NXT Season 2- Only One Roster Addition

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

Now a question that i have been pondering on lately is will the WWE try once again to give all the rookies contracts like the first season, and im not saying the same way but at least find a way to have them all added to the main roster. Or will the WWE just go with one winner like what we thought what was supposed to happen last season.


- Will the WWE try to get every rookie on the main roster RAW or Smackdown doesnt matter?


- Will the WWE go with just a single contract winner?

Tell me what you think. Discuss. Thoughts?
I think the main thing about NXT is that is shows how much talent the WWE scouting farm has come across. Of course, not everyone is going to make it to the WWE and even some of the season 1 gys, the Nexus, will out of the WWE before too long, I hazard a guess at. However, the Nexus guys have something that the season 2 guys don’t and that is hype. The Nexus has gone around creating all sorts of mayhem and if the Season2 rookies try anything like that I imagine it will come across as boring, repetitive and stale in many ways.

You see, the WWE have really put themselves in a corner with the Nexus. In my mind, they have taken the concept of the show away and have replaced it with cheap gang mentality, although I do love the angle. They have given all 7 of The Nexus contracts and by doing this, it sets a precedent. Now, I don’t want to get too far into that but I think that they will need to remedy that. The only way that I can see them doing that is by awarding one contract to the winner and just leaving it at that. By giving more than one person that illusive contract, they are taking away the point of the show and that needs to be sorted.

I would imagine, that at the end of this season, you will have one winner and may one other person who gets a contract. In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t make a difference anyway because a lot of the guys from Season 2 will likely be brought up to the main rosters eventually.
Part of me thinks that just by the fact they were chosen to appear on NXT, on weekly WWE programming, indicates that they have already, even if unofficially, been called up to the main roster. Even during season 1, there was little doubt in my mind that regardless of who won, we would see them all on either Raw or Smackdown somehow. I see no reason to think this is any different. I do think that Hennig and Rotunda need to use the family name though...If you advertise yourself as the son of so and so, you need to capitalize on that.
I'm not exactly sure how WWE has plans for the rookies to get onto one of the main shows this time.

First off it would seem that they would be going the original way, which is my preferred way of doing it, because the other way, while NXT season 1, or better known The Nexus is pretty hot right now, they got a good thing going and everything, I do not believe in the whole fact that they all are given contracts because it makes the actual victory of NXT somewhat useless.

I do believe that eventually all of them will be on the main shows, WWE is strong on building stars as of late, why trash stars that have shown potential through another weekly episodic television show?

I think that if they don't win NXT, they should, or already are bumped down to FCW in some manner, and gets a little bit of practice, a tweak of gimmick perhaps, and then a re-debut in some manner, like many others have experienced, and I think that's probably the best thing for WWE to do.

If WWE gives all 8 a contract once again, we will see a way too over floated main roster, because of half of them being unable to do anything because of time limits, unless they merge them as a faction as well, and have them feuding with The Nexus, but I don't think that will benefit anybody.

Unless The Nexus are already main event stars looking to put over people, and they are not, and will not be for quite a while, with perhaps the exception of Wade Barrett.
I think the plan was to give everyone who was in NXT contracts - no point in bringing up 16 stars then sending 14 of them back. NXT is more a proving ground, rather than a competition, it gives them a chance to give exposure to a lot more talent than they would otherwise.

All will get contracts, I'm sure of that. Maybe they could just say to avoid a repeat of Series 1 they were all offered 1 year deals....
I don't think they will give all season 2 a contract, i think the whole point in doing it with season 1 was to give the fans something new because how long has it been where a faction of new rookies have come into WWE and done things like attack Vince and imo once NXT vs WWE fued ends I think the only ones that will stay are Wade Barrette, David Otunga, and Justin Gaberial.(also Daniel Bryan when he comes back)

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