New finisher for Seth Rollins!

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Right, now WWE has banned the Curb Stomp which won Seth Rollins his first WWE World title. But we had discussed a lot already about this ban. So what should be his finisher now? Monday night Raw we saw him use a variation of Swinging Single underhook DDT I didn't enjoy it very much.

I've quite a few Suggestions about his new finisher. Seth is only 220 pounds (approx.) Considering that as a primary criteria, I've enlisted my suggestions!

Normally I like these light weight guys using variations of DDT but it should be something appealing. Holding the opponent in a fisherman position and nailing with a snap DDT can be quite devastating!

It's a cutter variation. WWE NXT diva Charlotte already been using it in the name Natural Selection . But if Seth uses it from the turnbuckle or Second rope it cool. He already uses flutter kick to set the opponents for curb stomp, now he can use this to set them up for this Somersault cutter!

This also involves the opponent to set up in the position just like for the Curb Stomp. This can be an option as well!

This can be interesting. It can be a bit ridiculous idea as well. But as Randy Orton is banned from using RKO at Extreme Rules, why not Seth uses it and carries it in a long run?

I haven't mentioned any Ariel moves because Seth might should use them when he turns face..

So how about these options? Give me your opinion and if you've any other suggestions feel free to post!

The Fisherman DDT would be nice but not the best choice, RKO would be great, The Corscrew Neckbreaker is a move that a jobber would use, How about one of these three moves

Morrisons Moonlight Drive

I could easily see Seth making it his Move and it would be great.

Syxx' Buzzkiller
Great Heel Looking move its perfect for him.

Rodney Macks Blackout

He can call it the Blackout Great Heel Move and It looks great.

Whatyall think?
I like the idea of Rollins adding a submission to his arsenal, I've especially always liked the Buzzkiller when Syxx used it and I think Seth could use it similarly. I also like the fisherman DDT as I think the Curb Stomp should be replaced with a devastating move... Fisherman DDT definitely fits that criteria.

I think a brainbuster variation on Goldust's Final Cut would serve Rollins well if he could pull it off. Would showcase his strength and it would look great. Also wouldn't mind him going back to the Drive-By (springboard knee to the head), as I always thought it would make for a good high impact finisher that can come at anytime.
This got me thinking about what move may be banned next. So we've got the pile driver and curb stomp both banned now. I understand that kids watching wrestling will always want to imitate wrestling moves. I did it as a child, all fans do. I get it.

But I hope this isn't a constant trend of banning moves. I worry about the future of the DDT. It is safer than the other two, but if just a few guys botch a DDT it could be the end of it too. Jake the Snake, when asked, "what does DDT mean" famously answered "The End." I hope this isn't the beginning of the end for the DDT also.
The Fisherman DDT would be nice but not the best choice, RKO would be great, The Corscrew Neckbreaker is a move that a jobber would use, How about one of these three moves

Morrisons Moonlight Drive

I could easily see Seth making it his Move and it would be great.

Syxx' Buzzkiller
Great Heel Looking move its perfect for him.

Rodney Macks Blackout

He can call it the Blackout Great Heel Move and It looks great.

Whatyall think?

Yeah this could be really a good idea for him to use heel Submission holds till the people really forget the Curb Stomp for a while!!

Also wouldn't mind him going back to the Drive-By (springboard knee to the head), as I always thought it would make for a good high impact finisher that can come at anytime.

I really loved Drive-By as well but it doesn't seem like a devastating move to nail the opponent down on the mat for the count of 3. That can be a signature move but not potential enough to be finisher..

Soon Santinos Cobra will get banned and then wrestler would stars giving each hugs as finishers
Seth Rollins' look makes me think of some kind of Marvel Supervillain who's main hang-up is that he's a compulsive asshole. He should get moves that are beyond basic and named after cataclysmic events for show.

The Big Bang

Basically your classic Sit-Out Suplex Slam with a little more showmanship. Maybe instead of sitting, Seth lands on his opponent in a pinning position as his opponent falls.

The Atombic Bomb

This move would combine a Power Bomb with an Atomic Drop. Seth pulls his opponent up to his shoulders, and instead of slamming his opponent onto back he just lands on his butt and seems to pull his opponent down causing his opponent to land hard on his own butt. I realize this could cause a spinal injury if executed improperly, but whatever.

Hell's Bells

A rolling Liger Kick to his opponent while they're stunned in the corner after a turn-buckle power bomb.
He's a heel. His best finisher would be no finisher at all, but rather a signature move or two he might pull out in a really big match. Everyone having a finisher these days, especially the bad guys, partly ruins the experience of a pro wrestling match. If EVERY pin attempt could win the match, it would be so much more exciting than having to wait for an arbitrary move.
I'm not sure what I want to see him do, the only thing I know that is that he has taken enough risk to elevate himself to this point in his career, and I don't want him making the phoenix splash or 450 or corkscrew or some other high risk maneuver being his finisher, because I'd like to see him have a nice long career, and not end up like many high flyers that are practically crippled at the end of their run.

Thing is, he still needs something that fits his persona and isn't too grounded or boring, and can be applied to anyone (which is why the curb stomp was perfect). Maybe he could do something like Morrison's starship pain? Something where it looks flashy, but isn't really particularly dangerous or hard to control.
We've become obsessed with finishers as wrestling fans. It's practically become a fix. I for one don't mind Seth's new DDT variant. It's different. Does it look all that brutal? Of course not but I don't think every move that ends the match should be a flashy spectacle either. And Sly makes a great point. Seth is a heel. Finishers generally get encouraged and cheered. Seth should be doing everything in his power as a cowardly heel to stray away from showy moves. I mean, they've gotten so far with Seth to be scared to death by a stray RKO. Why not have the WWE Champion act like he's going to put his opponent away in a big way BUT turn around and pin them to piss off the fans? Creative had Kane lie down for Seth mere weeks ago, so it's not the worst way to get Seth heat.

But for sake of argument, if there was a move I'd love to see Seth finish with, it's the Buzzsaw Kick Tajiri made famous. It's simple, devastating, and not all that flashy. Puts the face down. 1-2-3. Still gets heat.
I would like Seth Rollins to adopt the superkick as his primary finisher. I think it would suit his move set and his abilities. It worked for Shawn Michaels as a heel and as a face. Imagine Brock Lesnar german suplexing Rollins who does a sunset flip, Brock turns around and gets superkicked.

You could even run a program where Triple H brings back his buddy HBK to teach Rollins the technique of delivering a knockout superkick. The superkick that's best in the business and Shawn is asked as a favour to Triple H to mentor Rollins on how to be a fighting world champion and not a sniveling coward.

HBK recently said there's been an offer for him to wrestle at WM 32. If he decides to take it, maybe Rollins would be a great opponent for the Showstopper. You can have the storyline that Shawn teaches Rollins how to use the superkick correctly and how to be a champion, Rollins is disrespectful to HBK over the coming months and over time the dissension amounts to too much where HBK snaps but Rollins responds by taking Shawn out for a period of time. HBK comes back around Royal Rumble, costs Rollins the chance of winning it and then a match is set for WM 32 with 'The Future' vs 'Mr Wrestlemania'.

It's just a suggestion and needs a lot of boxes ticked to work, ie HBK's involvement, but it could work.

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