New Tag Teams - What Are The Options?


Finally. Colin has come back...
OK, imagine the situation. Vince hires you as a new member or the creative team, but says it's more than that. He tells you, "I've brought you here for a purpose. The tag team division in WWE has fallen apart, across all three brands. You're here for one reason, and that is to save my tag division, without having to unify the championships."

So, who do you put together? What do you do within WWE to make the tag team division better?

This is my personal opinion on possibilites as tag teams:

Firstly, make the 2 obvious suggestions. Make usage of the talent exchange to re-unite the Hardys. They're one of the most popular teams in WWE history, and would be a great boost for the division's current state. Then, going on with popular tag teams, bring Undertaker back on Raw, and let the Brothers of Destruction wreak havoc again. Following on from that... at the end of 2006, Mr. Kennedy and MVP formed an alliance for a short time against the BOD. I always thought that was a great alliance, and would work well as a permanent tag team. Outside of that, one other tag team that I'd create for the division would be Punk and Mysterio. As happy as I am with Punk having a World Title, he's not noecessarily the biggest player on Raw right now. So, I'd give the championship to Batista at the bash, then let Punk form an alliance with Rey. Push them hard, using the fact that they're two former former world champions, not to mention fan favourites, and bingo, instant tag team ready and waiting. Also, they could have a kick-ass double team finisher. Rey on the apron, Punk nails the GTS, his opponent comes up to their feet (like they do now before they drop to their back) and Rey springboards in with a seated senton. They'd make a great team.
well i think c.m punk is gonna be champion for a while at least its something new and fresh so i think would wanna see evan bourne and rey mysterio it would be great high flying quick paced tag team something we dont see much often
The Miz & Kenny Dykstra - I feel that Dykstra has no reasoning yet, and he'd be suited well as the third member of "The In Crowd". Both he and The Miz could be midcard challengers as well, with Morrison at the main event level.

Elijah Burke & Ron Killings - They'd just work well together as sort of the "anti-Cryme Tyme" lol.

Super Crazy & Funaki - Why not team these two up and use them as a jobber tag team, rather than have a legitimate tag team like London & Kendrick lose?

D.H. Smith & T.J. Wilson w/ Natalya - Bring Wilson in and have them as threats to the tag titles. Smith has nothing to his name right now and he won't be a midcard challenger if he can't even make it as a tag team wrestler.

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly - Another semi-jobber tag team.

Santino Marella & ??? - Give him a tough bodyguard. But here's the thing...give him someone with the premise that the bodyguard teaches him how to fight. That way, we can slowly build up to having Santino be able to actually win a match, but still be a jackass in person.

Snitsky and Kozlov - Put them as tough guys, since they probably won't do Henry/BDV anymore. Same could work for Knox or Palumbo.
First have only one wwe tagteam champions, allow tag teams from smackdown,raw and ecw to compete for number one position, where they travel to the brand that carries the tag champs to challenge for the belt.
Get rid of Hornswoggle and Finley as a tag team. Bring up two huge men and reform Demolition.
Kofi and the Gold standard as a tag team.
JBL and Chris Jericho and they call themselves The gods of wrestling.
MVP and D lo Brown
Bob Holly and Kennedy
First have only one wwe tagteam champions, allow tag teams from smackdown,raw and ecw to compete for number one position, where they travel to the brand that carries the tag champs to challenge for the belt.
I agree with this part it would save alot of hassle taking good single competiters and putting them together. the only problem with it is they would have to be on every show every week.
Get rid of Hornswoggle and Finley as a tag team.
You have got to be kidding me right? while they arent great they are over with the crowd and we need something to keep the kids watching and this is the best idea they have. While they shouldnt have the gold they should remain a tag team.
Bring up two huge men and reform Demolition.
Sounds good but it will never work. They would never live up to the original Destruction
Kofi and the Gold standard as a tag team.
How did you get this one? if shelton was to go back to tag teams he would be better off going back to WGTG. him and Charlie Hass workes well together.
JBL and Chris Jericho and they call themselves The gods of wrestling.
That would make me not want to watch wrestling ever again. It also wouldnt work seeing they are both ME status.
Bob Holly and Kennedy
<this is why they shouldnt make any random tag teams your taking people worthy of being in the ME and your making them tag with each other. the only way to improve the tag team devision is to use the tag teams they have already. Or bring in new people. The only pairing of two wrestlers that would improve the tag team devision is John Cena And Hulk Hogan but that isnt going to happen.
G2S!'s Tag Teams.

