WWE needs to create a NEW Monster Superstar!

Could not agree with you more about Owens and Wyatt. But WWE lost that opportunity. Reigns would have been fine in this role but WWE decided to give him the "Cena" treatment and have him get his ass kicked the whole match just to "defy the odds" and win.

It's not too late with either one of those guys. They just got to get booked better. For example for KO, if he dropped the IC title and won the MITB Briefcase next year, he's set. For Bray, he and/or The Wyatt Family need to turn face, the whole attacking stars and beating the midcarders but losing to the part timers and main eventers has gotten stale. Hopefully when Orton returns they resume their feud and Orton puts him over clean. In the meantime, a turn would be ideal for Bray. I'd love to see him feud against Strowman/Harper/Rowan or maybe they all could turn face and be allies of Roman and feud with The Authority. The Wyatt Family and Roman vs. Rusev, Barrett, Sheamus, HHH, maybe Big Show (to counter Strowman)?
Heel Owens vs Face Rollins would be a beautiful feud. Creative, Vince and Trip need to get over the the "Owens is fat" thing and use him at the main event level because he's a hell of an athlete and a hell of a professional wrestler. He is fantastic as an arrogant heel, despite his physical appearance I still found him vs Cena very believable because of Owen's ability and because Owens past experience (15 years in the biz) was worked into the storyline which gave him the credibility. Balor and Owens, Zayn and Owens have proved to be some of the best angles and matches in NXT and I am sure they could be worked into the main roster when Balor and Zayn make the jump.

Sheamus is a guy who has been around too long and has had his credibility ruined to be seen as a viable champ right now and adding to that he is a solid worker but boring and looks completely ridiculous. Ambrose vs Reigns would have been a million times better, the Sheamus run in could have happened during the match but they could have teamed up to foil his cash in attempt and then one of them could have turned on the other
I'm sorry, the guy has unreal size. He's scary just on size alone. I'm 5 11" and I couldn't image getting on the bad side of a 6 8" 400 pound Braun Stroman. I'd end up in the fifth row after an easy overhand throw by that monster. He makes Roman Reigns look like a little cruiserweight. All he needs is more time , more One on One feuds. Have him absolutely destroy somebody in the upper card and win his feud easily. With Bray Wyatt as his manager , he could easily have an unstoppable run in WWE.

Like I said I'm the last person who ever agrees with Aquaman, but in this case I do. I've seen Strowman in person. Yes he is big, but it's his face, he just isn't fierce looking. Most big guys like that are puppy dogs. You should see the Big Show with the fans outside. He loves talking to the kids, and letting them put their hands up to his to show them just how big he is. There isn't a mean bone in his body and the kids aren't scared of him.

I have a feeling Strowman is like that as well. First of all he looks so young. Shave that beard and he's the biggest looking babybace on the roster. He has to harden up before I can take him seriously has a huge monster. Just because someone is big doesn't mean their a prick.
I'm split on Braun Strowman and I see where everyone comes from, regardless of whether you like him or not. As Dark Lady says, his face doesn't look very scary. If anything, he looks like he has a bit of a baby face (er, not the wrestling term). He has the right kind of bulk, unlike Rowan (who's just too lanky) and his voice is rather threatening sounding.

Big Show at least looks fierce when he puts on his angry face, but is convincing as a nice guy too. I have an open mind in regards to Strowman, but I think they need to make him look a little scarier. I think he needs a better mask. Because Bray Wyatt has been ruined, I think it would be interesting if Strowman turned on his former family, crushing Bray and maybe even taking over. It would fit the black sheep motif. He then goes on a rampage, destroying everyone he crosses.

But he might not be ready yet. It's hard to gouge the extent of his abilities. Many have criticized his wrestling skill, but remember that Rusev didn't seem capable of much during his earlier squash matches. He didn't really start showing the extent of his abilities until he fought Jack Swagger.
Do you even watch WWE ? Isnt that EXACTLY what they have been doing for a year now with Roman Reigns....how is that working ?

Why isn't Sheamus a huge mega draw superstar, all he did was destroy HHH when he debuted ?

Here's the thing, FANS decide who they want and accept, the promotional machine can only do so much. That's why Reigns is struggling to establish himself despite having the company do everything possible to make him the next great super star.

Steve Austin wasn't even supposed to be a fan favorite.....he was an untrustworthy loner modeled in part on the theatrical ideal of a serial killer, but he connected so much with fans WWE had to make him a good guy and book him exclusively against heels, years later when they tried to turn him it failed so bad they abandoned whole idea mid stream.

