Night of Champions 2013 Discussion

They've been running Rollins & Reigns vs Show & Henry on all the recent house shows, but I wonder if they might do a six man with The Shield vs Show, Henry & Dolph, with all titles on the line, just something to spice it up a bit.

After the Pipebombeshell I am guessing AJ will defend in a fatal 4 way against Naomi, Brie and Natalya.

That would be 5 matches and mean the rest of the card has to be filled out with non-title bouts, one of which I see being The Miz vs Fandango. I'm not convinced that another Cody vs Sandow match will happen, that feud is running on fumes at this point.
They've been running Rollins & Reigns vs Show & Henry on all the recent house shows, but I wonder if they might do a six man with The Shield vs Show, Henry & Dolph, with all titles on the line, just something to spice it up a bit.

After the Pipebombeshell I am guessing AJ will defend in a fatal 4 way against Naomi, Brie and Natalya.

That would be 5 matches and mean the rest of the card has to be filled out with non-title bouts, one of which I see being The Miz vs Fandango. I'm not convinced that another Cody vs Sandow match will happen, that feud is running on fumes at this point.

yup exactly what i was thinking..Shield vs Show/Henry/Ziggler all titles on the line since that what they seem to be leading too, although i think wed much rather get the Ziggler vs Ambrose singles match.

can def see them adding Miz vs Fandango, and the ONLY way to me that they can pull off another PPV match with Rhodes/Sandow is if the briefcase is on the line.

ive had an idea for a while with the MITB briefcase..say with NOC for example they add the briefcase match between sandow/rhodes.

RVD vs Del Rio goes first on the card..whoever wins, Sandow cashes in..since the briefcase match is still scheduled, they make that match another WHC match between Sandow/Rhodes..2 title matches, and it gets Sandow over hugeee
Really looking forward to Del Rio/RVD. I am really enjoying Del Rio's current run with the title, and I think a decisive win over RVD is what Del Rio needs to continue his momentum. I don't see Bryan getting the title back just yet. I think Orton wins with some outside interference, and this feud continues throughout the fall. Punk will get his revenge on Heyman eliminating Axel from the match, and getting his one on one with Heyman. Hope to see the tag titles defended against Big Show and Mark Henry.
Really looking forward to Del Rio/RVD. I am really enjoying Del Rio's current run with the title, and I think a decisive win over RVD is what Del Rio needs to continue his momentum. I don't see Bryan getting the title back just yet. I think Orton wins with some outside interference, and this feud continues throughout the fall. Punk will get his revenge on Heyman eliminating Axel from the match, and getting his one on one with Heyman. Hope to see the tag titles defended against Big Show and Mark Henry.

honest u think HHH is going to book RKO to go over clean again? i feel like this match is going to have a DQ ending..leading to maybe a match vs the Shield at Battleground (handicap match if he dont win no more title shots or something like that lol)
I usualy like to do a post for every match, but alas, it seems we are headed for another "glorified episode of RAW" ppv. A bunch of "in the middle of" feud matches, that will offer zero resolution. Show is here because it has to be. Shame, since NOC used to be a big deal. Now we have a champion in a match without his title on the line.
Looking at the teams in the Tag Team Turmoil match set for the free show I'm expecting to see Rollins & Reigns defend the tag titles against The Prime Time Players, which should be a solid match.

That's still only 5 matches though as Ambrose vs Ziggler seems off and on top of that the Divas match will likely be short, so they need at least 3 more added I'd say.

Hopefully on Smackdown they set up a US title challenger, there are a lot of guys not booked so far that could fill out this show.
As a whole, the line up of this year's Night of Champions is looking pretty lackluster. Punk vs. Axel & Heyman isn't for the IC title and, in hindsight, maybe it would've been better for WWE to have given Heyman another "client" so that client & Heyman could feud with Punk while Axel had a title feud. On, there's no listing for a United States Championship match for the show and, even if there is, the more obvious challenger is Dolph Ziggler, but he has almost zero momentum right now as he's been jobbing out left & right. The tag title match will be determined the night of the show after a tag team turmoil match that's almost surely to be won by the Prime Time Players.

Aside from the WWE Championship match, only the Divas Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship matches have gotten sort of significant build.
Current Card, copy/pasted from WZ with my predictions added below.