Chuck Palumbo and Santino Marella.

Satino is meant to be getting a body guard right?Why not Chuck?He was in the FBI and is a decent ring performer.Plus Palumbo is good on camera and the mike and as is Santino.Comedy Gold!

Big Daddy V and Evan Bourne

Hear me out-this would be great!You have the unstoppable big guy and the human highlight reel.I'm wondering what kind of offence they could think up.

Haas and Helms

Haas and Helms are 2 great ring technical messiahs.Put em in a tag team and watch em go.These 2 guys together can't put a foot wrong.The key to remake the SD! Tag Divison.

Kozlov and Snitsky
2 big guys,who can't really work.Would the team work?Try.If the divison is so empty why not try this?Anything could work.

Only have one set of belts.Rotate from Brand to Brand(i.e.-RAW to SD/ECW back to RAW etc).That way when the tag belts come back round everyone will be happy to see the champs from the other brand.Brand vs Brand always works.
While I don't know of many options, the one great one I see is a Tag Team that isn't new so much as refreshed. I'll start with it, then go down the list of other possibilities.

Gregory Helms & Shannon Moore: Thats right boys and girls, doesn't anyone remember them from their W.C.W. days? And shockingly without a cruiserweight title, and a weakened tag division it would make perfect sense to repair them. Plus, think of this.. Helms and Moore put on some damn amazing ladder matches in their W.C.W. days.. no reason to think they still couldn't in the present.

I think the refreshed version of 3 Count, this time combined into something like The Carolina Connection could be something of a rather big-time tag team duo.


1. Kenny Dykstra & Brian Kendrick: Why wouldn't these two wandering individuals seek out a possible Tag Team glory together? Each of them have held Tag Team Championships in their past. Kenny has been nothing but a mystery, and quite possibly with one foot out the door. Kendrick has been rumored to having a bodyguard?? What the hell could he possibly need one for? Screw the bodyguard, and repair these two as a possible new-age Rockers. Both have a certain "look" about them.. and they both have attitude as well.

2. Carlito & Big Daddy V: Carlito is more or less aimlessly wandering around without any goals or options in his wrestling career. Big Daddy V is a definate Main Event option, without a mouth piece. While this could be considered more of a manager/bodyguard duo.. the fact is, both of them could help each other become something.. and in turn give the Smackdown Tag Team division a little extra boost.

3. Umaga & Vladimir Kozlov: When you think of the two individuals on Smackdown with the least amount of mic-skills, but the most dominating forces to be dealt with, you'll easily pair these two together. Now step back and ask.. is this a duo you'd really see reign as Tag Team Champions? Doubtful. But is this a pairing that could become a Main Event opposite to the likes of the Undertaker & Triple H.? Or Kennedy & Jeff Hardy? Absolutely.


1.Nunzio & Super Crazy: Sure they aren't going to shock and amaze you, but both men are two helpless wonders from the original E.C.W. that won't do anything other than job. Might as well pair them up and let them job to the Tag Team Champions.


1.Charlie Haas & Deuce: Both of these individuals have former Tag Team Championship reigns under their list of accomplishments. Neither of them seem to be going in an anywhere type of direction, hell Haas only recently started to be used again in an on-air jobber role.

There are rumors of Deuce getting a push of some kind. I can't see that working, so his fall back will either be repairing with Domino, or finding a new partner. Haas needs a Tag Team to survive, thats just simple logic.