That's not the first time that happened, the NWA had the same problem with the evil biker gang from hell rulebreakers the Road Warriors, who got over so well with fans they too could only be booked as heroes opposing mega heels like The Horsemen & Midnight Express.

SuperStars also build over time, The Rock spent years as an unheralded mid carder, slowly building into a legit main eventer and then a superstar. Do you guys think Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair won the World Title in their very first matches and immediately connected with fans ? It took three years of constant pushing just to get fans to see Brett Hart as a legit main event caliber singles wrestler after years of being an anonymous cog in The Hart Foundation, over shadowed by his manager and tag team partner, even though that team was front and center in major storylines on TV for years and fans were well acquainted with Hart.
4.) Bray Wyatt:
I honestly feel like WWE is teetering between making him awful. . . or making him a monster. Ultimately he needs to drop the little kid antics(stealing Taker/Kane's lightning & flame), and just be a brutal villian. Undertakers gimmick worked in the 90's the way it did because to an extent we still suspended disbelief, nowadays the cartoonish stuff makes it look horrible. Drop Strowman, keep Rowan/Harper, bring in Sister Abigail, maybe give us some back story on Bray, keep us in suspense.


Yeah but who do the 8-13 year olds that make up the biggest portion of WWE audience and are by far the cash cow for the company in merchandising talk about the most ..... the antics of someone like Bray Wyatt or the relatively boring Cesaro & Kevin Owens ? Given time Owens, who is athletic in the ring but has a boring look and persona despite being good on the mic may get over with this crowd, but it takes time....right now its the "cartoon antics" of a Wyatt that draw attention, and the money fans
Yeah but who do the 8-13 year olds that make up the biggest portion of WWE audience and are by far the cash cow for the company in merchandising talk about the most ..... the antics of someone like Bray Wyatt or the relatively boring Cesaro & Kevin Owens ? Given time Owens, who is athletic in the ring but has a boring look and persona despite being good on the mic may get over with this crowd, but it takes time....right now its the "cartoon antics" of a Wyatt that draw attention, and the money fans

This is really the crux of the entire problem with the company and why ratings keep falling...

All Vince cares about is money from merchandise and selling tickets. And it's the young kids that drive that.

For them, they just want "cool looking" or "fun" characters. They don't care about storylines, writing or quality of matches and the drama involved.

They are easy to please and aren't overly critical like adults are.

Essentially, I truly believe the company doesn't care one bit about any portion of its audience over age 18 or so. Either you'll watch the awfulness they put out there or you'll leave but as long as your children stick around part of you can't go too far.
This is really the crux of the entire problem with the company and why ratings keep falling...

All Vince cares about is money from merchandise and selling tickets. And it's the young kids that drive that.

For them, they just want "cool looking" or "fun" characters. They don't care about storylines, writing or quality of matches and the drama involved.

They are easy to please and aren't overly critical like adults are.

Essentially, I truly believe the company doesn't care one bit about any portion of its audience over age 18 or so. Either you'll watch the awfulness they put out there or you'll leave but as long as your children stick around part of you can't go too far.

I agree. However, given the state of the ratings and the general mood about the product he needs to start paying attention to people over the age of 18. I understand its business and ultimately it's money that dictates everything, but there's going to come a point where sponsors drop out because no one cares about the product. I think a lot of problems can start going away by stopping all the 50/50 booking, enforce rules and let bad guys be bad guys. People want to believe and if they believe, they care about the wrestlers (characters) they are watching. I don't think its that complicated a problem to fix.
I don't think this is the problem. I don't want to see someone come into WWE out of nowhere and dominate everyone.

To see the problem with WWE, let's look at this past Monday's Raw.

- The Authority talked.
- Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper (d) Dudley Boyz
- Sasha Banks (d) Becky Lynch
- New Day issused an open challenge and proceeded to get attacked.
- Neville (d) Mark Henry
- PTP and Goldust (d) Stardust and Ascension
- Swagger confronted Del Rio.
- Paige vs. Charlotte - Diva's Title (No contest)
- Ryback attacked Heath Slater.
- Ziggler and Ambrose (d) Owens and Breeze
- Reigns (d) Rusev by DQ and attacked Sheamus, Barrett, and Rusev with a chair.

