Now is the time for Jericholics everywhere to rise up!

I was just playing along with that guy's plan of getting the title to Balor. I said elsewhere that I wouldn't go that route. But you knew that. You're just mad.

And Chris Jericho is the best thing on the Raw roster. At least on the men's side of things. Hands down even. Not even close. You're a Jericho fan and are downplaying him......because you're mad.

How can I check out someone's dick by commenting on a message board? It's just a phrase, used to make fun of insecure people. But you knew that too. You're just mad.

I'm furious. You're making Jericholics look like idiots. You also have brought my penis in to this ridiculous discussion that I'm surprised hasn't been closed yet. My penis has been in some dark, creepy places before but this thread is the darkest, creepiest place ever and sort of smells like cabbage flavored malt liquor.

But on topic, Jericho as champ is fine. Jericho not as champ is fine because he has an ongoing storyline that's working. The championship doesn't add much of anything and may actually distract from the more interesting motivation of revenge and character change.

But I understand you don't get that because you do not get Jericholism. And you're mad. And pretty pervy.
Wrong. The overall product benefits greatly when it has a great champion. This is so obvious that I can't believe it needs to be stated. And then you insult my intelligence? After saying something like that?? LMAO!!

Mad as fuck because I think Jericho should be champion. Take some deep breaths, sport. Get some aeropressed coffee. Maybe take a good multivitamin(PM me for recommendations), and go for a run. Lift some weights. You'll be ok, champ. Buck up!

I will admit first off that I haven't read the entire thread. Skimming through it though it's a lot of people going against your opinion and you answering them back. So here is my opinion.

I love Jericho. Like most Canadian's we love our wrestlers, even if some of them leave a little to be desired. Jericho however does not belong in that category. The guy is gold on the mic and in the ring. He and Owens have been the most entertaining part of RAW since before the brand split.

We all know that Owens should never have held the title, not now anyway, that honour was to go to Finn Balor but unfortunately he got injured almost right away. They put the belt on Owens because he was the next best choice. This best friends thing with Jericho has just been the best part of Owens run, which has been kind of not so great. I don't think that Jericho would even have the US title if this whole BFF story line hadn't been in play.

As others have said before, Jericho doesn't need the title anymore, he has transcended it. Jericho is a certified Hall of Famer, he has had a wonderful career in the WWE and has nothing to be ashamed of. Yes giving him the title would be a nice touch, but others need it more. He will be leaving soon to go on tour with his band and who knows when he'll come back.

Jericho in this run has given the fans much more than any of the title holders have done in the last year, he has entertained them night in and night out. You really can't ask him to do anymore, he has done more than enough for this roster and this company. I will miss him when he does go.
I'm furious. You're making Jericholics look like idiots. You also have brought my penis in to this ridiculous discussion that I'm surprised hasn't been closed yet. My penis has been in some dark, creepy places before but this thread is the darkest, creepiest place ever and sort of smells like cabbage flavored malt liquor.

But on topic, Jericho as champ is fine. Jericho not as champ is fine because he has an ongoing storyline that's working. The championship doesn't add much of anything and may actually distract from the more interesting motivation of revenge and character change.

But I understand you don't get that because you do not get Jericholism. And you're mad. And pretty pervy.

You came in my thread mad and got disrespectful more smacked again.....and then got even more mad. Now you're basically pleading for the thread to be locked. LMAO!!

And now you go to a wishy washy "Jericho as a champ is fine, Jericho not as champ is fine, everything's fine". LMAO!! Have a take, or hit the bricks. You ain't doing a thing in all these posts except establishing that you're mad at me. Try to move on, sport.
So wait. What your saying is that Jericho should win the Universal Title even though he's about to leave to go on tour with Fozzy, (in May) and that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong and stupid?

You know, there's the wonderful thing on the internet called 'differing opinions'. In fact, it's actually on sale here at the WrestleZone for 9.99. You should try it out sometime.
Jericho is in the best phase of his career as of now. I have never been more interested in him in his entire career. The Festival Of Friendship solidified my interest in him even more.

