Night of Champions 2013 Discussion

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
With SummerSlam in the books and still hours away from tonight's Raw I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone's thoughts are as to what we can expect on the Night of Champions card. For me the card already seems to be mostly in place and this is what I expect to see.

WWE Title Match: Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan

After the events of last night this is not only a lock, but I fully expect it to be made offical tonight. As for the match itself i think this will be just the beginning of the Orton/Bryan program as I fully expect to see them in HIAC and either a singles match at Survivor Series, or captains of their respective teams against one another. Because of that reason I expect this match to have a dirty finish where either competitor is disqualified.

World Heavyweight Title Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Cody Rhodes

This one can go either way with RVD, Ziggler or even Christian getting the match. However, I think that with Rhodes' hot streak of late he is due for not only the match, but I think he will come out as champ. I expect to see this because with Sandow holding the breifcase, I see him cashing in on Cody as soon as post match at Night of Champions to set up a program between the two of them.

Intercontinental Title Match: Curtis Axle (c) vs CM Punk

Because Axle hasn't really been involved with anyone of late I can see this match taking place as a way to keep Punk involved with Heyman as I don't think we've seen the last of there interaction with one another. This match gives Axle some good exposure against a top superstar. I don't see Punk winning the title so I'm sure the outcomb of the match would be some sort of DQ, but the real payoff will be Punk getting his hands on Heyman post match.

US Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs RVD

This one seems obvious as their match at SummerSlam left alot to be desired. Shield are well intertwined with RVD, Henry and Show so this makes to much sense. Also I can see Night of Champions being the end of Shield's reign as champs.

Tag Team Title Match: Rollins/Reigns (c) vs Henry/Big Show

Exact same situation as the Ambrose/RVD match.

Diva's Title Match: AJ Lee (c) vs Kaitlyn

They have been feuding with one another for some time know but there story is still not done. I'm 50/50 on this one as to who would come out the winner. But I'm all but sure we see this match as no other Diva on the roster is near AJ and Kaitlyn with regards to exposure.
I can see that card possibly with the exception of Punk/Axel as it seems a step down for Punk to be challenging for the IC title. AJ vs. Kaitlyn has pretty much run its course, but I have to disagree with the idea that the other divas don't have exposure. The Bellas and Natalya have plenty from Total Divas and a AJ Lee vs. Natalya match is a real possibility. Other than that I think the card you've suggested is the one we'll see at NOC
I am sure these might have been plans until the potential ADR/Drew fight/rescue - if that did occur, I could easily see him getting a big push quite quickly - either in the IC title match or even challenging ADR outright - if he did beat ADR down, then they'd be stupid not to use it... Rhodes can wait a month or two.

I think you'll likely see some kind of Tag Team match at NOC rather than Orton defending against Bryan... Bryan teaming with Ziggler against Trips and Orton - another guy who has been "held back" by the pair makes a lot of sense. It could also lead to a "beatdown" finish where the rest of Evolution 2.0 (The Sheild most likely) get involved and it then sets up a payoff for November - Batista returning on Bryan's team... I can even see them holding off Bryan's title win till Mania - he's gonna have to win the Rumble from #1 to do it...
Some seem obvious. There's a few SummerSlam rematches that'll happen on the card. Orton/Bryan & Christian/Del Rio seem like the most obvious ones.

Considering Punk lost to Lesnar it only seem logical that he should face Curtis Axel...No wait, that's nobodies idea of logic. He'll face Heyman. Punk needs to avenge his loss to Lesnar, he'll do that through Heyman. Axel will just be involved so it's not as one-sided.
I like that card, but I'd tweak a few of the matches. This is what I would like to see happen:

WWE Championship: Randy Orton (C) vs. Daniel Bryan

This is definitely the match they're going with, barring any unforeseen injuries. I see Bryan winning the match by DQ to set up a rematch at Hell in a Cell.

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler

I can't see Cody Rhodes being hotshotted to the main event spot so quickly. I think Ziggler is going to get one more shot at Del Rio's title, only to be screwed out of the match by Langston and AJ Lee, leading to a final confrontation between Ziggler and Langston at Hell in a Cell, hopefully with Ziggler winning.

Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns (C) vs. The Usos vs. Primo & Epico vs. Mark Henry & The Big Show vs. The Real Americans vs. The Wyatt Family w/Bray Wyatt

WWE has a good amount of tag teams right now, it's the right time to bring back this match type. Have The Shield start the match with Henry & Show, only to be eliminated first. Henry & Big Show then beat The Usos and Primo & Epico with ease, before having a much tougher time with The Wyatt Family due to Bray Wyatt's interference. Henry & Big Show then beat The Wyatt Family, only to be so weakened that they are easily picked off and defeated by The Real Americans, who leave NoC as the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

United States Championship: Dean Ambrose (C) vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD needs a big win to make his return worthwhile, and the US title is one of the few championships he's never held. Have RVD decisively defeat Ambrose and become the new United States Champion.

Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel (C) vs. CM Punk

I agree with the OP that this match will most likely happen to further the Punk/Heyman feud. After losing to Lesnar at SummerSlam, I see Punk decisively (and easily) beating Axel to capture the Intercontinental Championship.

Fatal Four Way Match for the Divas Championship: AJ Lee (C) vs. Nikki Bella w/Brie Bella vs. Natalya vs. Layla

In my opinion, AJ and Layla are the two best Divas in WWE right now and the division should be built around them. I don't understand WWE's decision to turn Layla heel when she was their best babyface Diva, but whatever. I see AJ retaining no matter who her opponent(s) may be, I believe she'll be defending the Divas Championship at WrestleMania 30.
I'm really excited for this pay-per-view already, the potential line up sounds very good. The main event is already set in stone as Randy Orton faces Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship. WWE could also play up an angle where they would screw Bryan out of the title picture, but I highly doubt it for now, just because there is nobody else to face Randy Orton.

CM Punk is a wild card in this event, and as much as I would like to see him going one on one with Curtis Axel, I would be more pleased if he faced a guy like Ryback (new Heyman guy...) or got inserted into the World Championship title picture. I've been thinking about Championship Scramble Matches, they were lots of fun and different and WWE could easily book one with amount of contenders for the golden championship. If that doesn't materialize I can see Alberto Del Rio going one on one with Rey Mysterio.

I would be really happy if Rhodes faced Sandow for the case. He doesn't need to win the match, but it would show that WWE cares to give them proper time to tell their story.

AJ Lee will probably face Natalya and Kaitlyn in a three-way for the Divas Championship. At least Natalya is probably the 2nd babyface diva that I would care to see in that spot. I wish Big E. Langston could also find himself in this card and if not in the Scramble match I talked about earlier, maybe with a guy like Christian.

Last but not least we would have The Shield facing off RVD and the giants with everything on the line. As for the Wyatt Family, I have no ideas.. Whom else could Bray Wyatt fight for now? There is not much babyfaces left in this company to do that, maybe Miz... but I think Miz will feud with Fandango, yey...
I agree with all of your predictions. However, I do not think CM Punk will be delegated to the Intercontinental Championship. A Handicap No Disqualification Match against Heyman and Axel seems more logical, though I doubt it.
Just kinda winging it here with the ppv a month away still. There's usually a couple non-title matches at this event and I'll throw those in.

WWE Title: Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan


World Heavyweight Title: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

I might be in the minority here, but I think Ziggler is regaining the title soon in order to feud with the heel Sandow who holds the briefcase. Del Rio and Sandow would be too illogical, even for WWE.

MITB WHC Contract on the line: Damien Sandow vs. Cody Rhodes

Speaking of the contract, after Rhodes' win last night, they'll continue this feud and make it more significant with the briefcase on the line. Sandow will win this time around.

IC Title: Curtis Axel (c) vs. CM Punk

As crazy as it is to think of Punk competing for a mid-card title, he has to continue his feud with Heyman after losing last night. And the only Heyman guy that's going to be around for a while is Axel. Punk will win/lose by DQ, they're obviously not gonna put the IC Title on him.

US Title: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

A rematch is in order after last night. A side of me says it'll happen sooner than NOC, but they should do it right and put it off until then because there's no one that makes more sense to feud with Ambrose who will also pull off as quality of a match with him.

Tag Team Titles: Rollins & Reigns (c) vs. Henry & Big Show

The match that was supposed to happen last night. They could also throw in any combination of The Wyatts, Real Americans, Usos, or Prime Time Players in a triple threat/fatal 4-way.

