WWE : New Beginning

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everyone ECW will be writed by defnotfrankie he will start after i write Backlash which will be up soon
Backlash 2006
Sunday, April 30 – Reunion Centre - Dallas, Texas

A video clip airs, hyping the huge Six-Man Elimination Match for the WWE Championship, in which Orton will enter first, and Cena will enter last. The focus then switches to the Handicap Ladder Match, where if Vince and Shane McMahon defeat Shawn Michaels, HBK will step down as the RAW GM, but if HBK wins, he will receive a WWE Title shot tomorrow on RAW, and also, Vince McMahon will retire, and in doing so, he will relinquish his position as WWE Chairman.

Voice: And now, RAW presents, WWE…Backlash!

A long, extended pyro display goes off on the stage and the Backlash theme tune, the Dropkick Murphys’ song, “The Gauntlet”, is playing in the background. The camera shows the mass of fans in attendance and it shows various fan signs, such as “the game is over for McMahon”, “Masters=Carlito’s bitch” and “Edge & Lita…WWE Champions”.

We then cut down to ringside, where the RAW announce team, Joey Styles, Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler and Jonathan Coachman are.

Joey: Welcome to the 2006 edition of the RAW-only Pay Per View extravaganza, WWE Backlash! We are hailing from the Reunion Centre in the heart of Dallas, Texas, I am Joey Styles, the former voice of ECW, and he with me as always is Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler, and Jonathan Coachman!

King: Thanks Joey, and I am so excited for tonight. I believe we are witnessing the new beginning in the WWE, and will the ownership of this prestigious company no longer be in the hands of Vince McMahon?

Coach: Well if you ask me, tonight is the new beginning of the WWE, because once Vince and Shane McMahon finish the HBK problem once and for all in the Handicap Ladder Match, HBK will not be our General Manger any longer, and I have no doubt that Vince McMahon will in fact fire the Heart Break Kid tomorrow night live on RAW!

King: Well those are your opinions, Coach, and all I can say is, no matter who walks out of here tonight with their arms raised in victory, we’re going to see a lot of exciting action, as we crown all new RAW champions. Plus, Chavo Guerrero takes on the “Con-Man”, with a shot at the Intercontinental Championship for the winner, and of course, as we were just saying, HBK and the McMahons collide one last time in a Handicap Ladder Match.

Joey: Well let’s waste no more time introducing the show. Let’s get to the action!

Chris Masters’ music hits and the fans erupt into jeers for the “Masterpiece”. He looks extremely smug tonight, and we see a shot of a sign calling Masters a traitor.

King: Let’s take a look back to RAW last Monday, where Chris Masters turned his back on his best friend and only ally in the WWE, Carlito.

With Masters’ music still in the background, we see what happened on RAW, where Carlito was facing Matt Hardy in a semi-final IC Title Tournament Match, and Masters came in, supposedly helping Carlito pick up the win, but he then laid a hard punch into Carlito, causing Hardy to get disqualified, and Carlito to enter the final tonight. We then see the post-match beat down, where Masters bust Carlito wide open with his own Money in the Bank briefcase, and then a steel chair!

Masters is now inside the ring and the ref is holding the Intercontinental Championship high in the air.

Carlito’s music plays and the fans give a very loud pop.

Joey: Wow, the fans really are on Carlito’s side tonight, and they feel for him after what Masters did last week.

Carlito runs down the ramp and goes straight for Chris Masters, and the bell immediately rings, as the two are going at it with hard blows.

Intercontinental Championship Tournament Final Match
Carlito vs. Chris Masters
Carlito is so angry that he manages to back Masters into the turnbuckle corner using his adrenaline rush. He continually hammers away on the “Masterpiece” and Lawler points out that he should be careful not to get disqualified, as he would lose and Masters would be the champion, due to the title being vacant.

The ref manages to get between Carlito and Masters and this gets Carlito away. Masters climbs outside and walks around on the outside, whilst the referee is telling Carlito that he has to stay calm inside the ring. Carlito backs away to the other side and Masters slowly climbs back inside. However, as soon as he is back in the ring, Carlito runs for him again and with Masters against the ropes, and Carlito hammers away on Masters’ midsection. Carlito then runs Masters to the opposite side of the ring and Carlito hits the Lou Thesz press (like Austin did) and nails some solid shots. Carlito gets up and stomps on Masters several times and he is showing a new side that hasn’t been seen before. The fans are firmly behind Carlito and once he stops nailing the boots to Masters, he shows a look that shows how he will do anything to get revenge tonight.

Masters uses the turnbuckle pad to pull himself back to his feet and Carlito walks towards him, but Masters this time hits a thumb to the eye and after Carlito has dominated the opening minutes, Masters begins to take control by hooking Carlito’s tights and drilling him with a suplex that sees Carlito’s back sent into the turnbuckle pad. Joey Styles says he’s never seen that move before and Carlito holds his back in pain. Masters now nails some stomps to Carlito and he gets huge heat, but continues his attack on Carlito. He pulls Carlito up and sends him into the opposite corner and runs at him, nailing a clothesline in the corner. Carlito drops to the mat and Masters digs his boot into Carlito, cushioning him against the bottom rope.

Masters then picks Carlito to his vertical base and locks in the abdominal stretch. Carlito cries in pain and Masters is taking advantage of how he caused pain on Carlito’s midsection with the suplex into the turnbuckle. Carlito tries to fight out of it but Masters uses the ropes to gain extra power on the stretch and Carlito is screaming. The ref sees the Masterpiece’s plan and tells him to release the hold, whilst beginning the five count,




Masters lets go.

Carlito rolls under the bottom rope and literally falls to the floor. Chris Masters climbs through the ropes and hammers away on Carlito on the outside with hard punches, before running him into the crowd barricade. Carlito’s back is in a lot of pain and Masters picks him up and drops his midsection across the barricade. Carlito goes down and he looks badly hurt. Masters returns to the ring and the referee starts the ten count on Carlito.






Carlito begins to move around on the floor.



He is to his feet and stumbles back towards the ring.


Carlito is inside, but still hurting.

Masters goes straight back to work with shots to the back. He then gets Carlito in position for a powerbomb, but once Carlito is up in the air, Masters runs and lands a powerbomb into the turnbuckle! Carlito is in incredible pain and Coach points out that it’s only a matter of time before Masters picks up his first title in the WWE. Masters then makes the cover and he is confident that Carlito will stay down,

Carlito gets a shoulder up after a very near fall!

The Masterpiece can’t believe it and he momentarily argues with the referee, but then goes back to Carlito, and pulls him to his feet. Masters then proceeds to dissect Carlito’s ribs and midsection with another abdominal stretch, but this time Carlito uses what strength he has left to flip Masters over his body and Carlito then hits an elbow drop. He makes the cover but Masters kicks out at 2. Carlito gets to his feet just before Masters and lays some shots into him, kicks him in the gut and looks to drop Masters with the DDT but the Masterpiece doesn’t go down and Carlito drops onto his back, further hurting that section of his body. Chris Masters then runs off the ropes and lands a Hogan-esque leg drop to Carlito before making the cover,

Carlito kicks out before the 3.

