Nitro more impressive than i thought


RIP Benoit - Truly One Of The Best
I'll be the first to say i dislike Nitro but he was more impressive than i thought he would be, good match but it was so stupid how it ended. i know it's just to hype up their next match but Jeff had it won & Melina's interference shouldn't have caused a DQ the ref shoulda tossed her to the side & continued his count Nitro was still down. i hate it when they have a DQ over something stupid like that, it really wouldn't have effected the match.
i knew nitro was nice in the ring but his mic skills suck

am i the only one that thinks he sux?? lol he was horrible las night he messed up like 5 or 6 times looked like hardy hadda carry him threw out the match
Taker4545 said:
am i the only one that thinks he sux?? lol he was horrible las night he messed up like 5 or 6 times looked like hardy hadda carry him threw out the match

Maybe that's why he looked so good.
He didn't mess up at all last night. He's a pretty good wrestler, and that corckscrew moonsault he did a couple of weeks ago was a thing of beauty- better than Jeff Hardy's.

Flames Out
I never really paid attention to him in the ring till last nights match, better off a singles wrestler probably than when he was with Mercury.
He was on the mic once and you people are talkin smack about it... I would love to see anyone here talk in front of thousands of people and millions of viewers... Doubt you would do any better...

Nitro is a solid WWE Superstar.... As a friend of mine once repeatedly said... Johnny Nitro is the Future of Sports Entertainment... And I agree... BTW he only messed up once... And it was Hardys fault just as much as it was Nitros
I've always respected the talent that Nitro has, but he does have a lot of work in order to get to the next level of his singles careers. I think a good, long feud with someone like a Hardy, a wrestler who in a way mirrors the type of wrestling Nitro does(calculated vs uncalculated risk) will do wonders for where his career goes from here.
nitros alright i was suprised he did that corkskrew moonsault but i still like benjamin better hes more athletic overall and benjamin can do a 450 splash and has great mat skills looking like the next kurt angle
Nitro is an awesome wrestler, most of his house shows matches get great reviews but he just doesnt get the time to show it on Raw, he's been getting more and more time lately though, hence you people realizing he is indeed a very good wrestler.

He needs a manager that can do the talk though, Melina is fine for a guy like Edge, who could use a manager but does most of the talk by himself. Nitro needs more of a Heyman kind of manager, that can do all the talk and let Johnny do the wrestling.
Stop spamming blackngold.

I agree with Mannequin. A more Bobby Heenan/Paul Heyman type of mangager would be better for Nitro. That would also differentiate him from Edge.

Flames Out
Fine, get banned- not my problem.

Nitro is your quintisential future WWE superstar. He's got the wrestling talent, the gimmick, and all he needs to do is work on his mic skills.

Flames Out
Believe me you will be, stop spamming.

I wonder if Nitro would have been IC Champion so soon if Joey Mercury hadn't been sent to rehab.

Flames Out
nitro really needs to get a finisher, i believe he doesnt have one, and he needs to be a bit more smooth with his moves in the ring

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