NWA Championship Needed In TNA?


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I read a report recently that the NWA Championship has been vacated. Now clearly it's got to be some sort of angle or something the nameless, faceless "purists" of the NWA have covered. But it still got me thinking about the time in TNA when the World Title defended on Impact and at PPV's was the NWA World Championship, not the TNA Championship.

Now I know that booking is booking is booking, but I cannot help but feel that the NWA title AJ Styles, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Ron Killings, etc. once held in TNA carried more weight and prestige than the current (and frankly ugly) TNA World Title. I mean, Christian was a top heel wearing the same title belt I've seen in iconic photos of Harley Race, Ric Flair, and a number of other absolute legends.

Does TNA miss the NWA title, or does it not matter? Would their "Wrestling Matters" tag line carry more weight with the NWA Title back in the fold? And if you're the NWA, under what circumstances would you consider lending the title back to the #2 promotion in the US?
I read a report recently that the NWA Championship has been vacated. Now clearly it's got to be some sort of angle or something the nameless, faceless "purists" of the NWA have covered. But it still got me thinking about the time in TNA when the World Title defended on Impact and at PPV's was the NWA World Championship, not the TNA Championship.

Now I know that booking is booking is booking, but I cannot help but feel that the NWA title AJ Styles, Christian, Jeff Jarrett, Ron Killings, etc. once held in TNA carried more weight and prestige than the current (and frankly ugly) TNA World Title. I mean, Christian was a top heel wearing the same title belt I've seen in iconic photos of Harley Race, Ric Flair, and a number of other absolute legends.

Does TNA miss the NWA title, or does it not matter? Would their "Wrestling Matters" tag line carry more weight with the NWA Title back in the fold? And if you're the NWA, under what circumstances would you consider lending the title back to the #2 promotion in the US?

Well it doesn't matter. Look yes The NWA World title carried alot of prestige, but there was a problem. The problem was that TNA had to share its champion with all other NWA territories, wich meant that if the champion in TNA lost they ( TNA) would have no champions on Impact without bringing in the Champion of another NWA territory. Now that they ( TNA) have their own World Title they don't have this problem.
Also, the NWA title hasn't been relevent for decades. Only a very, very small minority of fans think it means anything more than whatever title your local indie fed has made up. TNA dropped it because the TNA name was bigger than the NWA name. Still is, even with some serious mismanagement of that belt beginning with Jeff Hardy's reign
I think Antichrist is right, TNA would basically be advertising the NWA brand on cable network time that they negotiated. I think smarks would appreciate this, but the general public could care less about the history of the NWA, especially when TNA has no way to monitize that history in a way that helps them build their own brand.

In the post-industrial age, intellectual property reigns supreme, and the only way TNA will ever manage to stay in business for the long haul is by developing proprietary assets that they own exclusively. Licensing is how you make money in the entertainment industry, because getting people to buy a ticket just isn't enough. I think the NWA belt served it's purpose at a certain time for TNA, but at this point, it would simply represent a step backwards.
First off, i dont think the NEW TNA title that Anderson is currently holding is ugly, i like the design and look, though it looks quite long, as for bringing back the old NWA title, i dont know if they can do that since they are no longer branded with NWA like they were, they have now seperated the company from NWA, i dont see them going back to them. NOW if a title needs to change its look it's the WWE title, but that has been discussed a bit too much.
If TNA can make some big profits from touring over time they need to buy a few of these small promotions, finance them, allow the promoters send the guys between the systems, send your scouts to scout them, and create their own territory system that is mostly self sustaining but gets some help from TNA.

The reason that Wrestling was so big in the 80's was because the territory system was so great. If the system cant create itself, you create the system, give them a Heavyweight, US, Television, Tag Team, and Women's Champions, and let those guys do their things. Then you can send one of the main roster guys down there to boost the product and test the young guys every now and then.

The NWA is improving but still outdated, create your own modern NWA and you will be better.
The NWA title? The same one Jeff Jarrett used as nothing more than a tool to fuel his ego? The same one that has the same exact design it had in the 60's? The same that has been reduced to the lower indies? I'm sorry. But how could having that belt do anything for TNA? It didn't do a thing for ROH when they had it. When TNA got their official World title, it made company seem legit as well as tossing away two belts no one ever bothered to refresh or redesign.