Divas Title: AJ Lee (c) vs. Natalya

Natalya makes the most sense to me after her slight recent push, making AJ tap on Raw and going over Brie Bella at SummerSlam. Natalya deserves this. She won't win, but she deserves to be in a feud and hopefully be separated from that God awful Khali and Hornswoggle trio.
Last week, I read a report stating that the penciled main event for NOC was indeed Orton vs. Bryan. The report simply made no mention of who the champ would be. Now we know Orton is champ and the circumstances in which he became champ pretty much guarantee that he faces Bryan at NOC. As for who wins, I'm not really sure. I do believe that, when it's all said and done, Bryan will be WWE Champion by the time their feud comes to an end.

For the World Heavyweight Championship, I could honestly see Del Rio taking on Cody Rhodes. What I think could happen here is one of two things: Cody wins the title after a physical match only for Sandow to jump him from behind, lay him out, cash in the contract and take the title from Cody in the traditional MITB "screwjob". The other one involves Del Rio successfully defending the title, but Sandow cashes in on him instead. I think the first one is more of a possibility, especially as it gives Cody Rhodes a truly genuine reason to continue the feud with Sandow if they're not going to book another match between them, with this one being for possession of the MITB briefcase.

The US & Tag Team Championship matches also seem to be a lock as well. RVD will certainly get another shot at Ambrose while Henry & Show get a shot at Rollins & Reigns. Depending on the build for these matches go, I'd say The Shield all retain. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE had a six man match where all the titles were on the line. Any member of The Shield gets pinned or taps out, they all lose their straps. I doubt such as match will happen, but it's a possibility when you consider how important the six man format has been for The Shield.

As for the IC title, it's possible that Punk might go after Axel. Axel is the only other "Paul Heyman Guy" left right now, so it's a definite possibility. However, to be honest, the IC title seems like a big step down for Punk. I'm sort of hoping that they're able to book a return match against Lesnar for NOC. I don't see it happening that way given the theme of the ppv, but it's possible. More than likely, it'll happen at either Hell in a Cell or Survivor Series. I think Axel would be better off with a different opponent because he's not in Punk's league at this point in time and everyone knows it.

For the WWE Divas Championship, I think this will be the blow off to the AJ vs. Kaitlyn feud. All in all, they've had a pretty good feud, certainly the best Diva feud WWE has had in a VERY long time. It's possible that AJ comes out on top with the win so both of them can move on. AJ has injected some much needed life, personality and character into the Diva Division and I think she should be on top until/unless another Diva on the roster, or someone from NXT is brought up, and groomed to take the title from her. Kaitlyn has been champ and, let's face it, nobody cares.
Pre Show Tag Team Championship Match: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns (c) vs Big Show and Mark Henry

Pretty automatic after last night's happenings.

Prediction: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns retain the Tag Team titles.

20 Man Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Hell in a Cell

Prediction: While Harper and Rowan eliminate all the other contestants, Bray Wyatt will sit outside in his chair the entire match. When Harper and Rowan are the only ones left, Bray will enter the ring while Harper and Rowan eliminate themselves.

US Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs RVD

Same situation as the tag team championship match

Prediction: Dean Ambrose will retain the US Championship.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Curtis Axel (c) vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi is perfect in this role. He's credible as a threat for a midcard title.

Prediction: CM Punk will cost Curtis Axel the Intercontinental Championship match to Kofi Kingston.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Rey Mysterio

After Del Rio's "hero to the Mexican people" promo from Summerslam, the true hero to the Mexican people returns to save his people from this false idol.

Prediction: Rey Mysterio will become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

No DQ Gauntlet Match: CM Punk vs Leo Kruger, Kassius Ohno, and Paul Heyman

Tonight on Raw after CM Punk gets the upper hand on Axel, he will have his grasp on Heyman to exact revenge but in will come the 2 new Paul Heyman guys (Ohno and Kruger) to beat down on Punk leading to one of the money matches for this PPV.

Prediction: After defeating Kruger and Ohno, CM Punk will finally get his hands on Heyman until Curtis Axel interferes along with Kruger and Ohno to beat down Punk allowing Paul Heyman to score a pinfall victory.

Divas Championship Match: AJ Lee (c) vs Kaitlyn

Continuation of their feud

Prediction: Kaitlyn will become the new Divas Champion.

WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan

The other money match for this PPV card. Daniel Bryan will continue his quest to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his.

Prediction: Randy Orton will retain after outside help from Triple H leads to Bryan's loss setting up Triple H vs Daniel Bryan in a Hell in a Cell match at the next PPV.
I don't really think that Punk holding the IC title is all that bad for him. In fact, I think a guy like Punk could bring some serious relevancy to the title that has been lacking since Cody Rhodes held it.