Masters sits Carlito up and digs his knee into Carlito’s back and he pulls Carlito’s arms backwards. Carlito cries out in pain and Masters is saying, “How do you like that, Carlito? How do you like that?” Masters releases the hold and runs off the ropes, before digging an elbow to Carlito’s face to knock him back down to the mat. Masters then calls for the end and signals the Masterlock, but as he pulls Carlito off the mat, the newly turned face certainly hasn’t lost any of his dirty tricks, as he pokes his thumb into Masters’ eye and then drops him with the DDT! Carlito crawls into the cover,

Masters kicks out!

Masters and Carlito both rise to their feet together and they trade shots. Masters, the stronger of the two, gains some advantage in this trade-off but Carlito ducks under his final swing and comes off the ropes, nailing a dropkick. Carlito rolls Masters over and makes the cover but only manages a 2. He then pulls Masters up, hits the snapmare and locks in the chin lock. Masters powers out, though, and drops Carlito with a back suplex, which is almost modified into the German suplex. Masters makes the cover and Carlito looks down and out,


No, Carlito just lifts a shoulder off the mat before the third count!

Chris Masters is livid and he shouts for Carlito to stay down. He goes out of the ring and picks Carlito’s Money in the Bank briefcase up from near the announcers’ table. He climbs back inside but the ref tries to stop him using the briefcase and grabs the other end. He is unsuccessful in his attempt to wrest the briefcase away from Masters, but as Masters gets it back and turns to Carlito, Mr Money in the Bank nails a kicks to the midsection, turns Masters around (Masters drops the briefcase to the mat) and Carlito plants him with the spinning neck breaker! After hitting his finishing move, Carlito is also down on the mat but he then manages to crawl to the cover,

Masters kicks out after receiving Carlito’s finishing move!

Carlito cannot believe it and he pulls Masters back up and sets him up for the cool breaker, but Masters counters it into the Masterlock! He locks it fully in and Carlito struggles to break it. Masters fastens his grip and Carlito is quickly fading. Masters keeps it in and Carlito is battling valiantly, but unsuccessfully to break the hold that has never been broken. Eventually, Carlito hits a low blow that is undetected by the ref due to the position he is standing in. Carlito then goes up top and looks for the axe handle, but Masters catches him in the midsection that is already injured from the treatment Masters has caused on it already this match. Carlito flips over and falls to the mat. Masters then picks him up and locks the Masterlock in a second time. Carlito drops to the mat and this could be over! The ref checks on Carlito, who is still battling hard, trying to escape from the hold, but Masters then puts his feet on the second rope and the ref somehow doesn’t see. Carlito has no chance with all this weight on him and the ref calls for the bell as Carlito taps out!
Winner, and new Intercontinental Champion: Chris Masters (19:21)

The ref hands the Intercontinental Championship belt to Masters but the Masterpiece demands that he put the belt around his waist. The ref does so and the fans are booing loudly as Masters cheated to win his first title.

Joey: I can’t believe it! Chris Masters had his feet all over the ropes, and the referee did not realise!

Coach: Hey, a win’s a win, no matter how you get it. And you know that Carlito ‘Cool’ would do the same.

King: Well one thing’s for sure, the way Chris Masters became the Intercontinental Champion was not ‘cool’ and I’m sure Carlito will get his chance and revenge on the man who turned on him last week. It’s just not happening tonight though.

Masters has now left the ring and Carlito is back to his feet. He holds his ribs and the fans give him a standing ovation for his effort. Carlito does the unthinkable and slaps his fist against his heart to show his gratitude and respect back to the fans.

Joey: Carlito put on a great effort, and I’m sure he’ll get his chance at retribution sometime soon.

We go backstage, where Edge and Lita are talking.

Edge: So, are you gonna be out there tonight when I win the WWE Title or are you staying back here?

Lita: Edge, you know I’d love nothing more than to see first hand as you win the WWE Championship, but I’ve got the Women’s Title to win next, and I’m going to be worn out from that…

Edge: That’s fine. Once you win the Women’s Title, and I become the 2-time WWE Champion, we can party together all night afterwards.

The two smile.

Edge: And uh, that Women’s Title Match isn’t the only thing you’re gonna be worn out from if you know what I mean.

The two laugh and start making out, but HBK then shows up.

HBK: Waho, I hope I’m not interrupting anything here guys!

Edge and Lita jump in shock.

HBK: Don’t worry, I won’t keep you long. I just wanted to tell you both that in the Six-Man Elimination Match for the WWE Championship tonight, I have banned all outside parties, so even if you did want to see Edge tonight from ringside Lita, I’m afraid that’s not allowed.

HBK starts to leave, but then turns around and says:

HBK: Oh yeah, one other thing. If you do win the WWE Title tonight Edge, and that’s a big IF, then I’ll be seeing you tomorrow night on RAW, because once I beat the McMahon’s in that Ladder Match, I get a WWE Title shot.

Edge: Yeah, well I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.

HBK: Yeah, I guess you might…

Edge: But then again, Shawn, that all depends on if you beat the McMahon’s, and like you were saying, that’s a big IF!

HBK laughs at Edge and then leaves. Edge and Lita glance at one another confused.

A promo for the May SmackDown-only PPV, Judgment Day, airs, hyping the WWE Title Match between Jericho, Angle and Batista and the JBL-Undertaker Burdied Alive Match. Don’t miss it when Taker Rules posts it!

The bell rings and Victoria’s music hits. The fans boo as she makes her way down to the ring. She is without Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle tonight.

King: Well, as much as I’d love to see Candice and Torrie, I guess Victoria’s without them tonight, and she’ll have to win the Women’s Championship all by herself.

Lita’s music plays and the fans boo heavily for the former 2-time Women’s Champion.

Trish Stratus comes out next and the fans pop loudly for the former 6-time champion.

Joey: Trish held the WWE Women’s Championship for well over a year before it was vacated a month ago.

Mickie James’ music hits and she comes to the ring looking excited. She hugs Trish and doesn’t let go for ages. Trish tries to push her off but can’t. Victoria then grabs Mickie’s hair and throws her to the mat. Lita goes right for Trish and the bell rings to start the match.

Women’s Championship Fatal Four-Way Match
Trish Stratus vs. Victoria vs. Lita vs. Mickie James
Lita hammers on Trish in one corner whilst Victoria does the same on Mickie James in the opposite corner. They throw the faces towards each other but Trish and Mickie avoid each other in the centre and continue running, where Trish then clotheslines Victoria and Mickie hits Lita with flying forearm.

Trish and Mickie then throw the heels through the ropes, to the outside. They stare across at each other and Mickie shows her love for Trish once again, as she walks to her and kisses her on the cheek. Trish is furious and can’t believe it, but she maintains her composure. Lita and Victoria then return to the ring and blindside the unsuspecting Trish and Mickie. Victoria hits Trish with a suplex whilst Lita dropkicks Mickie down. Victoria and Lita stare across at each other and they begin to trash talk. Lita makes the first attack with a slap, but she doesn’t connect as Victoria catches her hand and trips her down. Victoria elbows Lita in the back whilst she is down and locks in the STF! Trish breaks it up though and Victoria and Trish square off. They tie up in the centre and Trish hits a knee to the midsection. She runs Victoria to the turnbuckle and runs towards her, nailing a clothesline in the corner. Trish then goes back to the centre of the ring and runs at Victoria again, this time going for the stratusfear. However, Victoria catches Trish and once on the second turnbuckle, she locks Trish in a hold similar to the walls of Jericho from the ropes. The ref tells her to release Trish as they are on the ropes and Victoria reluctantly obliges.