But what's amazing is that he's interesting and entertaining without having the big title itself. He was and is still, United States Championship is just a minor upgrade. That's a damn good feat. Some wrestlers can't be interesting & entertaining even while possessing the World/Universal Championship.

I would love him to get a title run but he doesn't need it. Plus, this ain't the right moment for him to win it since we all know that he'll leave after Wrestlemania. All in for him as a champion but not now. In future, for sure.
So wait. What your saying is that Jericho should win the Universal Title even though he's about to leave to go on tour with Fozzy, (in May) and that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong and stupid?

You know, there's the wonderful thing on the internet called 'differing opinions'. In fact, it's actually on sale here at the WrestleZone for 9.99. You should try it out sometime.

I've probably made like 20 posts in the you really need clarification on what I'm saying? If you want to know what I'm saying....then read the damn posts and stop being a dramatic hoe and putting words in my mouth.

LOL at completely making something up, and then pulling that "differing opinions" thing. Where have I attacked anyone for that? People are attacking me, dumbass.
I've probably made like 20 posts in the you really need clarification on what I'm saying? If you want to know what I'm saying....then read the damn posts and stop being a dramatic hoe and putting words in my mouth.

LOL at completely making something up, and then pulling that "differing opinions" thing. Where have I attacked anyone for that? People are attacking me, dumbass.

Yes, I have seen your posts. Most (if not all) of them consist of you making the same argument and trying to straw man the people who disagree with you.

Listen, I love Jericho. He's one of the greatest mic workers and in ring performers of his time, and he's done phenomenally well both as a face and a heel.

But I don't see the point in giving Jericho the Universal Title, especially not this late into his run. (Remember, he leaves for Fozzy in May)

Here's what i'd do: I have Jericho stay off of TV until Fastlane, then have him return to his Y2J gimmick. Give Zayn the title and Jericho shakes Zayn hand for a job well done.

Then come the main event, Kevin Owens and Goldberg; just when Owens is about to win, Jericho comes in and distracts him giving Goldberg the opportunity to hit him with a Jackhammer and win the Universal Title.

How you want to build up from here is up to you, but what I personally want is for Jericho to put his career on the line. You may not know this; but he is on the wrong of 40, and sure; many wrestlers have pulled Father Time back for a long periods of time. But I don't think Jericho has that many years left as a wrestler.

At WrestleMania 33, Kevin Owens should defeat Chris Jericho and then send him into retirement and then on RAW have his farewell speech and ride off into the sunset.
Yes, I have seen your posts. Most (if not all) of them consist of you making the same argument and trying to straw man the people who disagree with you.

Listen, I love Jericho. He's one of the greatest mic workers and in ring performers of his time, and he's done phenomenally well both as a face and a heel.

But I don't see the point in giving Jericho the Universal Title, especially not this late into his run. (Remember, he leaves for Fozzy in May)

Here's what i'd do: I have Jericho stay off of TV until Fastlane, then have him return to his Y2J gimmick. Give Zayn the title and Jericho shakes Zayn hand for a job well done.

Then come the main event, Kevin Owens and Goldberg; just when Owens is about to win, Jericho comes in and distracts him giving Goldberg the opportunity to hit him with a Jackhammer and win the Universal Title.

How you want to build up from here is up to you, but what I personally want is for Jericho to put his career on the line. You may not know this; but he is on the wrong of 40, and sure; many wrestlers have pulled Father Time back for a long periods of time. But I don't think Jericho has that many years left as a wrestler.

At WrestleMania 33, Kevin Owens should defeat Chris Jericho and then send him into retirement and then on RAW have his farewell speech and ride off into the sunset.

So if you read my posts, you would know that I wasn't insulting or disrespecting anybody.....until they came at me like that first. So your first post in here was pointless shit-stirring.

