November 4th. VOTE.

yeah DS, if you don't vote you have no right to bitch and moan about who ever the leader of the country is.
the only reason that I am allowed to Bitch and Moan about the current soon to be former NZ government is because I couldn't vote last elections because it was about a month before my birthday. This time I am voting and whoever gets in, if I don't like it I can Bitch and Moan because i decided that I would make the decision of who I thought was right at the time of voting to lead the country for the next 4 years.
I think the problem is, if something goes against you in life, you have to blame someone else and that is usually the government these days. Even unavoidable things such as rising fuel prices (they can't help it if the fuel supply is growing smaller every day), are always the government's fault.

There's no reason behind the blame; nothing to say that they or anyone else could do better, it's just always 'that damn government'.

I think it's all to do with people seeing certain things that don't favour them (against many things that do favour them) and choosing to irrationally hate their leaders for it. People are never satisfied until they've found someone to blame.

Maybe people need to see that government's aren't looking out for just themselves. They are out to assist all those 'Joe six-pack's' as a whole.
umm, the idea of peak oil having been hit is a bit of a misnomer, this is based off of figures that a cartel supplys, this is not taking into account potential oil fields in numerous countries that won't allow US companies access to prospect for oil. Do i think that there needs to be a move away from oil based mode of transport, yes, however do I think Peak Oil has hit yet, No.

If the government does something that I don't like, I would like to think that I can hold them accoutable for any and all actions that they undertake. They are Public Servants. That is what is forgotten by most politicians they are there to serve the interests of the community not those of themselves or of Big businesses. They are there to Serve not to rule lord and master over a country. Look at all of the countries that are currently having elections (I only know 2, US and New Zealand), both of which are examples of where politicians have forgotten the fundamental rule that they are accountable to the majority rather than those holding the purse strings. That is why I want to see Helen out of the PM position of New Zealand, because they say that they are the ones that Govern us. They are not they are the ones that represent us. While I am using Us in the sense of people on WZ. it is an idea that should apply to every single country represented on the Forum.
yeah DS, if you don't vote you have no right to bitch and moan about who ever the leader of the country is.
I disagree.

A vote means you are showing support for a candidate. What if you don't support any of the candidates? Why vote for someone you don't support?

I don't agree with that line of thinking, and never have.
I disagree.

A vote means you are showing support for a candidate. What if you don't support any of the candidates? Why vote for someone you don't support?

I don't agree with that line of thinking, and never have.

You can't tell me that the 50% (or whatever it is) of Americans that don't vote, choose not to because they don't like the candidates. Sure, some of them might not, but not all, and yet they still want to complain, even though they took no interest in politics in the first place. No, not everyone who doesn't vote complains, but there's still likely a very large amount.
Well the majority of those that don't vote are the young or ignorant (the base that Obama is really trying to go after this election). Whether it be that people don't understand how close these elections have been, or they just don't care. I'll vote, but I like neither candidate really. I have my reasons as to why I dislike both. Each have very few positive qualities about their platforms.
Well in way back in School, I had a teacher who basically said that it's everyone's responsibility to vote, and everyone should vote, however if there's something on the ballot that you don't understand or nothing about, then in that case you should not vote on it, basically if you are not educated on what you are voting for then you shouldn't vote, let the voters that are educated on it make the decision, I agree with this somewhat, I think that if people aren't sure what they are voting for, then they should probably learn before casting their vote

Also that shit where people say "If you don't vote you have can't to complain" is absolute bullshit, we live in America, people will bitch and complain if they want to, tellling them they have know right to cause they didn't vote is just stupid and annoying, I literally want to smack people when I hear them say such stupid crap
Maybe it is just the different Political systems affecting the outlooks on that Sly. I say this without a complete understanding of the US system, which from the basic look of it looks similar to a Roman Centuriate Assembly to install the Magistrates. New Zealands is sort of like the Westminster Model with the German Model bashed in on Top. So In New Zealand there is Parliment and we get to vote in Parties, if the party I don't vote for doesn't win they still play an important part in the role of government as the opposition, I could vote for a party that doesn't get into parliament by reaching the 5% threshold to receive a seat. It still means I took part in the democratic process and can bitch and moan about the government.
You can't tell me that the 50% (or whatever it is) of Americans that don't vote, choose not to because they don't like the candidates. Sure, some of them might not, but not all, and yet they still want to complain, even though they took no interest in politics in the first place. No, not everyone who doesn't vote complains, but there's still likely a very large amount.
I care not why someone does or does not vote. What I care about is blanket generalizations that I feel are wrong and unneccessary. If I choose to not vote, it could be for one of two reasons. 1) I don't have time (which is how it will actually be this game) or 2) Neither candidate deserves my vote. So, to be told I can't voice my opinion on the direction of this country because I didn't vote, is something I feel to be a terribly wrong thing to say.
I agree with Sly. I'm being pressured hard to vote in this election, especially by my family. And I'll admit, I'm not the most educated on the candidates. But what I do know of them, and their platforms, I do not like. And yet, because this is my first chance to vote in an election, I'm being pressured to make a choice. I already know that Tuesday, on MY DAY OFF, I'll be woken up early by my mom and forced to go vote with her. And I know hardly anything about the local politics, I've only been in this town a couple months. So, on Tuesday, I'm gonna go in my booth, vote for couple of the things that I do know about, and when I vote for president, I'm gonna leave it blank. And that's my right as an American citizen.
I didn't fill our an absentee ballot in time so I will not be voting this time around. However it wouldn't matter anyway as my former state is a lock and will be giving their 31 electoral votes to Obama regardless of my personal actions. I'm not in a swing state so no one was pandering for my vote anyway.
I agree with Sly. I'm being pressured hard to vote in this election, especially by my family. And I'll admit, I'm not the most educated on the candidates. But what I do know of them, and their platforms, I do not like. And yet, because this is my first chance to vote in an election, I'm being pressured to make a choice. I already know that Tuesday, on MY DAY OFF, I'll be woken up early by my mom and forced to go vote with her. And I know hardly anything about the local politics, I've only been in this town a couple months. So, on Tuesday, I'm gonna go in my booth, vote for couple of the things that I do know about, and when I vote for president, I'm gonna leave it blank. And that's my right as an American citizen.

Good, good for you!

Flames Out
I think if John McCain could run a campaign like he wanted to run he would make a strong president but thats the republican handcuffs hes been put in he needs to appeal to those special interest groups like anti-abortion and anti gay marriage who help win elections for a republican and can not run a campaign with alot of freedom

with all that said I hope Obama wins tomorrow because even though he makes me nervous I feel its what we need right about meow
We win either way. Some racist hillbilly will shoot Obama if he becomes president, so there will be loads of intresting books on it. And if McCain wins then he'll expire in his sleep and we'll se a hell of a lot more of that hotty Palin.
We win either way. Some racist hillbilly will shoot Obama if he becomes president, so there will be loads of intresting books on it. And if McCain wins then he'll expire in his sleep and we'll se a hell of a lot more of that hotty Palin.

That Hotty Palin should have did Playboy. That would have got McCain a boost in the polls.

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