New Stable.

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
The current plan is to put Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Tomko and Scott Steiner together as a heel group.

It could be a good group but I dont think that Styles fit's. Also I dont think that Cage and Steiner are so good on the mic that there's no need for them to be in a group together. Would'nt it be better to have Steiner leading a young group of wrestler's without any charisma? He's one of the best talker's in the buisness. He would benefit from having talented wrestler's around him but could still be the leader of the group.

Cage despite his two World Title reign's feel's like a mid carder to me I dont think he's quit worthy of the situation he's being placed in.
I think that the forming of a stable with Cage, Styles and Tomko is a GREAT idea!! However Tomko and Steiner bascially have the same role so them both being in makes no sense!

You have:
Cage as the leader, the mouthpeice which is golden on the mic.
Styles who is possibly the most talented and him working with Cage can only help his charisma problems
Tomko who is the brute strength/enforcer of the group.

This stable doenst need Steiner. It needs a complete technical wrestler. Possibly Alex Shelly. He would be a great fit!
I agree that steiner doesnt need to be in there, with cage, as they both are great mic workers, i also agree that his role would clash with tomko, as they are both muscle.

I would personally prefer chris sabin over alex shelley in this situation, Alex is more talented than sabin and could be used better as a singles competitor or tag worker, a stable would just hold him back i think.

Styles and Christian would make a great tag team though. And i agree with Y2jake that christian is always the Intercontinental champ not the World champ, he isnt built enough.
Christian is actually bigger than Shawn Michaels was during his championship runs. So if you can buy him(shawn) as a champ, why not Cage? Is it because you've been brainwashed by Vinnie Mac that you need to be a nonworking musclehead to be a champ? For that matter Cage is also about the same size as Angle, Jericho, Benoit, Jarrett or Bret Hart. Hell, he's the same size as Flair and how many times has he won a World title? Or maybe it's a different style of Vinnie Mac brainwashing, after so many years of Cage being treated as a midcarder by Vince that's all you're willing to accept him as?
how is christian bigger...i dnt think he is bigger than shawn was wen he was champ..shawn was much more ripped and cut....and its not because we have been brainwashed by vinnie mac...and we dont need a nonworking musclehead to be a champ and if u r referring to shawn as that ur clearly cage is not the same size as angle..he has way more doesnt matter if he is the same size as flair..flair brought something completley different to the table than christian compare them both is bullshit...flair is a legend and helped the buisness grow...of course cage is going to be a midcarder when you have the likes of the rock, stone cold, hhh, kurt angle, undertaker, edge who got a much better crowd reaction then christian....
You're confusing definition with size. Shawn was more cut but wasn't bigger. Angle was slightly heavier than Cage, but had better definition as well. And how is comparing Flair and Cage bullshit? They are both talented workers of the same size, which was my point. The only reason Flair helped the business grow is because he was an active, established big name during the growth timeframe, when the big push on cable and Monday night wars came around. Christian was just starting in the business at that time. Not to mention Flair, despite being damn good and me having respect for him, held the book and put himself over quite a few times. And I'm refering to all 3 WWE champs right now with the nonworking musclehead comment. And during Christians run with WWE several of those guys mentioned took time off that would of allowed Christian to be pushed, if Vince would of. Instead Vince used him as an enhancement talent to get over his next big star, rather than let Christain show why he should be that star.

Basically you're saying that because Cage isn't as cut as Shawn/Angle/etc were it makes him less believable as a champion, despite equal or better in ring work/mic work, which falls into some of Vinnie Mac's brainwashing that you need to have a certain appearance to be a champion. So does that mean when TNA puts the title on Sloppy Joe, hey I respect what he does in the ring but he isn't the most built guy; you won't think he's a believable champ because he doesn't look the part? Or does his size advantage somehow make his less than impressive physique okay?
The current plan is to put Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Tomko and Scott Steiner together as a heel group.

It could be a good group but I dont think that Styles fit's. Also I dont think that Cage and Steiner are so good on the mic that there's no need for them to be in a group together. Would'nt it be better to have Steiner leading a young group of wrestler's without any charisma? He's one of the best talker's in the buisness. He would benefit from having talented wrestler's around him but could still be the leader of the group.

Cage despite his two World Title reign's feel's like a mid carder to me I dont think he's quit worthy of the situation he's being placed in.

Did you just say that Steiner was one of the best talkers in the business? Have you ever watched any of his interviews? Yes, they've got alot better, but he's nowhere near one of the best talkers in the business. Most of the time, you can't understand the words that come out of his mouth.
I think this stable is a great idea. I like Styles, Cage and Tomko together and I am anxious to see how Steiner will fit into the picture. I agree with the previous statement that Steiner may be a bit out of place and the suggest to have Sabin or Shelley instead was on the money. However, Steiner just may work. He is muscle, but he's more charasmatic then Tomko, so he just might have his own nitch.
I think that this stable is a great idea. I think Christian and Styles will be great as the bosses.
It's a great idea! I can see it now:

NWA World Champion: Christian Cage
X Division Champion: AJ Styles
NWA Tag Champions: Scott Steiner and Tyson Tomko

Imagine if TNA gave them all the belts for a few months to get them over as one of the strongest stables in wrestling history. Imagine the babyfaces you could build as they chance the titles. Imagine how big Bound For Glory could be as the big payoff to this group.

