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Night of Champions - WHC Title - Randy Orton (c) vs. Mark Henry


Gone but never forgotten.

In a showdown that promises to produce nothing short of pure bedlam in Buffalo, World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton will attempt to slam the doors shut on Mark Henry’s “Hall of Pain,” in an epic World Title Match at Night of Champions.

For months, the enraged Mark Henry has been busy, filling his “Hall of Pain” with victims that include Kane, Big Show, Sheamus and any other unfortunate soul that has gotten in his way. However, since becoming the No. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title – in a 20-Man Battle Royal on SmackDown (WATCH) – The World's Strongest Man has become even more vicious, relentless and focused in his brutal path of destruction. This was painfully evident during a live SuperSmackDown, when Henry delivered an excruciating assault on Randy Orton, just moments after WWE’s Apex Predator had overcome Christian in a grueling Steel Cage World Title Match (WATCH). Ten days later, he repeated his onslaught, informing Orton that the only reason he didn’t permanently damage him was that he was coming for his World Championship. This raised huge questions as whether there is anyone or anything that can realistically stop such an uncontrollable force of nature.

On the other hand, according to Randy Orton, the solution to stopping Henry’s devastation in its tracks is a simple one: RKO. And if a blockage to the massive aggressor’s behavior is needed, there is simply no one better to carry it out. After all, The Viper did not become The Viper by accident. He is dangerous, frighteningly cunning and capable of striking without warning. Since coming to SmackDown, not only has he captured the World Title, but he has bested a sea of high-profile Superstars that include Christian, Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, The Great Khali and Ted DiBiase. Over the course of his career, he has stood toe-to-toe with the best in the business from The Undertaker to Edge to John Cena to Triple H.

However, despite the incredible list of credits to Orton’s name, there is no denying that the rage and experience of his latest challenger – festering for 15 years – has finally unleashed itself on WWE. And with such unpredictable rage against him, there is no telling how their match-up will end.
Interesting how no one created this thread yet. I'm almost positive this match was announced after Christian begged for his most recent title shot at the Super Smackdown live broadcast: Christian would have the first crack at the title and Mark Henry would challenge the winner at Night of Champions.

The buildup behind Mark Henry has been brilliant, as of late. This is exactly how the world's strongest man should have been portrayed to the audience; as a big, mean, ANGRY, wrecking machine. I hate to say "I told you so" but... Anyway, Henry has built up a ton of momentum in this gimmick and I honestly feel he'd be a believable world heavyweight champion. Orton is more-than-established as the top dog of the show and it wouldn't hurt him to lose the title to Henry in the same way that he lost it to Christian. Meanwhile, the new champion gets a monster push, Orton eventually gets revenge, lather, rinse, and repeat.

I see this match ending up with Orton's hand being raised and a series of rematches, similar to that of Christian's. But I don't see FIVE rematches. Maybe one or two. Depending on the crowd's reaction, we might see a new World Heavyweight champion eventually... but not at Night of Champions.

Orton's form recently in the ring and Henry's new intimidating presence will make this match all right. I think Orton will win in a close match with an RKO out of nowhere, Henry will still look dominant though maybe with a beat down afterwards or something.

I don't see Henry taking the World Heavyweight Championship at all in this feud, I think Orton will get a good, long reign with a lot of great title defences. Maybe Henry's beat down after the match or maybe jumping Orton on SmackDown will keep the feud going and keep Orton irritated, shouldn't be longer than two months unless the "WWE Universe" cum all over it.
The way I see it Mark Henry is one of if not the most deserving superstar in the entire WWE of a World Heavyweight Championship run. Like D-Man said his buildup as of late has been amazing. Mark Henry is amazing on the mic right now and has been showing some great intensity and emotion. His character is believable and he is one of the best characters in the WWE. Henry has picked up his game and has been having some great matches and promos. He's still in great shape and I really think he deserves and is capable of a long title run.

