NXT Limo Driver: Who Is He?

Quit all of this poppycock, and nonsense. The limo driver was in kayfabe, some guy that the NXT 7 paid off, and in actuality, a stuntman. There wasn't an emphasis on it last night and not an emphasis on it on WWE.com, which is the holy grail, so it must not be important. Daniel Bryan could still very well return, since they don't usually take the time to write off released employees, but not as a limo driver with seemingly excellent aim. That's ridiculous.

Unless he was revealed to be Rikishi. That would be funny.
Even though Daniel Bryan firing seem to be legit, and will have to wait 91 days before he might be rehired. Wade Barrett did say you won't see him again, maybe a ruse, the person driving the limo may look like Bryan. WWE has to refer to the limo driver as a limo driver due to the offical firing of Bryan, but may leave subtle hints about Bryan throughout his 90 days to keep him fresh in the fans memories, so you will see other hints throughout the next few weeks if it is Bryan. Remember: Cena did state on the show, that the Roster hated the NXT's due to what they did to the last week, so none of the roster will help them. He also stated the fans hated them as they stop a official broadcast (even though it didn't) the fans won't help them. Storyline wise very few will help them.
Subtle hints could say Bryan. While it maybe Vince, as he might give them contracts in return making Bret's job harder with constant disturbance they causing on the show, something similiar to the Vince/Flair/NWO angle a few years ago.
The Limo was not Bryan Danielson by what I saw when I slowly freeze framed the whoe thing it look like the person has a dintingushin nose and the only ppl from the raw roser male wise that were not present were Big Zeke(which the color of the Driver rules out him), Triple H (which has no beef w/ Bret and "recoverin from the Jar of Thousand Island beatdown as in Sheamus"), Y2J (who outta of the rest has the biggest beef w/ Bret and Former NXT rookie Wade Barrett). It could be a random stunt driver, a new guy, or could it be Drew McIntyre who has a beef w/ both Brands GM's due to Hardy fightin him last week. If the WWE reveals it too soon that would sux, play it out like the rundown of Stone Cold. So if the wwe reveals the driver it's up 2 them not us.
I didn't see Raw last night but a few thoughts:

1. The "limo driver" deal has been done before in a way in WCW... I believe it was a hummer and I also believe WCW didn't give an answer of who was driving it.

2. Did Wade say Daniel Bryan is gone? What about Bryan Danielson? I mean, it was a few weeks back that Danielson made a big deal about not being Daniel Bryan anymore. Heck, it would be that Bryan Danielson was the one who was part of their group but then "Daniel Bryan" felt bad about it so they got rid of him. Odd...but makes sense too. I'm not saying Danielson is still around but they have played with his name a good bit in recent weeks.

3. Jericho would be a likely candidate. However, WWE loves to shock people. I mean, a month go, who thought Bret would be the GM of Raw?

4. I'd be surprised if it was Triple H as he has no real relation to this angle. Furthermore, he has a ready-made angle with Sheamus when he returns.

5. WWE should slowly build the entire angle out. They have had a hot start. They need to keep up the pace but not go to the extremes that they burn the angle out.
First off the person who was actually driving the car was a professional stunt driver. Seriously stop trying to watch the video over and over and trying to see who it was. Even if it was a small stunt the WWE will not risk the superstar driving and most important Bret Hart who was actually in the back of the limo to pull off the stunt. Give me one good reason why they would want a wrestler doing a stunt. Even if it was small why not pay a stunt driver to do it. The WWE isn't poor like TNA. The odds are Bret got in the limo, ran to the other side of the limo, got strapped in then a professional stunt driver drove the car. The WWE will not try to save a couple bucks by having Bryan or Jericho or whoever drive the limo.

With all that said I think the WWE wasn't planning on making the limo driver anyone but a hired gun. They were most likely going to end it there. However with the whole IWC talking about it and the recent firing of Daniel Bryan the writers may actually make the driver someone. Here are my top picks of who it may be.

Chris Jericho - We all know Jericho is coming towards the end of his wrestling career. He recently has said that he wants to help put over the younger guys. Recently he has been doing this by, well losing to all the young guys. It is making Jericho look like a joke. If Jericho ended up being the leader of this group it would put Jericho back in the main event scene, as well as allow him to put over 7 guys at one time, rather then just one at a time.

