NWS experiment


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
So I've spoken to a few people who all say they want to post more wrestling section posting.

So I propose an experiment which I attempted once before;
Minimize your NWS section so all you see are the wrestling sections (and WZCW for you e-fedders out there!) and see if that boosts your posting.

Who's with me?
Out of sight, out of mind?

But really, if people say they want more wrestling section posting then they should think up the threads they'd like to post in.
If you want to post more in the wrestling sections, then do it. You don't need anyone pushing you or forcing you. Just fucking do it.
Thank you Shango.

I am so fucking sick and tired of people saying it's so difficult to post in the wrestling sections. Quit being so damn lazy. It's that hard to take 20-30 seconds and actually think? Scratch that. You don't even need to think. We don't need to minimize the NWS sections (no offense meant Lee). People need to just get over themselves and go do it.
I'm with KB and Shango on this one. The reason I don't post there much is simply laziness, and I admit it freely. People who say "it's too difficult". No, it isn't. I have posted in wrestling before, and I'll probably do so again before too long. If you want to do it, just go do it. I'm sure you can find something you have an opinion on.
Amen. This is why the spam rules are fine to me. Look at the regulars here that post wrestlign. We all do just fine with the rules in place. For the most part we've gotten infractions and learned from them. If we can thrive on these rules, why can't everyone else?

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