And yes I know how old Jericho is. In his what? He's had few injuries, has taken a ton of time off since 2005, says that he does a lot of yoga and eats fairly clean, has never been a guy that destroyed his body with drugs, etc. He's healthy, and still a very good wrestler. He could easily pass for a guy in his late 30's if you didn't know any better. And he's got all the experience and is great on the mic, knows how to tell a story,etc.

I've answered this repeatedly...of course he doesn't NEED the title. This isn't about that. It's about making the product better. I remain firm here...a short 1-2 month Jericho title run would liven things up considerably. It would make things feel unpredictable, it would put the best and most over guy in the spotlight, and it would provide him the chance to TRULY put someone over when they take the title off him.

And as I've said many Goldberg as a guy that needs help to win the title is just completely ridiculous. Even more ridiculous than putting the title on him in the first place. Oh look....another guy that says Jericho is too old, while being cool with goldberg winning the title! Makes sense.
I should also come everyone wants Jericho to "put Owens over", while having Goldberg beat Owens(with help!!). This makes absolutely no sense to me. Jericho is old and let's put the title on Goldberg, who is older and around far less? Huh? And let's have Jericho help Goldberg....the guy who had the undefeated streak and squashes everyone, including Lesnar! Huh? That guy needs help to win? And why don't we care about putting over Owens when it comes to Goldberg?

I'm sticking to my plan. Owens pulls the Bret Hart metal shield thing which knocks Goldberg out when he spears him. This puts Owens over as being smart and dangerous, while keeping Goldberg strong. It keeps the title on Owens all the way until Mania(a 6 month title run and being the champ going into Mania sounds like a guy that's been put over to me!). It keeps the title out of the Lesnar-Goldberg feud, which is just common sense.

Then they put it on Jericho. He lights up Raw as the triumphant, legendary face champion for a month or two until Samao Joe....the baddest man on the roster, takes it off of him in brutal fashion. Now we've got a strong heel champ with credibility that is absolutely despised for taking out Jericho and ending his run so quickly.

Owens can get away from the title(times up...let's be real) and move into a personal feud where his vicious side is on full display. In fact, have him get drafted to Smackdown and get him some new opponents.
I should also come everyone wants Jericho to "put Owens over", while having Goldberg beat Owens(with help!!). This makes absolutely no sense to me. Jericho is old and let's put the title on Goldberg, who is older and around far less? Huh? And let's have Jericho help Goldberg....the guy who had the undefeated streak and squashes everyone, including Lesnar! Huh? That guy needs help to win? And why don't we care about putting over Owens when it comes to Goldberg?

I'm sticking to my plan. Owens pulls the Bret Hart metal shield thing which knocks Goldberg out when he spears him. This puts Owens over as being smart and dangerous, while keeping Goldberg strong. It keeps the title on Owens all the way until Mania(a 6 month title run and being the champ going into Mania sounds like a guy that's been put over to me!). It keeps the title out of the Lesnar-Goldberg feud, which is just common sense.

Then they put it on Jericho. He lights up Raw as the triumphant, legendary face champion for a month or two until Samao Joe....the baddest man on the roster, takes it off of him in brutal fashion. Now we've got a strong heel champ with credibility that is absolutely despised for taking out Jericho and ending his run so quickly.

Owens can get away from the title(times up...let's be real) and move into a personal feud where his vicious side is on full display. In fact, have him get drafted to Smackdown and get him some new opponents.

Nothing wrong with that idea. Especially how much the fans will be behind a face Jericho now. A new face Jericho always gets his biggest reactions in the first month or so anyway. Samoa Joe kicking Y2J into vacation time is also a decent idea to put some more heat on Joe.