2.Chuck Palumbo & Lance Cade: While Cade is sitting pretty with Chris Jericho, and a seemingly good start to a decent run as a single's star, the fact is Palumbo is in need of a storyline. Hes also in need of a lot of other things, but the one that remains is how much better he is as a Tag Team star. Let Palumbo become a bodyguard/partner in the Jericho faction, in which he and Cade can pair up.
The creative options here are almost limitless.
Trying not to repeat some what other people have already been over. I'll try to come up
with some.

Mike Knox - I like this guy, he has intensity, I think he would be almost a perfect partner for Jamie Noble. Trying to avoid the increasingly popular bodyguard gimmick, they have similar type of ring presence and fighting styles, Noble has all the tools of a great superstar.... except his size often goes against him, with a powerhouse like Knox behind him, theres not a lot they can't accomplish as a tag team. I imagine there would be some comedic skits along the way,but in the ring it would all be business.

Chuck Palumbo is dire need of some direction, i've always been impressed with his tag team work, and he is a multi time tag team champion, theres always some room for him in the tag division as far as i'm concerned. A heelish power team is what I had in mind for him, Palumbo and Hardcore Holly could wreak a lot of havock on Raw, I'm thinking mass destruction, kinda like the Dudley Boyz when they kept powerbombing women through tables and whatnot.

Considering that this thread just reminded me that Kenny Dykstra is still alive, I feel a compulsive need to try place him somewhere, Helms is a sound choice, Haas and Miz/Morrison are also viable options, but just for the sake of saying somethink different, I'll put him with Elijah Burke Cocky arrogant young athletic individuals. Would need a lot of work this one, the more i think about it, Both sets of tag team champions are already in this kind of role. I would gradually make these two turn face and end up as partners. Have an angle where they're trying to prove themselves amongst Teddy Longs new talent initiative, by just churning out awesome matches for fear of all these new supertars comming and taking their place. Not exactly underdogs however, by acting like they're proving themselves to the manager, they're effectivley proving themselves to the fans. See, see how my mind works.

Hardys, Brothers of Destruction, DX, Rated RKO, all great teams in the past, but i would not reunite any of these full time, Those occasional matches like the Hardys vs M&M on Raw a few weeks ago was a rare treat, and I think its all the more special when they get together again for those one time feuds.
The WWE's tag team division is something that will take a lot of work, the way I see it the WWE needs to look at past glory, whats been tried and tested.

So, way back when you had; The Hardys, The Dudleys and Edge and Christian. What I think the WWE needs to do is look for todays versions of these teams, and in my opinion they have them.
The Hardys = London and Kendrick very little charisma, but great spots and wrestling abilities got both these teams over with the crowd, throw in a few ladder matches and your there.
The Dudleys = Cryme Tyme not fantastic in the ring, but good tag team chemistry and a gimmick thats way over, you know these guys wont be split up soon.
Edge and Christian = Miz and Morrison Great charisma, funny as hell, the best team on any of the rosters. People want singles pushes for these guys but theyve got their whole carreers in front of them, theres plenty of time, why not keep them as a tag team.

Add WWE's other tag teams to this list and you have;
Dibiase and Rhodes = Good team, hopefully stick around
Jesse and Festus = I could really live without these two, but theyre over and thats what counts
Wang Yang and Moore = Another good high-flying team, badly booked recently
Hawkins and Ryder = Could be booked much better, but theyre on their way

Teams that could be;

Finlay and Horny = Finlay is quality, but he needs to tag with a wrestler, Horny could just be the manager
Haas and Rico = (Just wishful thinking) They were funny as hell, well at least to me
APA = Not THE APA, but some sort of team that could act as the new age APA, should debut and stay as a tag team though

No more randomly thrown together tag teams, I think WWE needs to debut a few teams and build them up, throw them in the division and coupled with the teams already listed it could once again be great.
While I don't know of many options, the one great one I see is a Tag Team that isn't new so much as refreshed. I'll start with it, then go down the list of other possibilities.

Gregory Helms & Shannon Moore: Thats right boys and girls, doesn't anyone remember them from their W.C.W. days? And shockingly without a cruiserweight title, and a weakened tag division it would make perfect sense to repair them. Plus, think of this.. Helms and Moore put on some damn amazing ladder matches in their W.C.W. days.. no reason to think they still couldn't in the present.

