New world Tag champs: Cade & Murdoch

Mexican Geek

It's good to be back!
i think more than one saw this one coming: Cade and Murdoch champs. this means, of course, a rematch with the hardys, but it opens more possible matches, for example, vs TWGTT, or KNM (Kenny Nitro...Melina?) Cryme Time, etc...
Good for Cade and Murdoch, they are a true tag team, and they were patient fot this shot. (also thanks to the psycho-maniac Vince)

i only can see the hardys spliting after the next PPV and going solo (specially Matt) jeff? maybe turning heel and bash Santino Mozarella, who knows....
I've really enjoyed the Cade/Murdoch vs. Hardys angle. It's been pretty fun to watch, and the heel turn, while expected, was certainly out of the blue...if that makes sense. Everyone knew that they would turn heel, but not necessarily the night they won the titles.

Hopefully, this angle will continue on, as Cade/Murdoch have been impressing me, and the Hardys are continuing to usher back in the tag team division in the WWE, a tag division that was for so long supported solely by London and Kendrick.
Man The Hardys shouldn't have lost it quite yet. I've been lovin the oldschoo tag team tactics comin back to Raw. Oh well. Time for Jeff to shine and Matt to be a boring midcard again.
I too was loving the Cade/Murdoch and Hardy's angle.. I think the Hardy's deserved to keep the belts a little while longer, especially after stealing the show at One Night Stand. But, the execution of the turn of Cade/Murdoch against the Hardy's was great. I just wish it would have happened later down the line.

As for the Hardy's after the draft, I hope Matt stays on smackdown to start up a feud with edge. And I'd like Jeff to stay on raw. Maybe start up a run at the IC Title, but taking a run at Cena would be a good show if the writing team booked it correctly.
Cade & Murdock? Please. I suppose Cade has potential. But what about WGTT? They had a great match last night. So WWE dont take advantage of the situation. There not usually over but they would be if they had won the titles last night. Although I do prefer C & M to The Hardys. I dont like either teams. But I don like Matt as a singles wrestler. I think he really has potential. Bring back the Version 1 gimmick. Jeff on the other had sucks.
I was really hoping WGTT would win, Shelton deserves some kind of title. I really hope he goes to smackdown and contends for the U.S Title then in the future go after the World title
i really think the hardys were cheated but since it was planned for the ref to not see jeffs foot on the rope i guess next week they will show a video and say that they should still be champs :blink:
I am glad that Cade and Murdoch won the titles last night b/c they are one of the few decent tag teams WWE has right now, and it is time to start a new era of the tag team division instead of reviving old teams(Hardys and DX) that will only slow the process of improving the new generation of tag teams. WGTT should turn face and challenge them for the titles but that is unlikely and the draft next week might seperate them anyways. If Vince wants Jeff and Matt to be big singles stars then it is time for the Hardy Boyz to go their own seperate ways and drop the Hardy name b/c as long as they both keep their last name I will never see them as more than a glorified tag team. That's my opinion but I was never a Hardy Boyz fan anyways.
It was an ok match last night but crappy eneding as Murdoch totally blew but knocking Jeff foot off. As he didnt even touch it as Jeff had to move it off himself and Murdoch complelely missed Jeff's foot. Anyways glad to see the Hardys are no longer champs as their time has come and gone and its time for the new tag teams to get a chance to shine. I would still perfer WGTT but Cade and Murdoch can do. The Hardys will go their singles career and only goo thing with the Hardys as champs was it was starting to bring back the Tag division
Even though I am a Hardy fan, I think it was good for them to drop the gold, and elevate a team like Cade and Murdoch, who have that old school tag team mentality. The whole angle was done great, and like was said earlier, everyone knew they were going to turn, but it brought interest to the angle by not doing it right away, and keeping the fans guessing. In hindsight tho, I think maybe not having the turn take place last night would have been better, and gradually have the turn happen with the Redneck Wrecking Crew gradually dodging the Hardys in rematches, before royally screwing them when the match was finally made, although with the draft coming up, that may not be such a doable scenario. Cade and Murdoch are definitely deserving champions, and have paid their dues, and although WGTT is deserving as well, they had like no heat from my vantadge point @ ONS, especially when they blew the one spot with Matt. The RWC should have a long run, and further revitalize the tag division, especially with teams like Cryme Tyme and KNM finally getting back on Raw, or maybe they will get some more competition following next monday's draft.
It does not matter if one of the Hardys switch brands. They seem to be the only "interbrand" team. Matt is still an SD wrestler and Jeff is still a RAW wretler, so as far as tag teams are consirned I don't know why any of them are worried about being broken up. As for C&M winning the titles. I've always liked Cade, but never really Murdoch for some reason. I do think that they deserve the titles, but would much rather see them around the waist of the WGTT. I'm expecting to see the Hardys use they're rematch at Vengance in possibly a triple threat with Cade and Murdoch and the WGTT
It does not matter if one of the Hardys switch brands. They seem to be the only "interbrand" team. Matt is still an SD wrestler and Jeff is still a RAW wretler, so as far as tag teams are consirned I don't know why any of them are worried about being broken up. As for C&M winning the titles. I've always liked Cade, but never really Murdoch for some reason. I do think that they deserve the titles, but would much rather see them around the waist of the WGTT. I'm expecting to see the Hardys use they're rematch at Vengance in possibly a triple threat with Cade and Murdoch and the WGTT

That was what I was thinking last night, I couldn't figure out wtf JR and King were babbling about, when they were asking what would happen if whoever won got split up next they not realize everyone knows matt and jeff are on different brands?
I am glad that Cade and Murdoch won the titles last night b/c they are one of the few decent tag teams WWE has right now, and it is time to start a new era of the tag team division instead of reviving old teams(Hardys and DX) that will only slow the process of improving the new generation of tag teams. WGTT should turn face and challenge them for the titles but that is unlikely and the draft next week might seperate them anyways. If Vince wants Jeff and Matt to be big singles stars then it is time for the Hardy Boyz to go their own seperate ways and drop the Hardy name b/c as long as they both keep their last name I will never see them as more than a glorified tag team. That's my opinion but I was never a Hardy Boyz fan anyways.