The whole Orton and Christian program went on for far too long in my opinion. It should have ended a while ago with Orton retaining the title in the first place. Yeah Christian is good but in mi opinion he should have never held that title. I would have like to see Orton dominating Christian and winning the feud and then he would go on to have a nice lengthily run.

With that being said I believe since Orton has only held the belt for about a month there is no way WWE is going to have Orton drop it to Henry at Night of Champions. I think Henry's build up was spot on and it would have finished perfectly if he destroys Orton and won the World Title. I think that would be believable. Then i Orton and Mark Henry feud would be started with Henry getting over Orton in almost every meeting between the two but Orton would end up overcoming the brute that is Henry and winng back the Title.

I think that this is how the whole Christian/Orton Henry thing should have happened.
should be a decent match i fully expect orton to retain even though i think henry getting the title would be interesting but lets face it...orton is a bitch backstage plus the fact hes superorton on tv means no chance in hell he drops the belt to henry i hope this is a 1 time deal though as i already hate this fued
I hope Mark Henry wins, but he almost certainly won't, if for no other reason than they've passed the WHC around too much lately as it is. I think, as usual, Orton hits an RKO "from out of nowhere!" for the win.
i'm really hoping Mark Henry does win this one. I just really think he deserves it after being loyal to the company all these years, even though if he loses it at HITC, i would really like to see MH with the WHC
I hope that Mark Henry get his reign as World Heavyweight Champion but I dont see it coming at NOC. Randy Orton wont have a 1 month reign before losing the title, he is a superface after all. Expecting Orton to retain here but I hope it'll be a great match.
I would like to see Henry win. 15 years in the company and all he's got to show for it is a watered down ECW title! Mark Henry's push is AWSOME! He's destroying everyone and I like the Hall Of Pain. I don't think Orton will put him over though, but it is time for Henry to put a stamp on his legacy with a World Title run... 15 years? 15 years, He's the longest running ACTIVE MEMBER on the roster! For Christ sake, G.I. Joe (Cena) had the WWE title 9 times and even the boring stiff Khali is a former champion! Think about THAT one for a minute....In the words of Future HallOf Famer Ron Simmons...DAMN!!!
I think this will be a pretty solid match with Henry working his ass of currently and Orton looking good as normal. I can't see Henry winning one PPV after Orton won the title but the title has changed hands often recently on the blue brand so I could be wrong. I hope Henry stays looking dominant even if Orton wins because I think Henry is doing brilliant right now, maybe a beat down after the match or maybe Henry gets disqualified. Anyway I'm looking forward to this match.
I think Orton will win here. Henry will get title at some point, but I don't see it happening at NOC. Henry's indeed has been pushed perfectly. Everytime I watch SD, I just want to see Henry get beaten. I'm really starting to hate him, witch means that WWE has done great job building his heel gimmick.

So I don't actually want him to became champion, because he's gimmick happens to be so over on me, that I can't even stand him. But that's just my opinion and Henry will get his title in couple months.
After this feud with Chrisitan, I think Randy is a much better wrestler and promo. Might just be me, but being in another lengthy feud helped Orton. With this monster push, Mark really is on the way to the top. His promo with Bret Hart the week before Super SD was good, actually, and the WWE should base this match off of what he said "I've been here for 15 years and have never been given a shot". The hero, smaller man in Orton vs. the super villain, huge mean giant could tell a great story in the ring.

I bet Orton will win, but somewhere down the line, I would love a Henry title run.
At this point Henry deserves at least a "thank you" reign, even if it is transitional. I don't know if it's just a right place right time deal, or if Henry finally deiced to give a damn be he legitimately went from Kool Aid man jobber, to uber dominant heel. And it wasn't just chance...his ring work has been more than solid, and his mic work has been gold. If Khali and Swagger can have meaningless runs, than if nor nothing else, let have a run at it for loyalty. Besides, it's not like SD is brimming with viable competition for Randall.