WWE Championship

Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

I can't see Bryan winning yet but, I do think in order to not drag the underdog along too far, he may need to win on Sunday, and drop the title again the following night on Raw in a rematch.

I really don't know which way this go, but I think WWE would be mad not to have Bryan the champion come Monday night RAW. I'm 50/50% between the options of Orton wins by "cheating", or Bryan wins and loses it again on Monday. Thoughts on this match please? I really can't guess (which isn't a bad thing!)

World Heavyweight Championship

Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Rob Van Dam w/ Ricardo Rodriguez

Now this one is really interesting to me. I think maybe there is another reason why Cody Rhodes got "fired" other than to go get married, and to add heat to HHH and Family. I think, they want him out of the way of Sandow cashing in his briefcase on Sunday.

Sandow could cash in on Sunday. But, is it too soon since the last one at Summerslam perhaps? I don't see the point in "firing" Rhodes purely for as a demonstration of power, to then bring in Dustin for one golden match (although I did really enjoy it!). It's just a little thought.

Winner: I've got a feeling ADR will retain, then Sandow cashes in.

- Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk in a Handicap Elimination match

This seems to be the most predictable result in my mind, I can't seem them dragging out this feud much longer.

Winner: Punk.

WWE Divas Championship

AJ Lee (c) vs. Naomi vs. Brie Bella vs. Natalya

There are only 2 logical options here, AJ retains, or Natalya wins. Naomi and Brie are tag team divas. Not that interested in the match, (unless wardobes malfunction).

Winner: AJ Lee

Tag Team Turmoil Number One Contender Match- WWE Preshow with the winner facing The Shield at Night of Champions

Tons of Funk vs. Prime Time Players vs. Real Americans vs. The Uso's vs. 3MB

Winners: Prime time players win the pre-show, Shield retains in the title match.

Please post your predictions or, why you think mine are idiotic (I might agree with you) :shrug:
Your predictions are not idiotic but mine are slightly different.

I think Orton loses but by DQ so he retains.

I think ADR wins and retains, but if they go with an RVD victory then Sandow will cash in right away or on Monday night. I don't see Sandow cashing in on ADR because they are both heel and that doesn't fit the general formula for setting up feuds/title shots.

Don't care much about the Divas match so I'm just going to say AJ wins by submission.

Punk/Axel w. Paul Heyman. I see a dirty victory for Axel with Heyman and Axel being revealed as part of the new corporate machine.

In the tag turmoil match I agree with you. PTP becomes #1 contender then loses to The Shield with Ambrose most likely being involved.

Going with Orton thanks to a little shenanigans. Here's how I see it going down:

during match, Orton hits RKO and pins Byran...but ref bump has taken ref out. HHH brings out Brad Maddox to count and it's only a two count. Orton beats down Bryan, and HHH calls out Big Show. Show is told to KO Bryan. Big Show reluctantly fires back but Dbry ducks and Show nails Orton with the KO. HHH gets in Show's face and Show tells him that Bryan DUCKED. HHH waives from back and Shield rush out and HHH tells Show to get out of the ring. While all of this is happening, Bryan covers Orton and the previous ref counts the 3 count before the Shield can hit the ring. HHH immediately climbs in the ring and overturns that refs decision. While this is happening, Shield is beating down Bryan. HHH then makes the match "NO DQ". Shield Triple Powerbomb on Bryan and Shield throw Orton onto Bryan....1...2...KICKOUT. Orton is starting to come around and tells Shield to pick up Bryan and goes for another RKO but last second, Bryan shoves Orton into HHH, who is standing in the ring. Shield go to check on HHH and Bryan rolls up Orton...but before the ref can count 3...Maddox kicks the ref. Shield then beat down Bryan again and a couple guys come from the back to chase off the Shield (I'm gonna go with PTP and Ziggler). DBry completely annihilates Brad Maddox with that running knee. At this time, Orton is up and hits an RKO out of nowhere and the ref counts 3. Orton holds the belt high with HHH. (You do this to show that it took the ENTIRE Corporation to defeat Bryan. DBry looks stronger in defeat).


Going with ADR winning. ADR has feet on ropes. No cash in by Sandow

Punk vs Heyman/Axel

Going with Paul Heyman pinning CM Punk thanks to a NEW Heyman guy. My guess on who it'll be...NXT star Corey Graves. Continues story to Survivor Series.

