Idea to keep Real Americans together


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There has been reports and plenty of signs recently that The Real Americans will be splitting, but I really think this team has plenty more gas in the tank and I have an idea to keep them together. While some will say Cesaro is ready for a singles push, and trust me when I say Cesaro's matches are one of the reasons I watch, I feel if you want to build the tag team ranks you need plenty of worthy contenders and The Real Americans are one of them. You can still tease the split but put a turn on the storyline. You can still keep Cesaro winning the matches and Swagger costing matches. Heck even have Cesaro get Swagger out of trouble. You can have Cesaro showing signs of frustration which could lead a little physical but never turning his back on Swagger. After a month or two more of that you have Swagger fighting back and promising to bring out the beast. I know you can't use that cuz of Batista and it would have to be reworded but it was just to explain Swaggers frustrations come out and pick up his slack of the team. This can give Cesaro time to work with his promo work before he is ready for a singles push and a credible partner that could turn both into an old school bad ass team. I miss the days of the Road Warriors, Steiner Bros, Heart Foundation, Bulldogs, etc. I think if done properly the Real Americans could fit that mold. What do you guys think?
Can't see it happening.

WWE is setting the wheels in motion for a split, and it's more obvious during tonight's Raw. Cesaro is ready to go on his own again, and it's best to strike, while the iron is hot. If WWE keeps The Real Americans together, you're taking an unnecessary risk of killing Ceasro's momentum to help out Swagger, and we're talking about someone, who blew his chance for a strong solo push last year.
The RA are splitting up real soon.. Cesaro is super hot right now,especially that damn swing that takes amazing strength to pull off what he does.. The longer you keep this team together,you run the risk of killing Antonio's momentum.. He is a shining star in the making,time for him to go on his own again... He is a future champion as long as he doesnt fuck up like Jack Swagger did..

I dont think Antonio will mess up. He is too dedicated to his craft and doesn't take anything for granted.. WAR CESARO
It's already a terrible idea because Swagger can't buy a crowd to give a shit about him and Cesaro is sky-rocketing the last 2-3 months. Why would you even WANT to keep them together? There's nothing to benefit from it.
I understand and agree with what all three of you are saying. I think Ceasro is great but miss old school tag teams and felt like Real Americans could have been good. Just one man's opinion. I will say once Cesaro goes back to singles career he will have plenty of good guys to work with. WAR Cesaro!
I think the team has legs but I'd still like to see a singles push for Cesaro. I reckon that they could replace Cesaro with somebody else, kicking him out the group for not being a 'Real American'. That way Cesaro goes single and the Real American concept can continue albeit with a different guy.
Anyone heard the cheers for Cesaro in his match vs Big E(who was booed)??

It is clear that putting Cesaro in the Elimination Chamber was the perfect move. He is, as said by some guys above, red hot right now. I don't think he has any mic skills at all,lMO, and it would be perfect if he has a manager a la Brock Lesnar when he goes into full singles mode.
It's already a terrible idea because Swagger can't buy a crowd to give a shit about him and Cesaro is sky-rocketing the last 2-3 months. Why would you even WANT to keep them together? There's nothing to benefit from it.

Yeah true. I agree. The only thing that can come good out of this is if they win the titles off the Usos. The crowd seems to be buying into the "We The People" phrase.

There's hardly any heel tag teams for the Usos to defend against. Swagger and Cesaro could be like a dysfunctional tag team like Team Hell No.

I'm for Real Americans to be split but I'd hate it for it to be right now unless Cesaro's going to win the IC title off Big E and they actually book him like a champ unlike how they did when he was US champ, practically was wearing the belt as a decoration rather than have meaningful matches and feuds.
Maybe they earn a title shot against The Usos at Wrestlemania and lose. Then they break up right there and then.
Ever since Swagger returned w/Zeb Coulter I liked the Real Americans gimmick. They've tweaked it here and there. Adding Antonio Cesaro was a great move by creative/Vince, but I feel like they did w/the Rhodes Scholars creative missed the boat to make these guys tagteam champions. I was really glad to see the Usos win the straps tonight. Back to the Real Americans I think they could add to Zeb's stable w/o watering it down because it is a really good gimmick. To the guy that said Jack Swagger couldn't buy a crowd's support; did you watch Elimination Chamber??? We the People chants were more over than Big E. I don't believe Swagger will get another shot at the Main event, but he can definitely make a credible Mid-card champion and there's nothing wrong with that.
The only issue I have with splitting them up is that WWE seems to be dividing most of their teams/factions at the same time! Flies in the face of last year's reports that they want to build up the tag team division
Zeb Colter is such a great character/gimmick and great on the mic so I think WWE needs to be careful here if they're breaking up The Real Americans. I think they absolutely HAVE to keep Colter's gimmick in place and keep him on TV. IF they're going to break up this incarnation of the Real Americans, I'm fine with that IF they add one or two guys in place of Cesaro. I'm assuming Cesaro will go face and have a singles run. So, WWE will need someone else to replace him.
The Real Americans are a good team that, in my opinion, could have been even better with more consistent booking. However, I think it's time for them to break up because Cesaro would just seem like he's spinning his wheels.

Cesaro has gained a ton of momentum over the past month or so with show stealing, or at least really strong, matches against Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, John Cena and Big E. I don't know if Cesaro will make it to the main event scene on a regular basis, but I can see him being a strong upper mid-card guy who transitions into the main event spot every now & then. Right now, I think teaming with Swagger is holding him back because I don't see Swagger progressing any further. Remember, Swagger was scheduled to win the World Heavyweight Championship, reportedly at least, from Alberto Del Rio but he fucked up by getting arrested for DUI after a SD! taping in either Missouri or Mississippi during WrestleMania season last year. As a result, due to management having issue of trust with Swagger, it's unlikely he'll be carrying a title anytime soon, even the tag titles. Swagger's a talented in-ring guy himself but since it's doubtful that WWE management trusts him, keeping him teamed with Cesaro is just weighing Cesaro down.
I feel as though keeping the RA together is a career death sentence for Cesaro. Swagger has been overrated since he got to the WWE, and then, with his issues with substances, and whatever else there's been, he's just getting by still being an employee. Cesaro has a very bright future in the WWE, keeping him with Swagger will just ruin it.
I feel as though keeping the RA together is a career death sentence for Cesaro. Swagger has been overrated since he got to the WWE, and then, with his issues with substances, and whatever else there's been, he's just getting by still being an employee. Cesaro has a very bright future in the WWE, keeping him with Swagger will just ruin it.

I agree but I think Cesaro stinks on the mic and I worry about him without Zeb Colter.
Well, what you have to do is really repackage the Zeb Colter thing from the Real American to something else. He's a classic HoF quality manager, but I feel like he's being wasted just reciting Tea Party rhetoric. Keeping Cesaro with Zeb under a repackaged gimmick is the best way to handle it, imo.

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