Meanwhile, Mickie is hammering away on Lita and nails her with a chick kick after reversing Lita’s attempt at running Mickie off the ropes. Mickie makes the cover,

Victoria just breaks the pin in time.

Mickie is livid and goes wild on Victoria. She kicks her through the ropes and then vaults herself onto Victoria on the outside!

Back in the ring, Lita and Trish, both a little dazed, stumble to the centre of the ring. Lita makes the first move with a kick to the stomach and she attempts the twist of fate, but Trish pushes her into the ropes and plants her with the chick kick! Trish makes the cover and Mickie is back in the ring,

Mickie doesn’t know whether to break the count or not.

Mickie does break the count!

Trish gets to her feet and Mickie apologises. Trish says it’s fine and then kicks her in the midsection. Trish drops Mickie with the snapmare and then dropkicks the back of her head. Mickie rolls to the outside, but Victoria is back in the ring and Trish turns right into the widow’s peak! Victoria makes the cover,

Lita is on the top rope.

Lita breaks up the fall with a moonsault!

Lita holds her ribs and Victoria goes towards her, setting her up for the widow’s peak, but in midair, Lita counters the widow’s peak into the tornado DDT. She makes the cover on Victoria and both Trish and Mickie are down!

Winner and new Women’s Champion: Lita (6:21)

Lita gets to her feet and the fans jeer as she is handed the Women’s Title.

Coach: So far tonight, we’ve had two matches, and the right superstar has won each match.

Joey: Well that’s your opinion, Coach, but nevertheless, Lita is now the 3-time Women’s Champion.

Trish and Mickie are left in the ring and Mickie apologises to Trish but Trish asks her why she’s apologising (this is all without mic's and hard to hear exactly what they say). Trish leaves first and Mickie looks slightly upset and slightly annoyed with herself.

Backstage, Maria is standing beside John Cena.

Maria: John Cena, you never lost your WWE Title belt, and tonight, you will enter the match last. What are the chances of you walking out of Backlash, once again the World Champion?

When Cena speaks, he is extremely fired up.

Cena: The chances? The chances of me becoming the WWE Champion tonight are very, very, good. Last week on RAW, I earned the right to enter sixth out of six. Randy Orton is first, and many have been comparing the two of us ever since we joined the WWE. They say that we are the future of the WWE, and quite frankly, I agree! Me and Randy Orton are alike in that we’ve both got good looks, but don’t go thinking that your boy’s gone to the other side when I say that. Plus, we’ve both been the World Champion before, just, Orton’s first and only title reign lasted just 4 weeks, whereas my TWO title reigns lasted a total of 11 out of the past 12 months. And what’s more, tonight, I’m gonna whoop ass on that Legend Killer if he’s still in the match when I enter, and the other four are going down with him. Tonight, your boy does what he’s done time and time before…beaten the best there is!

We go back to ringside.

Lilian: The following contest is the Tag Team Turmoil Match for the vacant World Tag Team Championships! The rules of this match are that 2 teams start the match, and once a team is eliminated, a new team comes out. The match will end when one team is left after the others are eliminated, and that team will be crowned the NEW World Tag Team Champions.

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch’s music hits and the and boo as the former champions make their way out.

Coach: Cade and Murdoch have a long way to go if they’re to win the World Tag Team Titles, but I have confidence that if any team can do it, these guys can!

Val Venis and Viscera comes out and these two teams will kick the match off.

World Tag Team Championship Turmoil Match
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. Val Venis & Viscera
Cade starts the match off with Val Venis and they lock up. Val overpowers Cade slightly and Trevor Murdoch illegally enters the ring to stop the Big Valbowski gaining any control by clubbing him in the back and allowing Cade to nail several hard shots. Cade hits a suplex and covers but Val kicks out at 2. Viscera comes in trying to get some of Murdoch but the ref keeps him out. This allows the heels to double-team Venis on their side of the ring and Cade goes out to the apron. The ref asks if they tagged and they say yes, although that was not the case. Murdoch hits a body slam and an elbow drop and gets a 2 count with the cover. The fans start to get behind Venis and he fights out of Murdoch’s side headlock with elbows and sends him off the ropes, across the ring, and hits a shoulder takedown. Val makes the tag to big Vis and the big man clotheslines Murdoch down. Venis sends Cade over the top rope after he illegally entered and Val goes out as well.

Back in the ring, Viscera hits a kick to the head and Murdoch falls to the mat. Viscera then picks him up and goes behind him. Viscera starts humping Murdoch from behind but Lance Cade, who just threw Venis into the ring steps on the outside, returns to the ring and rolls Viscera up from behind,

No, Viscera kicks out!

Cade can’t believe it and he and Murdoch then send Viscera to the ropes and Murdoch runs at him, but Viscera ducks underneath his body splash on the turnbuckle and then clotheslines Lance down. Val Venis is back, and he goes up top. Viscera somehow manages to once again climb to the second rope and he gets Val on his shoulders for the huge money shot, but Murdoch is up and he dives on the ropes, causing Val to drop off Viscera’s shoulders and down to the mat. Viscera dives off, however, and just splashes the up-right Murdoch. Viscera goes for the pin but Lance Cade rolls him up from behind,

Cade holds the ropes for extra power!

Eliminated: Val Venis & Viscera (5:01)

The referees get Val Venis and Viscera out of the ring and Cade and Murdoch high five each other and await the next team…

Eugene’s music plays and the fans erupt as Eugene and William Regal come down to the ring. Cade and Murdoch aren’t happy that Regal and Eugene are out now and they immediately attack them.

Cade fights with Eugene whilst Regal battles Murdoch. Regal clotheslines Murdoch down but on the other side, Cade hits Eugene with a back body drop when Eugene came off the ropes. Regal and Murdoch go to the apron and Eugene and Cade are going to be the in-ring men to start this next bout off.

Cade nails hard punches to Eugene and then locks in a chin lock on the mat, but Eugene is close to the ropes and he wraps his leg around them to call for the break. Cade tags Murdoch in and they hit a double-suplex. Murdoch goes for the cover but Eugene kicks out just after the 2. The fans start cheering Regal and Eugene on and Murdoch sends Eugene off the ropes, but he sent him close to Regal’s corner and Regal makes the blind tag. Murdoch hits an underhook suplex when Eugene comes back off the ropes but as he makes the cover, Regal breaks it with a fist drop and then locks Murdoch in the body scissors. Cade comes in but Eugene, still down on the mat, drop toeholds Cade and Regal continues to apply pressure with the body scissors. He eventually lets go of Murdoch and then goes to tag Eugene. Regal holds Murdoch upright and Eugene nails some punches to the ribs. Regal lets go and Murdoch drops to the mat. Eugene then does the Hulk Hogan pose to the fans, runs off the ropes and drops the leg drop to Trevor! The fans cheer as he makes the cover,

Cade breaks the count!