I think the refreshed version of 3 Count, this time combined into something like The Carolina Connection could be something of a rather big-time tag team duo.


1. Kenny Dykstra & Brian Kendrick: Why wouldn't these two wandering individuals seek out a possible Tag Team glory together? Each of them have held Tag Team Championships in their past. Kenny has been nothing but a mystery, and quite possibly with one foot out the door. Kendrick has been rumored to having a bodyguard?? What the hell could he possibly need one for? Screw the bodyguard, and repair these two as a possible new-age Rockers. Both have a certain "look" about them.. and they both have attitude as well.

2. Carlito & Big Daddy V: Carlito is more or less aimlessly wandering around without any goals or options in his wrestling career. Big Daddy V is a definate Main Event option, without a mouth piece. While this could be considered more of a manager/bodyguard duo.. the fact is, both of them could help each other become something.. and in turn give the Smackdown Tag Team division a little extra boost.

3. Umaga & Vladimir Kozlov: When you think of the two individuals on Smackdown with the least amount of mic-skills, but the most dominating forces to be dealt with, you'll easily pair these two together. Now step back and ask.. is this a duo you'd really see reign as Tag Team Champions? Doubtful. But is this a pairing that could become a Main Event opposite to the likes of the Undertaker & Triple H.? Or Kennedy & Jeff Hardy? Absolutely.


1.Nunzio & Super Crazy: Sure they aren't going to shock and amaze you, but both men are two helpless wonders from the original E.C.W. that won't do anything other than job. Might as well pair them up and let them job to the Tag Team Champions.


1.Charlie Haas & Deuce: Both of these individuals have former Tag Team Championship reigns under their list of accomplishments. Neither of them seem to be going in an anywhere type of direction, hell Haas only recently started to be used again in an on-air jobber role.

There are rumors of Deuce getting a push of some kind. I can't see that working, so his fall back will either be repairing with Domino, or finding a new partner. Haas needs a Tag Team to survive, thats just simple logic.

2.Chuck Palumbo & Lance Cade: While Cade is sitting pretty with Chris Jericho, and a seemingly good start to a decent run as a single's star, the fact is Palumbo is in need of a storyline. Hes also in need of a lot of other things, but the one that remains is how much better he is as a Tag Team star. Let Palumbo become a bodyguard/partner in the Jericho faction, in which he and Cade can pair up.

I completely agree with you on the 3 count idea. They did have some great days in WCW and even greater matches and since WWE has already brought back groups like the nWo and even DX from their past, your right, why cant they bring back 3 Count as sort of a brand new tag team? new name and everything. Seeing as how Moore and Wang Yang really haven't made anything of themselves at all and only had a couple great matches.
Gregory Helms & Shannon Moore: Thats right boys and girls, doesn't anyone remember them from their W.C.W. days? And shockingly without a cruiserweight title, and a weakened tag division it would make perfect sense to repair them. Plus, think of this.. Helms and Moore put on some damn amazing ladder matches in their W.C.W. days.. no reason to think they still couldn't in the present.

I think the refreshed version of 3 Count, this time combined into something like The Carolina Connection could be something of a rather big-time tag team duo.

I really like that idea, Will. Yang and Moore were a decent tag team, but they always seemed like they needed to coincide their gimmicks a little more. Having Helms and Moore, two of the "Carolina Quartet", team up when we're past the point of having the Hardy Boys go back to tag just makes perfect sense. Plus, the midcard could use Helms as a face, not a heel. Its overloaded with heels right now. Without the Cruiserweight division, a tag team would be the best spot for him, as he won't likely win the IC or US titles soon.
First of all I would pair up guys who actually have something in common ... age, style, intrest's etc. For example. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes were dreadfull as a team because they have absolutely nothing in common what so ever but take the Hardyz or E & C. They were both great teams because they are so similair but yet very diferent in a lot of ways.

Another thing I would do is make tag matches more intresting. What ever happened to the days of Tag Team Turmoil ? And when was the last time you seen a tag team TLC match ? If my memory serves me correctly it was 2002.