Divas Title

AJ vs Naomi vs Brie vs Natalya

Going with Brie Bella winning the belt. Wont' be a big fan of it, but for storyline purposes, it does make sense. Have AJ go hell bent on going after Brie to get the rematch. I'd have Brie pin Naomi to win title. AJ not involved in decision.

Tag Team Turmoil:

PTP win

Tag Title Match:

Shield beat PTP thanks to Dean Ambrose interfering and hitting Darren Young with his finisher or US Title while ref's distracted.
WWE Championship: RKO vs DB and the power of YES!

I have a feeling that there is going to be a lot of outside involvement in this match. Big Show finally grows a pair and saves DB only to show his true colors, sides with corporate for "real" and knocks out DB. Orton retains.

I don't see DB finally winning until Hell in Cell or maybe survivor Series.

World Heavyweight Championship: ADR vs. RVD

Right now we have no face champions and Ricardo turning on RVD and going back to ADR is just too obvious. We are in need of a face champion. RVD wins the championship at NOC. He'll defend a couple of times and retain, then Sandow will cash in before RVD takes his time off.

Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk

Punk wins but doesn't get Paul yet. But this is 50/50 for me because it shouldn't drag much longer. It should wrap up soon. I would like to see CM Punk be DB's partner against the new corporation. Indy guys VS. WWE Corporate. Makes sense. The light at the end of the tunnel would be DB vs CM Punk (face vs face) at wrestlemania in a 60 minute iron man match for the title. YES!

WWE Divas Championship No doubt in my mind that AJ retains. She won't lose the title in a 4 way.

Tag Team Turmoil Number One Contender Match- WWE Preshow with the winner facing The Shield at Night of Champions

Primetime Players win the turmoil and beat the Shield for the titles. This is out of left field and I may be wishing here, but I can see DB costing sheild the tag titles for all the times they beat him down. For the tag team division to grow and take a step forward, the titles have to come off the shield because they are meant for bigger and better.
Tag Team Turmoil Number One Contender Match- WWE Preshow with the winner facing The Shield at Night of Champions

Primetime Players win the turmoil and beat the Shield for the titles. This is out of left field and I may be wishing here, but I can see DB costing sheild the tag titles for all the times they beat him down. For the tag team division to grow and take a step forward, the titles have to come off the shield because they are meant for bigger and better.

I like this idea! I could even see it happening, if not on Sunday then perhaps at the next PPV. Maybe he does this on Sunday, then further down the line costs Dean Ambrose his US title also.
do we know the locations of the following people because i have a feeling that someone is showing up tonight.

- shane mcmahon [decided to do whats really "best for business"]

- john cena [either to finally go heel as corporation 2.0 mook, or to help bryan fight back]

- steve austin [he could be mentoring bryan in sticking it to the corporation]

- ken kennedy [could be fighting against the corporation. after the board recognize the "illegitmate son" of vince and give him power]

- HBK, road dogg, billy gun, x-pac [i know its a longshot and it would be more suited for a more lighthearted gimmick. but they could be fighting back and trying to "save" triple h]

- ultimate warrior [ he could be here to BRING BACK THE POWER OF THE WARRIOR TO THE WWE UNIVERSE. TO PURIFY THE RING AND BRING THE FIRE, WHERE ARE MY PANTS] {sorry couldn't resist}
This PPV is really weak so far. The only things I've managed to take away from it at this point is that A.) Ryback is now a Paul Heyman guy...yawn. B.) Not a single title has changed hands, meaning Bryan likely wins.
I was at the show last night and here are some of my takeaways:

Place was ready from the jump. Anyone who has been to the Joe knows how backed up the entrance can get as there is really only one way in. As we were waiting to get in all you here are yes chants. It was obvious from the jump the jump that Detroit is way behind Bryan.

The card itself was solid. I didn't find any match to be boring and Orton/Bryan put on a good match (it was a relatively short match for a main event so I can definitely see them having more matches).