Having the NWA title back in TNA would do nothing more than bring back the dead load of having whoever is champion go on NWA Wildside, NWA Showcase, NWA-IWA MS, NWA At The Left Cornerand all those places. It's more of a burden than a help.

However if your idea is to have 2 World titles, I think that's about to come into fruition. Jeff Jarrett is the current AAA World Champion. A championship he would have to defend in one sole major promotion (and TNA) instead of 50 small-time ones (and TNA). Besides, it's not about the title. It's about the booking. They could have the WWE Championship in their grasp and it wouldn't mean shit if they couldn't book the champion properly.
TNA only used the NWA stuff for financing purposes in order to stay afloat and so that it would be easier for Jeff Jarrett to break even. When it wasn't happening fast enough, Dixie bought the company, which got Jeff back his money plus some, and then they had no use for the NWA. For atleast 2 yrs leading to the partnership ending, you hardly ever heard them refer to it as NWA or NWA-TNA, it was always just TNA.

I disagree with Candle Jack. Jeff Jarrett needed to carry the belt because he was the biggest name in TNA for a long time. Without Jeff Jarrett holding the belt first, it wouldn't mean as much going to unknowns like AJ Styles or K-Krush. It was good business to have him as champion, cause if you put that belt on AJ without putting it on Jeff and Shamrock first, it isn't really a World Title because AJ was a glorified Indy worker who had a 2 month run in WCW that hardly anyone knew about, some are just finding out about that WCW run right now lol.

Antichrist is right, you need to build your own brand and to be honest, the people that would actually care about them bringing in the NWA again, are all already watching on Thursdays.
I disagree with Candle Jack. Jeff Jarrett needed to carry the belt because he was the biggest name in TNA for a long time. Without Jeff Jarrett holding the belt first, it wouldn't mean as much going to unknowns like AJ Styles or K-Krush. It was good business to have him as champion, cause if you put that belt on AJ without putting it on Jeff and Shamrock first, it isn't really a World Title because AJ was a glorified Indy worker who had a 2 month run in WCW that hardly anyone knew about, some are just finding out about that WCW run right now lol.

I get what you are saying. But you are wrong. The reason Jeff Jarrett was dismissed from creative was because he only focused on himself. Look back in TNA's history and name a champion not named Christian Cage who got the NWA title longer than 3 months? Every single champion went on to lose to Jarrett. And it wasn't because of marketing reasons or the NWA itself. AJ was a fine person to do the same duties as he was very over on various NWA promotions as was Truth and Rhino. It wasn't until Jarrett's grasp in the company was weakened that guys like Abyss, Christian and so got a proper run. The idea was mainstream, but when you have your crowds chanting "drop the title", you know you are doing something wrong.
I get what you are saying. But you are wrong. The reason Jeff Jarrett was dismissed from creative was because he only focused on himself. Look back in TNA's history and name a champion not named Christian Cage who got the NWA title longer than 3 months? Every single champion went on to lose to Jarrett. And it wasn't because of marketing reasons or the NWA itself. AJ was a fine person to do the same duties as he was very over on various NWA promotions as was Truth and Rhino. It wasn't until Jarrett's grasp in the company was weakened that guys like Abyss, Christian and so got a proper run. The idea was mainstream, but when you have your crowds chanting "drop the title", you know you are doing something wrong.

No the reason Jeff Jarrett, Minority OWNER of TNA and Vice President of Creative Control (Both titles he still holds) was dismissed from the creative team was because he was sleeping with Karen Angle and Dixie Carter used that as punishment so that Kurt wouldnt leave the company.

Jeff Jarrett now runs the House Shows that are done by TNA and has publicly and privately been heard saying that while he was mad at the time it happened he is loving the decision now because it is more fun booking House Shows than Writing for television, it also gives him more time for his family.

He has also been given back all of his executive powers after burying the hatchet with Kurt Angle, which Kurt has acknowledged publicly which allows them to work together well to help TNA.

