Not impressed with Cesaro.... at all

Do you enjoy watching Cesaro?

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  • No, he's boring and robotic

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I know that Cesaro is a great wrestler but I find him extremely boring as a wrestler.

He's very robotic. His theme song sucks. He's not showing any personality as a heel which is a very bad thing considering 90% of all wrestlers are at their best when they're a heel.

I hate to be one of those guys who quickly hate on wrestlers before they're given a chance but I think Cesaro will flop.

I don't see him as a main eventer in the future.

When he breaks up with Heyman and turns face, he won't go far after that.
I am indeed apprehensive about his mic-skills and his personality/charisma but that will come with time. Not everyone is a natural like a Cena or Punk. These skills need work and, most importantly, he needs to be allowed to speak.

Cesaro has the benefit of being a damn fine wrestler. He is super strong and some of the matches he has put on in the last year or so have been of the highest standard. Most notably with Sami Zayn and Cena. The guy can wrestle and with time maybe he can show some more personality.
I like Cesaro. He's something fresh and different. Give him some time I'm sure he'll start showing some personality.

Now had you said this about Sheamus. Now there is someone who I wish would go away.
His gimmick is he's stronger than the rest of the locker room, not a gimmick anyone can regardless of his mic work he will always stand out and will be able to do moves the rest of the guys can't. To not be impressed is one thing but not at all is not true. I bet you are impressed, I'm actually positive you are.
The problem isn't with Cesaro at all. The problem is that Cesaro is being booked as a heel when he's a guy people want to cheer for because of his phenomenal strength and entertaining in-ring ability.

There's nothing about Cesaro that's "robotic". Yeah, his theme song is a bland CFO$ song (why not a Jim Johnston, or a licensed song?), but at the moment, he really doesn't function well as a heel. Heyman helps immensely in that regard, but at the end of the day, Cesaro is a guy the audience want to cheer because there's nothing he can really do to garner heel heat because it's all on Paul as opposed to Cesaro.

When Cesaro does turn face, I reckon he'll get quite far provided WWE focus on making Cesaro a big deal still. Have him hang with Lesnar in a match. and make him look strong in defeat (kicking out of an F5) and have continue to put on top quality matches and he'll continue to garner fan response.

At the end of the day, if you can get over to the extent of Cesaro without the need of a microphone, you've done very well for yourself, and WWE have caught onto it. Seeing as he's been highly praised by both McMahon and HHH, he has a very bright future ahead of him.
I think Cesaro is a amazing upstart wrestler and has really rose up to the occasion from being a unknown u.s champ with a blonde bimbo to being teamed up with a racist old man and a has been champion to being a great singles wrestlers I agree though he has very little mic skills but why does that matter when he has one of the most hated men in the wwe in THIS era. It really is quite amazing to see him rise,just like Daniel Bryan or cm punk. So I say just give him some more time before he becomes the next big thing.
I'm wary of Cesaro in terms of charisma as well though, as MCMG mentioned, not everyone has charisma tattooed on their foreheads like Punk, Cena, Rock, etc. The thing about Cesaro is that he has the ability to genuinely do solid work on the mic. During the hype for his match against Sami Zayn for NXT Arrival a few months back, he & Zayn had a lengthy promo segment in the ring that I thought was great. They treated it like a serious affair in that they weren't trying to crack cornball jokes on each other, they didn't attempt to sling catchphrases out left and right, they just used the time to deliver good, solid mic work that told a story, hyped the match and made each other look good. It wasn't some groundbreaking promo that set new standards, it was simply a good talking segment that did exactly what it was supposed to do. It's an example of some of the differences between Vince's booking and Triple H's booking. I'm not trying to lay it all on Vince but the man's a control freak, a paranoid control freak that gives the impression that he doesn't trust anyone to do their jobs without him looking over their shoulder. Trips' approach is much more old school and organic; for instance, there are no scripted promos in NXT. You also don't see many guys confined to stereotypical roles in NXT based on their look. Take Big E, for instance, the guy actually has some genuine personality, he showed it while he was in NXT, but he's pegged as the "strong, silent" type by Vince. Big E is a big ol' muscular powerlifter so, in Vince's mind, he shouldn't be somebody that's overly talkative or demonstrative of a ton of personality. Some people who may thrive in NXT under Triple H may find themselves stifled on the main roster with Vince having the final word.

If Cesaro ultimately is gonna be someone that's a top tier player down the line, he'll have to show that he can carry himself on the mic to some degree. As far as the in-ring stuff goes, he has absolutely NOTHING to worry about; he's one of the most consistently high quality in-ring guys on the roster and has been since his arrival.
I was actually about to bring up the nxt rivalry with Sami! Haha I didn't think he showed much during those promos he was reminisce of John Morrison you know good in ring capability but terrible mic work
I don't think the problem is with Cesaro the wrestler, it's with Cesaro the gimmick.