I like how they treated Axel on the card. Having him open with a clean win over Kofi was a good way to make him look stronger going into the Punk match. Speaking of that match, I thought it was booked well with the wrestlers using weapons from the start. This was not about wrestling, but about fighting and it was treated as such. It also allowed Axel to look good because they could have him fight with Punk where they can be equal. Fully expected to see a new Heyman guy to save him from Punk and we got that with Ryback. While that wouldn't have been my first choice, they have history and they can easily explain how Heyman got Ryback to work with him.

I was stunned when Bryan won the match because I was expecting him to chase for a longer amount of time. Once he hit his knee I was so stunned that I didn't pay attention to the count and now all I hear is how it was a fast count. I guess this can be the reason given as to why Bryan gets the title stripped from him tonight. With regards to Bryan's new finisher it comes off super cool live. It's such a sudden move that can be hit at any time. Everytime he hits it, it always surprises me.

Pops of the night:

Daniel Bryan: He got the loudest cheers at the ppv. The entire crowd was pro Bryan. Being there live to witness the yes chant as Bryan walks out is truly a great sight.

CM Punk: JUst a step below Bryan's pop, but still strong unanimous cheers for Punk. He is still clearly over and once he gets back to the title I expect his cheers to be louder.

RVD: He has been getting major reactions since his return and last night was no different. Michigan is also his home state so he has always gotten major pops at the Joe.

Prime Time Players: It's crazy how Young coming out has put them over. Outside of the three guys above, PTP had the next loudest pops. They are over, and should be champs once Shield drops the titles.

Unsung hero:

Not sure how many people watched the pre-match, but Swagger looked real good out there. Usually its Cesaro who looks amazing during there matches, but last night Swagger was on.

Overall, I thought Night of Champion's was a good show that didn't produce any duds. Bryan/Orton stands out as the match of the night, while Axel/Kofi and Axel/Punk were just below that and the rest of the matches were all above average.
I thought they completely messed up with Bryan and Orton. They should of had a screwy ending with Orton winning not Bryan. DB chase to regain the title should have been longer.

Also, Triple H acting like an asshole for weeks and now all of a sudden he wants a fair fight between Orton and Bryan was odd. Obviously I have to wait to see what happen on Raw, but I'm not sure I like the direction this is going in.
NOC wasn't a great show but I don't think it was as bad as some reviews I've seen, the problem was mainly that all but 2 matches went in with very little heat.

Bryan vs Orton was a very good main event and I got caught out unlike at Sumerslam where I cheered the win, here I couldn't believe it, with the 2 refs out there I was expecting double count shenanigan's and even when the win seemed to be standing I was waiting for Triple H to come out and reverse it due to the fast count.

Punk's back must be killing, not just from the table spot but from carrying Axel, the guy is mechanically sound but he sucks the life out of the crowd when offense. Punk and Heyman worked their magic to entertain though and Punk may be more over than ever.......As far as Ryback being the new Heyman guy and doing the Rhino spot? I'll reserve judgment.

Ambrose vs Ziggler and Kofi vs Axel were both decent matches and RVD vs Del Rio was fine in my view because even with the DQ finish the crowd got a Van-Terminator.

Rollins carried the tag title match which was mostly him selling for Titus, Miz vs Fandango was not a bad match but the crowd crapped on it and I thought the Divas kept the flow of their Fatal 4 way going pretty well considering only 2 of the 4 women are proper workers.
Night of Champions Hits and Misses:​

Night of Champions Hits:

Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan: Match of the night, although not a great main event. A surprising ending for sure, with Bryan winning with the running knee. I imagine the fast count from referee Scott Armstrong will come into play tonight on Raw, but it was a pleasant surprise Bryan was given a "moment" rather then HHH coming out to re-start the match or strip the title. I wondered in my predictions if having Orton and Bryan trade the belt back and forth like Orton/Cena did in 2009, and it's certainly a possibility. Bryan and Orton work very well together, and this was no different. A solid match overall, but not a great main event. ***1/2.

CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel/Paul Heyman: I'll give WWE credit: They had me believing that the no-DQ stipulation was so that Punk could beat the crap out of Heyman, but instead, they used it to introduce a new "Paul Heyman guy" in Ryback. Someone on this site questioned what Punk would be doing next, and I think we got our answer. This match played out the way it should, with a tired Axel wrestling his second match of the night, and falling to the better wrestler. Punk beat up Heyman enough that fans who paid to see it could feel somewhat satisfied, at least, but also kept the feud going nicely. It will be interesting to see what Heyman does for Ryback. ***

Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler: I one thought Seth Rollins was the best worker of the members of the Shield, but Ambrose has shown himself since his match with Undertaker to be an excellent worker with high upside. He and Ziggler had a very good match that while inconsequential, was nicely paced and gave Dean a credible single's victory over a former World Champion. I don't like he and Axel both using the Bulldog Driver as a finisher, but it's a minor complaint. Good stuff here. **3/4.

Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio: GOod match, poor ending. Del Rio got his comeuppance for being DQ'd when RVD hit the Van Terminator, but it was apparent by the build, or lack thereof, that they weren't going to switch the title. Apparently they wanted to protect Van Dam for a rematch as well, but Del Rio to break a five-count was probably the weakest way to do it. Good, but nothing one would need to see again. **1/2.

Night of Champions Misses:

Overall Show: For those who complain about John Cena and "part-timers", well, here's your result when Cena is hurt and none of the part-timers are on the card. The lack of depth on the roster due to injuries(Cena, Sheamus, Henry, Mysterio and Christian) storylines(Cody Rhodes) and no special attractions lead to a very mediocre PPV. There were some decent moments and good matches, such as Ryback joining Heyman and Bryan defeating Orton for the WWE Title, but the show overall was very lackluster, and even boring at times. C-

Pre-Show Gauntlet Match: Yes, it was free, so I shouldn't be complaining much, but this was the weakest of the Pre-Show matches that I can recall since they started airing them on the actual show. Three of the five teams have been treated like nothing but jobbers, and the other two, The Usos and The Prime Time Players haven't been elevated enough to present a serious challenge to the Shield. *1/2.

Opening Segment: When did HHH suddenly become a face? By talking down another heel in Paul Heyman to guaranteeing a lack of interference in the title match, HHH came across as a face and not a heel. Furthermore, I'm not sure why he was attempting to use crowd-pleasing phrases such as "Are You Ready" when he's been fully established as a heel.

Kofi Kingston vs. Curtis Axel: It worked for Ziggler, but I don't believe Axel is ready to wrestle two matches a PPV. The fact that this was impromptu with a random opponent didn't help matters. The match itself had a decent back-and-forth pace, but the match simply served to make Curtis look like a threat heading into his match teaming with Heyman against Punk. As for Kofi, he appears to be stuck in mid-card paradise at this point.**

No Big Show: He's been such an integral part of the main event storyline that him not appearing on a show that already lacked serious star power made little sense. On one hand, I liked that HHH made the WWE Title match between just Bryan and Orton. On the other, every other major player in the 'Best For Business' storyline was on the show in some way, and I can't help but think they could have found a reason for him to be on the show, even if just to make a backstage appearance.

The Miz vs. Fandango: A match that had no business being on PPV, and wouldn't feel special on Raw either. They've essentially built a feud on walking out and matches and Miz mimicking Fandango, and the ring work was incredibly sloppy. Miz has been a failure as a babyface, and Fandango has slipped to jobber status since beating Jericho at Mania. *1/4.

The Prime Time Players vs. The Shield: Too short to matter, and no feud has developed between the two teams. This could work long-term, and the PTP could provide a threat, but there was no doubt who was winning this match. A decent buffer between Ambrose/Ziggler and Orton/Bryan, but it felt extremely rushed. *3/4.

I thought they completely messed up with Bryan and Orton. They should of had a screwy ending with Orton winning not Bryan. DB chase to regain the title should have been longer.
I think this is going to be another angle that does screw with Bryan more, trying to break his resolve. I don't think it's a coincidence that HHH made the order that noone gets involved, and we had a ref bump, and then the first ref came back from the bump and counted a quick three.

Don't be surprised if it is revealed he was "ordered to" by HHH, and Bryan is stripped of the title once again.

Also, Triple H acting like an asshole for weeks and now all of a sudden he wants a fair fight between Orton and Bryan was odd. Obviously I have to wait to see what happen on Raw, but I'm not sure I like the direction this is going in.

I found this an odd segment as well. I'll reserve judgment until after Raw tonight, but it just seems like something is fishy, and based upon what HHH said in his promo, Bryan isn't going to hold the title for very long.

These mind-screws that WWE tries to play with the audience are exactly why authority figures should be done away with.

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