News on Wrestlemania 32 match being discussed.

There is an article on the main site that reports that the company in maybe looking to run a Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens angle for Wrestlemania 32.

It also states other matches being discussed are Cena vs Undertaker and Reigns vs Triple H.

On Lesnar vs Owens
I wouldn't mind seeing these two compete against each other at some point in time. However Wrestlemania 32 seems to soon for me, as Owens has been with the company for less than a year. Nonetheless, WWE needs new stars. Owens has been wrestling for 15 years now and I'm sure he's more than capable for a main event run, even if that's going to start with Brock Lesnar.

But it leaves me with some questions:
a) Where does that leave the IC Title? Maybe Owens drops the belt to Ambrose or he still keeps the belt only to compete in a non title match? I'd prefer the first scenario, since I'd like to see the IC Championship defended.

b) If the matches are Lesnar vs Owens, HHH vs Reigns and Taker vs Cena, where does that leave the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Will Sheamus still be champion? If so, which face is going to face him? WWE doesn't seem to have any big faces..
Or do you think we could see WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs IC Champion & Royal Rumble winner Kevin Owens, in a title vs title match?

So many possibilities here and so many questions..
I dont see how they could realistically pull off a KO/Lesnar feud, just yet. They need an opponent for Lesnar and no one in the company really yells out to face him at WM32 atm.

Only scenarios i see working for Lesnar would be...

- Face the Rock (wont happen)
- Face Daniel Bryan (unlikely? DB still aint in the ring yet but a RR return could start things off)
- Face Taker/HHH or a returning Angle/Batista (you never know with WWE)
- Win the Royal Rumble (most likely? WWE need a big face to sell 100,000 plus tickets for WM)
- Win WWEWHC and go into WM as the main event (with 2 PPV's after TLC does Sheamus get a clean win over Reigns than out comes Lesnar?)
My prediction was Roman goes into Wrestlemania as champ with Lesnar entering the RR and winning so i dont see him facing KO at the grandest stage of them all.

However, if different plans play out and they do face off i would be all for it, ive lobbied for KO to have a Lesnar type feel, the "prize fighter". Have him rarely show up and stay in main event feuds like how Brocks been booked.
I think that if they wanted to do Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar, they should have put the World Title on Owens at Survivor Series.

Lesnar needs to win this years Royal Rumble in decisive fashion, so he should be the #1 contender for the belt at Mania. Also, if you're going to commit to Kevin Owens as a top guy and have him wrestle the biggest star in the business right now on the biggest stage possible, you might as well give him the fucking title too. Owens needs the greatest amount of credibility you can possibly give him if he's going to be believable against Brock Lesnar. Winning the World Title in a one night tournament, and having a strong run as a heel champion leading up to WrestleMania, would give him credibility.

If you want to give Owens the push by having him fight Lesnar, go all the way with the push.
Why not have Lesnar take on Bray Wyatt?
The beast incarnate against the new face of fear.
Build up a good feud,But Lesanr up against some of those big boys..could be interesting.
I agree with Sexecution that if you were to go with Lesnar vs Owens that you would have probably would have to put the belt on him at Survivor Series. Don't get me wrong I do believe the match be great, but I don't think it's Wrestle Mania ready. I was really hoping it be Lesnar vs Cesaro, but that was a long shot before Cesaro got hurt. One match that could be good is a returning Angle vs Lesnar, but I doubt WWE would bring Angle back but I think it be a great surprise.
WWE's original idea was to have Lesnar gather heat from breaking the Streak and from beating Cena at Summerslam so that he can use that heat to put over the new top babyface Roman Reigns. However, Lesnar became the company's biggest babyface. The pops he gets and the chants are amazing.

So here's a different idea. Given that all of Lesnar's heat is gone, we can assume that having him face the next big babyface is wrong, because simply in wrestling, in order to create a new babyface, you need a damn good heel. Examples being Hogan vs Iron Sheil, Austin vs HBK/Hart, Cena vs JBL and Triple H vs Batista. So, why not have Lesnar beat Sheamus for the belt at The Royal Rumble, have Owens win and then use all that momentum Lesnar has gotten over the last couple of years, not to create the next big babyface, but to create the next big heel who will put over the babyface at Summerslam 2016, aka Kevin Owens.

That could also work for me.
Personally I think we'll see Lesnar vs Batista. I read something about Batista possibly making a return, and 'The Beast' vs 'The Animal' is marketable.
I think that if they wanted to do Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar, they should have put the World Title on Owens at Survivor Series.

