Nice Rock idea for return including the following Raw


Championship Contender
Here's how it goes down starting at mania...

Rock comes out then Reigns comes out to open the show. Talk about family and its importance. Vince comes out, welcomes the Rock to Dallas. They have a stare down. He turns his back on Vince. Vince yells "Don't you turn your back on me dammit" Rock and Roman look at each other, THEN THE ROCK GIVES A ROCK BOTTOM TO ROMAN REIGNS!!!! Vince laughs and Vince and the Rock hug. Rock picks up a mic and says "Cuz, you know the thing about Hollywood is when you get a taste of money you like it. And money is thicker than blood!!!!" Another rock bottom...

Vince and Rock walk back up the stage stopping at the top and Vince says "oh roman your title match tonight is now a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH between yourself, (insert rumble winner hear), and THE ROCK!!!!"
"oh 1 more thing, there's a special guest referee, VKM!!!"

Main event, Vince screws Roman, Rock wins the championship!!!!! Vince gets a mic and says "Welcome to the NEW CORPORATION!!!


NEXT NIGHT ON RAW Vince comes out and says there's a title match right now to kick off raw. The rock comes out and the opponent is...... TRIPLE H!?!!! The bell rings and the rock lays down. HHH pins to win the title!!! Rock gets up and Rock and HHH hug it out!! Rock cuts a promo saying Hollywoods calling and I'm outta here!!!!!

Sets up reigns/HHH to continue with a twist.....

Its not perfect, but nice!!
Here's how it goes down starting at mania...

Rock comes out then Reigns comes out to open the show. Talk about family and its importance. Vince comes out, welcomes the Rock to Dallas. They have a stare down. He turns his back on Vince. Vince yells "Don't you turn your back on me dammit" Rock and Roman look at each other, THEN THE ROCK GIVES A ROCK BOTTOM TO ROMAN REIGNS!!!! Vince laughs and Vince and the Rock hug. Rock picks up a mic and says "Cuz, you know the thing about Hollywood is when you get a taste of money you like it. And money is thicker than blood!!!!" Another rock bottom...

Vince and Rock walk back up the stage stopping at the top and Vince says "oh roman your title match tonight is now a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH between yourself, (insert rumble winner hear), and THE ROCK!!!!"
"oh 1 more thing, there's a special guest referee, VKM!!!"

Main event, Vince screws Roman, Rock wins the championship!!!!! Vince gets a mic and says "Welcome to the NEW CORPORATION!!!


NEXT NIGHT ON RAW Vince comes out and says there's a title match right now to kick off raw. The rock comes out and the opponent is...... TRIPLE H!?!!! The bell rings and the rock lays down. HHH pins to win the title!!! Rock gets up and Rock and HHH hug it out!! Rock cuts a promo saying Hollywoods calling and I'm outta here!!!!!

Sets up reigns/HHH to continue with a twist.....

Its not perfect, but nice!!

No, never. This is wrong on so many levels. So, you want to bring Rock back to not only screw Roman Reigns but another man who'd be there in the main event with Reigns? Not only that, you'd want him to hand over the title to Triple H by laying down just because? That'll undo almost everything that they've tried with Reigns. Plus Rock ain't turning heel even if they want him to.

Also, I am sick of all the authority shenanigans. Just another version of that won't do good for anyone. The Rock or Triple H don't need the title. Let them do whatever they want, just not this. It'll be fingerpoke of doom all over again.
The Rock isn't going to wrestle at Mania. It's been reported that the movie studio for his upcoming movie won't let him. Why are people ignoring this? If he does show up, and I think he will cause he said he would, it will be to do something like he did last year.

The Rock is now a full fledged movie star, he is no longer a wrestler. He has moved on. Time some fans moved on as well.
And money is thicker than blood!!!!"

Have to admit I like that line coming from Rock. :) If he were turning bad guy, it's just the type of thing that would come out of his mouth.

Beyond that, it won't happen. The scenario painted above reminds me of Rock's two wars with John Cena. During the few weeks he participated in WWE skits, many people on this forum were dreaming up all kinds of plans for Rock, writing as if he were abandoning the movie industry and resuming a full-time wrestling career.

