[No Surrender] The Aftermath Discussion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
The results:

Jeff Hardy def. Samoa Joe [BFG Series Match]
Bully Ray def. James Storm [BFG Series Match]
Zema Ion (C) def. Sonjay Dutt [X Divison Championship]
Tessmacher (C) def. Tara [Knockouts Championship]
RVD def. Magnus
Daniels & Kazarian (C) def. Styles & Angle [Tag Team Championships]
Jeff Hardy def. Bully Ray [BFG Series Finale]

Please keep all relevant match grading and critiques as well as general PPV post-show discussion here.
I was really into the show. Everything rolled into place and felt like it was needed to be. The matches were really good, not great but really good. IDR you did miss a good match between Ion & Dutt, I know you hate Ion, but the match was fun to see.

Only thing I wished was for Bully to win. I been behind him since day one whilst everyone thought the split would be a total failure and Devon and Bully would be Team 3D before the nights end. How wrong, I just want Bully to get his chance.

Is Bully the leader of DMH errrr Aces & Eights? Would that make any sense if he was? They seem to want to play it off that way. But after the match and his loss it cannot make any sense. What would the purpose be? I am going to have to wait till Friday to watch iMPACT! to find out.

Overall, solid show for a throw-away pay per view.
The pay-per-view had my captivated throughout. The first two matches were incredibly solid and had me excited to see who would be the victor. There honestly was not even one match on the card that I was not entertained by. So in that respect, TNA provided a very good show.

However, I have some issues. Where's the logic in not showing at least one member of aces and eights. I've grown more and more interested in this storyline, but by tonight I was expecting at least one reveal. Instead, we received yet another brawl that resulted in not even one member of aces and eights being revealed. I feel like I've seen that somewhere before? Oh yes, every episode of iMPACT! the last three-four weeks. All night, after calling the police on them as well as having them injure Jeff Hardy, I think it's fair to expect that something else would happen. When it didn't, it left me incredibly disappointed.

Another problem I had with the show is Jeff Hardy winning. I'd honestly prefer Bully Ray to have won as a heel vs. a face would be much better than a face vs. a face.

Overall, I was entertained throughout. It was a solid show. But no developments were made in the Aces and Eights storyline and I'm uninterested in the bound for glory main event at this point. So while I was kept entertained, I left very very disappointed.
I agree Bull Ray should have been put over and so should Magnus!! Aces and Eights is great so don't screw it up Tna and reveal hogan is behind it .
This was a very good show.some booking issues but the wrestling was top notch.

I didnt like how the Tag title match ended: Guys pull out signature moves we rarely see and yet an applemartini to the face ends it.

I couldve done without all that Hogan again, Hulk is fading back into his old ways.

I love Jeff Hardy, I love the fact I get to see what should be a awesome match Hardy vs Aries at BFG, I just couldn't stand the John Cena superhuman effort by Jeff and Against All Odds 2010 with The Pope story. Hardy to his credit though sold like an Mfer.