As you can tell, I'm all for this idea. You don't see that many stables anymore, which is really ashame imo.
yea honestly this idea has gotten me more excited about TNA...i have a feeling tna is actually going places...something tells me within the next 10 years there is going to be a war yet again
Did you just say that Steiner was one of the best talkers in the business? Have you ever watched any of his interviews? Yes, they've got alot better, but he's nowhere near one of the best talkers in the business. Most of the time, you can't understand the words that come out of his mouth.

Agreed, I could never understand him either. He ranks up there with Benoit and Chris Masters as the worst mike workers currently wrestling today. We fans who watch on television needed Steiner's words printed on the screen with the bouncing ball over it for the average fan to know what he was trying to say. Plus, Steiner was well known for changing the script midstream and insert the curse words so fast that the censor could not bleep them.
I find no problem with this new stable. With Lax becomming a bit hit as a stable TNA should try to make another big hit. This could be like any normal Stable. The heels win alot of gold. Tag Team Titles and World Title. Keep the X division title away from all 7 men participating in this. AJ Styles, Cage and Steiner will mostly be doing in ring work, atleast that's what I hope. Tomko can't wrestling in ring. While everyone else participating has good mic skills and in ring talent. I think this will go over big. I didn't know Daniels was going to be apart of the main event scene. After that promo I saw. I thought they were going to have him come in and wrestle guys and keep wondering what he can get out of it until a legend like Backlund explains to him and etc. This heel faction would definitely put AJ more over as a solid heel. Something TNA was lacking. Also the face faction would get Daniels over.
keep the X division title away from all 7 men participating in this

Dont get the 7 men, but Yea i agree the x-division title should be fought over by senshi, lynn, sabin, dutt etc just got to keep it away from aj and daniels for now.

To be honest i am glad russo's plan has started to become clear, i mean alot of people hate what he has done to TNA, but i love it, he has focused the shows, he has injected interesting storylines that arent bullshit, he has developed feuds properly in an involving manner and things are all starting to tie together, and TNA's storylines are all interwoven and it makes for an interesting watch, just give it a month or two to be bumped up to 2 hours on a thursday and we will be set for the best wrestling show on TV.
Wrestlefan73 & Presto you have obviously never heard him cut any promo's in WWE/F or WCW. Maybe it's because you're both young and you missed that whole''Steiner'' thing. Comparing him to Masters and Benoit is just plain stupid. Maybe you dont consider him one of the best talker's in the buisness. Maybe you prefer the whole''Cena'' style of making fart joke's. Steiner cut's some of the most agressive promo's in wrestling today. I suggest you try to find some on You Tube.
It would be a great idea to have them all as champions on Tna. The only thing is it kind of reminds me of evolution when they had all the major titles on Raw. There would be a difference in that Evolution was a way of making Orton and Batista Big while this group would be full of already big name talent. They are all former world champions besides Tonko (Christian-NWA, Stles-NWA, Steiner-WCW). This group would be awsome and watch TNA more.
In what could end up being called the "Christian Coalition", a new faction has started in TNA storylines featuring NWA World Champion Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Scott Steiner and Tomko. The feeling within TNA is that Christian and Styles have similar heel personas that could play off each other very well, while Steiner and Tomko will play the roles of the "muscle" of the faction and take care of business for Christian and Styles.

They should come up with a better name than that. They need something original, without a member of the faction's name. What if Cristian was to leave or get injured? It would be hard for the stable to evolve with a stable like that.
That's true. They need a name like the four horseman. I bet these guys are just going to be like Evolution, TNA style. But anything can happen and that name has got to go. What the hell does Coalition mean anyway? Strange.
It mean's alliance. Maybe call them The Coalition. It's a good name. Not the best but with Vince Russo thinking this shit up it's the best they can do.
Russo's ideas are nothing nowadays. Ever since The Attitude Era, he's been ****. Seriously, he's not as creative as he used to be and it's not the same if you said ''I have Vince Russo on my creative team'' in 2000 and saying ''I have Vince Russo on my creative team'' in 2007. Seven years later, and he's lost his mind. I guess wrestling will never be what it used to be. It's a shame that the WWF lost it's name. With it, it lost its history. Well, that's a bit off-topic and I'll save that for another thread.
I started out not really caring for Christian Cage, but the guy has grown on me. He is starting so show signs of the old Franchise Shane Douglas; and his ability to be a great heel, coupled with AJ Styles cocky attitude go well together. I buy Tomko in the mix because he can be manipulated by Cage. I like the Steiner angle, but he is a dominant personality, and I'm not sure how he can play off another dominant personality like Cage. I'm excited to see where this goes and I think most of us will be pleasantly suprised.
I think that this stable will be awesome. It could go down with some of the great stables over history. I mean the main 2 people in the stable are very talented and can speak on the mic. I cant wait to see how this plays out.
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