Did you see anything on Raw that was entertaining or worth talking about? No. Absolutely nothing. That's the problem.
It can happen. If you pull a big name from MMA. (But he has to be a credible name) have have him go over Brock, Cena, Reigns, Rusev, Sheamus it will happen. It's all about booking. They have to be booked to win. I'm going to get Killed for this but Cena isn't special. Never has been. Never will be. We can debate this till the cows come home. He just has been booked that way. 14 clean losses. In a ten year span will make anyone special. It's all about the booking. If booked righ any can be anything you make them in the WWE. It's a TV show. The storyline is written right and now Jessica Jones is kicking everyone's ass on her show. Same premise. As much as we all don't like it RAW isn't an a wrestling show. It's a show that has wrestling in it. Those are two different things. We just have to be made to believe that the guy they are pushing can beat all the top guys. For instance:

Cena is special. Top guys don't grow on trees. If Cena wasn't special, then WWE would make 50 of him and have 50 top guys. Have a guy come in and go over Cena, Rusev, Reigns, Lesnar and Sheamus? Yeah that is a great plan. Have an inexperienced guy come in and beat all their top guys with no guarantee that he will stay or be interesting.

Crimson went undefeated for a year in TNA. Never got close to being over.

Vince Russo booked an entertainment show with wrestling in it. This is nowhere that.

DB beat three Hall of Famers in one night. It pissed me off. It really did. Because there's no way that happens. No way. It shouldn't have happen to begin with. It insults the legacy of Batista, Orton and Hunter. But the crowd are it up. It was a storybook ending to a story. The little guy won.

Daniel Bryan won a singles then triple threat match. It is not like he beat a fresh HHH then a fresh Batista and a fresh Orton by himself.

Unbelievable but it happened. So here in the WWE ANYTHING can happen.
A lot from people from my generation do not like Cena. A lot of us feel like it's insulting that he has been on Top this long and that he is considered to be as great as he is. If you gave pushes like he has to anyone they would be considered as great as he is. I'm sorry. It's just my honest opinion. But we aren't in control. Vince and Co. are.

Again, if Vince could have 50 John Cena's, he would. He can't. Cena is special. Rock was special. Austin was. Hogan was. You can't make top guys, they have to make themselves.

Look at it this way.... If there would've been more of a variety of top guys. If there was no superior top guy. If there wasn't a 13 year Cena push the WWE would've been a lot better off. Maybe different guy would've shined through. Maybe other guys would've stayed around. Maybe other great wrestlers that are tearing it up all over the world would be here. The state of wrestling today would be better.im rambling.lol

If there was no one special, WWE would be in horrible shape. If there was no guy that you could count on, then why would we care? What you are talking about is 50-50 booking. Horrible.

[/QUOTE]Yes a monster heel can work. Yes it can happen. Anything can. But will it happen.... No. He will get fed to Cena eventually and lose all credibility.[/QUOTE]

Monsters are made to be stopped. Faces prevail in the end. That is how wrestling works.

Do you even watch WWE ? Isnt that EXACTLY what they have been doing for a year now with Roman Reigns....how is that working?

Actually it is the complete opposite of what he has been doing. Reigns should be booked as a monster. Instead he is booked to go 14 minutes with the Big Show.

During the buildup to Wrestlemania, Reigns faced Show. Reigns should have squashed him. It would have made people think "if he can do that to Big Show, imagine what he could do to Brock." Instead I think they had Show win via a distraction. Reigns is a huge guy. He has a good look. Accentuate that. Have him kill people. Have him keep his promos short until he can learn to do longer ones. Very easy. Yet they keep over-complicating it.

Also, Reigns is being cheered. Smark towns boo him.

Brett Hart

Bret not Brett.

Yeah but who do the 8-13 year olds that make up the biggest portion of WWE audience

Wrong. The biggest demographic is actually the 18-34 (according to the data for 2014). Technically the biggest is 50+ but that includes more ages so it is a bit skewed. I have no idea where people get these "50% of the audience is under 15" crap. Stop making things up without actually looking up the numbers.
But isn't that the problem to begin with? wwe was creating a monster in Lesnar - he was going to me the new top dog in the company. Then he left and Cena took over that spot. Cena may not be a hulking guy like Ryback but he was that monster who kept winning and winning and winning, rolling over all his competition until there was no one to face and no one believed anyone would beat him anyways. That's why wwe is in such trouble today - the monster beat everyone so almost nobody got over.

I don't think wwe needs a monster, they need to have a couple top heel and a couple top faces that are about equal. When the monster is on a roll, the fans need to think "oh, wait until he runs into X. Then he is in trouble" which is really something they haven't had in a long time. You need that balance but you need a couple guys otherwise you gain nothing - you get Cena and HHH and we had that already. Think back to Austin - he was clearly the top guy in the company but put him up against Foley, HHH or Rock and you thought there was a chance he could lose - that is what you want.

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