Not sure why people are thinking Goldberg is actually going to win the the 50 year old can go on to Wrestlemania to defend it against another part timer....question mark. What a lose/lose situation that is. Remember the last time Lesnar had the world title and kept it off tv for months at a time? They learned from that mistake.
Nothing wrong with that idea. Especially how much the fans will be behind a face Jericho now. A new face Jericho always gets his biggest reactions in the first month or so anyway. Samoa Joe kicking Y2J into vacation time is also a decent idea to put some more heat on Joe.

Not sure why people are thinking Goldberg is actually going to win the the 50 year old can go on to Wrestlemania to defend it against another part timer....question mark. What a lose/lose situation that is. Remember the last time Lesnar had the world title and kept it off tv for months at a time? They learned from that mistake.

Yeah, I mean I'm all ears if someone has a better idea.....I just haven't heard any yet! The Goldberg winning with Jericho's help thing that so many are running with is just nonsensical and does nothing good for anybody. I'll be so disappointed if WWE goes that route.

If Owens had just recently won the title, I would be all in favor of him retaining at Mania against Jericho and even being the one to send Chris packing. But it just feels like his title reign has run its course......and Jericho would be the far better guy to drop it to than Goldberg.

Jericho can put someone else over, Owens can move onto something else.....he'll have more reigns down the road. Just feels like Mania is the time to pull the plug on this one.
I should also come everyone wants Jericho to "put Owens over", while having Goldberg beat Owens(with help!!).

1. Jericho can't put someone that is already clearly 'over' him 'over'.

2. It makes no sense for Jericho to cost Owens the title. Jericho should want to kill Owens. He should want to do something that goes beyond titles. If anything Jericho should come out and destroy Owens getting Goldberg disqualified. But I'd prefer he stay away from that match and not ruin it. Goldberg needs to show an ability to work a bit more and Owens is a guy with the ability to make Goldberg look like a better worker.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. Jericho is old and let's put the title on Goldberg, who is older and around far less? Huh?

I think between the boost Goldberg has provided WWE's bottom line so far makes people expect him to get the title. They don't necessarily want it, they don't hate the idea, they just expect it.

And let's have Jericho help Goldberg....the guy who had the undefeated streak and squashes everyone, including Lesnar! Huh? That guy needs help to win? And why don't we care about putting over Owens when it comes to Goldberg?

Again, I think this is what people expect, not want. I dont like it either but it makes WWE logic.

I'm sticking to my plan. Owens pulls the Bret Hart metal shield thing which knocks Goldberg out when he spears him. This puts Owens over as being smart and dangerous, while keeping Goldberg strong. It keeps the title on Owens all the way until Mania(a 6 month title run and being the champ going into Mania sounds like a guy that's been put over to me!). It keeps the title out of the Lesnar-Goldberg feud, which is just common sense.

The shield thing would be funny and smart. I hope we get more to the match than that but it's a good idea.

Then they put it on Jericho.

Meh, he's not the guy who used to be. He would be like a Miz level champ that is a face.

He lights up Raw as the triumphant, legendary face champion for a month or two until Samao Joe....the baddest man on the roster, takes it off of him in brutal fashion. Now we've got a strong heel champ with credibility that is absolutely despised for taking out Jericho and ending his run so quickly.

Now you're making Joe champ? I'm not against participation trophies but they should stop around age 7.

Owens can get away from the title(times up...let's be real) and move into a personal feud where his vicious side is on full display. In fact, have him get drafted to Smackdown and get him some new opponents.

No, his viciousness should be at the forefront of his feud with Jericho. But if you were a Jericholic you would never think anything else.
All right, anyone else think we're going around in circles? I do, that's why i'm not going to bother arguing about how cows should drink their grass before eating their milk.

If you're still wishing for Jericho to be Universal champion, good for you. That's your right. And if you want Samoa Joe to come in and wipe him out afterwards, that's fine too.

But if you're going to stay inside your den and shut out opposing viewpoints, then you're doing your opinion and the wrestler you're representing a big disgrace.
1. Jericho can't put someone that is already clearly 'over' him 'over'.