At WM30 he was probably the third most over superstar behind DB and The Shield. He had a killer spot in the Cesaro Swing, a strong moveset and a feud waiting to happen with Swagger - and to top it off he won the battle royal.

Next night, he becomes a Paul Heyman guy - which is great but he should have become a FACE. He should have had a decent feud with Swagger as a FACE, continued to get his pops as a FACE and then he'd be fine.

But now, he's a tweener with a manager who is more interested in putting Brock over than Cesaro, an awful new entrance theme and a stale gimmick (I think he's hit the Cesaro swing twice since becoming a Heyman guy and 'The King of Swing'...go figure?)
You are right I felt like they could've done more with his feud with jack swagger also they finished it a uneventful way, like wwe had been pushing that there was tension between the real Americans and went basically no where with it
First of all, how can you say you think Cesaro is a great wrestler and than say he is a boring wrestler? If Cesaro was a great wrestler he would be entertaining no?

Anyway, Cesaro may come off as more "robotic" to some because he is not your everyday run of the mill wrestler. He has a throwback style and is more traditional as opposed to somebody like Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan who are high impact and intense at all times.

As for your personality argument, he really hasn't had much room to show his personality because he's never on the mic... How can you say somebody lacks personality, if you've never heard them talk before? Just give it some time dude, there's a lot more for Cesaro to accomplish if he's booked right.
I didn't care for Cesaro at all during his early run. I had never seen his ROH or NXT runs when he first debuted with WWE. He was matched with that recently brunette twat Aksana, spoke 5 languages with nothing to say, and carrying around a belt that doesn't matter. He was the epitome of dull foreign guy who could do a lot of moves.

I think it was dropping Aksana and his short program with Khaki that helped me lighten up on him. I started to appreciate his ring work and namely his feats of strength. The Swing and Neutralizer are fun moves without being completely ridiculous. His work and break up with Swagger and Zeb has been fine but it was his matches pre-Elimination Chamber that solidified the guy for me as someone I want to see. The guy can work with top talent. Something I think guys like Ziggler, Big E, Barrett, Swagger, The Miss, and Cody seem to fail to do.

So I like him. I think he will get some chances in the main events but I don't know how well he will stick. Saying your "Not impressed at all" seems overly dramatic and complaining about his music feels petty but to each their own.
I agree that his music sucks. It's just a bunch of noises bunched up and they make no sense. BUT that has nothing to do with him personally, although a good entrance theme helps a lot. I hope they will change it at some point as it's dull as fuck.

The thing with Cesaro is this. He is 33 yo. And just now he has been put in kinda of a spotlight. That's a problem. He is 33yo and - although I love the guy and he entertains me in the ring - has basically no charisma ( from what I can see from him ATM ) and his mic works is average for someone aspiring to be a main-eventer.

I really do feel like they didnt do the Heyman & Cesaro and Swagger & Coulter feud justice. I think they could have done more with that feud. It felt so scattered and rushed.

Now they try and have Cesaro be a bit heel-ish when everybody wants to cheer him.

So they are handling his persona wrong, average mic skils ( tho that might be because of backstage constraints regarding his material ) , not much charisma. I don't see many positives there. Yea the guy is strong as fuck and can manipulate weight like no other and is an astonishingly good wrestler. But will that really take him that far?

I want him to succeed, I'm not hating on him. Not everyone is born with charisma and mic skills. But people are a bit too enthusiastic about his so called push. I feel like people are expecting him to be the next big thing and I feel they might get disappointed.

Look at Cesaro and then look at the other talent on the roster. I do not see him becoming WWEWHC. People keep saying that "vince and trips praise him" and shit like that matters. You know damn well that doesnt matter. All wrestlers who they have buried and failed to take advantage of these past 5-6 years were praised backstage and shit "Impressed the officals" - my ass -, according to articles ofc.

I am impressed by his in-ring skills and that's about it. The angles he has been in have been pretty bad. He's almost getting to the level of Sheamus where after he beat Cena for WWE championship when he debut, was only put in meaningless feuds that were filler at best. ( even tho his matches in his feud with Big show were very cool )

Cesaro just seems to be all over the place with no real direction. They have him win that stupid Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. I have no clue why the hell they needed a battle royale at wrestlemania. It's fkn useless cause it will just be filled with jobbers and a few semi relevant guys that you can probably guess which one of them will win by the momentum they have going in.

It seems that even tho he is a Paul Heyman guy, he is suffering again from the Curtis Axel "curse". Get put into matches with main eventers, impress officials, go down the card again, see ya, goodbye. I know Cesaro has a better look and has more fan friendly moveset but they both lack charisma and direction from creative.

Hell, Axel back when he was on NXT had some decent mic skills but they had him do those awful better than perfect promos which made me vomit.

