New RAW *Episode 1*

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J.R. - " Hi there good old Jim Ross here along with Jerry "The King" Lawler and John "Bradshaw" Layfield and welcome everyone to the first show of New RAW!"

Jerry - "Yeah it's great to be back J.R. this New RAW is defenitly going to sky rocket up the charts."

JBL - "Of course it is! Because JBL a "Wrestling God!" is announcing on New RAW."

Jerry - "Don't you get tired of saying that?"

JBL - "Are you kidding me? Of course not because it's true."

J.R. - "Yeah well whatever you say but now lets bagin with New RAW and our first match is for the Womens championship and boy is it going to be an entertaining expierence."

Jerry - "Woohooo! Puppies!"

(Candices music comes on as she makes her way down to the ring)(About 75% the crowd give a good reaction the other 25% give a bad reaction)

Mr. Kennedy - "Ladies and Gentlemen this match is for the Womens Championship but first let me introduce myself the New RAW's ring announcer Mrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedy....Kennedy! Now this match is scheduled for 1 fall introducing first the New RAW's Women Champion Candice Michelle."

Jerry - "Now this is too hot for both of you guyz but perfect for me woohoo!"

JBL - "Jerry I think it'll be better if you can just be quiet while I inspect the body of our first contestant."

(Melina's music comes on as she and Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro make their way to ringside)(Half the fans give a good reaction the other half give a bad reaction)

Jerry - "Wohoho the greatest ring entrance in Sports entertainment yes!"

Mr. Kennedy - "Coming out accompanied at ringside by Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro Melina."

(The ring bell rings and the match begins)

"The match begins as Melina gets a headlock on Candice but Candice reverses it into a backsuplex. Candice then gets Milena up but Melina reverses it into a Small Package but only gets a count of 1. Candice kicks Melina in the gut then throws her head to the mat. Candice then starts pulling Melinas hair and slamming her head on the mat. Then Melina reverses it and starts doing the same thing. Both of them let go and get up and Candice does an amazing dropkick. She covers Melina but only gets a 2 count.
Candice picks up Melina but Melina does a quick DDT to Candice and quickly covers her but gets a count of 2 and a half. Melina gets frustrated and irish whips Candice to the turnbuckle with all her force and Candice hits the turnbuckle then falls as her back is in pain. Melina picks her up then does a face crusher as Candice goes face first to the mat. Melina covers her and gets a count of 3 (Half of the fans does a good reaction and the other half does a bad reaction) and wins the Womens title.

Mr. Kennedy "Ladies and Gentlemen heres your new Womens champion Melina."( MNM celebrate in the ring then go back to the locker room)

Jerry - "Wow. What a match up."

J.R. - "Your right King our new womens champion Melina will defenintly be 1 of our toughest Womens champions in history."

JBL - "Yes Melina wins. The best Women wrestler now is the best Womens champion haha I love it."

J.R. - "Well JBL not all of the fans really agrees with you."

JBL - "Who cares what they think." (The fans all boo at JBL)

J.R. - "Thats what you think JBL but the New RAW fans our what keep this company alive."

JBL - "Blah blah blah lets get on with the matches."

J.R. - "We will shortly but now Michael Cole is backstage interviewing Booker T Michael Cole take it away."

Cole - "Thanks J.R. Michael Cole here with guest Booker T now Book you have a match with Big Show today for the United States Championship what are your thoughts?"

Booker - "My thoughts are that tonight theres no more "King" Booker I don't have to look like a king to be 1 now Big Show yeah you were given the United States Championship but not even you can beat the 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time WCW champion Booker T now can you dig that Sucka?"

JBL - "Booker T is underestimating the 500 poung 7-foot monster Big Show. Booker T used to be a royal king now he's just Booker T I hope he loses actually I know he's going to lose."

J.R. - "Well JBL Book did make the right choice quiting that "King" Booker stule and becoming just the 5-time WCW champion Booker T and I bet the fans would agree with that."

(Booker T's music comes on as he makes his way down to the ring)(The fans give a good reaction)

Mr. Kennedy - "Ladies and Gentlemen this match is for the United States Championship first the up the the contender for the United States Championship Booker T."

JBL - "What a disgrace to the Kings."

J.R. - "JBL Book is a great wrestler and thats as muchas I can say about you."

JBL - "J.R. I'm a "Wrestling God!" and you better get it right."

Jerry - "Actually JBL most poeple think of you as a wrestling fraud."

JBL - "You shut your mouth! I'm the greatest wrestler to ever step foot in a wrestling ring."

Jerry - "Yeah yeah what ever."

(Big Show's music comes on as he makes his way down to the ring)(About 75% of the crowd gives a good reaction and the other 25% gives a bad reaction)

JBL - "The 500 pound 7-footer Big Show is going to defend his precious United States title right now."

J.R. - "We'll see."