The fans boo and Regal comes in and brawls with Cade. Meanwhile, Eugene pulls Murdoch back to his feet and drops him with the stunner! The fans pop loudly and Eugene covers,

Regal clotheslines Cade over the top and Murdoch has no chance of kicking out!

Eliminated: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (11:14)

The fans cheer as Regal and Eugene advance, and the music of Snitsky and Tomko hits and the cheers turn to boos for these monsters.

They stand nose to nose with Eugene and Regal but the faces throw the first punches and they continually hammer away on them. Snitsky and Tomko are too strong though and they fight Eugene and Regal off and clothesline them both to the outside. Snitsky and Tomko get fired up in the ring and wait for the faces to return. They go right back on the attack and after Tomko hits a hard clothesline to Regal, he and Snitsky lay Eugene out with a double powerbomb. Eugene might be out of it and Tomko goes to the apron. Snitsky cover,

Eugene kicks out.

Snitsky looks annoyed that he didn’t put Eugene away there but he pulls him up and sends him into the turnbuckle. Snitsky runs at Eugene and hits a body splash. He then sets the fan favourite on the top rope and gets in position for the superplex, but Eugene starts to fight him off with shots to the midsection. Snitsky drops off the turnbuckle but lands on his feet. Tomko goes across and prevents Eugene diving off the top rope by grabbing his foot. Eugene is wobbling on the top and he falls off, but lands right in position for Snitsky to nail the powerslam from the turnbuckle! The fans applaud and it will take a lot for Eugene to kick out.

Regal breaks up the fall!

Snitsky can’t believe it and he goes to hit Regal, but Regal ducks underneath and then kicks Snitsky in the gut. He then sets him in position and plants him with the double underhook belly to back suplex. Tomko comes in and looks to put Regal away with a stiff kick to the head, but Regal avoids contact and drops Tomko with a DDT. Tomko rolls to the outside and Eugene is now back on his feet. The ref gets Regal back on the apron and inside the ring, Eugene drops Snitsky with the rock bottom! He crawls into the cover,

Eliminated: Snitsky & Tomko (14:30)

The fans cheer and Regal and Eugene have beaten two teams.

The Basham Brothers’ music plays and the fans start to boo, but the Basham’s don’t appear. Regal and Eugene are looking towards the entrance ramp in the ring and suddenly the Basham’s run into the ring through the crowd. They have steel chairs in hand and crack Regal and Eugene across the back with them. Eugene falls through the middle rope to the outside and the Basham’s then plant Regal into the mat with the last rights. Doug makes the cover,

Eliminated: William Regal & Eugene (16:07)

The Basham’s celebrate, but then the music of the Hardy Boyz hits, and Matt and Jeff come down to the ring to the biggest pop of the night thus far! The Basham Brothers can’t believe that the Hardy’s are here and they go right on the attack, but Matt and Jeff duck underneath, run off the ropes and nail cross body’s.

This is the last match and will decide the new champions. Matt gets on the outside apron and Jeff Hardy is back in the WWE ring for the first time since 2003. He starts it out with Danny Basham. Jeff nails some punches and backs Danny to the corner, where he sends him to the opposite side and runs at him, nailing a shoulder thrust. Jeff gets onto the second rope and nails punch after punch. The crowd count along,









Jeff plays to the crowd a little and then hits the last punch.


The fans are going crazy with cheers and Jeff sends Danny into the Hardy’s turnbuckle corner and tags Matt in. The Hardy’s stomp a mud hole into Danny in the corner and then Matt gets on all fours for Jeff to jump off his with the poetry in motion! Doug comes in but he misses the clothesline on Jeff Hardy and walks into the dropkick from Matt. Jeff then cross body’s Danny over the top rope to the outside and back in the ring, Matt hits Doug with the twist of fate, and it could be over, but as Matt makes the cover, the ref doesn’t count and tells him that Doug isn’t the legal man for the Basham Brothers. Matt is irate but then Jeff throws Danny back inside. Matt plants him into the canvas with the side effect and tags Jeff back in. Jeff goes up top and Matt then hits the twist of fate on Basham Doug. Jeff comes off the top rope with the swanton bomb and makes the cover, and this is an amazing performance from the reunited Hardy Boyz!

Winners, and new World Tag Team Champions: Hardy Boyz (20:51)

The fans are ecstatic as the ref hands the titles to the Hardy Boyz. They show their appreciation to the fans.

Joey: Oh my god, the Hardy Boyz are back together. One of the greatest teams in tag team history are back, and they’re straight back on top of the mountain as the new Tag Team Champions!

Coach: That’s just not right! They didn’t state that they were in this match until just minutes ago. The Basham Brothers were taken by surprise.

King: I guess you eat what you’re sold, because the Basham Brothers took William Regal and Eugene by surprise.

We go backstage, where Shane and Vince McMahon are talking in their personal locker room.

Vince: How you feeling Shane?

Shane: I’m feeling great Dad, I mean, you saw RAW last Monday. I beat HBK with his own finishing move, the sweet chin music. I…

Vince: Because you do realise that if we lose this match, it will be the end of the McMahon dynasty. If we lose, you won’t ever become the WWE Chairman, and you know that you are the heir to this company. If HBK beats us…

Shane: HBK wont beat us, Dad. Don’t worry, I’ve got everything planned out. Just relax and let me take care of business.

Vince: Ok Shane. I know you’ve got this once sorted for us.

Shane nods and the two then hug, but Vince’s face looks very agitated and he is visibly afraid of losing everything later tonight.

We go back to the ring area, where Rob Conway’s music hits. Conway comes out and the fans give a negative reaction, but the Con-Man doesn’t seem too bothered.

Chavo is out next and the fans pop big time, with some ‘Eddie’ chants in there as well as ‘Chavo’ chants.

King: Not only is this match a grudge match, but the winner gets a shot at the Intercontinental Championship tomorrow night on RAW against the newly-crowned champion, Chris Masters.

Chavo Guerrero vs. Rob Conway
Winner gets Intercontinental Title shot on RAW
The bell rings and Conway shows off his muscles to Chavo, who shrugs, as if to tell Conway, ‘not bad’. The fans cheer and Chavo hits a knee to the midsection, locks Conway’s arms behind his back and he takes him down to the mat. Chavo jumps all over Conway mockingly and is showing that he can outwrestle the Con-Man any time. Conway gets back to his feet and he wants a test of strength. Chavo accepts and they tie up in the centre of the ring, and although Conway starts to overpower Chavo, Chavo sticks his leg behind Conway’s and trips him down to the mat. He then locks in the armbar and Conway tries to reach the ropes, as he is in pain. Chavo is nodding, happy with his start to the match but Conway rolls Chavo over and locks in the arm lock on Guerrero. Chavo struggles for a short while and then counters the hold into the cradle pin,

Conway kicks out, not allowing Chavo to catch him off guard.

