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NXT Limo Driver: Who Is He?


On Raw last night, the NXT Invaders, or whatever you wanna call them, threw Bret Hart into the back of a limo that proceded to back the car into every other car backstage. Now, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I have a feeling that the driver of the limo is ultimately going to be revealed to be in with the NXT Invaders. There's been talk of a potential "mastermind" on various internet posts and I think the top candidates are:

Bryan Danielson - While it's being reported that he wasn't he wasn't backstage at Raw last night, there's still a hefty amount of buzz that him being fired is all a work. Since we didn't get a good look at the driver of the limo, it's possible. After all, Danielson could have been told to stay away from the arena last night and only to show up for the limo stunt at the end of the night. I know, I know that it's also entirely possible that he has really been fired by the WWE. Still, there does remain a little sliver of doubt.

Michael Cole - There's been talk of turning Michael Cole heel for several weeks now and having him be part of the NXT group. On Raw last night, the lights in the arena were turned off just as the NXT Invaders were shown backstage tearing things up and pulling Bret Hart along. Everyone's attention in the arena would have been on the Titan Tron so it's possible that Cole could have snuck out to the backstage area and been the one driving the limo.

Chris Jericho - Jericho was just about the only male member of the Raw roster now out on stage during the main event last night. There were other heels out there like the Usos, The Miz & William Regal but Jericho wasn't among them. He also wasn't out there helping the Raw guys repel another attack by the NXT Invaders. Jericho and Wade Barrett had a good relationship on NXT and it wouldn't be much of a stretch to have him have some sort of grudge against WWE Management or the WWE in and of itself.
Or, and this may be a very radical idea, it was a trained stunt driver, the like of which we have never seen before?

Seriously, I would be very surprised if this limo river talk, is anything more than pulling my pisser. It's incredible to think that people already have this driver labelled as the man who masterminded the attacks, when it could be revealed that he is just a limo driver... Gasp!

Personally, I don't see any of these guys driving that limo last night. I am of the impression that it was just a guy driving a car. Yet, the IWC had over-analysed everything in this angle and has him as more than what he is. I don't know if any of you have ever tried driving a limo but I imagine that it will be pretty hard to do. If that is the case, then Daniel Bryan must be hard at work passing his driving test because that was pretty pin-point driving last night. He was very accurate at hitting all of the cars and I don't see any one you have mentioned having that kind of accuracy to do that.

Also, why would the WWE be stupid enough to have the mastermind clearly visible driving a limo when they want a shock reveal later? It literally makes no sense to do that. I think he was just a driver and would be very surprised if the WWE have done anything to suggest the contrary.
I could see Jericho, I could see Bryan, but I think Dave is onto something here. For one thing, the beauty of angles like these are that we don't have to know who the driver is yet. It works like the masked man in the SES. The rumors are that it's Joey Mercury under the hood. That doesn't mean that it'll be Mercury when the hood is removed. All that matters is who it is when it's revealed.

That being said, I could see it being Jericho so I'll go with him with about 10% confidence. He makes sense I guess, but my money would be on either the person not being picked yet or it changing by the time we get there. Or it might never be revealed which is fine too. the key thing is that the rookies were behind it so they look good. That's all they need to do and that's what they did.
In Kayfabe, i don't think it matters. WWE.com reffered to him as 'the limo driver' and didn't treat him as anything special. I doubt he'll be mentioned again. The limo was simply a way that they could appear to hurt Bret without the risk of physically harming a 50 yearold stroke victim.

In reality, it was a trained stunt driver. Unfortunately, there are no exciting, storyline enhancing options here. The limo served a purpose, and the WWE aren't going to risk someone that they are going to use as regular performers.
It was their personality driving the limo.

Seriously though, let the Danielson thing go. He's gone for now. For real. The only true candidate here would be Chris Jericho. Its been discussed. His relationship with Wade Barrett. Him not being seen during the incident. He's had a beef with Bret as well if you recall. Do you seriously believe Michael Cole would be ramming cars? He may end up being involved with them. Its a stretch for me. But there is no way in hell I would buy him driving that thing. No matter how much of an ass they make him be, he's still a little wuss. Nobody would buy it.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/sO-e-sLox9Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/sO-e-sLox9Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

The nose and chin does resemble Danielsons.Still not very clear, but interesting anyways.

