New WWE Network logo


Championship Contender
Did anyone enter this contest that WrestleZone is holding? They asked for people to send in their logo ideas and the winner's logo will be used in future articles concerning the network. This is a rough draft of the logo I came up with. I wanted something that didn't stray very far from the current logo, only one that included the E that is very clearly the thing I'd say most people complain that it's missing. Not to mention it just looks very plain and kind of careless imo. Here's what I came up with. Again, just a rough draft.

Don't know why it wouldn't let me post it without a link in the original post. Of course this is just a thumbnail though, and you can't see the whole thing unless you click on the link.

True, about it looking like an A under the W. Maybe I should stick with the original red line under the W and extend it under the E as well, or just get rid of it altogether.
Man that's the one I've been drawing in class ever since they got rid of the "F". Going with yours it would've fit right in the the edginess they still had going on as well. It reminds me so much of the 90s.
That logo is weak, almost childish. Much like having d*ck pics in your Photobucket, which that drawing is linked to.

Step your artistic and man game up.
I know it's a rough, but it looks almost exactly like Wonder Woman's logo, so you might want to change it up a bit.
That logo is weak, almost childish. Much like having d*ck pics in your Photobucket, which that drawing is linked to.

Step your artistic and man game up.


Wow man wow just wow that's for that pleasant viewing.

But let's try to stay on topic dude.

Like I said, the logo is pretty cool. Reminds me of MTV.

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