(The bell rings and the match begins)

"Show quickly does a Big Boot to Booker. Show picks him up and does a Scoop Slam then picks him up again and suplex's him. Big Show smiles and laughs and starts taunting to the crowd but book quickly delivers some straight right hands to the head of Big Show and gets him in a Headlock. Show picks up Booker but Booker jumps off of Shows arms and does a spinning kick to Show but Show doesn't fall down. Booker goes and the ropes and clotheslines Show but he still doesn't fall so Booker goes on the top rop but Show quickly grabs Booker and throws him off the turnbuckle. Show picks up Booker and picks him up then lets him fall. Show then tries a Legdrop but Book quickly moves out the way. Then Book gets Show in a Rear Naked Choke but Show stands up and reverses it into a Back Suplex. Show then signals for the Choke Slam as Booker gets up and then Show puts his large hand on Books neck. Show lifts him up but Book reverses it into an amazing DDT. Book covers Show but only gets a 2 count. Show gets up midway and Book goes on the ropes and connects with the Scissors Kick. Book covers Show but only gets a 2 and a half count. Show gets up midway again and Book goes on the ropes and connects with the Scissors Kick again, Book covers Show, and gets a count of 3.

Mr Kennedy - "Ladies and Gentlemen heres your winner and the New United States Champion Booker T." (Crowd gives a geat reaction to Booker)

JBL - "What!? Booker won? That referee has problems."

J.R. - "JBL the ref is fine Book won that title fair and square."

Jerry - "Well that was a great match no doubt.'

JBL - "I'm disgraced right now we have Booker T defending the name of the United States? Come on."

Jim Ross - "Well JBL Book will defenintly defend that title and I can assure that to you."

Mr. Kennedy - 'Ladies and Gentlemen this tag team match is scheduled for 1 fall and is for the World Tag Team Championship introducing first the World Tag Team Champions the team of Edge and Christian."

(Edge and Christians theme comes on as they make their way to the ring)(Half of the crowd gives a good reaction the other half gives a bad reaction)

JBL - "Now these guys are the best Tag Team ever J.R. and Jerry just watch them defend their titles."

(The Hardy Boyz music comes on)(The crowd gives a great reaction)

Jerry - "Now Edge and Christian are good but just look at this great Tag Team the Hardy Boyz."

JBL - "Their good but not that good."

J.R. - "I think both Tag Teams are good but tonight we see who's better."

(The bell rings and the match begins.)

"Matt Hardy and Christian start off the match. Matt gets a headlock on Christian but Christian reverses it into a back slide pin but Matt kicks out quickly. Christian delivers right and left fists to Matt but Matt kicks Christian in the gut and DDT's him. Matt does a Leg Drop to Christian and covers him but only gets a 1 count. Matt picks up Christian but Christian Eye Rakes Matt and tags Edge. Edge quickly takes Matt down and starts Mounting Punching Matt. Ref counts to 4 and Edge stops but picks up Matt and dropkicks him. Edge then uses the Edgecution on Matt. Matt screams in pain but holds on. Matt pulls himself closer to the ropes but Edge puts more pressure to the Edgecution. Matt finnally reaches the ropes Edge keeps holding it on but when the Ref counts to 4 Edge lets go but quickly pulls Matt away from the ropes and gets a head lock on him. Jeff starts getting the Crowd to help Matt get out of the headlock and Matt starts moving and hits edge in the gut with his elbow a couple of times and Edge lets go then Matt Side Effects Edge and both of them are on down on the mat. Matt and Egde try to crawl to tag their partners. Edge tags Christian and Matt tags Jeff and as Jeff gets in the ring he quickly side effects Christian. Jeff gets Christian up and DDT's him and quickly picks him up again and Bulldogs him. Jeff then punches Edge out of the ring and Jeff signals for the Extreme Twist Of Fate. Christian gets up and Jeff kickes him in the gut turns him around and connects with the Extreme Twist Of Fate then Jeff goes to the top rope and connects with the Swanton. Jeff then covers Christian but Edge breaks it up. Matt then comes but Edge Spears him Jeff gets up and Edge Spears him tooThen Christian gets up and picks Jeff up and connects with the Unprettier. Christian covers Jeff and gets the 3 count.

Mr. Kennedy - "Ladies and Gentlemen your winners and still World Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian."(75% of the fans give a bad reaction and the other 25% give a good reaction.)

JBL - "Yes! Edge and Christian prevail again and they'll alwayz will haha."

Jim Ross - "Well if Edge didn't cheat The Hardy Boyz would've won but right now lets turn to Eric Bishoff for an important announcement."

(The Camera turns to Eric Bishoff and 75% of the fans give a bad reaction and 25% give a good reaction)

Bishoff - "I know all of you are very happy to see me back agaib on the New RAW but enough about that I'm just here to tell all of you that tonight the WWE Championship will be defended up next. It will be The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton V.S. Batista V.S. Kane V.S. Kevin Nash in a Fatal Four Way thank you all for coming out."

Jerry - "Did you hear that!? A Fatal For Way up next right now!"

J.R. - "I did hear that and boy it'll be a Slobber Knocker!"

JBL - "Thank you Eric Bishoff who is the greatest General Manager of all time thank you."

Jerry - "Yeah whatever but that match is up next."

