New Eddie Guerrero DVD

the voice over guy wasn't that great either

Was it the same guy who did Taker's one?

I know the rock declined to be on the DVD, but at least have his co-workers put the guy over.

We all know Taker isn't permitted or never wants to do stuff like that on TV or dvds and probably never will until after he retires, but they didn't have anyone put Taker over either except Kurt Angle in a bonus match on the third disc, where he gave the typical 'Taker is amazing in every regard to professional wrestling, if i'd jump at the chance to wrestle Taker' (Well of course you would, because it means that people are guaranteed to pay attention to your match because they wanna see Taker kill you).

HBK, HHH, DX, Vince, Eddie and Benoit all had other wrestler's talk about their matches together as well as the announcers. Surprisingly, Austin didn't have many people talk about him in that regard on either of his dvds. They had his family members, Vince, JR and maybe HHH talk about him and then others talked about the character (i think) but not about Steve Williams (now officially Austin). I wonder why that is. 3 of the top guys in the 90's, integral parts elements of the attitude era but no one has anything to say about them as people.
The only thing good about the Rock Dvd is the promo's it has on it. I still laugh my ass off when he calls Kevin Kelly a hermapherdite. I also dont see why the hell they had the rock vs Eddie guerreo in the set. I thought it was just kinda pointless.

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