the fact that it was something real and not a work really made me realise how much these guys put on the line to do this job. I was genuinely sad to see him leave, and hope he comes back one day as a manager or something. He would be fantastic at getting the younger talent over, be it as a heel or face, as he’s good at both.

"And I Quote" Line Of The Year- “Woo woo woo, you know it!” I think this is the most logical choice, though I wonder if that would be classed as a catchphrase as opposed to an actual quote.

Breakout Star Of The Year- Ziggler. Hands down. He has been absolutely phenomincal all year. His mic skills are on the up, and his in ring ability is fantastic.

Couple Of The Year- Just for comedic value I'd love to see it be Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. They may not be a couple in the true sense of the word but I absolutely love Ricardo :)

Tag Team Of The Year- It pains me to say it but it has to be Airboom. They suck so much, but there really isn’t anyone else to choose from, given that Awesome Truth split up.

Match Of The Year- I have to go with the general concensus of Punk/Cena at MITB. It was an absolutely outstanding match.

Diva Of The Year- The Diva matches are something I regularly fastforward through. Even moreso now that Maryse is no longer in the WWE. As much as I love AJ (uber hot), there is more chance of Hornswaggle winning it than her. So yeah, Beth or Kelly. One of those two, not that I'm interested.

Superstar Of The Year- Punk is the stand out candidate, and he’s by far and away my favourite superstar in the business at present, but for the award I'd have to go with Henry. What he has achieved this year is unbelievable and I find myself actually enjoying watching him. Somthing which I never thought I'd hear myself say!
I thought these should have been 3 of the categories at the Slammy's last night. In fact, I'm pretty sure Match of the Year used to be a category. Anyways, just wondering what everyone else would've liked to see included? And if you'd like to vote on the categories I've mentioned, feel free.

Match of the Year: John Cena vs. CM Punk @ Money in the Bank

Just an amazing, electric atmosphere in Punk's hometown of Chicago and they gave the fans the match they deserved. It was one of those moments where you truly didn't know who would win because none of us knew if Punk had re-signed with WWE or not. This is one of those angles that WWE worked absolutely perfectly this year, with him fending off Del Rio afterwards and leaving through the crowd. Just too bad they blew it as usual with bringing him back only 3 weeks later.

Honorable Mentions: Any Orton vs. Christian match, The Miz vs. John Morrison (Falls Count Anywhere on Raw in January), Randy Orton vs. CM Punk (WMXXVIII), Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler (Royal Rumble), Smackdown MITB Ladder Match (MITB), Triple H vs. Undertaker (WMXXVIII), Randy Orton vs. DOlph Ziggler (Raw in August), Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match (Elimination Chamber)

Rivalry of the Year: Randy Orton and Christian

What a great feud and series of matches this was over the course of the summer. Every match was brought something new to the table and kept it from getting stale. The only thing they should've done differently was to let Christian's title reigns last a bit longer, but we're in an era where title changes are frequent, thought I must say they've gotten better lately at showing some stability with their champions.

Honorable Mentions: Randy Orton and CM Punk, The Rock and John Cena, CM Punk and Triple H/Vince/Nash, Rey Mysterio and Cody Rhodes, CM Punk and John Cena, Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler, Alex Riley and The Miz

PPV of the Year: Money in the Bank

Great card from top to bottom. The ladder matches were great (especially Smackdown's), Mark Henry began his rise to the top, another solid Orton/Christian match in their terrific feud of the summer, and the match of the year in my opinion in John Cena vs. CM Punk.

Honorable Mentions: SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Extreme Rules, WrestleMania XXVII
I thought these should have been 3 of the categories at the Slammy's last night. In fact, I'm pretty sure Match of the Year used to be a category. Anyways, just wondering what everyone else would've liked to see included? And if you'd like to vote on the categories I've mentioned, feel free.

Match of the Year: John Cena vs. CM Punk @ Money in the Bank

Just an amazing, electric atmosphere in Punk's hometown of Chicago and they gave the fans the match they deserved. It was one of those moments where you truly didn't know who would win because none of us knew if Punk had re-signed with WWE or not. This is one of those angles that WWE worked absolutely perfectly this year, with him fending off Del Rio afterwards and leaving through the crowd. Just too bad they blew it as usual with bringing him back only 3 weeks later.

This is the one that should've been. This category because the other two...I don't know, just don't work for me. However, as good as Cena vs Punk was, I think it would've gone to HHH vs Undertaker at WM27.