Triple H - Triple H is such a great heel and has lead great factions in the past. Plus this new NXT faction said that this is a war on the management. We all know Triple H is management but he never has been on screen management. Maybe this is the storyline that puts Triple H in a on screen management role that we all know will eventually happen.

Random FCW Wrestler - This faction is all about young guys. Might as well put another young guy in it. Have the limo driver be FCW Wrestler who is about to get called up and leave Wade Barrett in charge of the NXT group.

And My Personal Favorite but the Long Shot...

Shane McMahon- We all know Shane recently left the WWE. The reason why he left was just because he felt it was time to pursue other ventures. However to this date he hasn't not found anything else to do. There were talks of him buying part of the UFC but it seems as if that feel apart. Maybe Shane has had enough time out of the WWE that he may want to return to the WWE. What better way to return then to be the leader of the NXT group.
Obviously the driver was Billy Gu...Errrr Rikishi! Its the perfect move. His children are the new heel tag team and their opponents are the the Harts who are closely tied to Bret Hart. He is evening the score. After all it was totally believable that he took out Stone Cold. Makes sense that he is behind all this. Maybe as the next story line they will take some sort of title belt and throw it into some body of water...

Sometimes a rose is a rose is a rose...
As you know Stunts like this are filmed a day or two in advance. They take different shots, do several times with different people, main part being with Bret, they don't want him injured so its a stunt driver driving the limo. Then they edit in a blur scene with a driver for people to speculate. They leave most of the Raw roster on stage for people to speculate "who done it" angle and go with it for weeks or drop it and reuse it at a later stage. Normally WWE will keep changing who actually did in the stryline to keep tripping the fans up, as its an angle they can milk for months.
Let's step away from the question of the limo driver for a moment. Look at how over this angle is! Whether you like the storyline or not, this post has just moved to it's fouth page a a matter of a couple hours, all over a debate on who is driving the car! I'm not necessarily endorsing or discounting the angle until it develops a little further (let's face it, there is a looong history of WWE screwing up potential goldmines) however, thers is no denying how much buzz this story has created.

As for the driver, my own opinion is that the driver won't be mentioned again. All legit accounts is that Danielson is gone form the company and even if he wasn't, they wouldn't let talent do the equivalent to a demolition derby. But hell, I'm usually wrong about this stuff...
As you know Stunts like this are filmed a day or two in advance. They take different shots, do several times with different people, main part being with Bret, they don't want him injured so its a stunt driver driving the limo. Then they edit in a blur scene with a driver for people to speculate. They leave most of the Raw roster on stage for people to speculate "who done it" angle and go with it for weeks or drop it and reuse it at a later stage. Normally WWE will keep changing who actually did in the stryline to keep tripping the fans up, as its an angle they can milk for months.

They are not done too far in advance, because they only get to the arena the day of the show, and it was dark out. I agree it was prerecorded, but within the same day.
Jericho was out there on the stage at least he was in the beginning. and anyways who cares who it was nothing is going to come out on who was driving the car. it was a professional stunt driver. there not going to have someone drive a limo and crashing it who doesnt no how to do that kind of stuff
You know what I mean. A few shots might only take a few minutes to do, edit stunt driver put a blurred shot of the storyline culprit in. Put it out as live feed when the time comes.
Jericho was out there on the stage at least he was in the beginning. and anyways who cares who it was nothing is going to come out on who was driving the car. it was a professional stunt driver. there not going to have someone drive a limo and crashing it who doesnt no how to do that kind of stuff

I could be wrong here but I believe MOST people (aside from the ones that took the time to freeze the video footage and analyze it) are asking who storyline wise will end up being the driver. I don't think MOST people actually think Daniel Bryan or Jericho or whoever actually drove the car. I don't know if you are familiar with the Human Torch match between Vampiro and Sting from GAB 2000. Its on youtube if you aren't. Basically Sting battled Vampiro until they both climbed to the very top of the turnertron entrance area. Then Vampiro set a sting stunt double on fire who then fell off the turner tron through the stage floor. Everyone knew it was a stunt double but in storyline it was sting who fell not the stunt double. Its the same situation here if WWE does decide to include mystery driver into the storyline.
It was a stunt driver. If anything, the reason the gut looked liked Danielson is because Danielson looks like a normal, average, everyday person. His face isn't distinct, if you saw him walking down the street you'd have a better chance to walk right past him and not know who he is then to stop and go "OMG, You're him!".
I could see Danielson being the driver. But Micheal Cole is also good. I mean at the beginning of the show, King and Cole, along with the ring announcer and time keeper, snuck to the back. If in fact this was prerecorded, Cole could've done this while he snuck backstage and no one would have thought suspiciously.
Danielson was most definitely NOT fired. They mentioned his name like 4 or 5 times on the show. If he had really been fired his name wouldn't have been mentioned even once. Whether he was driving the limo or not, he is definitely going to be back and more than likely helping out NXT.
Firstly - as has been said in another thread, can people stop bringing up the "90 day" thing. It's irrelevant - only applies to him wrestling elsewhere, he can be bought back to the WWE at anytime.

