Why Cesaro and Heyman is Perfect!


Leading A Revolution
With Brock Lesnar gone, WWE decided to pick a new paul heyman guy and as most of you know they went with Cesaro. It was an interesting choice, because Cesaro turned on Swagger and Colter and was getting cheered at WMXXX and the post-mania raw. However, Paul Heyman is magic on the mic and can make the most pro heyman crowd hate him after just a few sentences. Some people have been wondering if Heyman and Cesaro will work because fans have wanted to cheer cesaro lately, yet WWE paired him with a heel manager, or "advocate" as Heyman would say. I think its perfect though. When crowds start to like a heel the way they have Cesaro, the worst thing they could've done is jumped and turned him real fast. Cesaro has started to win over crowds do to in ring ability and strength, but just turing him the second he started getting some cheers would've hurt him and would have been too soon. Pairing with Heyman is perfect, because even if crowds really want to cheer Cesaro, Heyman will be able to make the crowd hate him, just by association. This will make pro cesaro crowds want to cheer him more and more, and build it up, so when he does turn BOOM! It will be bigger, and the crowd will be even more into it. It will keep Cesaro as face hotter with the crowds longer then it would have had they fully turned him at or right after Mania.
It reminds me of when the nation of domination split and crowds started to get behind Rock, instead of fully turning him an running with that they played with it shortly and then BANG aligned him with the Devil himself Vince McMahon. I always thought that was a genius move and I believe Cesaro and Heyman is a genius move.
So what do you think?
- Do you think this is what the WWE is doing with Cesaor?
- Do you think this Kind of approach helps a wrestler as face in the long run?
- Or do you think I'm wrong, and/or crazy?
I don't think you're crazy, but I'm not a fan of the pairing. While I agree that flipping Cesaro too quickly rarely works (ie Ziggler Ryder), pairing him with Heyman doesn't work. IMO, WWE paired the two as a panic move to keep Heyman on tv following mania. Since the move, Heyman has helped do more for the absent Lesnar than he has for Cesaro. We've seen promos that are helping Heyman garner some serious heat, but this is doing nothing for Cesaro. It seems as if Cesaro is already starting to cool off a bit. If I was booking it, I'd continue the slow burn with the real Americans. This could've played out for another 6-8 weeks. Cesaro has gotten over enough without a mouth piece, so there's no need to pair the two. I'd rather Heyman be paired with Big E.
I get where you are coming from but imo the Heyman-Cesaro pairing is anything but perfect. WWE NEEDS a couple high profile face managers because it seems that managers are coming back and coming back strong within the WWE. Coulter and Heyman are not enough for the number of names that can seriously benefit from having a mouthpiece. I think initially people were a fan of Cesaro-Heyman but it seems that the two don't mesh well with each other and Heyman hasn't really done anything to put Cesaro over as a face or heel. It just doesn't make sense to me because although they are trying to build Cesaro as a heel, he's feuding with Swagger... huh? Who's the face and who's the heel? It just doesn't make sense to me right now but maybe in due time it will.
On paper it is a fantastic idea in my opinion, but it seems to be drawing focus away from Cesaro as much as it is putting it on him.

I find it counter-productive when Paul Heyman is using an entire promo (sans 2 minutes) to talk about his other client(s). he just came off an amazing performance at the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, and it feels like his momentum his slowing way down. Maybe it is just me. I'm glad he got new music( i gotta get used to it)instead of coming out to silence.

Why not go off on Colter and pump up that rivalry, the promos between Zeb and Paul would be legendary back and forth, and build up to a war between Swagger and Cesaro, one that would have befitted an extreme rules match or something.

I feel like they are squandering a situation, and not fully utilizing what exactly it is that they have with him. Probably totally wrong but that's how I see it.

At least we know now that his client, Brock Lesnar, defeated the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania.
It doesn't work for me. For one, Heyman focuses way too much on Lesnar while he is standing next to Cesaro. That's never going to get Cesaro over if he's not the main focus. Second, you have to make a clear definition of where Cesaro stands. He can't be portrayed as a favorite if he's with Heyman, and he can't really be a heel with the crowds cheering his feats of strength, like the swing.

The only way I see this working if they continue how they are going, with Heyman constantly promoting Lesnar. The you slowly have Cesaro get tired of not getting Heyman's full attention. He would then tell Heyman that if he wants to continue talking about Lesnar, why not put him in a match with Lesnar to show that he is better than Lesnar and should be the focus.
I think cesaro should be solo or paired with Hogan.
Heymans skills should be used on someone who needs it.
I'd say heyman would work well with Tyson Kidd or a rebuilt
Drew McIntyre. I think he and cesaro are fine for now. But
Heyman is getting to much attention for Brock. I can see a split.
I see lesnar returning at money in the bank and taking out cesaro.
I see Brock beating Batista at survivor series for the belt.
I see cesaro returning at the rumble and winning. Its my opinion.
Would love to see cesaro face lesnar at mania 31 main event.
I do not want to see Brock vs rock at mania. The man who beat
The streak should fall to a rising talent. Rock should put his
Nephew reigns over at mania 31
I can see what the OP is saying. I just can't get into the pairing. I liked it at first but they lost me when Heyman started coming out every week and reminding us about how his client, BROCK LESNAR.....well you know the rest. I just can't see how this is helping Cesaro get over. I think they keep dropping the ball with Cesaro, from pairing him with managers that don't match to giving him some very confusing theme music. I mean WTF was wrong with his swiss rap theme? I think the crowd would have popped if that song hit because it would have been familiar to them. As Cesaro has began to be elevated higher and higher ever week it is almost as if WWE chooses tho take one step forward and then two steps back, accomplishing virtually nothing. I will, as always, keep watching to see where it all goes from here but it just feels like this isn't going in a direction that most of us would like to see.
Oh how I wish Cesaro had been the new Heyman guy last year instead of Axel, the Punk vs Cesaro matches would have been great. As for the current situation, I think WWE are trying something different, a guy who works like a face and works the crowd as a face, paired with the greatest heel manager in modern wrestling. Will it work? I dunno, but I applaud the attempt to try something new and I think it needs time to develop, they have only been paired for 3 weeks, lets see where it goes.

For instance Heyman's constant ranting about Lesnar ending the streak is not without reason, they are planting seeds for a potential match between Cesaro and Lesnar down the line as he is bound to get tired of hearing about Brock IMO. I'm sure there are more things planned for Heyman and Cesaro's storyline that will make it clearer as to why they have went this route.
I think your post was a typical Paul Heyman-worshipping one. Even though the pairing with Paul Heyman has done nothing for him so far (and nothing too special seems to be in stock, either), you seem to have found a lot of positives and potential future positives... simply because its Paul Heyman we are talking about.
The highest (or only mentionable) height this pairing will take Cesaro is a match against Brock Lesnar... which he most likely won't win. If we take the probability of that away, this alliance is a big DUD.
Paul Heyman cannot do anything for Cesaro that Zeb Colter couldn't do. In fact, if Paul Heyman was really so great, he wouldn't need already-over people to keep them going; he could take nobodies and make them stars, like Zeb Colter did.

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