Also whats WWE's obsession with splitting up tag teams ? Don't they realise this very rarely works ? I think WWE is trying to re-create too much.

We've seen it all before.

You have a young tag team and in due time once their established they become a bit stale, so WWE decides its time to break them up, then they have to decide who they want to take to the next level, it's usually the one who stands out the most. This method used to work because tag team were given time to evolve, we're talking several years.

Nowadays, everything is way too rushed.

Was there really any need to break up Deuce & Domino just yet? NO. Way too soon.

What about MNM a couple of years ago? sure Morrison was the more impressive of the two but they only debuted a year prior to thier split and Morrison has still yet to elevate to the ME.

And the worst for last. Paul London & Brian Kendrick. WTF were WWE thinking about ? splitting them is suicide to both their careers. They were great as a team but yet again WWE splits up another solid team because their too impatient.

Guys like Edge, HBK and Jeff Hardy all started out in tag teams but they were only successfull later on in their singles careers because they established them selves in tag teams for several years.
I like that people are saying it would take a lot to fix WWE's tag divison... well no shit, since this has been a topic on wrestling forums since like 2000.

1) NEVER EVER put ANY title on Hardcore Holly again, yes Holly/Rhodes was "dreadful" because Hardcore Holly is "dreadful" "But he paid his dues!" How? By sucking for the past almost 2 decades?
2) I agree with putting Gregory Helms and Shannon Moore together, also with putting Paul London and Brian Kendrick BACK together. Also reunite Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin as the World's Goldest Tag-Team (just kidding about the name).
3) Teams I'd like to see:
Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne: Two of WWE's newest break-out stars, both high-flying, both have good crowd reactions, likely could make for interesting double-team maneuvers and would be good competition for other high-flying teams such as London/Kendrick (their reunion mentioned above).
DH Smith and TJ Wilson: Reform the Bulldogs - building careers using a parent's coattails, not necessarily in a bad way. Being friends and having worked/trained together for so long would add to their overall chemistry and they would be good competition for Rhodes/DiBiase.
Elijah Burke and MVP: Two proven heels with different styles but both could work together well as a heel team because they both have very egotistical outlooks. Shelton Benjamin could also be interchangeable with either Burke or MVP or they could form a small stable.
Santino Marella and Colt Cabana: Many people have expressed that Santino needs someone to help build him up - Carlito was an okay fit but the problem is that Carlito is a serious heel while Santino is a humorous heel; still meant to make you dislike him but not just because he is disrespectful. Although I have not seen Colt Cabana as a heel I have seen him wrestle and overall he was pretty good, charismatic, and funny (calling himself Colt "BOOM BOOM" Cabana) so I would say he could better mirror Santino's comedic personality, instead of giving him a straight-man.
Paul Birchill and Drew McIntyre: Both are impressive wrestlers, both hail from one part of Europe, more specifically the United Kingdom (Scotland and England).
Ron Killings and Charles Evans: Killings proved himself worthy of praise in TNA - visible by WWE's hiring of a wrestler they once tossed away like he was nothing. Killings is fast paced and like a younger Booker T. Charles Evans is a powerhouse about the same size as Bam Neely. Together you'd have a team like Harlem Heat or even the Rock N Rave Infection (only for having a smaller, faster paced guy, and a giant in his corner).
Sheamus O'Shaunessy grouped with the McAllisters: Sheamus is a 6'6" 275 lb Scot that looks like a red-haired gladiator. He could fill in for the injured McAllister or stand in their corner as their enforcer. Fits well with the team because he too is Scottish so country pride could be used and because they could easily do as they probably would anyway and explain that he was their cousin or something.
Shawn Spears and Stu Sanders(although it would be a lot like Rhodes/DiBiase): Shawn Spears is an impressive wrestler that tagged with Cody while in OVW and he was actually very good with a gimmick similar to Randy Orton's while Stu Sanders was Paul Birchill's partner and faster, a tad smaller guy. It would give them their break into WWE and they have a similar look so the team isn't hard to picture in itself, may not work but could still do some good no matter what.