Simply because of the moments in the match. The "breaking" of the Cole-Mine, the classic 'Taker dive, HHH using the Tombstone, the ending which told a beautiful story actually. The final submission, HHH reaching out for his Sledgehammer, but not being able to make it just worked perfectly. It wasn't the best worked match 'cos the guys are getting on, but it was actually the match I enjoyed watching the most at Wrestlemania, followed by Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio, which was also brilliant and I think the proper kickstart of Cody Rhodes. But yeah, Taker vs HHH would be my "match of the year".
I too felt that it was lacking in actual “important” awards. It felt like they decided to go with the comedy awards instead.

Match of the Year: WrestleMania XXVII Undertaker vs Triple H.
Off of the hype alone, this match takes match of the year. This was the WrestleMania rematch 10 years in the making. No words needed to be said between the Lord of Darkness and the King of Kings. The Streak stands at 19-0, but Triple H was the last man standing. For the first time ever, the Undertaker’s WM victory was bittersweet as he was carried off by a strecther.
Honorable Mentions: WrestleMania XXVII WWE Championship match The Miz vs. John Cena and WrestleMania XXVII World Championship match Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio. (Nobody thought both Champions would retain. As a matter of fact, everyone thought both Champions would lose their respective WWE World Titles. These two should be “Surprise of the Year” candidates as well.)

Rivalry of the Year: Randy Orton and Christian
With a total of 3 World Title changes, and 5 Star matches to back them up, these two were without a doubt the Rivalry of 2011. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of the peeps that will always chant “One More Match!!”
Honorable Mentions: CM Punk vs. John Cena (Undisputed WWE Title match), John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio (WWE Title was traded back and forth 3 times between these two) and Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler (World Title was traded back and forth twice between these two and Vickie helped out a lot. Too bad it didn’t get very far)

PPV of the Year: WrestleMania XXVII
The Grandest Stage of them ALL. WWE Champion, The Miz. World Champion, Edge. The Streak of the Undertaker. The return of The Rock. Snooki. Oh yeah, and there were two great matches in the undercard, Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton vs. CM Punk. It’s freakin WrestleMania.
Honorable Mentions: Royal Rumble, SummerSlam, Survivor Series (The “Other” Big 3), oh and Money In The Bank.
Nah, the one award that should have been on the show. "Superstar with the most facebook friends award." Now that would have been awesome. Yeah, the Slammy's was terrible. Who cares about who's trending? Are "fan votes" even real? Because I guessed who every award was going to. There was no shocker in winners at all. It was a 3 hour borefest. Until Kane showed up, then I got excited. :)
Just because HBK's no longer wrestling doesn't mean there can't be a Match of the Year award, WWE..

Clearly the Punk v Cena match would've taken the cake, but still, why they didn't have an award for that I'll never know. Maybe it was too predictable? Other than that they should've replaced some of the unimportant comedy awards with more prestigious ones like Match and Fued of the Year.

Thoughts on why we didn't see this award?
ah i wasnt the only one who noticed this.
i was thinking the exact same thing! HBK has won all of them since the slammys became active again, maybe they didnt want anyone else to have it?

but the game changer and omg momnet could have been the same thing.

i did enjoy the Booker t award though, because J.R dancing gets me everytime. that was the only comedic award, there does need to be one.
The OMG Moment and Game Changer could have been the same award.
the #trending superstar, not a bad idea really, since WWE are going that way anyway. But it was pretty obvious Ryder would win.
Tell Me I Did Not Just See That award was good, they need to have one comedic award, the segment was a bit stretched out, but the night JR outdanced Michael Cole was fucking amazing!! :D

The A-Lister Award is pointless.
and the "divalicious award", not even Diva of the Year? how is anyone supposed to take that seriously?

Pipe-bomb of the year, obviously going to the man who introduced the word pipebomb.
and Superstar of the Year was always going to be Punk with the "fans vote".

The thing that got me was the Holy Shit Move of the year, i could see the imploded ring would win. But isnt the award meant to be for someone hitting a OMG move on someone else?
With that logic, Mark Henry should have won the award, and Big Show shouldnt be mentioned?
Would Christian have had the right to take the award from Randy, just for getting RKO'd?
Or the same with Sin Cara and Sheamus? No?
Then why is Big Show being rewarded for getting suplexed off the top rope?

If Big Show was going to win the award, it should have been for that top rop fucking elbow drop he did at Survivor Series?

Almost as big as a sham as when Randy Orton didnt win this award last year for RKO'ing Evan Bourne in mid shooting star press.

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