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NEW SERIES: Whos Version is Better?


Dark Match Winner
Hey there! :)
This new series will be about comparing two moves that are fairly similar and discussing or debating on which version looks better and which superstar makes it look more real. The two we are comparing this week are -


Chris Benoit's 'Crippler Crossface'.

Where Chris used to twist a mans arm and place it in between hes legs and lock them in whilst he bends a mans head and neck backwards causing pain to the neck and shoulder.



Daniel Bryan Danielson's 'Lebel Lock'

Where DBD places hes closest leg over the top of the opponents arm and places the hes other leg round hes first leg, looking like he is sitting down with crossed legs and again using hes hands to cause pain to the neck and shoulder.

My questions are!

1. Who do you think can make this move look more painful?
2. Which version do you think is better?
3. Who do you think this move suits more?

Personally I feel that this type of move fits Chris Benoit much more than DBD, Since he had more of a muscular body that made the opponent look trapped, therefore also making the move look alot more painful.
I have to agree, damn Benoit always looked like a serial killer, eithouth that tooth xD

Yes, cripler crossface has to be my pick, i loved...
Benoit was a hell of a superstar, i miss that insane matches agaisnt booker t for instance....

Benoit's finisher is my pick!!
Beniot's looks more painful, but that could be because of the people selling it and the expression benoit always had on his face while doing it. He always looked like he was really putting all of his effort into doing it, where (well in that photo anyway) Bryan just looks like he is trying not to sneeze.

I guess the main reason it looked more powerful was because of the people Benoit had made tap out with it. HHH, HBK ect... he has made alot of big guys and people that hardly ever tap out, tap out where seeing Bryans still starting out so to speak, he hasn't actually made any big guy tap out with it. (that I have seen)
The Crippler Crossface gets my vote.

Benoit always look like he is about to snap his opponent's neck in half. The move doesn't need a lot of time to set up, while Bryan have to interlock his leg with the receiver's arm. Benoit's version is simple yet effective.
Technically I think Daniel Bryan's Lebell lock would be more painful. I think the positioning of the opponents arm would allow Bryan to push down on the shoulder with his leg while pulling the neck up, therefore causing more stress on the neck. Benoit only uses his legs to prevent his opponent from reaching up to the crossface.

Having said that Benoit always made his move look lethal and as we know eventually it was.

Daniel Bryan is a wrestling technician who uses legitimate submission holds and therefore his move and many other submissions suit him. Benoit was also very technically gifted but showed more intensity when applying submissions.

So to conclude. Daniel Bryan's would likely hurt more legitimately whileBenoit makes his look like it hurts more. It suits them both but I have no respect for a murderer.

At least both aplied the holds properly unlike Cena's STF which just looks like he is hugging his opponents.
Well, it seems that Bryan's would hurt the arm more because of the position of his legs, and he's pulling back on their chin causing neck pains.

Benoit's not only traps the arm, he crosses his wrists and pulls back right on his opponent's nose. He's like pulling their face apart AND pulling their head back causing pain in the neck.

It's a tough choice, but I think that Benoit's submission looks more painful and suits him better because he was way more aggressive than Bryan.
I think Benoit takes it for all of them. Whenever he locked the crossface in he seemed to really exerting himself and it just generally looked more debilitating and agonizing than Bryan's Lebel Lock.

It suited Benoit more because he was "The Crippler" and "The Rabid Wolverine". It suited his gimmick of being an hostile and dangerous competitor who was prepared to do anything (like jumping off the top rope on to his head XD) to get the win.

Bryan simply isn't as intense as Benoit so it doesn't come across as being as dangerous.
Who do you think can make this move look more painful?
Daniel Bryans looks more painful, its the way his leg is wrapped around the opponents arm.. So it brings pain to both the neck and shoulder..

Which version do you think is better?
Crippler, It was much easier to lock on and came out of no where!!

Who do you think this move suits more?
Benoit.. Defoo, his face when he locked it on was just like a mean serial killer about to snap his opponents neck!!
As much as I love DBD, Chris Benoit's Crippler Crossface is easily my favorite submission of all time.

Both moves look equally painful, but the way Benoit acts when he locks it on makes it look even more dramatic. He screams, furrows his brow, and looks like he wants to break his opponent's neck off. DBD looks like he is trying to lock in and hold onto a complicated wrestling hold when he does it, which while natural, is not as exciting or dramatic.