In truth, while he'll show up at Wrestlemanias in the future, yet avoid engaging in actual matches, we can always count on him to belt someone.....and not get hit in return. He'll do more damage with his mouth than his fists. He'll let Rhonda Rousey fight his battles for him. :)

Still, if WWE is 'afraid' to turn Cena bad, I imagine there might be even more difficulty making Rock a heel. The fans wouldn't like it.
Come on now this isn't WCW circa. 2000. You won't see two semi-retired workers hanging the title to each other in basically a finger poke of doom. I still think it's best if Reigns stays away from The Rock until his status as the top guy is solidified and the next 3-4 months dictates where Reigns is going.

I'm not putting down your idea, but The Rock shouldn't be involved in any major storylines - especially when it comes to involving the belt. The best possible scenario for The Rock is to be involved in a segment and nothing more seeing as it was rumored he's not going to be able to compete.
The Rock got booed out of the building just by standing near Roman last year, Do we really want our top Babyface and Top Babyface legend getting X-Pac heat at Mania?
@ cyber punk...chill out bro and have a cm punk ice cream bar. This idea was just a fan theory I know won't happen. Its not supposed to. I'm guessing out of you 438 posts you never have? That's what I thought. There aren't so many wrong things, just not likely.

But why not? A 50% Rock is still better than a 100% anybody else.

@J.J.....obviously this isn't wcw circa 2000. But would that be such a bad thing? We had excite. We had competition. We had people talking. We had max crowds. Would the storyline I said bring all that? Yes it would.

Plus you guys said 2 old timers don't need to be swapping the title? The Rock OR HHH would still bring more to the table than anyone on the roster. Comparing Rock/HHH to Nash/Hall, Hogan/Sting, even Undertaker/Big Show is hardly the same. The Rock or HHH is in SUPERB SHAPE, they are physically and ring capable better than almost everyone in the current product. I'd bet 100 to 1 that either of those 2 could carry a full time schedule and be relevant in the top 5 performers. They are not just some old timers.

Oh yea, when Brock Lesnar was champion exactly how much was he on TV? Or defend it? That's what I thought. So don't bring that argument to me.
While the initial impact wouldn't be nearly as big for obvious reasons, the same basic storyline can be done for Ambrose and work better overall. Like yes that moment would be HUGE and tbh the reaction alone would be almost totally worth it. Unfortunately the more I think about it the more reasons pops up why it just wouldn't work, I was going to type them out before I stopped at 5 and realized that most of them everyone would know already. But all those reasons magically disappear if you replaced Rock with Ambrose, plus you have the long term benefits of pushing Ambrose to main event status and a top heel without having to deal with a very limited schedule.
i do think we will see ROCK team with RHONDA to battle TRIPLE H and STEPH... rocky is big league that he can make a deal with a studio with specific safety precautions, this will be more of a showcase, ya know how ROCKY does it.. WATCH THE NECK BROTHER, hold his entire neck while taking a suplex!! rhonda obviously wants some time off, she could begin training for her ufc rematch right after, if thats what she wants.. ROCKY promised a big surprise for us.. the wwe un.. bla bla... its not gunna be playin grab ass with roman and the title..

rocky can tell roman to focus on brock or who ever wins rumble.. he'll take care of hunter..
they have been planning this since march 2015, its so obvious let it happen, lets talk about it cause we all know wwe likes things easy safe, we are not gunna see rock vs brock, or rock screwing roman.. rocky might show up once or twice b4 mania, and maybe one night after like the raw after wm.. thats it folks he is LEGIT the highest paid actor in hollywood , either a close tie or robert downey jr but rdj signed a crazy contract for shit ton of movies which are all guaranteed success no matter what.. ( although i was impressed by them )..

@ cyber punk...chill out bro and have a cm punk ice cream bar. This idea was just a fan theory I know won't happen. Its not supposed to. I'm guessing out of you 438 posts you never have? That's what I thought. There aren't so many wrong things, just not likely.

But why not? A 50% Rock is still better than a 100% anybody else.

@J.J.....obviously this isn't wcw circa 2000. But would that be such a bad thing? We had excite. We had competition. We had people talking. We had max crowds. Would the storyline I said bring all that? Yes it would.