Note: I've heard many people voicing their concerns for breaking up Deuce and Domino, mainly concerns as to Deuce being pushed in a singles role. I think it could work for him but I don't understand why they haven't even mentioned (or not that I've noticed) that he is Jimmy Snuka's son (adopted but still). It certainly hasn't hurt any wrestlers to be born to a famous wrestler of the past.

*I had to explain why I chose these groups due to spamming rules
- One idea is to put Ron Simmons in a manager role. Have him form a tag-team similar to the APA. Maybe Chuck Palumbo to get him into a storyline and Shawn Morley. Yes i know. WWE needs to get him back out of his Val Venis gimmick where hes a jobber. I think putting him into a tag-team such as this one can bring him back out of that jobber state.

-Another idea is to at last bring Orton and Batista together to form Evolution. These two can form a tag-team to keep the World Title picture clear and UN-crowded. You can also put the title on them and boost the tag-team division back up. then put another tag-team over them in the future.
Isn't it kind of pointless to have two ME proven stars put into a tag team status.
The main point of tag teams is to build a character, or at least it used to be. Neither really needed to be in any title hunt World Championship or IC. Personally a few tag teams I wanted to see would be

Kofi Kingston and Ron Killings
Ron Killings really needs to be bumped out of dark match mode and brought up to the show, I loved him on TNA and he made a good tag team partner. I believe the idea of Ron Killings or K-Kwik whatever he'll be going as and Kofi Kingston would make a decent team even with Ron Killings experience coming back on the scene you need to start somewhere and tag division would be best suited for him, but with Kofi as an IC champion I doubt they'll bump him back to tag team status.

Vladimir Kozlov and Paul Burchill
I'd like this team as an old APA type only with a heel reputation for just beating other teams senseless. This would never suffice because I believe that they'll attempt to push Paul Burchill into the IC hunt, but I believe this would be a great start for both of these two dominant forces and both brands and would help them work off each other to further their characters and help them in the long run.

These are the only two that I can think of that would be decent for people that are currently on the roster (Ron Killings technically isn't on the roster but come on!) If they want to revise the tag team division they're going to need to bring up people to fill the void since currently with the brand split their are two few of superstars to keep the tag team division that interesting, unless they were to unify the tag titles and make the titles defendable and all brands.
Sheamus O'Shaunessy grouped with the McAllisters[/B]: Sheamus is a 6'6" 275 lb Scot that looks like a red-haired gladiator. He could fill in for the injured McAllister or stand in their corner as their enforcer. Fits well with the team because he too is Scottish so country pride could be used and because they could easily do as they probably would anyway and explain that he was their cousin or something.

O'Shaunessy is Irish not Scottish. Drew McIntyre would be a much better fit with the Highlanders. Even though I'd rather see McIntyre & Burchill as a team.

I've said it before in my first post. WWE needs to start pairing up guys who have alot in common. Until WWE wake up and do that, well the tag division will continue to go down hill.
O'Shaunessy is Irish not Scottish. Drew McIntyre would be a much better fit with the Highlanders. Even though I'd rather see McIntyre & Burchill as a team.

I've said it before in my first post. WWE needs to start pairing up guys who have alot in common. Until WWE wake up and do that, well the tag division will continue to go down hill.

Yes, you're right, sorry I often do get Scottish and Irish natives mixed up, something to do with their looks and somewhat similar dialects.

McIntyre and Burchill does sound like a better team but for that matter what even happened to McIntyre? He's a great competitor but he was only on-air for like a month.
Shelton/Elijah/Ron Killings - Think sort of an athletic Nation of Domination. Give Burke a better finisher, and have these guys play the 'Militant Black Guy' role. Similar to what Mohammed Hassan had where they can blame their lack of success on racial grounds, when it's blantantly wrong (draws incredible heat). I also like the idea of these guys coming from the crowd for no nonesence beatdowns, like the random guys that accompanied the Nation sometimes.