Once to their feet, they lock up again and Conway is more aggressive this time, and he backs Chavo into the ropes and when the ref calls for the break, he nails a cheap shot and then runs Chavo towards the ropes. Chavo, however, comes off the ropes with a flying forearm and makes the cover, getting another near fall. Conway is looking a lot more pissed off and he nails a hard shot to the face when they get back up. The fans boo and Conway stomps away on Chavo on the mat and Guerrero rolls to the outside. Conway follows him out and sends him back into the crowd barricade. He then throws Guerrero into the ring apron and rolls him back inside.

Conway makes the cover but Chavo kicks out at two. Conway then locks in a rear chin lock and wrenches hard, but Chavo manages to fight to his feet and he hits a back suplex to counter out of the hold. Both men reach their feet at the same time and they trade blows. Chavo starts to build momentum and connects with some punching combinations, but Conway wrenches his eye and hits the DDT. Conway then says, ‘let’s finish this’ and picks Chavo to his feet. He sets up for the ego trip and attempts it, but Chavo pushes him away and nails the dropkick. Chavo makes the cover,

Conway gets a shoulder up!

Chavo waits for Conway to get to his feet and then hits a suplex. However, he rolls his legs and nails a suplex suplex, ala Eddie. He goes for the third suplex but Conway counters with a knee to the abdomen and then hits a suplex of his own. Conway goes to the top rope and looks for a highflying clothesline, but Chavo nails a shot to the midsection and Conway crashes to the mat. Chavo then goes up top and calls for the frog splash. The fans cheer and Chavo hits it! Chavo makes the cover,

Winner: Chavo Guerrero (8:42)

Chavo gets a big pop from the fans after a good win over Conway.

Joey: Well, Chavo has earned himself an Intercontinental Title shot for RAW tomorrow. Will HBK also get a title match tomorrow on RAW, for the WWE Championship?

A shot of HBK on one side of a ladder and the McMahon’s on the opposite side is displayed on the screen.

King: I cannot wait for this match. Whatever the outcome, the face of RAW will be different tomorrow night. That’s for sure!

Coach: Yeah, but who will be the victor tonight. Shawn Michaels needs to win to remain the General Manger of RAW, but Vince McMahon has the most to lose, as he could be forced into retirement, tonight!

A rundown of the HBK-Vince McMahon feud airs, showing how it all started back at the end of 2005, when HBK told Vince to get over the Montreal Screw Job. Since then, Vince has made HBK’s life very hard, by making him the first entrant in the Elimination Chamber Match, having his son, Shane, eliminate HBK from the Royal Rumble and then their ultimate showdown at WrestleMania, in which HBK won, with the stipulation being that could choose the next RAW GM. HBK shocked the world by choosing himself, and this all lead to the Handicap Ladder Match tonight, where it’s all or nothing for the McMahon’s.
‘No chance in hell’ hits and Vince and Shane McMahon come out to massive heat. They walk past the ladder on the entrance ramp outside the ring and once inside, Vince looks up wearily at the briefcase above the ring, and he needs to win this match to stay in control of the WWE.

HBK’s music then hit and the fans erupted as the ‘showstopper’ made his way down to the ramp. He climbed into the ring and stared across at the McMahon’s, who had not taken their eyes of HBK at all. The bell rings and a stare down ensues.

Handicap Ladder Match
If HBK wins, he gets a WWE Title shot and Vince will retire as WWE Chairman. If he loses, he will step down as RAW GM
Shawn Michaels vs. Vince & Shane McMahon
Vince and Shane etch towards the centre of the ring and HBK does the same. They stare across, face to face, and HBK says to Vince, ‘how ya feeling’. Vince snarls at HBK and says, ‘your life won’t be worth anything after tonight’. HBK trash talks back, but Shane McMahon then attacks him and he and Vince hammer away on Michaels. They get him to the mat and stomp on him time and again, and HBK rolls to the outside to recover.

Vince and Shane high five and they look towards HBK, looking more confident. HBK slowly makes his way back into the ring, and Vince and Shane stand off and let him in. HBK walks back to the centre and once again stands nose to nose with the McMahon’s. Shane again tries for a cheap shot but this time HBK catches his punch and spins him around, but Vince then clotheslines HBK down. He and Shane then stamp away on Michaels again, and HBK rolls over to the corner. Shane advances but HBK kicks him low and uses the ropes to pull himself in the air and he nails a boot to the face of Shane and fires up with several punches. Vince interjects himself back into this but HBK knocks him down with one shot and continues to fire away on Shane, who eventually bails to the outside. Shawn Michaels gets the crowd going and then pulls Vince up. Vince begs HBK away but Michaels doesn’t fall for it and he catches Vince’s punch and hits a heel kick. Shane is back and he clubs HBK in the back and nails several shots but HBK hits a low blow and turns to face Shane. HBK hits the atomic drop and runs off the ropes, hitting the flying forearm. He nips up and the crowd are really behind him. He turns back to Vince, who is getting back to his feet, and HBK sends him to the turnbuckle. He runs at Vince and hits the stinger splash. Shane is getting up on the opposite side in the turnbuckle and HBK runs towards him and hits another stinger splash. The McMahon’s are reeling and HBK runs at Vince, who is stumbling around towards the centre of the ring, and HBK takes him down with a hard clothesline.

HBK looks towards Shane and throws him to the outside. He turns back to Vince and the crowd cheer, as McMahon’s face shows a look of horror, as he is alone in the ring with Michaels. HBK nails some chops in the corner and sends Vince towards the opposite side. HBK runs at Vince but the Chairman manages to avoid contact and he nails some hard punches in the corner. Vince sends HBK off the ropes but Michaels ducks underneath and nails a cross body. Shane gets back onto the outside apron but HBK punches him off. It’s back to HBK vs. Vince and Vince hits a low blow from behind as Michaels’ attention was directed on Shane momentarily. Vince taunts the crowd and shouts, “I created this empire. You should all be thanking me!” Vince then digs an elbow into HBK’s back and locks in a headlock on the mat. HBK manages to counter the hold into a leg lock and McMahon screams in agony. The fans cheer but Shane is back with a steel chair and HBK doesn’t see him coming and Shane cracks him in the back. The fans boo as Shane goes wild with chair shots on HBK and Vince rolls to the outside. Vince grabs the ladder from the ramp way and throws it into the ring. Shane has HBK locked in a chin lock and Vince sets the ladder up under the briefcase. Vince starts to climb but HBK then makes it his feet and elbows out of the hold, which Shane barely has locked in now. HBK throws Shane away and then yanks Vince down from the ladder. He then sends Vince head first into the ladder and turns right into Shane’s chair shot! Shane starts to show his arrogance and then begins climbing the ladder.

Shane makes it most of the way up the ladder before HBK is to his feet. HBK climbs the other side and grabs Shane’s foot before he can reach out and pull the briefcase down. HBK prevents Shane rising any higher up the ladder and he climbs to the same rung as McMahon. However, Vince is back to his feet and he has the chair in hand. He moves towards HBK’s side of the ladder and gets ready to swing at Michaels but HBK kicks Vince in the stomach to send him away but Shane then hits HBK right in the face and HBK is knocked off the ladder. Fortunately, he lands on his feet and then pushes the ladder over, and Shane is crotched over the ropes!