The rest of the show I had zero complaints about
Strong wrestling throughout the card,even the KO match wasn't bad.But there are some problem's with the booking.Booking problem:Storm vs Ray,Aries battling A&8 and hardy defeating Ray.In the first bout the ref got knocked out too many times.And hebner sells bad.(BTW Roode got arrested for interfering?WTF)When aries with the whole roster fought the A&8,how could not a single member be unmasked?Finally the ME,Injured hardy beating ray doesn't make sense unless hardy turns heel again.Overall good show,8/10 PPV
Surprised to read that Magnus wasn't put over RVD. And Ray losing to Hardy seems a little shocking. I'm curious to see what develops from Roode and Storm now that Roode has cost Storm another shot at the strap.
All they did was set the stage for Bound for Glory. Bully Ray will have his chance for the title soon after the pay per view. Ace's and 8's will be revealed, Roode vs Storm feud revisited, Aries vs Hardy will be one of the best matches of any pay per view this year and overall, TNA will have a Dam good reason to stay live each and every week on Spike.
A lot of things can happen going into the PPV. Storm can still compete for the title, they can have Magnus have a rematch against RVD on TV because RVD would say a young punk like Magnus lack respect and then have Magnus cheat to win in the rematch. As far as Bully, just have TNA do a TNA wrestlers vs AcesAnd8s War Games-type match with Bully turning on TNA, revealing himself as the leader of the Bad Guys.
I personally loved No Surrender, the ppv looked good on card, and tna pulled it off. i could see why they ha dthe joe vs hardy match first, because the strom vs ray match wasn't as impressive as the first match, but stillw orth the wtach. I loved how the second match ended, with roode and the beer bottle, looks like roode vs storm at BFG. The knockouts match was well booked, it told a story (teacher vs student), im glad tna kept the title on brooke, and i hope they keep it on her for a bit longer. Now onto the tag team match, this was by far the best match of the night, i give full credit to angle, the fact he worked the match injured and still worked like a trojan shows how much of a true wrestler he is. This is the kinda match i would love to see in wwe, because it would get numbers back up. i think angles injury may have altered the booking, but either way it was a decent match, the ending was a let down, but apart from that it was a 4/5 star match. The last match wasn't a dud, but it wasn't the best match to round out the show, the fact that there was no aces & 8's involvement or even a sighting in this match was a bit of a head scratcher. I'm very much a jeff hardy fan, but i was really surprised he got the win over ray, when ray hit that second bubba bomb i was like "hes gotta be dead surely", and when he kicked out i was like "WTF". but regardless, jeff should pick up the win at BFG, if he doesn't well thats a big waste of the BFG series. Overall this ppv was outstanding, it kept to its match card, and didn't really go over the top. I'd give this PPV a 8/10. On a last note, alot of people bag tna, but when u think about it, over the past 3-4 months, tna has actually been putting on more consistent shows and ppvs than wwe. Im not saying tna is making more money than the E', im jus saying that it just shows that tna are on the right track in regards to booking matches and ppvs.
TNA need to draw quite a massive PAID gate for BFG, something they're not in the habit of doing in the USA. Therefore Jeff Hardy was completely the right choice from a business perspective. He's still relatively young and a good marquee name to draw in any casual fans/young kids who may only have ever watched WWE. Samoe Joe/Kurt Angle/AJ Styles vs Austin Aries looks great to us marks, but the reaction of your average joe would be "who the f*ck are they?". This ain't Orlando anymore. The IWC Aries dream matches will come soon enough. Otherwise, sounds like it was a solid card.

Oh, and f*ck Rob 'Won't Job' Van-Dam/whoever booked that match. I thought they were trying to build Magnus as a heel who could be a threat to Joe, but he can't even beat a washed up old bastard like RVD? What's the point? I'm not even saying Magnus should go over Joe when the time comes, but you have to make him look like a threat.
I'm not entirely surprised by most of the results, but a few things did stand out that I was not expecting. The most significant of these being that James Storm did NOT win the Bound For Glory series. It makes sense now that I think about it, he and Roode have an easily created feud for the biggest show of the year and it is big enough of a deal that the World Championship does not need to be involved. That frees Aries up for his challenger, Jeff Hardy. The decision to have Hardy win the series had me scratching my head a little, but Hardy VS Aries should be a match worth looking forward to at least. It will be better for Aries to face a big name like Hardy so if he is going to remain World Champion going into Bound For Glory then the decision does make sense. Storm HAS to face Roode and unless Roode somehow manages to regain the world title, they are better off settling their issue in a non-title match.

Hardy defeating Samoa Joe came to no surprise. Tessmacher and Ion retaining were obvious choices as well. I would have saved Aries VS The Armbreaker for either last or next to last, that should not have been in the middle of the card. The X Division title match should have opened or perhaps gone on second. The best match of the night by far was the Tag Team Championship match and I had a feeling going in that it would be great. Styles and Angle deserved the win though, AJ needs revenge after the whole Claire storyline. It also felt weird to not have an official World Championship match as part of the show. I'm glad Aries was still in action at least. An ok show, could have been better, could have been FAR worse.
The worst thing TNA COULD DO, WOULD BE TO TAKE THE STRAP OFF ARIES AND PUT IT ON HARDY! Austin Aries is the best thing going for tna besides Aces and Eights. Bully Ray as the leader is too obvious, which questions why Hogan has the heel beard.Eric Bischoff or Jeff Jarrett makes more sense as the leader of Aces and Eights and Matt Morgan as one of the members. Would be awesome!
This was a good show. Not as good as the PPV's before it, but still good. Would probably put it on par with Sacrifice.

Tag match was awesome and X Division and Ray vs Storm were also great matches.

The Aries vs Armbreaker match and Hardy vs Ray though IMO were boring as hell. Also there seemed to be a lot of filler and stalling in this PPV with all the stuff with Hogan and the cops.

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