Both versions are pretty simple, but Benoit manages to lock on the Crippler with relative easy. He struggles sometimes, but only when that sort of drama fits, and if the pace of the match calls for a sudden turn around he can lock the hold on out of nowhere. Watch his match at Wrestlemania XX (one of the best matches of all time), and you'll see how versatile this move can be. Bryan takes a little too long to lock it in for my likings, but it's by no means bad.

The move suits neither superstar more than the other, though. When Benoit uses his crossface it looks like he locks it on to cause pain, whereas DBD locks on the Lebelle lock to win the match. It has to do with each wrestlers' character, personality, and in-ring style. While these moves are nearly identical, they look entirely different between DBD and Benoit because of who is using them.
See, I think you can't compare them both because at this point, strain on another wrestler is frowned upon in 'E since they want to be safe that's my many people can't sell properly.


Now if you looked at ones from the past,


I think its just the opponent that sells them now, I mean DBD can just as easily make face like he'll kill them but then the toy company won't like that and the five year old will have a bad nightmare so the parents will sue the company...I'm not knocking the PG system (I'm actually knocking the justice system), but the problem is the times they were in. I think if it was someone else they'd just sell it like a dangerous move.

1. Who do you think can make this move look more painful?

Firstly I've got gotta say I really like both versions. I would have been slightly annoyed if it had been the exact same hold similar to Swagger and Angle's ankle locks, but the Labelle variation is not only different but different for a reason the pressure is asserted to other regions.

That being said, for me it's a little bit unfair, Bryan hasn't been given an opportunity to really showcase the move as well as he could have because he's only rarely been in a longer match where it came into play ie the Miz matches for the US belt and the Ziggler series of matches. He hasn't really had a main event type of scene where he has reverted to the move several times where we can really see the extent to how good the Labelle lock actually looks. Part of it is the guy selling it of course. But at this time nobody has really seen for instance a wrestlemania 20 match where it's used in the most gruelling situation it can be so at this point the Crossface is the more brutal looking move because we've really seen what it can do.

2. Which version do you think is better?

Theoretically it's the Labelle lock because of the added pressure that it applies, locking the arm also makes it harder to escape/tap/get to the ropes. But then again as Ruthless-RKO said, the Crossface could be locked in far far quicker so that gives it a believability factor that Bryan's version doesn't have. Plus I think you lose a bit of the angle you can get with the Crossface by locking the arm, it spreads the force out a bit more instead of really concentrating it into one point.

3. Who do you think this move suits more?

Easily Benoit, the Crossface for him was a major part of his identity. He wasn't a golden talker so he had to make people know him by what he did, and just like guys like Bret Hart a move so believably brutal really made him look like a constant threat and allowed him to main event when he would otherwise have just been a mid-card player, the Crossface really helped him get over. Bryan's is good but it's not the ultimate move in his arsenal, you think move of the cattle mutilator or stiff kicks when you think of Bryan, the Labelle lock doesn't really define the man. Plus I think Benoit's ultra-ripped frame made it look all the more deadly, Bryan's lack of upper body muscle makes it look less powerful.
I think the Cripper looks more painful since it actually pushe dback on the nec. Daniel Bryan doesnt have the strength or intensity to sell the move. DB's mov elooks rushed with the legs and hardly looks like the person is in pane. Looks like Daniels is just grabbing the chin. and focing them to move their head back.
i think, well in real life using it, the more painful is the lebell lock. it is used as a neck crank and also a shoulder lock which could actually dislocate a shoulder
while both are simplier i think Benoit's crossface was better he was a bigger guy and the opponet looked more trapped then they do with DBD if only Benoit was alive and he could have a submission match against DBD that would be amazing....R.I.P. Benoit
I think Benoit's is better because of his build but saying that the LeBell Lock looks more painful. I'd have to call it down the middle, but if Benoit did the LeBell Lock theres a clear winner ;P
1. Who do you think can make this move look more painful?
The wrestler in the hold. At the end of the day, it's not down to benoit of Bryan to make the move look painful...it's down to the person recieving the move and how well they sell it.

2. Which version do you think is better?
I personally don't regard the moves as the same as they have two very different feels to them. Benoit's is all about agression, while Bryan's is about technical superiority. They way the move comes across has a lot to do with the character of the wrestler performing it...I don't think one of them is 'better' than the other.

3. Who do you think this move suits more?
Read #2
I agree with you John. You probably just proved th epoint for anything else I was going to say. Though I think The Lebell Lock isnt as flashy as the Crippler Crossface? as lethal? of course but maybe the Crossface Chickenwing is better to use. The Lbell doesnt show off intensity or skill. The way Bryan does it it looks like he just puts the leg over and pulls back.

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