The crowd cheers and HBK dropkicks Shane to send him to the outside. Vince then clotheslines HBK over the top and HBK lands almost on Shane on the outside floor. Back in the ring, Vince begins to climb the ladder, but Michaels isn’t down long and after sending Shane into the announcing table, he climbs back inside and starts to climb the ladder. Once he makes it to the same level as Vinnie, they trade blows and HBK gets the better of the situation. Shane makes it back, though, and hammers on Michaels’ back, but HBK stays on the ladder. Vince climbs back down and gets off the ladder, but HBK then dives off from quite near the top and connects with a flying cross body to both McMahon’s. HBK makes it to his feet and climbs up the turnbuckle to the top. Shane gets to his feet and HBK hits the missile dropkick. Vince starts to kick HBK but Michaels uses his leg strength to push Vince into the turnbuckle and he then nails the drop toehold. Vince falls onto Shane’s nuts and HBK is in firm control.

Michaels pulls Shane up and hits some chops. Shane comes back with an eye rake, but Michaels then ducks underneath a clothesline attempt and comes off the ropes, but Shane pulls him in the air using his own momentum and hits the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Vince is stunned that Shane managed to pull off such a move and they both start climbing the ladder. They make it near the top but HBK is up and King says that they could have made a mistake as if they both went off the ladder, HBK would have no opposition. HBK climbs up the ropes and hits a dropkick to the ladder, sending it over and Vince goes crashing into the ropes, whilst Shane falls to the outside floor! Michaels gets the crowd going and then sets the ladder underneath the briefcase, but as he starts to climb, the ladder is too damaged and wobbles too much. HBK goes to the outside and looks under the ring for another ladder. He finds one and brings it back inside, but Vince is up and he kicks HBK low. Vince then grabs the ladder and cracks HBK in the head with it. He chucks the ladder onto Michaels and then starts to climb up the damaged ladder, treading carefully. He slowly climbs about halfway up and sees HBK down, with the ladder on top of him. He taunts that he will jump off onto HBK, but then Shane, who is back up and on the apron, climbs to the top turnbuckle rope and looks at Vince. Shane dives off with the elbow drop onto the ladder (and HBK). Michaels cries in pain and Shane is hurt as well. Vince looks up to the briefcase and starts to climb higher, hoping to win the match, but the ladder is wobbling too much and Vince nearly falls off. He climbs back down and picks the other ladder up. He sets that ladder underneath the briefcase, next to the broken ladder and begins to make the climb. The crowd are chanting for HBK and he nips up spectacularly. He then grabs the damaged ladder and throws it into Vince’s back, and then climbs the same ladder as Vince, underneath him, although Vince hasn’t climbed too far up. HBK grabs Vince’s back and then hits the German suplex off the ladder! The crowd start chanting “holy s**t” and Vince is down and out! Shane is back up and he checks on his dad, but Vince looks knocked out.

Shane then realises it’s down to him to win the match and keep the McMahon’s in control of the WWE. He looks towards HBK, who is still down and barely moving, and decides that this is his best chance to win the match. He begins to climb the good ladder and makes it a fair way up before Michaels reaches his feet. HBK is reeling and he looks a little groggy, but hammers Shane in the back. Shane is right at the top and he kicks HBK away and tries to unravel the briefcase. HBK quickly starts climbing the other side and Shane starts kicking away at him, but HBK withstands his attack and pushes the briefcase away, so that it is swinging around and is impossible to grab at this rate. He and Shane trade blows but HBK sticks his foot off the ladder and kicks Shane. Shane drops down a rung or two, and HBK kicks him again, knocking him off the ladder! Shane falls to the mat and HBK climbs right to the very top of the ladder. He shows great balance and tries to reach the briefcase, but it is still spinning around so HBK looks down to the mat. The fans cheer as he positions himself to dive off, and to a huge ovation, Michaels then hits a frog splash to Shane from the top of the ladder! The announcers are in shock and HBK is down as well. Shane looks knocked out after that as well, and Vince is still down. Coach says, “now what?” and then we see Stephanie run down to the ring. She sees the three men down, looks up at the briefcase, and to the shock of everyone, she starts climbing the ladder. This was a mistake, however, as she is too slow climbing the ladder and HBK uses the ropes to pull himself up. He makes is to his feet and begins to climb the ladder. Stephanie looks scared as she sees him opposite her on the ladder, and HBK then grabs the briefcase. Stephanie begs him not to pull the briefcase down, saying that Vince made HBK what he is now. Michaels contemplates this, but then shakes his head, saying no, and tries harder to loosen the chains holding it up.

The fans then all turn their heads and a huge sound of boos erupts as none other than EDGE runs down to the ring. He looks pissed off and grabs hold of the ladder. HBK doesn’t realise that Edge is there at the bottom of the ladder and he almost has the briefcase in his hand when Edge tilts the ladder. HBK is taken by surprise but incredibly keeps his hold on the briefcase. However, as the ladder tips further, he is forced to release his hold, and eventually drops off the ladder, right through the announcers’ table after going far down! The fans boo as Edge helps Shane to his feet. He gets Shane on his shoulders and starts to climb the ladder with Shane on his shoulders and he makes it near the top. The briefcase was already loose from HBK trying to get it down so Shane easily yanks it off, and Vince, who has just made it back up, applauds from below!
Winners: Vince & Shane McMahon (26:51)

Joey: I can’t believe it! That no good bastard, Edge, has prevented HBK from beating the McMahon’s. HBK had it won, he had the match won!

Coach: Calm down, Joey Styles. All good has prevailed, and you needn’t worry about who would take control of the WWE. It’s back where it belongs…with the McMahon family!

Shane hands the briefcase to Vince, and they both thank Edge. HBK is down on the outside, not moving, and Edge climbs out of the ring and moves towards his lifeless body. Edge grabs a mic and stands right above HBK.

Edge: Michaels, you son of a bitch, you humiliated me and Lita earlier and doubted my ability to become the WWE Champion. I’ll show you. The next match, I will walk out the champion, and you won’t be getting that title shot tomorrow any more!

Edge snarls at Michaels and leaves to the biggest heat of the night by far.

King: Well, Edge had to poke his nose in other people’s business, but will he prevail in tonight’s main event. It’s six of the best RAW superstars in an Elimination Match. Two superstars start, another enters every five minutes. I can’t wait!

A video package highlights how Cena beat Triple H at WrestleMania to retain the WWE Championship, and then had the belt vacated the next night on RAW. It shows HBK’s announcement of the Elimination Match and everything that has happened since, with Cena beating Triple H in a First Blood Match, Orton getting several big wins but then getting pinned by Cena last week and now having to enter first, whilst Cena is the last entrant. It shows the issue between tag team partners Kane and Big Show, and their friendly, but still violent rivalry that has ensued, and finishes with all six men standing tall, and only one will leave as the winner and new champion tonight at Backlash!

Randy Orton’s music hits first and he was the one pinned last week on RAW, and therefore that is why he is out here first. The fans boo him and he does his using poses and shows loads of arrogance as always. He climbs inside the ring and anxiously awaits his first opponent, who he will face for 5 minutes before anyone else enters.