Plus you guys said 2 old timers don't need to be swapping the title? The Rock OR HHH would still bring more to the table than anyone on the roster. Comparing Rock/HHH to Nash/Hall, Hogan/Sting, even Undertaker/Big Show is hardly the same. The Rock or HHH is in SUPERB SHAPE, they are physically and ring capable better than almost everyone in the current product. I'd bet 100 to 1 that either of those 2 could carry a full time schedule and be relevant in the top 5 performers. They are not just some old timers.

Oh yea, when Brock Lesnar was champion exactly how much was he on TV? Or defend it? That's what I thought. So don't bring that argument to me.

The thing isn't that it wouldn't excite it's just the last few years WWE has relied too heavy on part timers. Unfortunately the depature of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan's health didn't help either. Punk dropping the title to The Rock to me was a terrible way for Punk to end his reign to a guy who hadn't regularly committed to the company in a number of years. Batista winning the '14 RR, Undertaker/Kane going over on the Wyatt's at SS.

See where I'm going with this? Their presence while I enjoy hurts the roster as a whole - Reigns standing in the ring with Dwayne did Reigns no justice last year. While there's nothing wrong with a rub from a legend it also doesn't mean they have to involve them in a title scene.

In 2015 with the amount of injuries I hope they use this as a way of building up more stars in 2016 so that we aren't having to rely on Triple H or Undertaker or throw Cena into the title scene - although they did well doing that with Rollins they failed to build up his rivals of the future and were likely forced to pull the trigger on Reigns being champ a lot sooner than he was probably going to.

Sting fighting Rollins should've never happened and that time wasted could've been used to showcase a future star. While I advocate the return of a Goldberg for WM I don't want to see him in anything more than one WM moment with someone not involved in a major storyline that surrounds the WHC. I'm hoping we won't have to rely on Triple H in anymore main events involving the WHC after this year.

While WWE is in no danger of shutting down, one of WCW's problems were still relying on aging veterans to carry their program. WWE was doing the total opposite then when they build SCSA, The Rock, Foley, Triple H as big stars following Bret Hart's depature and HBK's career ending back injury(at the time). WWE has failed to replace guys like Edge, Chris Jericho, Batista, ect - guys that have either retired or become occasional/rare workers.

Brock Lesnar did the inevitable and broke a streak the company would've been stupid to not make him look dominate. He was more over than anyone by far on the roster at that time. He dropped it to Rollins who had a memorable WM moment. Not only did he go over on Lesnar he went over on the most dominant guy on the roster. The Rock dropped it to Cena who was already a multiple time champ that's the difference. Triple H by no means needs the title - it does nothing for him.

My question is why would you want to see guys like The Rock and Triple H in the main event scene? There's a ton of underutilized talent on the roster and down in NXT. Have to get away from relying on these guys in the main event capacity. We've seen The Rock, Undertaker and Triple H have great feuds, multiple title reigns and build hall of fame careers. Now it's time they use what they have and is younger.

Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Cesaro and Roman Reigns are that future not Triple H, Undertaker, The Rock and Sting.

Yeah, because laying down and taking the pin on purpose was such a smash hit with the fans in WCW. Ridiculous.

And The Rock is WAY beyond the point of turning heel at this stage, when he's only showing up once in awhile. He'd need to be around every week for that to work.
My biggest issue is the timing and basic blue print of the idea. We are talking about WM. Possibly the biggest WM ever. Yet the proposed idea comes off as a Monday Night Raw. I know we've had promos open WM in the past but an actual match set up? No thanks. It literally takes a giant dump on any build during the Road to WM. Then there is the missed sales opportunities by not announcing Rock for a title match before hand. Surprises are nice but a massive payday is much nicer.