2. It makes no sense for Jericho to cost Owens the title. Jericho should want to kill Owens. He should want to do something that goes beyond titles. If anything Jericho should come out and destroy Owens getting Goldberg disqualified. But I'd prefer he stay away from that match and not ruin it. Goldberg needs to show an ability to work a bit more and Owens is a guy with the ability to make Goldberg look like a better worker.

I think between the boost Goldberg has provided WWE's bottom line so far makes people expect him to get the title. They don't necessarily want it, they don't hate the idea, they just expect it.

Again, I think this is what people expect, not want. I dont like it either but it makes WWE logic.

The shield thing would be funny and smart. I hope we get more to the match than that but it's a good idea.

Meh, he's not the guy who used to be. He would be like a Miz level champ that is a face.

Now you're making Joe champ? I'm not against participation trophies but they should stop around age 7.

No, his viciousness should be at the forefront of his feud with Jericho. But if you were a Jericholic you would never think anything else.

Man, you just like to be snarky. FOH with that last comment.

Jericho should want to kill Owens...and he also should want to take that title off him. The title that he helped Owens keep so many times. That was a huge part of their "friendship". Owens viciousness should and will be on full display against Jericho....and then he also needs to carry that on into his next feud....away from the title.

Not sure what you have against Joe, but he's a phenomenal wrestler. He's like the more seasoned Owens. Perfect guy to get a mega heel push, and sympathetic, legend face champion Jericho will be just the guy to put him over.
All right, anyone else think we're going around in circles? I do, that's why i'm not going to bother arguing about how cows should drink their grass before eating their milk.

If you're still wishing for Jericho to be Universal champion, good for you. That's your right. And if you want Samoa Joe to come in and wipe him out afterwards, that's fine too.

But if you're going to stay inside your den and shut out opposing viewpoints, then you're doing your opinion and the wrestler you're representing a big disgrace.

LOL! Some of y'all are mad as hell that I haven't changed my mind. Hey man, I'm not wishy washy. I think what I think. If y'all think differently, cool. Just don't cry if I disagree.
LOL! Some of y'all are mad as hell that I haven't changed my mind. Hey man, I'm not wishy washy. I think what I think. If y'all think differently, cool. Just don't cry if I disagree.

I'm not mad, I just don't see how I would be adding anymore to the discussion. Have a good day, and i'll see you in the morning.

(P.S: I will admit though, I am convinced. How would you personally book your idea out?)
by reading some of the post, i realise that a lot of you guy pretty much forgot one thing, Jericho's is leaving the WWE in may if i remember correctly, so this feud has to end before the end of april, so having Jericho win the universal title at mania only to drop it back to owens at the next raw PPV makes no sense.

Plus their also the question of the U.S. Title that they really need to take cares off and right now, i'm thinking that having owens being so mad at jericho for costing him the universal championship and saying that if it wasn'T for him, Jericho wouldn'T be U.S. champs so at mania he'S going to take what belongs to him and that's the u.s title kinda off a good idea.

Everybody that followed Jericho knows that he's going to do what's best for business on his way out and this time around is put Kevin Owens over at mania. So let just enjoys what little time we have left with jericho in this current run and let watch him try to create a new star on his way out.

On a side note: putting the title on goldberg for mania and then on lesnar makes alot of sense since the universal champion really need some rehab after the way it was treated since it's induction last year. What's better for the championship, be defended in the main event of wrestlemania or being defended in the opening match which jericho vs owens probably will be place in? So if you said the main event, you get how the wrestling business works. Lesnar vs goldberg for the universal championship will makes the title feel like an important world title, then after mania you can have lesnar drop the belt to somebody like Samoa Joe who could then feud with finn balor over the championship and fans will see the belt as a world title instead of a mid card title like it'S been treated as during this whole kevin owens run.
The funny thing is some think Jericho is going to put somebody else other than Owens at Mania. If anyone thinks he should put someone else over is an idiot that hasn't been paying attention to the story the past five months.

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