Secondly, why does the limo driver need to be anyone special? In actuality its a stunt driver (I've never driven one but those looked some pretty decent manouvre's he was pulling off). But it doesn't need to be anyone imparticular.

As for these rumours - why on earth would it be Michael Cole? You're building a group trying to be feared, to be a realistic force across the Raw roster, then you unveil its leader to be Michael Cole? Way to bring the entire thing crashing to earth.

Leave the group as it is. They don't need a leader, all that will do is bury some of the other guys like Sheffield, Young and Gabriel even further. What they need to do over the coming weeks is convince people that people like Gabriel, Sheffield and Young (and the rest for that matter) are capable of beating established Raw members cleanly (yes I know they're a heel group but having them win by interference every time will not help them build momentum).
This literally makes me sick.

Why do you guys have to insist it's someone? NXTWO is this crazy force, right? They could tear apart a ring set and maim John Cena, but they couldn't force a (kayfabe) regular cab driver to do this? otherwise they would kick the shit outta him and leave him for dead in the street?.


Please guys, don't search for a storyline im random places. Appreciate this story for what it is.

This isn't LOST, Its Raw. Don't look for clues and signs in any and everything you are shown. Darlton ian't writing raw. Abrams isn't producing. Please, I'm asking nicely, There are alot of threads that deserve to be discusses.

This isn't one of them.

EDIT: Limo Driver, not cab
Obviously it was a stunt driver or an indies wrestler or anyone..but tbh, when it comes to revealing it...i don't think they will tell us...is there a point...do we need to know?? all he did was ram the limo a few times...all they want us to realy know is that he was an associate of the NXT rookies...

If however they do reveal him, it would be interesting to see who it could be...might just be bryan..but he was fired...so im guessing he wouldn't be around backstage....my vote will go to Jericho...but then again...doesn't look like him...

I have to say they will keep the identity a secret...
First time commenter long time reader.
When I first saw this thread I thought the same as you guys, hired random limo driver, possible FCW lackey who wants to earn a few more bucks.
Then the Daniel Bryan/ Bryan Danielson comments slurred in, I give it to you the limo driver does look a bit like Danielson.
Some people went onto say about it being Jericho and Cole, I can't see this happening you know but as they say "Anything can happen in the WWE!"

Then it hit me, it might be a long shot but I would like to throw Shawn Michaels name in the pot.
The guy kinda looks the same (nose and mouth areas), he could have ordered the NXT Season 1 rookies to attack Undertaker and leave him in is "injury state" (eventhough we all know Rey Mysterio botched a 619).

He could be bitter after his loss to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and because he cannot compete (I sure as hell hope he doesn't do a Ric Flair), he could be the mastermind behind this whole "plot" and return and become the NXT's manager.

Just a thought guys, I don't mind if you rip my comment to shreds, but I think it would be a good idea!
Then it hit me, it might be a long shot but I would like to throw Shawn Michaels name in the pot.
The guy kinda looks the same (nose and mouth areas), he could have ordered the NXT Season 1 rookies to attack Undertaker and leave him in is "injury state" (eventhough we all know Rey Mysterio botched a 619).

He could be bitter after his loss to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and because he cannot compete (I sure as hell hope he doesn't do a Ric Flair), he could be the mastermind behind this whole "plot" and return and become the NXT's manager.

This would be the most idiotic thing to ever happen in the history of WWE, wrestling or, hell, the universe. Why would Shawn Michaels, THE Shawn Michaels bring himself back in an angle such as this? I'll give some reasons why he wouldn't IMO.