Forget the idea of splitting up Cade and Murdoch or WGTT, won't happen. They learned from that mistake already. I think most of the tag teams are safe except for the Hardys because Vince's dillusional mind doesn't want them staying as a team.
This a very difficult time for me as I am a huge Cena/Undertaker/Edge mark... but my favorite 2 wrestlers in the WWE are Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin. Granted they aren't the best at working a mic, they produce the best matches as far as entertainment goes. Shelton, in particular, has changed all of wrestling from my view point. Who can't say that when he springboarded off the top rope onto the ladder was nothing short of amazing? Not only did I watch it live and say "no fucking way" but I watched replay after replay, dvd after dvd and still every time I find myself saying "NO FUCKING WAY"... these 2 are (with Kennedy, Nitro and Carlito) the future of wrestling just like 3 years ago Cena and Batista were. It sucks that they have NO promo skills but the atheletism of Benjamin and Hardy will speak for themselves and hopefully put then where they should be. With a a world title around their waist.
Like most people I think the change was done to split the hardy's as a team, but I actually think they;ll both end up on smackdown, as singles wrestlers as they don't have too many faces. Maybe they'll become part of a stable and continue in the odd tag match but I think they'll both be competing for the US Title and possibly have a run against each other.

As for other tag teams? WGTT have a stupid name! Shelton best as a singles wrestler, just needs a good gimmick or manager with good mic skills to help him. Crym Time seem ok but they really need an influx of new, proper teams to reinvigorate the division, rather than throw two guys togeter like Kenny and Nitro. What happened to the rest of spirit squad? There were 5 right? Why can't they make two teams from the remaining 4?
Now that the World Tag Team Titles are on Cade and Murdoch, I doubt they'll be going to ECW or even SmackDown. They look as if they'll be carrying the Raw tag division for a while, and this seems to put the ECW Tag Titles out of the picture. I believe the reason they took the titles off of the Hardys was because Matt and Jeff are needed to boost the midcard division and are being wasted as a tag team. One thing with them gone as a team means that Raw is going to be scarce with face teams. The only other team that looks like being in the run for the titles is the WGTT, and I don't see them facing C & M. This, I guess, leaves the door open for the Cryme Tyme push we've expected for a while, but after them, the only team I can see is the Highlanders, and they've probably got credibility between the "Who Cares about them?" and the "Please, get this team out of here" levels. So it looks like the titles are going to take another drop in credibility, but I guess that's to be expected, because the WWE haven't had a single idea of what to do with a tag division for years.

Away from the future and to the present, and haven't Cade and Murdoch been impressive lately? I've got to hand it to them, they turned what usually is an uninteresting waste of it's limited airspace angle, and made it into something where we actually saw something decent (talking of course about the whole Hardys/C & M saga.) They look to have developed a long way, and along with Deuce and Domino, look to be the future of the tag division. It's only going to do good for teams like this if they get tastes of gold early in their careers, and I'm definitely hoping we see more of them. If they, along with the entire WWE tag division, get a shot at having a well-publicised feud, they'll only improve like these two have. It wasn't long ago that they were resident Heat losers, and have been given the push (even though it was basically by default to start with) and have the titles, and will hopefully show that there is some hope for the tag teams in the WWE. I've wanted them with the titles for a while to see what they can do, and I've got it, so for now, I'm pleased, but I know that the draft could shake something up with the teams (unifying the titles?)
I like Lance Cade, but I really don't like Trevor Murdoch... They're a good edition to the tag team division, but I really don't like them as champs. I'd much prefer WGTT or Hardyz as the champs... Hell, I'd prefer Cryme Time over Cade & Murdoch, at least we'd get some solid promos & hysterical segments.
I like Cade and Murdoch, they are no worse than the Hardy's however I would like to see them in a half decent feud with a decent tag team. I think London and Kendrick/Cade and Murdoch will last a few months after Vengence i cant see any other reason for the swap of them really. I think we will see what Cade and Murdoch are made of when they are given a few months holding the titles against different opponents.
Cade and Murdoch are the fucking shit. These guys are one of the best tag teams I have seen in years, not because there great wrestlers or drip charisma or hell even cut a good promo. They are good because there old schoo, there a throwback tag team and they are good at the psychology it takes to be a tag team. I mean there not like spot junkies like the Hardyz or like WGTT can be and there not comic relief like Cryme Tyme is. They are a real tag team who I think can be sucessful in an era or wrestling that is all about indviduals and the company putting two big names together as a tag team.

I mean this team was made as a joke to Chris Harris and James Storm but Cade and Murdoch are legit. Cade was trained by HBK and Murdoch by Harley Race. I mean they were trained by two of the greatest wrestlers of all time, so if you jabronis knock Cade and Murdoch then your knocking the legacy of HBK and Race and you also knocking what real tag team wrestling is about.

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