Mr. Kennedy - "Ladies and Gentlmen this next match is a Fatal Fourway scheduled for 1 falled and is for the WWE Championship."

(Randy Ortons Music hits as he and Stacy Kiebler make their way to the ring)(The crowd gives a good reaction)

Mr. Kennedy - "Introducing first accompanied by Stacy Kiebler the WWE Champion Randy Orton."

(Batistas Music hits and the crowd gives a great reaction)

Mr. Kennedy - "Next up The "Animal" Batista."

(An explosian of Fireworks come out and Kanes music hits and he makes his way down to the ring)(The crowd gives a great reaction)

Mr. Kennedy - "Next The "Big Red Machine" Kane"

(Kevin Nashs music comes on as he makes his way to the ring)(Half of the Crowd gives a good reaction and the other half gives a bad reaction)

J.R. - "Here we go for the World HeavyWeight Championship."

(The bell rings as the match starts)

"Randy quickly starts to do some Europeon upper cuts to Batista and Kane but Nash clotheslines Orton. Kane Upper Cuts Batista and Upper cuts Nash but Nash Clotheslines Kane to. Batista Grabs Nash and Irish Whips him to the turnbuckle then batista starts hitting Nash in the gut with his knees but Kane picks up and SideSlams Batista. Orton then DDT's Kane and starts punching Batista in the face. Nash does a Back Suplex to Orton then he lifts Kane up with both of his hands on his throat but Kane quickly counters by hitting nashes hands with his fists. Kane then does a Big Boot to Nash and Nash falls to the mat. Batista then kicks Kane in the gut and Suplex's him but Orton comes and Dropkicks Batista. Orton then gets a rear naked choke on Batista but Kane breaks it up and Side Slams Orton. Nash does a Chop Block to Kanes leg and Kane falls then Nash Suplex's Kane. Batista then gets Kane and starts smashing Kanes face on the Turnbuckle. Nash does a Schoolboy roll up on Batista but only gets a 2 count. Nash then DDT's Batista but Orton does a Neck/Back Cracker to Nash and he covers him but only gets a 2 count. Kane then does a Back Suplex to Orton and Batista then Spears Kane and covers him but only gets a 2 count. Batista does a Spine Buster to Kane and covers him but Orton interrupts the pin at 2. Orton tries to RKO Batista but Batista pushes Orton and Spears him. But Nash Chop Blocks Batista's leg and covers Orton but only gets a 2 and a half count. Nash then gets frustrated and picks up Orton for the JachKnife PowerBomb he lifts Orton up but Batista clotheslines Nash and Orton jumps off but Kane grabs Orton by the throat and Chokeslams Orton. But Batista Spine Buster's Kane again and then sets up for the Batista Bomb, he lifts him up, and down goes Kane to the mat. But Nash Big Boots Batista and set him up for the JackKnife PowerBomb and connects. But as soon as Nash gets up Orton comes out of Nowhere and RKO's Nash and covers him but only gets a 2 and a half count. orton gets so frustraded he goes out of the ring and throws 2 chairs in, the Referee tries to get the chair that Stacy had but from behind Orton uses the other chair and hit Nash right on his Skull. Ref never knew and Orton covered Nash referee counted but Kane interupted and Choke Slammed Orton, he covered him, and got a 3 count.

Mr. Kennedy - "Heres your winner and the New WWE Champion Kane."(The crowd showed a great reaction to Kane)

J.R. - "Oh my god! Kane! Kanes the new WWE Champion!"

JBL - "Now who can stop the Big Red Machine? The only person that can stop him is me but I'm announcing so who?"

(Suddenly the lights when off and a Bell tolled)

(Then the UnderTaker was in the ring)(The whole crowd went wild)

J.R. - "Oh my god! It's Taker! The UnderTaker!"

JBL - "What!?"

"When Kane turned around and saw the "DeadMan" Undetaker put his hand on Kanes throat and ChokeSlammed him."

(Then the UnderTaker got a mic)

Taker - "Kane your time has come. Me and you 1 on 1 for the WWE Championship."

"Then Kurt Angle came and Angle Slammed Taker"(The crowd went wild)

(Kurt got the mic)

Angle - "Taker why do you deserve a title shot? I won a Gold Medal with a broken freakin neck and all you do is make the lights go out and attack someone from behind."

(Then Eric Bishoff camed out)(Crowd gave good reaction)

Bishoff - "Ok wait just a second there! I got an idea. Next week the WWE Championship will be on the line and it will be Kane V.S. The UnderTaker V.S. Kurt Angle in a damn Triple Threat match!

J.R. - "Oh my. A Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship."

Jerry - "3 future Hall Of Famers in a Triple Threat Match wow."

JBL - "It would be better if me a "Wrestling God" was in there because I'm also a future Hall Of Famer but this Triple Threat match will also be great."

J.R. - "Your damn right it will. This is a certified Slobber Knocker for the ages. Who will win Kane, Kurt Angle, or The UnderTaker next week?! Thank you all for coming out to the New RAW goodnight everybody!"

Now tell me what yall think of my first episode.
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