1. If he was to ever come back, don't you think he would do it as a face out of nowhere for a crazy pop? He wouldn't come back to be a baddie.

2. He woulnd't involve himself in an angle like this, one that could potentially flop, and is really out of his hands. Shawn was all for puttin people over, yes. But this is a completely different thing. (kayfabe) shawn buried the hatchet with bret and he wouldn;t have done all that business to him. Plus, a mastermind would make barrett look extremely weak, badd.

3. The most important piece against this, let me clear my throat here.
It doesn't matter who the driver looked like!! It was obviously a stunt driver Do you really think WWE would put themselves in jeopardy by putting a regular dude in there? Escpecially Shawn, with a history of back problems? To be slamming into things in a limo? jarring the shit out of himself.

Guys, Please, drop all this "he looks like this guy" shit. It was a stunt driver, for legal purposes i'd say it was mandatory.

So since we're discussing this...Who let them back in the arena? Through the individual gates? Who flipped the power off? Seriously guys, do you understand how far fetched this is now?

[Just a thought guys, I don't mind if you rip my comment to shreds, but I think it would be a good idea!

Don't mind if i do, lol. Thanks for being such a good sport about it.
3. The most important piece against this, let me clear my throat here.
It doesn't matter who the driver looked like!! It was obviously a stunt driver Do you really think WWE would put themselves in jeopardy by putting a regular dude in there? Escpecially Shawn, with a history of back problems? To be slamming into things in a limo? jarring the shit out of himself.

Guys, Please, drop all this "he looks like this guy" shit. It was a stunt driver, for legal purposes i'd say it was mandatory.

So since we're discussing this...Who let them back in the arena? Through the individual gates? Who flipped the power off? Seriously guys, do you understand how far fetched this is now?


I mean I am all down if people want to try to guess who WWE will make the limo driver, if they EVEN do make it anyone. Odds are it will just be a Limo driver although I would like to see it someone. (See my post earlier for who Id like to see). But seriously stop looking at the ACTUAL limo driver.

However that does bring up a good point...who DID turn off that power. It has to be someone with keys?
Just thinking about this.

If the Limo driver is important to the story, could it have been Vince McMahon?

It would make sense if it was him. He uses the rookies destroying Raw as propaganda to show everyone that Bret is incompetant of being the GM and gives him just reason to fire him.

Obviously Vince has fired people for less but he has a pride about him and wouldn't want to look like a coward for just firing him because he beat his ass at Wrestlemania. Him being called a coward helped get him into that match in the first place.
Here is my point of view. If everyone is so willing to believe that Bryan Daniel/Daniel Bryan getting fired from the wwe is a work then how do we know that Batista quitting the wwe isn't a work too. I mean look at it like this Batista and Cena were involved in a feud . Bret and Vince were in a feud. Cena was helping Bret and Batista was helping Vince. Cena embarrassed Batista in the last man standing match. Then he made Batista say I quit.

The next night on Raw Batista comes out to the ring and is whining as usual and asking for a rematch when the new GM Bret Hart comes out and tells him that he is going to be in a match with Orton injured or not, which leads to Batista quitting.

Now lets see the nxt rookies have all these demands they were yelling out to Bret. I was listening and I was thinking ok they have no dressing room and have to change in the hall closet, but yet they have access to a limo. Like I told my friends someone with star power is involved whether it be Batista,Vince,or Jericho, but I'm leaning towards Batista only because looked at who the nxt rookies attacked first Cena and then the following week Bret. Two people that have been a thorn in Batista and Vince side for the last couple of months and Vince did say to Bret that as long as he was running raw he would get screwed.
It could be anyone because they would continue acting out the scene with a stunt driver untill it was just right then magically edit someones face on the driver. An example of magical editing is the tables match between HHH and Jo-Mo. HHH through Morrison off the buckle on to a table, but Morrison completly missed the table and fell to far. Then the WWE edited it so John Morrison would land on the table. I don't how they do it but they do.
Jericho was out there on the stage at least he was in the beginning. and anyways who cares who it was nothing is going to come out on who was driving the car. it was a professional stunt driver. there not going to have someone drive a limo and crashing it who doesnt no how to do that kind of stuff

Chris Jericho wasn't out there you fool .He didn't come out to save super Cena early that night and he wasn't out there at the end .It makes perfect since it being Chris .Some of you fans are so dumb.

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