I remember guys in the 80's and 90's who held the IC strap who had no problem going from mid card champ to main event status again. Punk could hold onto it for a long time while DB/Orton handle the main event. I'd even suggest have him win it on Raw before NOC, and have him hold onto to it till at least the RR, maybe even longer. Then have him dump it to someone needing it for WM. You could have Lesnar come out and cost him the IC title before WM, thus reigniting that potential matchup for WM.

I get why people consider a step down for Punk, but he's the kind of guy who makes everything he does special...and if he takes pride in the IC title, then that strap gains instant relevancy in the WWE.
WWE Championship-Randy Orton(c) vs Daniel Bryan

I think Triple H and John Cena should be involved in this match somehow, but this match is the obvious route for WWE.

Prediction-Triple H helps Randy Orton retain.

World Heavyweight Championship-Alberto Del Rio(c) vs Cody Rhodes

They just had Rhodes go through a long feud with Sandow which he won. Give him a WHC match while he's hot.

Prediction-Alberto beats him cleanly.

WWE Tag Team & US Championships-The Shield(c) vs RVD, Mark Henry, & The Big Show

Combining the titles to be defended together would work great here. They've been having Show, Henry, and RVD team together lately. Why not do this?

Prediction-The Shield wins cleanly.

Intercontinental Championship-Curtis Axel(c) w/ Heyman vs CM Punk

I think this match alone would be great for the mid-card division. Don't have Punk win, just have this match steal the show, and don't have Axel win clean.

Prediction-Axel beats Punk by DQ, Punk doesn't stop attacking Axel and the referee disqualifies him.

Divas Championship-Aj(c) vs Kaitlyn



Gimmick Match-Bray Wyatt vs Kane

I'm expecting The Wyatt family to have a role somewhere on this PPV, maybe one more match with Kane? I'm not sure when Kane needs to leave, but maybe another gimmick match would be good for now. After this feud I think The Wyatt's should start attacking John Cena.

Prediction-Bray Wyatt beats Kane cleanly.

One on one-Dolph Ziggler vs Big E Langston

I don't want to see this because I don't like Langston at all, but WWE does. I think this should be Zigglers last PPV not as WHC.

Prediction-Ziggler wins cleanly.
I think you'll likely see some kind of Tag Team match at NOC rather than Orton defending against Bryan... Bryan teaming with Ziggler against Trips and Orton - another guy who has been "held back" by the pair makes a lot of sense. It could also lead to a "beatdown" finish where the rest of Evolution 2.0 (The Sheild most likely) get involved and it then sets up a payoff for November - Batista returning on Bryan's team... I can even see them holding off Bryan's title win till Mania - he's gonna have to win the Rumble from #1 to do it...

NOC is the night when all the titles are defended so a tag match is not going to happen. They advertise NOC as the one night a year when all the belts are up for the WWE champ in a tag match is not going to happen.

As for entire the card I think it looks like this
WWE: Orton vs Bryan (possible triple threat with Cena if he is able)
WHC: ADR vs Christian Rematch
IC title: Axel vs Kofi vs Miz vs Fandango ( need a way to get more guys on the card)
US title: RVD vs Ambrose
Tag: Shield vs Show & Henry
Divas: AJ vs Natalya (possible triple threat with Kaitlyn or a Bella)
MITB case on the line between Sandow and Rhodes
CM Punk vs Heyman in some kind of gimmick match or segment
20 Man Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Hell in a Cell

Prediction: While Harper and Rowan eliminate all the other contestants, Bray Wyatt will sit outside in his chair the entire match. When Harper and Rowan are the only ones left, Bray will enter the ring while Harper and Rowan eliminate themselves.

Bray Wyatt getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship is absurd. What is it with the IWC and immediately wanting EVERY new guy who debuts to be a megastar and jump straight to the main event? He was terrible in New Nexus and the Wyatt Family gimmick isn't going to last. He's a midcard wrestler at best.
Last three Night Of Champions have included at least one match that did not feature a championship title on the line. It isn't out of the realm of possibilities that CM Punk wrestles in a non-title match. CM Punk wrestling for the IC Title seems like a waste to me, regardless if Paul Heyman is involved. However, the creative team probably has no idea what to do right now with CM Punk, Paul Heyman, and Curtis Axel other than just tossing them into an IC Title Match. Hopefully they have something else up their sleeves.

Here is my predicted card...

WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio vs Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler

United States Championship
Dean Ambrose vs Rob Van Dam

Intercontinental Championship
Curtis Axel vs CM Punk

Tag Team Championship
Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns vs Mark Henry & The Big Show

Divas Championship
AJ Lee vs Natalya
If CM Punk takes on Axel it won't be for the title. Doesn't need to be. I think CM Punk vs Axel & Heyman in a handicap match is more likely than it being a one on one match for the Intercontinental belt.
Bray Wyatt getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship is absurd. What is it with the IWC and immediately wanting EVERY new guy who debuts to be a megastar and jump straight to the main event? He was terrible in New Nexus and the Wyatt Family gimmick isn't going to last. He's a midcard wrestler at best.

So it's absurd in your mind because he's a "new guy" who was terrible in New Nexus and because the Wyatt Family isn't going to last? That's your argument against Bray Wyatt?


Currently Bray Wyatt is a hot commodity. His character has been taking the WWE by storm. The praise for him has been overwhelming.

If the character is over, place that character in a high profile feud. Doesn't matter if he's been around for 10 years or 3 months. With your mentality, The Shield would have faced Santino, Ryder, and Khali in their 1st PPV match instead of Kane, Bryan, and Ryback.
Well last nights Raw changed a few things that seemed nailed on, mostly the WHC and US title matches that many thought would happen.

Bryan vs Orton seems a lock, I just can't see any other match headlining the show and even though it will no doubt be screwy it will serve as a building block in the angle and hopefully be a good match into the bargain.

Del Rio vs RVD also seems very likely now and I think it's a good choice with Ricardo involved to add a personal issue. RVD is still over huge and will provide Del Rio with another good win on his CV as he continues to build his best title reign to date.

Rollins & Reigns vs Show & Henry is another I am fairly confident will happen, especially now The Shield are aligned with the McMahons and Show is obviously going to be an ally for Bryan.

Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler is one I'd only write in, in pencil at this point. It does seem like Dolph is gonna get a push into this Bryan/McMahons angle and this is the fight he is most likely to have at NOC, in my view. Strangely due to the angle a US title match with Ambrose is a bigger match for Dolph than wrestling Del Rio for the WHC again.

AJ Lee vs Natalya I hope will be the Divas title match. Nattie is getting a bit of a push through Total Divas and this would be about the best women's match WWE can put on right now.

Cody vs Sandow for the Briefcase should finish their feud off with Sandow picking up the win after two straight defeats, pretty much the same booking as the Del Rio/Christian angle.

Despite the PPV being Night of Champions I don't see Punk vs Axel being for the IC title if it happens as I don't see Punk taking the IC title, but I do see him destroying Axel and beating him, he needs a win after Heyman has gotten the better of him at MITB and Summerslam.

If there is an 8th match I'm guessing either the Wyatt's vs ???? or Miz vs Fandango.
With 6 titles currently this means there will be only 6 matches in the PPV. Does anyone think maybe the NXT Titles can be defended on NOC? It kind of makes sense to fill out the card and also to help promote NXT.
Here's the matches that I think will take place:

WWE Championship: Randy Orton VS Daniel Bryan

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio VS RVD (w/ Ricardo)

Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman) VS CM Punk

United States Championship: Dean Ambrose VS Dolph Ziggler

Tag Team Championships: Rollins and Reigns VS Mark Henry and Big Show

Divas Championship: AJ Lee (w/ Big E Langston) VS Natalya

Money in the Bank Briefcase match: Damian Sandow VS Cody Rhodes

Now the past couple of Night of Champions have had a non title match on the card and since all the other matches are for titles or a case that will eventually turn into a title, I think the non-title match on the card will be:

The Miz VS Fandango

As for the Pre-show, I think the Prime Time Players could face The All Americans in a tag match. Possibly for the number 1 contendership to the tag titles.

Anyway, that's my card, what's yours?
That won't happen. Also, two Diva's matches! Nobody wants that.

They'll have a match that isn't for a title. Y'know, like they have in previous years.

HHH vs. Punk/Ziggler vs. Orton. Those being two that come to mind from the past two years.
I really could care less about the under-card but the main event's will probably be:
Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE title
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Rob Van Dam for the World title
CM Punk vs Paul Heyman W/Curtis Axel (not for the IC title because Punk is above that)
With 6 titles currently this means there will be only 6 matches in the PPV. Does anyone think maybe the NXT Titles can be defended on NOC? It kind of makes sense to fill out the card and also to help promote NXT.