There was a hell of a lot more going on than Jeff Jarrett only caring about himself, remember before Jeff screwed up he had been out of the main event picture for quite a while, AJ, Sting, Angle, and that group had been in the main event for a long time before that. Jarrett wasn't put on leave until 2009, he last held the championship in 2006.

Your facts are way off dude.
No, it doesn't matter.

Flash back with me to Spring 2001 if you will. Kane and the Big Show, former world champions, are feuding over the Hardcore TItle. The title is defended once a week at least and the battles for it have actual big names involved.

Flash forward to the summer. It's the Invasion Era and the war between WWF and WCW is just starting up. Jeff Hardy manages to get his hands on the Hardcore Championship but has to defend it against Rob Van Dam, an expert in the field of hardcore. Rob takes the title and WCW has its first major victory.

Flash forward to later in 2001. Rob Van Dam is facing the Undertaker for the Hardcore Title on PPV. This was after RVD and Kurt Angle exchanged the title. Think of those names for a second.

The point is this: those times were moments where the title was a huge deal. A-list names were fighting over it and the title was suddenly something very valuable instead of a comedy prop that has zero value other than filling in a show. That belt was literally in pieces and held together by masking tape.

What you can learn from this is that it's not the title or the name of it or the look of it or anything like that. It's who fights over it and how serious you make the matches for them. You can call the TNA Title The Bazooka Dooka Hicka Hocka Hookah Championship, but if the matches are hot and the angles are well written, the attention and prestige will come. The NWA name isn't going to make the TNA Title mean anything. Look at them constantly changing the TV Title's name if you need a better example.
No the reason Jeff Jarrett, Minority OWNER of TNA and Vice President of Creative Control (Both titles he still holds) was dismissed from the creative team was because he was sleeping with Karen Angle and Dixie Carter used that as punishment so that Kurt wouldnt leave the company.

Annnnndd... The year and a half he spent gone after his wife died? That was long before this. Jeff was pushed out of him being the top figure in the company before either event took place. He was not considered a good champion in the fan's eyes and was gaining noted hatred. He still opted to remain champion.

Jeff Jarrett now runs the House Shows that are done by TNA and has publicly and privately been heard saying that while he was mad at the time it happened he is loving the decision now because it is more fun booking House Shows than Writing for television, it also gives him more time for his family.

Just because he let himself to believe he was the best suited champion for TNA back then, doesn't mean he's still the same. Fact is, in 2004-06 Jarrett abused his position when it wasn't a favored move. The NWA title pretty much became his plaything and had the NWA's backing. Fact's are there. He was no different from Triple H at the same timeframe.

He has also been given back all of his executive powers after burying the hatchet with Kurt Angle, which Kurt has acknowledged publicly which allows them to work together well to help TNA.

There was a hell of a lot more going on than Jeff Jarrett only caring about himself, remember before Jeff screwed up he had been out of the main event picture for quite a while, AJ, Sting, Angle, and that group had been in the main event for a long time before that. Jarrett wasn't put on leave until 2009, he last held the championship in 2006.
Yes. Then he left in 2007. It was at the same time Kurt was signed that Jeff's control was lowered. Shoot promo's have been centered around this fact various occasions. Fact is that until his grasp on the company loosened people got very little opportunity to go for the NWA Championship. You saying this was a good this is like saying Triple H was doing the right thing from 2002 - 2005

Your facts are way off dude.

Mine are way off? You seem to have forgotten Jeff Jarrett had to leave in 2007.
Why would the NWA Championship be needed at all? TNA has grew beyond them and are their own entity. Using that belt in any way is a step backwards, simple as. It's almost like asking should WWE be using the NWA belts because long ago they had them and they were relevant, utterly defeats the purpose that TNA is TNA and thats it.
Annnnndd... The year and a half he spent gone after his wife died? That was long before this. Jeff was pushed out of him being the top figure in the company before either event took place. He was not considered a good champion in the fan's eyes and was gaining noted hatred. He still opted to remain champion.

Just because he let himself to believe he was the best suited champion for TNA back then, doesn't mean he's still the same. Fact is, in 2004-06 Jarrett abused his position when it wasn't a favored move. The NWA title pretty much became his plaything and had the NWA's backing. Fact's are there. He was no different from Triple H at the same timeframe.