I would just advise people to not invest too much into Cesaro, because things arent going as good as some might think for our Swiss Superman. Again, I love the guy and he entertains me in the ring, but I'm trying to be a bit realistic here.
I think Cesaro is a great wrestler.

But, I honestly don't know what to think of him as far as his character goes. He's a Paul Heyman guy right now, but where is this leading him? Is he gonna be in line for a World title push soon? Is Paul Heyman supposed to somehow give him credibility that he apparently doesn't lack? I mean, Cesaro has won some notable matches and he's shown what he can do against top tier stars. He's not someone that needs Paul Heyman unless it's strictly for mic work and World title contention. I've seen Cesaro's work before he arrived in the WWE and I've enjoyed it. I also watched his NXT matches against Sami Zayn and William Regal and thought they were fantastic. It's just that, serious competition like that isn't occurring on the main programs for him. Yes, he comes out and does his giant swing and then the neutralizer, but there's more to him than that. If he's going the heel route, why not have him adopt his previous arrogance as the guy that speaks in multiple languages? Why not set up a few different tournament-style events where Cesaro wins more trophies? Perhaps a King of the Ring tournament win should be added to his resume because then he has some accolades to boast about. He shouldn't be in the title picture for the United States title or the Intercontinental title. Let Wade Barrett and Sheamus clash and maybe unify the titles. Cesaro should be going for the World title as a legitimate opponent. Even one win over John Cena would help establish this.
Since teaming with Heyman,Cesaro as far as Mic-skills goes,has said next to nothing.. heyman obviously does all the talking for him,Cesaro is a good mic-talker he just needs some time to show it..

As far as in-ring ability goes,he has nothing to prove.. He is super athletic,and high aggressive.. Its hard to take him as a heel,You wanna cheer for him,the Swiss Superman indeed.. Cesaro will eventually show himself as powerful on the Stic as he is in the ring!
Since many feel that Cesaro hasn't been good as a heel, maybe he's better off as a babyface. That's probably what he was meant for, especially when people seem to get behind him lately and Cesaro can't draw heat for anything. He's what a babyface looks and acts like - he's handsome, can wrestle, and shows impressive feats of strength.
He stinks. His gimmick is already old. Paul Heyman spends all his time pumping up Lesnar with Cesaro standing right next to him, which just makes him look like a midcard hack.

His big thing is how strong he is. So is every other wrestler. He can't work the mic at all, and he has the same match over and over with maybe a few slight alterations.

His push will fail, just like Ryback with Heyman.
I don't see anything lacking in his wrestling but his gimmick is very boring and has no personality whatsoever. It also never made sense in the beginning to have Cesaro be part of this Real Americans faction. It's inconsistent in itself simply because Cesaro isn't an American. For the Creative Team it's easy for them to be illogical as much as they want since catering to kids is as simple as as herding a flock of sheep. It wont affect ratings and as long as kids keep watching we'll not see any REAL developments in these superstars personalities no matter who it is Cesaro, Jack Swagger Etc.
Antonio Cesaro (f*** Vince and his hatred of full names) is a very talented in-ring performer, but he has a lot working against him. His first major singles feud, with Jack Swagger, ended with a whimper instead of a bang. He's paired with the worst possible manager for him, because Paul Heyman takes all the attention away from his client(s) and puts it on himself, with Brock Lesnar being the sole exception. His new music is a cacophony of random noises that make no sense, they should have just gone back to his pre-Real Americans theme and tron. The Cesaro Swing is a pointless comedy move, no better than the Cobra or the Worm, he NEEDS to get rid of that move and stick to the Very European Uppercut as his signature and the Neutralizer as his finisher. Finally, WWE can't decide whether he's a heel or a face and has no idea what to do with him as a result.
The problem isn't with Cesaro at all. The problem is that Cesaro is being booked as a heel when he's a guy people want to cheer for because of his phenomenal strength and entertaining in-ring ability.

There's nothing about Cesaro that's "robotic". Yeah, his theme song is a bland CFO$ song (why not a Jim Johnston, or a licensed song?), but at the moment, he really doesn't function well as a heel. Heyman helps immensely in that regard, but at the end of the day, Cesaro is a guy the audience want to cheer because there's nothing he can really do to garner heel heat because it's all on Paul as opposed to Cesaro.

When Cesaro does turn face, I reckon he'll get quite far provided WWE focus on making Cesaro a big deal still. Have him hang with Lesnar in a match. and make him look strong in defeat (kicking out of an F5) and have continue to put on top quality matches and he'll continue to garner fan response.

At the end of the day, if you can get over to the extent of Cesaro without the need of a microphone, you've done very well for yourself, and WWE have caught onto it. Seeing as he's been highly praised by both McMahon and HHH, he has a very bright future ahead of him.

