No Surrender: The Rock N' Rave Inferction vs. The Prince Justice Brotherhood

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
The Rock N' Rave Infection (Lance Rock, Jimmy Rave and Christy Hemme) vs. The Prince Justice Brotherhood (Curry Man, Shark Boy & Super Eric)​

Ok so get this. You've got one team, the faces, and there are three of them. Superheroes. They on the HEEL team you've got two males and a woman. So really you have the heels in a handicap match. So the heels will probably illicit sympathy. Well they would if TNA fans could think for themselves. This is pointless.
Wow, this is really a PPV match! This is really going to entice people to buy the PPV. Why are TNA pushing the Rock N Rave Infection at all? They get NO reaction, they're horrible to watch, and people don't give a shit about them.. why waste time and effort giving them any kind of time on television (let alone PPV!) when you have so many others you could be using instead and who could be given their spot. This is why TNA sucks. Not to mention you have the OTHER side of the equation; the stupid super hero gimmicks who are just as bad, just as painful to watch for me. At least they can wrestle have decently, but this should be a pre show match not a match on the actual PPV. Unbelievable.
Huh? What is the point of this? When has the PJB been on tv lately anyway? The RNR have what issue with them? Why in the world is a ppv match being wasted on this? It'll take up 12 minutes or so counting intros and wrap up. Is there nothing better to do with that time? Isn't there an X division match that we could ahve? Maybe a #1 contender's match or something? ANYTHING that has a purpose? This is a match that belongs on Xplosion. Its not even impact worthy, and they put it on a damn ppv. When the title match goes short, blame it on this match right here.
Well Eric Young is Canadian, so I'm glad that TNA aren't rewarding hiw with a world title shot. Then again Samoa Joe probably won't show up (happens often in TNA) and he'll be put in the main event as well. And as he's Canadian you've got to send the fans home happy, so we'll probably see Super Eric as world champion.

I also imagine that we'll be seeing the debut of Canadian Curry Man & Saskatoon Shark Boy.
I didn't think it would be any different. But the faces won. And they won by beating up the woman of the team. How exactly is that supposed to make them more over? Wow, they beat a woman. In the real world hitting women is considered wrong. Yet in TNA & WWE it's what faces do.
This match, to me, was everything it was ever meant to be. The Prince Justice Brotherhood isn't a trio that's meant or should ever be meant to be taken as anything other than a joke. Curry Man and Christy Hemme sold this match to me.

It was Christopher's craving for Christy's 'curry' that had me rolling and wanting them to be the only two in the match. I know it'll come off sounding stupid, but if we have to watch the PJB at Bound For Glory, I'm begging it to be a match w/ Curry Man against Christy Hemme.

The ending came when Sharkboy hit the Stunner (West called it the "chunner"?) on Christy, and Curry Man laid on top of her 'tending' to her as the official counted. He refused to get off her after the match, and had to be pulled away. The storyline between Curry Man's love for the ladies is more appealing to me than almost anything else T.N.A. has going on.

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