Nopes.... Its too soon for them to break... Someone said here that Bray Wyatt shouldnot be in the ring.... Right.. The other 3 should destroy their opponents and all Bray Wyatt has to do is give Sister Abigail to them.... If they broke, I can see Erick Rowan being released in couple of months... We havent seen much of Braun Strowman yet so no idea about him without this faction... Only 2 members who are awesome in this faction are Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt... They both are brilliant at in-ring work too.... And Yes i agree that Wyatt Family is an unique faction.... But they need to turn face and win their feuds strongly and show interest in championships... Bray Wyatt can be in main event scene only if they regain his lost credibilty... And Luke Harper is surely IC or US title material....