Reform London and Kendrick - Let them both get squashed as singles guy, and have one come out to make the save. Beg a heel GM for a trade. Get put in a match, against the odds, and have them come out. London vs Khali for a trade to SD or Kendrick for a trade to Raw. Ref goes down, whoever's not in the match interferes, (double sliced break or springboard high/low dropkick).
I liked the idea of Santino/Palumbo, purely because santino needs to start getting some wins in. He is a believable heel who is on his way up the chain, and needs a push (as the ic title didnt work). Tag teams could be the way forward for him, and palumbo has the experience, the power, the strength, and the italian history. Potentially this is a very good comedic heel tag team that could rule the division.
although this wouldnt solve the tag team crisis in the long term, after this weeks raw it wouldnt surprise me to see hardcore holly and jim duggan have a shot against rhodes and dibiase. A horrible match will ensue, but this may be a route that they will take, as it is wwe after all.
William regal is back soon, and i would have said put him back with burchill but it wont accomplish anything but hold back burchills push at kofi. Also the tag champs on raw are heels, so heel vs heel. Would regal find a tag partner when he arrives back, or he could join the stable that JBL will soon create to fight CTC (seems like a good fit)
Maybe on smackdown they could give kozlov something to do other then obliterate funaki, and pair him with umaga. Umaga doesnt seem to be given a push on smackdown, and the comedy that could be created by the cultural and language barriers between umaga and kozlov could be good for both of them. They could be a dominant team who is half face half heel.
There really is still a lot of potential for the tag team division, i just hope that wwe wont go back to the old teams like the hardys, not because im not a fan, purely because we need to see something different and exciting.
There's not too many instances where I can see putting two singals competitors together and forming a team. It always just seems forced.

But what I would do is combine the titles, as everyone can agree there aren't enough teams to warrant 2 sets of titles.

And I would have the teams for each brand as follows.


Rhodes and Dibiase
Cryme Time
The McCallisters
Santino & Striker (two good talkers with meh skills. But they'll make good heel jobbers and the promos should be good.)


London & Kendrick
Moore & Helms
Finlay and Horny (there way over and the kids love it)
Bam & Chavo


Hawkins & Ryder
Jesse & Festus
Miz n Morrison
DH Smith and T.J. Wilson

I'd also debut a copule of new teams with new faces from development, maybe a team or two per show. I'm not totally up on all the development people, so I won't even try to name teams. And if WWE could get a team or 2 from TNA like MCMG and LAX. And then maybe a team from ROH so each brand could get a somewhat recognizable team with some instant credibility I think the tag division would work a lot better.

And when a stoyline calls for it, 2 random guys put togehter could work OK. Like when Ceana and HBK wound up being a tea,. I really liked that. And the on again/off again DX would be OK as well for an extra team.

Then I would pick two established starts who are an established team start off as the undisputed tag champs, so that when the eventually are dethroned the new champs look worthy. I like the idea of Batista & Orton, because like somebody else said it keeps them out of the title picture for a while, and it puts 2 big starts on 3 shows, which will also help draw fans to the other shows.

That's how I'd fix it.
Heres my list of Options for possible Tag Teams in the Tag Team-LESS WWE.

1.Shane Helms & Shannon Moore(3 Count DUH)
2.Umaga and The Great Khali (The 2008 version of The Colossal Connection(Remember Haku and Andre The Giant?) They'd easily be the most unstoppable tag team in WWE)
3.Batista and Randy Orton(Evolution 2008. With CM Punk as World Champion, facing mid carders who dont belong in the main event picture.....what else do Batista and Randy have to do without gunning for the gold? Turn Batista Heel and pair him with the legend killer)
4.Chuck Palumbo and Jamie Noble (two WCW guys who currently lack direction in the anti WCW - WWE realm. Pair them as the Big Guy and Little Guy team and watch them shine)
5.William Regal and JBL (Two pompous asses who'd draw Heat. Mr Money bags and Mr Etiquette.)
6.Santino Marella and Matt Striker(Both annoying)
7.Jimmy Wang Yang & Funaki
8.Mr.kennedy and MVP (They've teamed before.....why not again?. The new Rated RKO....without the name of course.)
How come when someone mentions a black wrestler, they always pair them with another black wrestler in some sort of 'black' stable/tag team? Elijah/Shelton/Kofi/Truth/MVP?