Speaking of Orton, I don't see Henry getting a run...albeit transitional. Henry is built as a monster heel, so if he was to go over Orton if would more than likely have to be clean. Or at least not in a manner as say Christian would gain it. And since there's no way Orton could ever lose cleanly I don't see how he would go about losing it. In the end, I just see this as another way to elevate the champion. Which is too bad, because(and I can't believe i'm going to say this)...I want to see what kind of champion Henry could be.
At this point Henry deserves at least a "thank you" reign, even if it is transitional. I don't know if it's just a right place right time deal, or if Henry finally deiced to give a damn be he legitimately went from Kool Aid man jobber, to uber dominant heel. And it wasn't just chance...his ring work has been more than solid, and his mic work has been gold. If Khali and Swagger can have meaningless runs, than if nor nothing else, let have a run at it for loyalty. Besides, it's not like SD is brimming with viable competition for Randall.

Speaking of Orton, I don't see Henry getting a run...albeit transitional. Henry is built as a monster heel, so if he was to go over Orton if would more than likely have to be clean. Or at least not in a manner as say Christian would gain it. And since there's no way Orton could ever lose cleanly I don't see how he would go about losing it. In the end, I just see this as another way to elevate the champion. Which is too bad, because(and I can't believe i'm going to say this)...I want to see what kind of champion Henry could be.

When Swagger was champ, if I remember correctly Orton loss to him was clean.

Henry has done a great job being a monster type of heel. Not sure if I buy him as a world champion though. Its not going to be a great wrestling match. But I think this match can be entertaining like the Sheamus and Mark Henry matches have been.
When Swagger was champ, if I remember correctly Orton loss to him was clean.

Henry has done a great job being a monster type of heel. Not sure if I buy him as a world champion though. Its not going to be a great wrestling match. But I think this match can be entertaining like the Sheamus and Mark Henry matches have been.

Key difference, Swagger was already crowned champion. The bookers tried to make Swagger look legit after the fact...after he already won the belt. Where as in Mark's case he would have to go over Orton while ORTON was the champion. Had Henry already been champion, it would be another case. But I see no way the brass lets a guy on his last run at that age(albeit a pretty good one) go over your second biggest face as the current champion. Still, strager things have happened. And for all the flack haters give Orton he's certainly had recent heels gone over him while they were trying to gain credablity in Miz and Swagger and Sheamus if I correctly. (minus Christian, of course.)
I'd love Henry to have a run, just not against Randy Orton. Sexual Chocolate has been a mid carder forever, and I don't count ECW at all because nobody saw any of that! HA HA
I think it will be a decent match. theres no getting around that this match will indeed be very very slow but niether man has ever been really fast-paced to begin with. I think orton should win just to stop the world championship from switching hands every ,onth (im looking at you TNA). Mark henry has never impressed me, hes been OK in his last few months but is see very little diffrence from his current and past heel runs.
I will completely disassociate myself from the blue brand if they put the World Heavyweight Title on Mark Henry's fat shoulder. He sucks - he always has and always will, regardless of the push they give him. His mic work is the best thing about him, which is very unfortunate since he sucks on the mic. He's big and clumsy in the ring and although he wouldn't be the worst world champ ever (Khali has that one wrapped up) he definitely wouldn't help bring Smackdown's crappy ratings up.
Although I like Mark Henry, if you asked me directly if he is WHC worth? I would say no. However, comparing to guys who held the belt and doesn't have a history like Mark Henry, making him a transitional champion would be OK. After all, Smackdown roster is not as strong as it used to be and there aren't many WHC worth wrestlers either.
The only thing I hope for Mark Henry is this: I hope he wouldn't become like one of many other wrestlers, latest example being R-Truth. I don't like wrestlers to be pushed hard and then let them free fall. That makes all that run pointless.
So, a guy who has been breaking legs and whooping ass since coming to SD is NOT World Heavyweight Championship material? Wha?