After a long wait, the pyro goes off, and Orton’s face turns sour as Kane comes out to a good reaction. He climbs inside and does his corner pyro pose in the middle of the ring, but Orton attacks before the bell rings and nails Kane from behind with the ring bell!

WWE Championship Six-Man Elimination Match
Orton will enter first and Cena will enter last
John Cena vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Kane vs. Big Show
First Entrant: Randy Orton
Second Entrant: Kane
Orton throws the bell outside and with Kane reeling in the corner, trying to regain his composure, Orton hits a clothesline to knock the big red monster down and he hits some kicks to head. The clock is displayed in the bottom right hand corner and it is down to 4:37, and it is clear that Orton wants to waste some time first and get another competitor out here, as he doesn’t want to face Kane by himself. Orton goes to the outside and picks a kendo stick out from under the ring. Styles points out that this isn’t a No DQ Match and he’ll be out of the match if he is caught using the chair, but as he throws it inside the ring, and the ref takes it out, we then see Orton bring a lead pipe in that was well positioned by the steel steps. With the ref’s back turned, and Kane just on his feet, Orton hits him square in the face with the lead pipe and Kane falls to the mat, busted open!

Orton taunts the fans and then goes for the cover. The ref makes the count,

No, Kane just kicks out!

Orton looks annoyed but then gets back to his feet and looks towards the titan tron, where the time remaining before another entrant comes out is displayed. It is down to 3:01 and Orton looks smug, but after turning his attention back to the big red monster, Kane sits up, and stares at Orton, and he is pissed off at seeing his own blood.

Orton kicks him in the head to knock him back down, but Kane sits right back up and smiles. Orton kicks him down a second time, but Kane sits back up again, and catches Orton’s foot on the third attempt. Kane gets up whilst holding Orton’s leg and Orton attempts the enziguri, but Kane ducks and hits a lariat clothesline. That was a stiff shot and Kane drops down to the cover,

Orton kicks out.

Both men get back to their feet and Kane sends Orton’s head off the turnbuckle and then lands the side slam. Kane covers again but Orton kicks out. The crowd start getting behind Kane and he sends Orton to the outside. Orton nails a knee to the stomach on the outside but as he runs at Kane, the 7-foot monster hits a back body drop. Orton holds his back in pain and Kane climbs onto the steel steps. Orton reaches his feet and Kane jumps off the steps, nailing the axe handle. The clock is down to 30 seconds and Kane crawls back inside the ring. Orton is slow getting back in and at this point, the buzzer goes off and the next entrant comes out, and it is…

The Big Show! Big Show gets a good pop from the fans and Kane smiles at this, whilst Orton, still on the mat, can’t believe he has 2 giants in the ring now.

Third Entrant: Big Show (5:00)
As soon as Big Show enters, Orton is back on his feet and the tag team partners double-team him. Show hits the press slam and then Kane holds Orton for Show to hit several times. Kane then sends Orton off the ropes and he and Big Show drop Orton with the flapjack. Kane drops the elbow and Show then nails a leg drop, and Orton rolls under the bottom rope, to the outside.

In the ring, Kane is about to climb out but Show grabs him from behind and turns him around. Kane asks what he was going to do and they start a shoving battle. They then switch to punches and they trade hard shots, until Orton comes off the top rope with a cross body, but Show catches him and Kane sticks his knee out. Show drops Orton onto Kane’s knee and Randy is in agony. However, Big Show then hits a stiff lariat to Kane and covers Orton,

Kane breaks the cover.

Kane goes to run Show off the ropes but it is reversed and Show brings Kane into the air and drops him over the ropes. Orton then dropkicks Show in the back and sends him into Kane, who falls to the outside. Big Show turns around and Orton drops him with the RKO! Orton dives into the cover, and Kane is down on the outside,

Big Show puts a foot on the bottom rope!

Show was very nearly eliminated after being in the match just 2 ½ minutes. Orton gets a lot of heat as he mocks the Big Show’s signature taunt, and he then wraps Show’s knee across the bottom rope and jumps, bringing his own leg down on Show’s. Orton then pulls Show towards the middle of the ring and digs his elbow into Show’s knee several times, and it is clear that Randy is trying to prevent Show from being able to walk. Kane comes back onto the outside apron, but Orton dropkicks him off and Kane is sent into the crowd barricade. Orton then goes back to Big Show and locks in a leg lock. Show tries to make it to the ropes but Orton releases and drags him back to the middle. Orton stomps on Show’s knee and then comes off the ropes and hits a fist into Show’s knee. Orton looks for the figure-four leg lock but Show kicks him off and tries to get to his feet, but Orton clotheslines him down before he is fully up and is losing balance. Kane is back on his feet and Orton sees him and walks towards the ropes where Kane is on the outside, but Kane drops Orton’s neck over the ropes and climbs onto the apron and goes up top. Orton turns around and Kane nails the top-rope flying clothesline! Kane then signals for the chokeslam and Orton starts making it back up. The buzzer then goes off and the fourth entrant comes out and it is none other than…

Edge! The fans boo as “Metallingus” hits.

Fourth Entrant: Edge (10:00)
Kane is positioned to Chokeslam Orton once Randy makes it up but Edge comes through the crowd and catches Kane off guard with a spear! The fans boo and Edge makes the cover,

Kane kicks out!

Edge can’t believe it, as he thought he had picked up an easy elimination upon entrance. Orton is back up and he and Edge look at each other. Edge is suggesting something to Orton and Randy nods. It is soon clear that they made some sort of alliance, as they pull Big Show to his feet and hit a double clothesline. They pick Kane up and deliver a vicious double-DDT. Kane, however, sits right back up and they can’t believe it. Kane smiles and we see Big Show back to his feet behind Edge and Orton. They back away from Kane into Show, who knocks them both down with a double-clothesline. Kane then goes to work on Edge in one corner with elbows and clotheslines, whilst Show tells the crowd to be silent on the opposite side, as he then hits a huge chop to welt up the chest of Randy Orton. Kane and Show send Edge and Orton to the centre of the ring, where the heels collide head to head and drop to the mat. Kane and Show call for double chokeslams and Edge and Orton stumble to their feet. Edge walks right into Big Show’s hand, which Show wraps around Edge’s throat. Kane does the same to Orton, but Orton hits a poke to the eye, and Edge then low blows Show. The fans boo as Edge hits the Edgecution DDT and Orton nails his own DDT. They both cover and the ref counts the double-pin,

Kane kicks out, Big Show kicks out!

Edge and Orton look frustrated and they hammer away on the giants. The buzzer counts down from ten and the fifth entrant is, of course, Triple H!