Yes. Then he left in 2007. It was at the same time Kurt was signed that Jeff's control was lowered. Shoot promo's have been centered around this fact various occasions. Fact is that until his grasp on the company loosened people got very little opportunity to go for the NWA Championship. You saying this was a good this is like saying Triple H was doing the right thing from 2002 - 2005

Mine are way off? You seem to have forgotten Jeff Jarrett had to leave in 2007.

It's obvious you don't like Jeff Jarrett, many people don't. Yes he did leave in 2007 when his wife was DYING and eventually died from cancer. He spent a lot of time with his kids. Kids that had just lost their mother. He made the right decision leaving, leaving was best for his family, he and Dixie Carter had not had problems up to that point and she didn't involve herself in creative. Vince Russo was HIRED by his boss Jeff Jarrett and nobody other than Dixie Carter had any control over the on screen product at the time. Russo wasnt forcing Jeff Jarrett anywhere, neither was Dixie.

Jarrett left because that is what was best for him and his family at the time. He came back a year and a half later and got back to work the way he was before. He was then a year later put on leave for the Karen Angle bit.

It is what it is, circumstance, the first one unfortunate, the second a stupid decision of his own doing. Everything now is as it was for the most part.
I think it might be interesting if Jeff Jarrett won the NWA world title. He won the AAA title and is going to spin as Immortal taking over. He could travel and defend a lot while he's Kayfabe gone from TNA.
TNA only used the NWA stuff for financing purposes in order to stay afloat and so that it would be easier for Jeff Jarrett to break even. When it wasn't happening fast enough, Dixie bought the company, which got Jeff back his money plus some, and then they had no use for the NWA. For atleast 2 yrs leading to the partnership ending, you hardly ever heard them refer to it as NWA or NWA-TNA, it was always just TNA.

I disagree with Candle Jack. Jeff Jarrett needed to carry the belt because he was the biggest name in TNA for a long time. Without Jeff Jarrett holding the belt first, it wouldn't mean as much going to unknowns like AJ Styles or K-Krush. It was good business to have him as champion, cause if you put that belt on AJ without putting it on Jeff and Shamrock first, it isn't really a World Title because AJ was a glorified Indy worker who had a 2 month run in WCW that hardly anyone knew about, some are just finding out about that WCW run right now lol.

Antichrist is right, you need to build your own brand and to be honest, the people that would actually care about them bringing in the NWA again, are all already watching on Thursdays.

In my opinion TNA would have grown leaps and bounds if JJ had only been champ a little while because it would have given new acts the chance to grow and give TNA a new face to sell their product instead of an old WCW/WWF hasbeen that could never cut it in those feds to begin with. He was a known property but not someone linked with success. And even if he had success in those feds, he would have been a WWF/WCW guy, not someone fresh to present a new product.

Also and him winning the title and having it for long, even if he was known guy, never helped TNA in the ratings and buyrates. So why do it? Because JJ liked to be champ.

Hell it would have been great if someone with clout like him, the only known guy in the company would have not won the belt at all. First because there would not have been talks of nepotism. People would have admired Jeff for it. Second because it would have served the interest of the company. And third imagine if JJ would have not get it and he would won the title say 5 years later? It would have been epic. Because maybe he would have deserved it.

Even if you can be champ, and it's in your power to be champ, it doesn't mean you should be.
It's obvious you don't like Jeff Jarrett, many people don't. Yes he did leave in 2007 when his wife was DYING and eventually died from cancer. He spent a lot of time with his kids. Kids that had just lost their mother. He made the right decision leaving, leaving was best for his family, he and Dixie Carter had not had problems up to that point and she didn't involve herself in creative. Vince Russo was HIRED by his boss Jeff Jarrett and nobody other than Dixie Carter had any control over the on screen product at the time. Russo wasnt forcing Jeff Jarrett anywhere, neither was Dixie.

Jarrett left because that is what was best for him and his family at the time. He came back a year and a half later and got back to work the way he was before. He was then a year later put on leave for the Karen Angle bit.