I agree. He definitely has a bright future ahead of him. It's great to see WWE has taken their time in developing him as a superstar vs. rushing him into the main event.

I'm so glad they didn't turn him face after WrestleMania, his buzz would have probably been gone by now, being overshadowed by Bryan and the Authority.

I look forward to his match with Brock. It's great to see Brock working with younger talent
I agree. He definitely has a bright future ahead of him. It's great to see WWE has taken their time in developing him as a superstar vs. rushing him into the main event.

I'm so glad they didn't turn him face after WrestleMania, his buzz would have probably been gone by now, being overshadowed by Bryan and the Authority.

I look forward to his match with Brock. It's great to see Brock working with younger talent

Lol !!

For the last freakin' time, Cesaro is NOT facing Brock.

Well, he could face Brock but there's a 80% chance that Rock-Brock will happen next year.
The problem isn't with Cesaro at all. The problem is that Cesaro is being booked as a heel when he's a guy people want to cheer for because of his phenomenal strength and entertaining in-ring ability.
This, times a hundred. Then that, times a hundred again, equalling a nice ten thousand. Him fighting faces and being smug every now and then is the extent of him working heel. I know we don't have the dichotomy of heels and faces anymore (mountainous pinches of salt, anybody?), but don't allow him to be Charles Atlas if you don't want us to cheer him, WWE!

At the end of the day, if you can get over to the extent of Cesaro without the need of a microphone, you've done very well for yourself
Well... you have and you haven't. While it was mostly his strength that is getting him over (particularly the swing), giving him two of the greatest managers certainly isn't harming him.

Paul Heyman spends all his time pumping up Lesnar with Cesaro standing right next to him, which just makes him look like a midcard hack.
While this is about the only part of your post I agree with, the memory of Axel doing pretty much the same thing remains. There are a handful of guys you could put next to Lesnar without making them look midcard and Cesaro isn't one of them yet.
Jesus, can't any of you guys wait for like 3 months for Cesaro to turn face? It's like none of you understand that pro wrestling tells stories that take place over a long stretch of time. It's not about making people faces and heels because the audience cheers for them or not. It's about telling stories and making movies and money. I can't believe you all forgot that.

Daniel Bryan got the run he did because burying him was the plan the ENTIRE time. From not being 30 at the rumble, to being betrayed PPV after PPV. Vince has managed to find a way in the modern age to have you guys in the palm of his hand.


EDIT: I also can't get over the name of this thread. You know who's not impressive? Some basement troll who's a mark for sarcasm and their own self importance.
Jesus, can't any of you guys wait for like 3 months for Cesaro to turn face? It's like none of you understand that pro wrestling tells stories that take place over a long stretch of time. It's not about making people faces and heels because the audience cheers for them or not. It's about telling stories and making movies and money. I can't believe you all forgot that.

Daniel Bryan got the run he did because burying him was the plan the ENTIRE time. From not being 30 at the rumble, to being betrayed PPV after PPV. Vince has managed to find a way in the modern age to have you guys in the palm of his hand.


EDIT: I also can't get over the name of this thread. You know who's not impressive? Some basement troll who's a mark for sarcasm and their own self importance.

Wow, chill out. The thread maker here isn't bashing Canyone who disagrees with his opinion (at least in his first post). He is just stating his case and asking if anyone agrees with him. Judging by the poll, most people (myself included) like Cesaro. You're taking this way too personally.

Cesaro has a great physique, is fun to watch in the ring, and shows more personality than I think the OP gives him credit for. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before most of the people in here turn on him like they do with most of their favorites, but I'm glad that he's getting the credit that I think he deserves for all the work he puts in and the talent that I perceive him as having. The guy is money, and despite Vince reportedly not being high on him early on, the fans made creative give him attention (which, granted, doesn't always work... ie Ziggler, but I'm glad it worked for Cesaro).
While I do believe a personality is needed. That will still come over time, and how you haven't noticed how much progress he has made in his "personality" baffles me. Cesaro is a picture that as time goes on and on is going to be a masterpiece. His move set also is a huge factor and helps him progress to that next level. He doesn't need a personality right now. That will come in time. Right now his wrestling ability is carrying him all the way. Paul Heyman as a mouth piece isn't doing anything but helping.

Cesaro is a very impressive superstar. Once he breaks that glass ceiling he's going all the way. The WWE Universe as they so call it are going to give Cesaro that personality once he's ready for it. His skillset/moveset already has pushed him farther then a lot of other wrestlers have gotten to.

Look at Daniel Bryan.. Someone once said he was like a bowl of "mashed potatoes" Still makes me laugh every time I think about it. But quite honestly he was pretty lame personality wise. But his move set and fan reaction got him to that next level where he developed his own personality because of it. I see Cesaro going the same route. Make this guy a baby face, and he'll absolutely kill it!

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