Same with foriegn wrestlers. Umaga and Khali? Vladimir and Burchill? McIntire and Burchill? etc

wow, how creative of you guys... lol

You guys do realize you could mix and match races right?
Some of the best tag teams in history were like that:
Dudley Boyz/Team 3D, APA, WGTT (in 2003), Rock and Sock, even teams like RVD and Mysterio, Triple X, and 3 Live Kru

But back to the subject of this thread, here are teams that I think should be put together
-Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr
-Cryme Tyme
-Charlie Haas and Paul London (technical/highflyer combo)
-Chuck Palumbo and Deuce

-Miz and Morrison
-Edge Heads
-Jesse and Festus
-Elijah and Kenny Dykstra
-Evan Bourne and Super Crazy
Val Venis & Hardcore Holly - Another semi-jobber tag team.

Santino Marella & ??? - Give him a tough bodyguard. But here's the thing...give him someone with the premise that the bodyguard teaches him how to fight. That way, we can slowly build up to having Santino be able to actually win a match, but still be a jackass in person.

This one is silly easy: Beth Phoenix. This could really work; she strong enough (not as tallas Va-Chyna, but strong enough). It's imaginable the two of them in their tryst, winning the gold belts, holding them for a while, and then Santino doing something stupid, like cheating on Beth, only to be pummelled in a cage match or something outlandishly awesome.
Can we all just agree that Finley and Hornswaggle is just wortlhess as a tag team? Sure, it gets a cheap pop witht he tadpole splash, but that team cannot be taken seriously.

We do need a couple of tag teams right now!

We need a super gimmick team (think Road Warriors/Demolition) and we need a monster team (like the twin towers, or natural disasters).

Generally speaking, we need more tag teams. And since each tag team puts four guys in a 5min match, why not have a few more per night? That's how it used to roll. You'd have a couple singles, and a coupe of tag matches, and a main event. BAM! That's an hour of TV wth interviews.

By the way, is Jericho going to stop talking now? I felt my life being sucked away last night.
Firstly, make the 2 obvious suggestions. Make usage of the talent exchange to re-unite the Hardys. They're one of the most popular teams in WWE history, and would be a great boost for the division's current state. Then, going on with popular tag teams, bring Undertaker back on Raw, and let the Brothers of Destruction wreak havoc again. Following on from that... at the end of 2006, Mr. Kennedy and MVP formed an alliance for a short time against the BOD. I always thought that was a great alliance, and would work well as a permanent tag team. Outside of that, one other tag team that I'd create for the division would be Punk and Mysterio. As happy as I am with Punk having a World Title, he's not noecessarily the biggest player on Raw right now. So, I'd give the championship to Batista at the bash, then let Punk form an alliance with Rey. Push them hard, using the fact that they're two former former world champions, not to mention fan favourites, and bingo, instant tag team ready and waiting. Also, they could have a kick-ass double team finisher. Rey on the apron, Punk nails the GTS, his opponent comes up to their feet (like they do now before they drop to their back) and Rey springboards in with a seated senton. They'd make a great team.

These are all poor examples in my mind. They're all singles stars who should be pushed to develop your singles divisions and not dragged away from that to be thrown together for a tag team. If the tag team division is going to ever be reborn, and if its going to be used well, I think they should take talent that is being misused or not used at all and develop tag teams with them.

For RAW I'd like the combination of William Regal and Paul Burchill. Turn Val Venis heel and team him with Snitksy as his enforcer, not only could they be a tag team but Venis is a majorly underutilized singles competitor.

Smackdown already has a number of tag teams (especially implemented with ECW) but why not put Helms and Moore back together, it doesn't even have to be strictly as a tag team but Moore can remain as a sidekick to Helms when he's a singles competitor to. They can be interchangeable. Why not bring in TJ Wilson and put him with DH Smith and actually use them? Try Dykstra and Domino together (otherwise Domino should just be let go because he's not going to become anything on his own).

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