The thing is, even if it was Danielson that eventually wound up being revealed as the driver, we all know the guy really driving there was a stuntman, so it doesn't matter what he looks like.
I think it was an independent scene guy, whenever they have angles they alway use people like them to further storylines? it also could be someone we are not expecting to provide shock!

maybe it will similar to the bret hart accident from a few months ago!
If you look at the Image of the face, it appears to be Daniel Bryan, im not saying that it is Danielson, or that he is actually the guy driving the car, but the face does seem to fit.

The likeness is rather uncanny, the features, the texture of the face, but still it all has been confirmed that he has been released and what would be the point to eliminate him from the storyline and bring him back as the guy who drove the limo.

the one thing im wondering is will the wwe actually answer the question of who the limo driver was or will they just leave that question unanswered?.

Its pretty obvious though that this may leave us gessing until maybe the night of the Fatal Four way PPV where all may be revealed.
It was obviously a professional stunt driver actually driving the car, but I would love to have WWE reveal it to be someone to add even more elements to this awesome NXT invasion! =)
It could be someone from Smackdown, it could be a NXT2 rookie, it could be the Big Show even as he wasn't at the ring or it could just be a situation where the driver isn't identified.

What I read out there is that Bryan Danielson was released and after his 90 day clause is up they will re-sign him back. Maybe in 90 days they will reveal the driver as being him.
In Kayfabe, i don't think it matters. WWE.com reffered to him as 'the limo driver' and didn't treat him as anything special. I doubt he'll be mentioned again. The limo was simply a way that they could appear to hurt Bret without the risk of physically harming a 50 yearold stroke victim.

Of course WWE referred to him as the "limo driver", what else are they supposed to refer to him as? You can't say with any certainty that this is just going to be left unanswered, nor can you say that the driver will be a part of the angle.

WWE.com also said that the NXT'ers "directed the limo driver to drive" or something to that effect, which people want to also use as evidence that the driver won't matter to the storyline in the end.

Really? Of course the NXT'ers would direct him to drive, it doesn't mean that the person driving isn't part of the group. So is the theory that some loley limo driver was just waiting backstage, and the NXT'ers happened to run into him with Hart and demanded he smash into cars? Or they found him before hand, threatened him with violence if he wasn't waiting there and told him to smash into cars? I don't buy that, you watch, the limo driver will be revealed to be someone associated with the NXT'ers.

In reality, it was a trained stunt driver. Unfortunately, there are no exciting, storyline enhancing options here. The limo served a purpose, and the WWE aren't going to risk someone that they are going to use as regular performers.

If it were just some stunt man that they were going to pass off as some limo driver being forced to do this by the NXT'ers, why have him wear a hooded sweatshirt to try and hide his face? That makes no sense.

I mean, whens the last time you saw a limo driver wearing sweats?
that is actually what i had in mind. and it makes total sense but then again wade barret mentioned in the beginning that he's never coming back, maybe he should have rephrase that. 90 days is a long time to wait, so maybe they should continue with this storyline, since i dont think bret hart would give in that easy, vince mcmahon could get involved somehow, non wrestling of course, build this very slow, right now they have so much momentum if they continue to wreck havoc, give time for daniel brian to return, and recieve contracts from vince mcmahon himself. it would make sense since vince fired daniel brian... bret and vince workin 2gether or maybe the nxt driver is vince himself, always finding a way to screw bret hart.

its just my opinion/suggestions though, im not the smartest guy when it comes to storylines, but im one of those who enjoys villains. and right now im diggin nxt. but why refer them as radicals, perry saturn, chris benoit, eddie guerrero, dean malenko are the radicals.
There is already an existing thread on this, but that never stops people from responding anyways.

Truth is, we are probably never going to know who the driver is, because WWE isn't making a deal out of it like the smarks here. Who dropped the scenery onto Vince McMahon when he was doing his Million Dollar Giveaway? Exactly. No one knows and no one will. People need to try to stop treating this like it's another mystery like the Undertaker deal. WWE.com said "the limo driver" not "an accomplice" so there is no Who Dunnit? here.