Fifth Entrant: Triple H (15:00)
H takes his time coming down to the ring and Edge is signalling for him to enter. Orton continues to hammer away on Kane and he throws him to the outside. Triple H goes right for Kane and sends his shoulder into the ring steps. Orton smirks and he and Edge set Show on the top rope of the turnbuckle. They go up too and look for a double-superplex on the 500-pound giant, but Big Show shoves them down to the mat and actually dives off the turnbuckle with an elbow to Orton, who looks hurt from this. Triple H sees all three men down, and so decides to enter the ring. Big Show uses the ropes to pull himself up and he is visibly hurting from performing a huge elbow drop to Orton. Triple H sets him right up for the pedigree, but they are close to the ropes and Show hits a back body drop that sends H all the way to the outside. Show is the only one on his feet now and he pulls Edge up. Show picks him high in the air and sends him onto H on the outside. Big Show gets a big pop for this and he then focuses on Orton. Orton goes to nail a hard punch on Show but it is caught and Show spins Orton around and then drops him with the final cut! Show hasn’t used that move for a long time and he gets a good pop from it. He makes the cover,

Orton just kicks out before the 3!

Show cannot understand how Randy Orton kicked out but he then fires up and calls for the chokeslam. Orton is still down, though, and Kane comes in from behind and as Big Show tries to pull Orton up, Orton kicks him with a low blow and Show is sent right into Kane’s Chokeslam! Kane makes the cover and Show could be out here,

First Elimination: Big Show by Kane (19:07)

The fans give a mixed reaction for Show and Kane looks happy that he eliminated his own partner. On the outside, Edge sends Triple H over the barricade with a clothesline that takes H into the crowd. Kane climbs out of the ring but Edge reacts quickly with a knee to the gut. He then slams Kane’s head off the ring steps and Kane is losing even more blood after being busted open by Orton 20 minutes ago. The buzzer counts down and the final entrant, the former 2-time champion who never actually lost the WWE Championship comes out.

Sixth Entrant: John Cena (20:00)
The crowd pop big time for Cena and he comes out with his chain around his neck, which he promptly drops to the floor, showing he means business. He goes right into the crowd where Triple H is and goes buck wild on him with hard punches. H tries to fight back but is unsuccessful and Cena rams H into the barricade on the crowd side. Cena then runs at him, but H counters with a back body drop that sees Cena go over the barricade and back to the ringside area.

In the ring, Edge and Orton re double-teaming Kane but as they send him into the ropes, he comes back and takes them both down with a set of flying clotheslines. Triple H hits a suplex on Cena on the ramp way and then climbs into the ring. Kane clotheslines Orton and Edge to the outside in one fell swoop, but then turns into Triple H’s running high knee. Triple H locks in the key lock on Kane but this proves to be a mistake as the big red monster elbows out of it and hits a back suplex on H. Cena comes back in and stares down with Kane. They then look towards Triple H and H shows a look of fear as they edge towards him. Triple H runs to the outside to seek refuge and Cena then turns on Kane, because when Kane turns around, Cena picks him on his shoulders and attempts the F-U, but Kane remarkably rolls off Cena’s shoulders and hits the big boot. Orton, Edge and Triple H all return to the ring and the three of them, along with Kane, stare down at Cena on the mat. Cena gets to his feet and all four of them hammer away on him, realising that as the last champion before the belt was vacated, Cena is probably the favourite, especially after being the final entrant. Cena puts up a good fight but as he takes Orton and Edge down with shoulder takedowns, he turns into Kane’s Chokeslam. Triple H tells Kane not to pin him and they all pull Cena back up. Edge runs at Cena and plants him with the spear! Orton and H then pick Cena’s helpless body up and Orton connects with the RKO! Triple H says he’ll finish Cena off, and he gets Cena between his legs, ready for the pedigree, and is about to plant him into the canvas, but Cena shows that he isn’t done yet, and he lifts himself up, with Triple H in the perfect position for the F-U! Cena plants H into the mat but doesn’t have any energy to make the cover. Orton, however, does, and he goes right for the pin, with the fans cheering the prospect of H not becoming the champion,

Second Elimination: Triple H by Randy Orton (26:32)

Cena is very worn out after taking three finishers and he is easy pickings for Kane, who immediately drops him with the tombstone! Kane pins him,

Third Elimination: John Cena by Kane (26:51)

The crowd are now firmly behind Kane as he is the only fan favourite, with Edge and Orton getting massive heat. All three of them back off into a corner and stare down. The fans are electric and neither competitor wants to make the first move. However, Triple H, obviously pissed that he was eliminated by Orton, comes back inside the ring with his sledgehammer and he cracks Orton in the head with it. The ref can’t disqualify anybody because it was an outsider who interfered. H leaves to a lot of heat, but the fans are happy when Kane pulls Orton up and nails the Chokeslam. Just is Kane is about to make the cover, though, Edge runs at him and plants him with the spear! The fans boo but Edge decides to pin Orton. The ref counts, albeit reluctantly,

Fourth Elimination: Randy Orton by Edge (29:00)

It has come down to Kane and Edge. Kane is down after the spear and Edge goes right for the cover,

Kane kicks out!

The fans cheer and Edge is pissed that Kane didn’t stay down. Edge goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair from ringside. He brings the chair back in but the ref takes it away. Edge tries to grab it back but Kane is back up and he runs at Edge. Edge, however, dodges out of the way and Kane inadvertently knocks the referee down. Edge then grabs the chair and plants Kane over the head with it. Kane has had so much attack on his busted open head in the 30 minutes he has been in this match that he looks out cold. Edge makes the cover but there is no referee.

Suddenly, Shawn Michaels runs down to the ring and the crowd go wild. He looks angry after Edge cost him from forcing McMahon into retirement earlier, and Edge gets off the cover and runs at Shawn, but HBK hits him with the sweet chin music! The fans pop and HBK shakes the referee to wake him up. Kane crawls slowly into the cover, and the fans are cheering,

Winner, and new WWE Champion: Kane (33:44)

HBK leaves and Kane slowly gets to his feet, with blood pouring from his head. The fans cheer as the ref hands him the WWE Title belt and Kane has once again become the World Champion.

King: I can’t believe it, Kane is the new WWE Champion. He started the match as the #2 entrant, but he survived after four more RAW superstars entered afterwards, and is now the 2-time WWE Champion!

Coach: No-n-no way. That’s not right! Edge had the match won. HBK screwed Edge out of the WWE Title!

Joey: Edge screwed himself by costing HBK his match earlier. He then cheated by using the chair. If you ask me, Kane deserves that championship, and I can’t wait to see what happens on RAW from now on!

King: Well, we told you the face of RAW would be changed forever tonight, and as JR used to say, this whole event was a “slobberknocker”. Don’t miss RAW tomorrow, because Kane is the new WWE Champion!

Kane holds the title high and the crowd are giving him a huge ovation. Edge is backing up the ramp way, and he s pissed off and upset that HBK cost him the WWE Title.


Chris Masters def. Carlito to win the Intercontinental Championship

Lita won a Fatal Four-Way over Trish, Mickie James and Victoria to win the Women’s Championship

Hardy Boyz won the Tag Team Turmoil to win the World Tag Team Titles

Chavo Guerrero def. Rob Conway

Vince & Shane McMahon def. Shawn Michaels in a Handicap Ladder Match

Kane def. Edge, Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H and Big Show to win the WWE Championship
had to finish in two poasts its like 60000+ words! rofl
raw up soon
You have some awesome matches and storylines going. Your shows are entertaining and can't wait untill backlash.
dude whoevers making this needs to keep writing it because its really good and i've been waiting a long time for a new show lol
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