I could see the NXT title being defended to bring some extra exposure to the show. I guess as it stands it would be Bo Dallas vs Sami Zayn, or they could add in Leo Kruger as well to showcase an extra guy..
if they do Bryan vs Orton..theyre not gunna give Bryan the title back this quick so idk if theyre gunna do this match..unless theres ANOTHER interference and it sets up a Hell in the Cell match that way nobody can get in which will be highly stressed..i just still feel bryan doesnt win it back till Survivor Series someway somehow


Del Rio vs RVD? maybe add Christain in for a triple threat.

Shield vs Henry/Show seems logical to be added

Punk vs Heyman, Punk vs Axel, Punk vs Heyman and Axel something along those lines i expect to be on it. dunno if the IC title is on the line, maybe Punk costs Axel the title along the way

Ambrose vs Ziggler?

Natayla vs AJ i got a feeling of this way they can have the Total Divas fueding for the title which will then be written into the show.

Bray Wyatt im guessing will have a match too.
The WWE Championship match between Orton & Bryan was announced last night on SmackDown!. As there's still several weeks until NOC, a lot can go down but I think the final card looks like this for the time being:

WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan - I've stated my opinion in depth for this match in the Orton vs. Bryan thread. To sum it up though, I think Orton retains in a highly controversial fashion with the result being Bryan earning another title shot for either Battleground or Hell in a Cell.

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam - In the grand scheme of things, it's possible that RVD could wind up defeating Del Rio after a really good, physical match only for Damien Sandow to come out of nowhere, cash in his MITB briefcase and take the title from RVD. It would immediately give Sandow a couple of high profile opponents in Del Rio & RVD in a threeway feud as both men would be entitled to a rematch. Another possible scenario is Del Rio simply retaining against RVD. Either way, given the nature of RVD's current deal with WWE, it's unlikely that he'll have any sort of significant run as champion.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk - I've read rumors that WWE will have this sort of match, without the title being on the line, as a match for the live crowd after Raw goes off the air this Monday. The addition of Paul Heyman in this match could be used as a means of protecting whoever ultimately comes out as the winner. If Punk scores the pinfall or submission on Heyman, Axel is protected and if Punk loses or fails to win the title in some other manner due to Heyman, then Punk is protected. It still seems like something of a step down for Punk but, at the same time, the notion of Punk managing to get his hands on Paul Heyman will be something that generates interest for this match. WWE could always go with a standard 1 on 1 match between Punk & Axel and save this match for another ppv. If turns out to be the case, I think that Axel will retain in a controversial manner.

WWE United States Championship: Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler - This is mostly speculation on my part, but it makes sense considering that Ziggler was "punished" by being placed in a 3 on 1 handicap match against all members of The Shield this past Monday. As with Orton vs. Bryan, if The Shield is generally aligned with the McMahon power structure, then Ambrose dropping the title in his first defense as part of this alliance MIGHT come off with said alliance looking pretty underwhelming. As a result, I see Ambrose retaining.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry & The Big Show - Same situation here as with the Orton vs. Bryan & Ambrose vs. Ziggler matches. If WWE intends for this new power structure to come off as a truly significant threat, with the result being that it ultimately morphs back into a Vince vs. Triple H power struggle a little bit further down the line, then I don't see Rollins & Reigns dropping the titles during their first defense as part of this alliance. They might retain in a controversial fashion, but I do expect Rollins & Reigns to retain.

WWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn or AJ Lee vs. Natalya - As of right now, it doesn't really look as though AJ has an opponent for NOC. Maybe Natalya could wind up going against her but I think it's also likely that AJ & Kailtyn will have a blow off match to ultimately end their feud, if their last match wasn't the blow off. If this match goes down, it's always possible for Kaitlyn to regain the title but I don't see much of an upside to it. AJ is clearly FAR more interesting, entertaining and charismatic than Kaitlyn, so I see nothing to be gained by having AJ drop it back to her. In a possible bout with Natalya, I think AJ could retain due to some level of outside interference from one or both of the Bella Twins. Given that Total Divas has been a pretty successful show in the ratings thus far, I find it likely that WWE will want to have one of the regular cast members of the show as Divas Champion at some point and use that as part of an angle revolving around the Total Divas television show.

I'd say there'll be one or two buffer matches added onto the card as well. Most of these match line ups might not even happen, but they seem to be the most likely scenario as of right now.

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