I said it before in the last thread and I will say it now: no hype, no mystery. I know it's fun for some people that they can guess on who it could've been, but really; Raw isn't that deep a storyline.
I highly doubt that it is Daniel Bryan if anybody else was paying attention during the NXT promote Wade Barrett stated you wont be seeing Daniel Bryan anymore because he felt sympathy for the people that were attacked or something along those lines. Mark my words............the limo drive was NOT Dabiel Bryan. Chris Jericho would make the most sense as has been stated a number of times he was the only person that was not on the ramp when all the superstars were out there. It would make sense as Wade Barrett and Jericho did have a professional relationship that ended on good terms and on top of that Jericho really isn't doing anything on Raw so why not
Is it not possible that they purposely found a stuntman who LOOKS like Danielson to do it because, for the time being, he isn't employed by the WWE, and then when the time comes for him to return to the company they can reveal that it was him?
I don't think it was anyone but a stuntman actually doing the driving last night. However I definitely think someone will be revealed as the driver either as the leader or maybe just a new member to replace Bryan. I don't see why they would have the driver hooded up to where you couldn't see his face if it wasn't going to be revealed.

As to who it's going to be revealed to be. It's hard to say Jericho makes sense for all the reasons stated by previous posters. It could very well be Jericho, but I think someone with power in WWE management will be revealed to being involved as well. So that person with power can officially hire them. I hope it will be Shane McMahon returning, but I know that's a long shot. I just hope it's not a swerve to turn Hart heel.
it's obviously a stunt driver at the wheel, however if the WWE decide to announce who the mystery driver is, I would love it to be Bryan Danielson, however with almost every scratch of news backing up the fact his release is legit, I find it unlikely. I will agree that the driver does look a lot like him however. I think if they do eventually announce who the driver is, it'll more likely be Chris Jericho, but who knows, maybe they will leave it a mystery.
If there is to be a mastermind behind this new faction, I would like it to be Triple H. Let's face it, the guy loves being a heel and has been the most successful leader of pretty much all of WWE's stables/factions during the last 13 years. Triple H is screaming for a heel turn, especially now that Randy Orton has basically taken his place as the top face in the company, alongside John Cena.
Even if the driver is kayfabe Brian Danielson, it couldn't have been him in real life, because if it were, you'd see all the dumb posts on all the wrestling sites "Bryan Danielson backstage at RAW!!!" Not only would this spoil the suprise, but it would also piss off whoever influenced WWE into firing him in the first place.

It was a limo driver, and I think everyone is looking too far into this.
What makes everyone think it was a stunt driver? All he did was back into things. I thought the whole Limo thing was terrible, why would that hurt Bret? Other then maybe give him whiplash what would it do? I mean seriously. Now I do not agree with the people who say the Limo driver was just a driver, what driver would back into things when a bunch of guys yell drive, drive. Why wouldnt a normal driver just drive away from the arena? I think the driver of the Limo is an important part of the storyline, and I also think it has to be the leader. I have to say it was Chris Jericho, he isnt really in any storyline right now, and isnt in line for any title shot.
If it were just some stunt man that they were going to pass off as some limo driver being forced to do this by the NXT'ers, why have him wear a hooded sweatshirt to try and hide his face? That makes no sense.

I mean, whens the last time you saw a limo driver wearing sweats?

...the STUNT DRIVER, who was driving the limo was wearing sweats so the "E" didn't have to commit to giving up his identity this early. So, we as fans could speculate and postulate on who it was. It makes perfect sense to hide the identity of the driver.

BUT, stunt driver aside, I think it will be revealed as the "mastermind" of the NXTWO faction/invasion angle. I just don't think creative has though that far ahead yet.

And there you have it.
Is it me or does it amaze anyone else that choking someone with a Tie gets you fired , but putting someone in a car and repeatedly bashing them into several cars is not too violent
I really want to say it's Daniel Bryan but I'm really not sure about it. I mean his release seems legit and to be honest Michael Cole couldn't have realistically left the announce table and gotten to the back that quick. I'm a bit iffy about Vince but it does seem plausible given what he told Bret two weeks ago. I think we should just let it be and find out in due time. It was most likely a hired gun by the nXt rookies.
I am thinking Daniel Bryan too....His firing just does not seem legit to me. When is the last time someone got fired, and then got mentioned on air? I honestly can't think of the last person other than Bryan...He got mentioned with in the first 10 minutes, which just makes me think its not real

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