Cesaro - Ready Or Not?

Is Cesaro A Main Eventer?

  • Yes - Upon His Break Up With Swagger, Push Him.

  • Yes - If He Can Develop A Persona & Connection With Fans.

  • No - There Are Already Guys Waiting More Deserving.

  • No - I Just Don't See It In Him.

  • Undecided - It's Not Impossible, But I have My Doubts.

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Randy Orton is the WWE champion and is the most entertaining wrestler in the company. It baffles me why they would have him lose to 2 midcarders (Cesaro and Bryan) and Cena on free tv in a span of two weeks. Cesaro is one of the most overrated wrestlers around. He would be lucky to ever get the U.S. title back and would be a horrible WWE champion because he has a horrible look, cant work the microphone, and his in ring skills are exaggerated. WWE needs to realize that they were right all along, Batista vs Orton in the mainevent of WM 30 is the best possible match and they should start building both of them up. I understand they want to make everyone seem like a threat in the Chamber(except Christian) but Randy Orton is a once in a generation type superstar and they need to capitalize on his popularity.The one thing that holds Cesaro back is his look.... He looks like my half mexican half italian balding uncle or something..
Yes - If He Can Develop A Persona & Connection With Fans.

That's the poll answer most folks have chosen. It's certainly a hopeful outlook and it would be nice to see someone like Cesaro achieve it, but I don't know how he's going to pull it off.

They've tried it before.....and it didn't work. Don't tell me they didn't try to push him as a singles competitor. They gave him a good chance and he simply didn't make it; not because his ring work wasn't up to par, but because he was trying to force upon us a personality that just wasn't his. If the powers-that-be can find a way to make Cesaro dynamic on the mic, then they can probably move mountains and control the planet's weather, too. I mean.....really.

Sometimes, the writers can tailor a persona for a wrestler....but mostly, they can't. An example of "can't" is Cesaro's own partner. Jack Swagger is a guy they tried like hell to push to the moon, even giving him a world championship very early in his career. After that bit the earth, they took Jack off the air and brought him back a long time later, pushed him....and it again didn't work.

On the other side of the coin is Daniel Bryan. Despite the fact people are going insane for him today, he wasn't always in that position, was he? He was doing his fair share of jobbing early in his WWE tenure. Yes, he always had the technical excellence, but that wasn't translating into career success when they had him sacrificing himself to push Sin Cara, was it? But in his case, Creative found a way to get it done, casting him as the lovable underdog.

Honestly, I don't see Cesaro as that kind of character.....and given the blandness of his personality, it doesn't appear that his latest push is going to amount to any more than did his first.

I'd love to be wrong on this. Cesaro's strength is in his ring work....and if they can find a way to get folks behind him with that, maybe this ca work, after all.
I think people are jumping too quickly on Cesaro as if he's won the Royal Rumble or something. He went over Randy Orton clean once and has yet to prove Main Event worthy by usurping a string of competitors up there. Kofi Kingston beat Randy Orton with S.O.S. if anyone recalls. So what? Now I'm not taking anything away from Cesaro. He had a great run as US Champion, he has the look and strength, he has the in-ring skills, etc. But, unless he can continue to beat guys that have been to the very top on a consistent basis (John Cena, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio), I'm gonna have my doubts. This might have been just a teaser and nothing more. He might bloom later this year. Honestly, with the abrupt way his push ended a while back made me anxious whether or not he'd be relegated to jobber status. Then he teamed up with Jack Swagger and I thought that was gonna go nowhere. It didn't really make sense. But, through that he developed a bit of an in-ring personality through his in-ring work such as the giant swing (even if that's a move he's been doing since his indie days) that everyone likes. We'll see how things pan out, but I'm not gonna make any grand assumption that he's heading towards Main Event status until I see some consistency and not onetime hype prior to the Elimination Chamber.
Cesaro can definitely wrestle. That part is obvious. My doubts are his lack of charisma and mic-skills. We have seen it with Axel and Ryback. Axel is pretty solid in the ring; they gave him Heyman but it still didn't work. Ryback has a great look and can put on an entertaining match but is lacking in vital areas.

Cesaro is probably better in the ring than those two. He has a lot of talent and it appears he is going to turn face. The Cesaro swing is a huge face move but I'm sceptical. If he can't connect with the fans then what hope does he have. He isn't going to get great reactions everywhere he goes. He probably won't sell a lot of merch and that is worrying. Look at The Miz and Del Rio's face turns: completely underwhelming.

Personally, I'd keep him part of the Real Americans. Zeb Coulter is in the top three speakers the WWE have and can do wonders for Cesaro. Swagger is another guy that is a great wrestler and the tag-team is fantastic. They don't necessarily have to team together but they can remain a team under the influence of Zeb.

If they want to push him as a face then I feel he will flop. There is a chance he can do well but he won't reach the level of the other faces. As a heel and with Zeb he can be a very good heel. Cesaro is a perfect guy to work with a top face; putting on entertaining matches and making the guy look good. That is the role I see him filling.
Randy Orton is the WWE champion and is the most entertaining wrestler in the company. It baffles me why they would have him lose to 2 midcarders (Cesaro and Bryan) and Cena on free tv in a span of two weeks. Cesaro is one of the most overrated wrestlers around. He would be lucky to ever get the U.S. title back and would be a horrible WWE champion because he has a horrible look, cant work the microphone, and his in ring skills are exaggerated. WWE needs to realize that they were right all along, Batista vs Orton in the mainevent of WM 30 is the best possible match and they should start building both of them up. I understand they want to make everyone seem like a threat in the Chamber(except Christian) but Randy Orton is a once in a generation type superstar and they need to capitalize on his popularity.The one thing that holds Cesaro back is his look.... He looks like my half mexican half italian balding uncle or something..
Please go play in oncoming traffic with that attitude. Bryan, Cesaro, Wyatt, Reigns are talented and are the future of the business. How many times has Orton been this character throughout his career. Yeah he's good but not new and fresh. It's been over 7 years that orton has been in title picture or main event scene. Batista left from the title and comes back right into it. It's time for someone NEW to get the recognition they deserve.
I chose second yes option. Sure you can say its too soon or he'll be another superstar pushed too soon but there's something to be said for striking the iron while its hot. Give him a solo storyline, allow him to be seen as his own man now the crowd are starting to get behind him and see where it goes.
I don't think mic skills are what will hold him back. Daniel Bryan is not a great interview, neither was Bret Hart and both were/are capable main event level talent.

That particular weakness can be easily covered up with a mouth piece. Colter is great, but the gimmick has been played out and wouldn't work as well at the top of the card.

I've seen mention of pairing him with Heyman, but honestly I think everyone currently pails in comparison to Heyman's last two big clients. Axel and Ryback are not as high profile as Punk and Lesnar and they suffered from the comparison.

One option that could work would be bringing back Flair as a mouth piece and having him form a new 4 Horsemen stable. Flair made it work with uncharismatic guys before like Benoit, Mongo, and Malenko so it's not impossible for Cesaro to work in that situation.
Well, I don't watch WWE often because it's dull and boring. I'd much rather watch Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and the Wolves do their thing in TNA.

From what little I've seen of Cesaro is he's a one hit wonder. He's just hits variations of a lame, unbelievable uppercut. Boring!!!!!!!!!

Everyone knows Orton will retain at the Elimination chamber due to the WWE's horrific booking lately anyways....SMH.

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