I am totally rooting for Mark Henry here. The guy has been on fire since turning heel. More importantly, they can get more out of him being the top dawg for a little while. If nothing else, the story for Mark Henry being so dominant that it takes a real man to get the best of him will make someone look good. Look at how dog shit over Sheamus is right now.

They haven't booked Orton to do shit with the belt besides fifty fucking matches with Christian that had absolutely no decent and buzz behind them, and completely thrown together SD main events just to say that Randy Orton is in the main event on SD.

However, not expecting the best match. Sure, Mark Henry kills people, but Orton is one hell of a bad seller. So, they either go for the 'unstoppable force vs immovable object' and fail or they do the only good match Orton is good at in 'he just does his moves' and stop Henry's momentum. Oy.
Yes a guy who has been breaking legs and whooping ass since coming to SD is NOT World Heavyweight Championship material. Kozlov did it, Khali did it, so what? Actually I have never seen a guy humiliated Taker until his match with Khali. So are Kozlov and Khali Championship material too? Having a momentum is one thing, being Champion material is another.

I actually like Henry, and as I said it might be the right timing for him if he is EVER going to become a champion (not considering ECWWE belt). I also liked his tenure with WWE for the last 15 years. But in a normal day he is NOT champion material
Yes a guy who has been breaking legs and whooping ass since coming to SD is NOT World Heavyweight Championship material.


Kozlov did it, Khali did it, so what? Actually I have never seen a guy humiliated Taker until his match with Khali. So are Kozlov and Khali Championship material too? Having a momentum is one thing, being Champion material is another.

You can't compare the three. Not every huge fucker is a carbon copy of the one before him. There hasn't been anything Mark has done since the move that hasn't been on point. All he has do is look like a bad motherfucker and not kill anyone in the process. He has gotten over huge as someone that the crowd knows is going to do something bad.
I think Henry wins at NOC. To build him up all these months only to have him lose wouldn't make much sense. If he is to lose it'll be by DQ. Perhaps he loses his temper and the ref stops the match.

Whether or not Henry is the champion after NOC, he and Orton will meet again at Hell In A Cell inside the cell. And that's when I see Kane making his return to get revenge on Henry. If so, I just hope its the masked Kane. That bald look is so played. Kane needs a reboot.
I think Henry wins at NOC. To build him up all these months only to have him lose wouldn't make much sense. If he is to lose it'll be by DQ. Perhaps he loses his temper and the ref stops the match.

In total agreement here. Having Henry loose after looking dominant week after week just waste the entire program.

I am not sure if people actually toched on this but I see this match being a test of Randy Orton's capability of being a top tier superstar.

I saw this because I believe this is the first time Randy Orton will be facing a "monster" on a big match PPV. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena have all done this in the past but, for some reason, Orton has not.

He has yet to face a Great Khali, Umaga, Kane, or Big Show type guy on PPV so this his first opportunity to show what he is capable off. Suffice to say I am looking forward to this match because of it.

How does Orton work with a monster?
Im sorry because Mark Henry is the most interesting wrestler in the WWE here and he deserves the belt, I just don't see him winning it here. Im sick of Randy Orton winning the World Championshi pover and over again, but I see either The Big Show or Kane (hopefully Big Show so Kane can come back with the mask) coming back and costing henry the match, setting up perhaps a hell in a cell match between them.
LETS GO HEN-RY *clap clap clap clap clap*

I would fucking LOVE to see Henry get a short WHC run, even if only to drop it back to Orton next month. The guy has been the highlight of SD for quite some time now, and could even have a pretty awesome feud with Sheamus, who they also seem to be building up as a major WHC guy. Come on, they let Kane do it last year!! Kane!!

This could be a total fucking car wreck. If we get statue Orton, my oh my, how bad this could be. If we get the version of Orton who has developed alongside a fine beard, then it shall be passable.

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