That's the reason I don't see this happening at Wrestlemania. Surely if that were the plan than Owens would have won, defended against Dean Ambrose at TLC and the Rumble to set him up as a legit, heel champion to face Brock coming off a Rumble win.

It could have worked. Owens has the attitude, talent and mic skills to get himself over as a credible threat to Lesnar and the added WWE Title would have added the sizzle to the match.
I am totally on for Brock Lesnar VS Kevin Owens and John Cena VS The Undertaker....
Roman Reigns VS Triple H would be good but Dean Ambrose VS Triple H would be better.... :rolleyes:
I'm surprised more people around here aren't salivating over this. Besides KO being an IWC darling, the match would be a hard hitting, but occasionally technical one. I think it would make for 4 stars easily. I think KO's pop up powerbomb looks terrible, but I know Lesnar could do it just fine. Throw in the promos between Heyman and KO and it would definitely be an entertaining feud.

Now is it going to happen? Not for the WWEWHC I think. But they don't need it.
I have to admit that I'm intrigued though, like many others, I have my doubts at this point in time.

On one hand, it does seem like a bit of an odd pairing when you consider that Owens has only been on the main roster for less than a year while Brock Lesnar has decimated long term, long established main event names like Triple H, Big Show, CM Punk, John Cena and the Undertaker and young stars who're going to be helping to carry the company in the future like Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns. While it's true that Owens is Intercontinental Champion and that MIGHT be a sign of bigger things ahead for him, it just sounds odd right now.

On the other hand, it'd be an opportunity to truly elevate Kevin Owens in a short amount of time that no title except the WWE WHC could match. I know a lot of people have complained about younger, up & coming guys like Owens not having gotten shots at Lesnar in the past with the result being a series of matches with Trips, Cena & Taker. WWE is hurting for young stars to elevate and to establish as guys who'll help carry the company and this would be a novel opportunity to see if that can happen with Owens.

It's a bit of an oxymoron really when you consider all those who say they want to see younger guys get a shot with someone like Lesnar, yet look at how often the arguments like "he doesn't have the credibility" or "he isn't believable" against Lesnar come up; the alternative is more of the same with Lesnar taking on big, established mega stars who don't really have anything to gain or lose with the program. I know all a lot of fans want is everything but, surprise, it can't work out. You can't have someone who's a young, rising, up & comer while simultaneously a firmly established main event name.
There is an article on the main site that reports that the company in maybe looking to run a Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens angle for Wrestlemania 32.

It also states other matches being discussed are Cena vs Undertaker and Reigns vs Triple H.

On Lesnar vs Owens
I wouldn't mind seeing these two compete against each other at some point in time. However Wrestlemania 32 seems to soon for me, as Owens has been with the company for less than a year. Nonetheless, WWE needs new stars. Owens has been wrestling for 15 years now and I'm sure he's more than capable for a main event run, even if that's going to start with Brock Lesnar.

But it leaves me with some questions:
a) Where does that leave the IC Title? Maybe Owens drops the belt to Ambrose or he still keeps the belt only to compete in a non title match? I'd prefer the first scenario, since I'd like to see the IC Championship defended.

b) If the matches are Lesnar vs Owens, HHH vs Reigns and Taker vs Cena, where does that leave the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Will Sheamus still be champion? If so, which face is going to face him? WWE doesn't seem to have any big faces..
Or do you think we could see WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs IC Champion & Royal Rumble winner Kevin Owens, in a title vs title match?

So many possibilities here and so many questions..

The match would be good but I don't know how this match would happen. Owens (after he finishes his feud with Dean) screws Brock winning the title again? That seems something like Bray would do.
One possible way I could see this going about could happen at the Royal Rumble. Let's say that Owens pulls double duty and successfully defends the IC title and is part of the Royal Rumble match itself; he does well in the Rumble and either winds up eliminating or helping to eliminate Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is pissed, sees he won't have another opportunity at being WWE Champion for the 5th time, climbs back into the ring eliminates Owens, the two of them start brawling and have to be separated by officials, etc. Or, vice versa and Owens is eliminated by Lesnar and sees his own dreams of being WWE World & Intercontinental Champion via winning at WrestleMania go up in smoke. He climbs back in, eliminates Lesnar and we have the beginnings of a feud that culminates at WrestleMania. It's simple, easy to follow and logical when you consider the egos of both men in question.

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