I wonder if there would be outside issues that would prevent Rock from turning heel. Anyone with a brain would realize its just a role but for some reason wrestling fans have trouble blurring what is seen on TV w/reality. There could be concern over hurting his image.
Personally, I'd hate this and for reasons that've pretty much been touched on already. The Rock returning to challenge Roman Reigns for the title would be okay, not spectacular in my opinion, but it has the potential to be a fun match. However, there are some big problems with the scenario:

1. WWE needs an opponent they'll rally around Reigns against - If WWE wants an opponent who'll be booed while they cheer Reigns, it most definitely won't be the Rock. There are way too many nostalgiaholics in the audience, too many jaded smarks and too many who'll just cheer for the Rock because they'll see it as some misguided example of rebellion against the WWE Machine. The Rock is one of the most popular stars in wrestling history with charisma and personality that's universes beyond what Roman Reigns has shown. In this day & age, Reigns is someone that's seen as the "company's guy" by many fans instead of one of "their guys", those fans being primarily made up of internet fans; no matter what, there are fans, especially internet fans, who're going to boo Reigns no matter what, fans who often times do more harm than good, and that'll be especially true against someone like the Rock even though he's one of the strongest examples of a "company guy" there's ever been.

2. The Rock's movie career - As I've said numerous times, the Rock isn't going to jeopardize what's become an extremely lucrative film career just so he can indulge his personal passion to get back inside the ring. He's almost certainly never going to be one of these highly acclaimed, award winning actors but that suits him just fine because most of those actors don't make $25 million per movie. Hollywood, however, may have solved this conundrum in a way that takes the heat off them; it seems that insurance companies for an upcoming production the Rock is involved in won't cover him if he wrestles. This may well become standard practice for all insurance companies covering him in all future action films, which means the Rock will truly have to decide whether he's a wrestler in his heart or an actor.

As for the idea of the Rock lying down on Raw for Triple absolutely no. This would be every bit as bad, maybe even worse, than the infamous Fingerpoke of Doom where Kevin Nash laid down for Hulk Hogan in a WCW WHC match on the 1-4-99 episode of Nitro. While the Fingerpoke of Doom itself didn't kill WCW, things were never remotely the same after that and some argue that it's what led to what became the downward spiral of quality in the WCW product and this was even before Vince Russo got his hands on the creative reins of the company.

While an interesting idea, it's just totally the wrong approach in my opinion for what WWE hopes to accomplish: establishing Roman Reigns as one of the truly top guys in the company for the next decade.
This would be shocking and really shocking and I'd be totally shocked. But it would in no way make me order Mania or fly to Dallas to see it live because it is a total shock. Forget the fact that Rock isn't likely wrestling or laying down for anyone or going full heel but why in the world would you not promote the he'll out of Rock competing for the title?

Shock for shock's sake has it's time and place but this is not the time or place. Save the shock for NWO and DX reunions.

It also kind of humiliates Reigns who really doesn't need that right now.
This sounds like a great idea, but reality is just won't happen and can't happen.

1 - The Rock is past the point of being booed. I just don't see fans booing The Rock, no matter what.

2 - The Rock isn't wrestling at WrestleMania.

3 - This is a virtual slap in the face to every wrestler in WWE who has actually showed up at every Raw, wrestled, and gave it their all.
He's already said it's something "cool with the fans" so it's not gonna be a match. I can see it being some kind of competition for those in attendance where they get a walk-on in his movie...

The idea is pretty dumb to say the least... if they were going to use Rock in a match, it wouldn't be as a heel. It makes zero sense to Dwayne to be portrayed as bad until it gets round to being Black Adam in Shazam, when he's meant to be playing a villain...

In terms of being allowed to wrestle, no he won't be... that happened last time remember, he got injured and it delayed the filming of GI Joe... now he is so involved in the production of his films it's his own money on the line if it goes wrong, Vince can't pay him enough to make it worth the risk... it's like driving to work on a snow day... if an accident is gonna cost you more than you can earn that day, then it's not worth leaving the house...
If The Rock shows up for Wrestlemania ( he most likely will ). It won't be any lengthy match or anything that involves continuing a storyline or involving the World Heavyweight Championship.

He will probably come out and lay the SmackDown on some poor sap who's talking jive in Stone Cold Steve Austin's direction. Some Rock Bottoms, Stone Cold Stunner and a people's elbow and you have your popping ten minute segment that will get the fans riled up for the program.
You heard it here first, Rock to do a 4 1/2 minute segment with Miz, Bo Dallas and Stardust. #MakingHistorylol

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