It is what it is, circumstance, the first one unfortunate, the second a stupid decision of his own doing. Everything now is as it was for the most part.

And that just means that if he would not have had the tragedy he would have put himself over for three more years.

A tragedy he used to put himself over as a huge face when he faced Kurt Angle.

As for the NWA, just get the title around Flair's waist where it belongs. :)
Honestly speaking, even though I remember watching the NWA back in the day and still watch whatever programming they have on the net and local programming here, I can honestly say that the NWA is nowhere near the status it once held in the industry. I have enjoyed watching Blue Demon Jr. feud with Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana feud also with Adam Pearce, but the main majority of fans have no clue who these guys are or what the NWA is. If anything, you ask most people and they will tell you that NWA is a rap group from the 80's that had Easy E and Ice Cube in it. With that in mind, having the NWA title would not help TNA at all. It's not the first time it's been seen like that either. Look at Eastern Championship Wrestling. If Shane Douglas had not thrown down the NWA title in favor of the ECW title we never would have had that stage in wrestling history, and what a great time it was. In the end, TNA needs to focus on their own company as I believe NWA does as well. If they both could focus and keep things fresh and new, they both could do well. Yes, I believe NWA could be a strong company again, but there is ton of work to be done there and TNA isn't going to help or be helped on that front.
Honestly speaking, even though I remember watching the NWA back in the day and still watch whatever programming they have on the net and local programming here, I can honestly say that the NWA is nowhere near the status it once held in the industry. I have enjoyed watching Blue Demon Jr. feud with Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana feud also with Adam Pearce, but the main majority of fans have no clue who these guys are or what the NWA is. If anything, you ask most people and they will tell you that NWA is a rap group from the 80's that had Easy E and Ice Cube in it. With that in mind, having the NWA title would not help TNA at all. It's not the first time it's been seen like that either. Look at Eastern Championship Wrestling. If Shane Douglas had not thrown down the NWA title in favor of the ECW title we never would have had that stage in wrestling history, and what a great time it was. In the end, TNA needs to focus on their own company as I believe NWA does as well. If they both could focus and keep things fresh and new, they both could do well. Yes, I believe NWA could be a strong company again, but there is ton of work to be done there and TNA isn't going to help or be helped on that front.

I was thinking can you imagine if Douglas would not have thrown the NWA title in the trash? ECW was becoming quite hot and having the NWA being associated with it during their whole time, it could have been a new beginning for the NWA brand, making them almost as hot as the WWF/WCW brands.
And that just means that if he would not have had the tragedy he would have put himself over for three more years.

A tragedy he used to put himself over as a huge face when he faced Kurt Angle.

Possibly, it is very possible, however he had not held the championship for a year or so by that time, so we don't know, and I would rather not deal with what if's. What happened happened, Jeff made a speech and left. He hasn't been Champ in 5 years. He is a successful booker on the House Shows.
NWA hasn't been relevant since 1989(rough estimate) when they disolved in the midst of Ted Turner purchasing the Georgia/Carolina territories to create WCW...thats why in 1993 Shane Douglas thrown down the NWA title when he was awarded it in the birth of ECW as southern territories attempted to revive it despite being dead and buried...
As others had said, the nwa title served its purpose for tna. If someone was gonna start up a wrestling company, one of the top things you need is your titles to have crediability and mean something. Yes nwa isn't what it was, but when starting from scratch, using the nwa name a title lineage helps. Tna built up their brand where currently they surpassed nwa in the "general public".
Th NWA title means jack shit these days. The most prestigous title in this sport is being defndd in crowds of 30 people. The NWA belt died when Flair and them left the company and offically died when Douglas thew the belt down in ECW.
For all the things that has been done to the NWA in years and them not being linked to a magor promotion and no tv exposure, the NWA title still means more at this point in time than the TNA belt.
Th NWA title means jack shit these days. The most prestigous title in this sport is being defndd in crowds of 30 people. The NWA belt died when Flair and them left the company and offically died when Douglas thew the belt down in ECW.

More like 2000. The NWA has been doing a good job of rebuilding since the ECW betrayal, if a rather slow one. They've got NWA Hollywood on television along with multiple regional territories with programming.

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