New Alex Riley sig


Deciding if I want to join WZCW.

Just for reference, here is the last Riley sig I made...


I think it's safe to say I've improved a bit since then, lol.

This sig was fun to make. Towards the end I started struggling to find that finishing touch (last piece of the puzzle, so to say) and when I found it I ended up very happy with the way this sig turned out.

To start off, I want to let it be known that I didn't use a single brush on this sig. No smudging, and the only part that you can't make with a freshly downloaded PS CS3 is the font.

The first thing I did was make a green 200px soft brush dot on a black background. I used the Wave filter (square, though) with some altered settings to get a pretty decent background. I repeated this to focus into the area where I was planning on putting the render so that it got brighter towards the focal point. I put the render in a new layer and copied it once, then waved the background copy of the render to get it to blend a little better. I didn't think it was well enough blended so I made another copy and did a cube wave on it and man did that work out well, so I did it again. In order from bottom to top, I have it set up as cube wave > cube wave > ripple/ocean ripple > original render. It worked pretty well for the blending but I wouldn't recommend using the cube wave for blending unless your background is already using it. At this point the render was starting to blend a little too much so I duped it and set the top layer to overlay to give it more depth and contrast.

Now it got a little more interesting...I desaturated the visible renders (not the blended ones, just the visible ones) and then applied the image, which I colorized to green and added a layer mask to. On the layer mask, I just kind of picked and chose my spots as to which areas needed color, which ones didn't, and what held the sig's focus in check the best. In the end I think this was probably the best decision I made with the entire sig as far as making it all blend well goes.

So now Riley is completely green and needs more color. I duped his original render again and set it to Color 50%. Worked out great.

At this point I wanted to try something different that I haven't done in a long time, and that's creating one of those badass DBZ-style energy waves radiating from the ground at Riley's feet. All I did was dupe Riley's render and go into the Liquify filter and work on getting it to look right. Once I was satisfied I set it to Screen and added a layer mask and painted over it so it didn't cover the original render.

Here's the point that I got stuck. I was trying to make a second render on the right side work but it just stood out too much and lowering the opacity looked really terrible. I also couldn't figure out what I wanted the text to look like. My original plan was to use similar text to what is on Riley's tron when he comes out, but that failed pretty terribly, as big bold font is almost never the answer when working with sigs, unless the font is the focal point, which is rarely the case. So I kind of left the font crappy and worked on finishing the background up without a second render, when I realized that I had an awesome idea in my last Christian sig that worked out well: vertical matrix-y bars. So I added those in the top right corner and I think it fit PERFECTLY. To finish off the font, I scrapped the big bold letters for a lowercase smoother font and lined it up perpendicular to the radiating waves with one of the waves cutting between the two words.

Final touches were just lots of blurring, filters, sharpening, and of course the border and obligatory High Pass at the very end. I love the way this thing turned out.

What do you guys think?

It's a good signature, but... it's very confusing, you used to much green and the squares isn't really doing nothing for me, it's just very confusing. I can't almost see the fist, it's very confusing.
The text looks simple and once again the color doesn't stand out that much and the main image doesn't really make sense.
He is to dark and the background to bright, so we lose the focus from the main image.
Personally I believe that gave you a hard work, but it's not my favorites, i'll admit.
But I'm sure that you get a lot of praises for your sig. (it's just not my style)

This one you definitely could used a dot pattern, to make Alex stand out a little bit more.
I cant understand the Mr. Anderson and Miz picture in the top, that definitely should be erased.
The text is more and less, the color doesn't really stand out.
the main image is freaking amazing, very well worked and the effect around it is awesome...
Your best signature!!​

Keep up.
It's a good signature, but... it's very confusing, you used to much green and the squares isn't really doing nothing for me, it's just very confusing. I can't almost see the fist, it's very confusing.
I used too much green? Come on man, 99% of the sigmakers on this site have a single color background. Look at your Daniel Bryan used too much red. And my second Riley sig...I used too much brown/tan. The new Riley sig is way more colorful than most of the stuff I've seen on WZ, so it's kind of silly for you to be critical of that. And it's not like I was trying to have some kind of defined pattern in the BG or anything, it's meant to be asymmetrical, so there isn't really anything to be confused about.

The text looks simple and once again the color doesn't stand out that much and the main image doesn't really make sense.
The font isn't meant to stand out, just be legible and blend well with the overall flow of the sig. Not sure what you mean by "the main image doesn't really make sense", though...definitely gonna have to elaborate on that one.

He is to dark and the background to bright, so we lose the focus from the main image.
This just doesn't make sense. You're saying that the main render is too dark (it isn't, it's just highly contrasted) and the background is too bright when the BG fades from bright directly behind Riley to dark as it gets further away from the image. This is blending 101. You use contrast, shapes and colors to make the main image the focal point without making it dominate the entire image.

Personally I believe that gave you a hard work, but it's not my favorites, i'll admit.
It took me about 45 minutes to an hour.

But I'm sure that you get a lot of praises for your sig. (it's just not my style)
What's not your style? Praising sigs? Or the style used in my sig?

This one you definitely could used a dot pattern, to make Alex stand out a little bit more.
I already said it, I don't necessarily want my main render to completely dominate the entire image. Dots/Scanlines/any kind of pattern is never the answer, there's always a better way to make something stand out.
I cant understand the Mr. Anderson and Miz picture in the top, that definitely should be erased.
At the time of me making this sig, I saw A-Ri as a combination of Anderson & Miz, so I put them up there as kind of like a "combine this and this and you get THIS!" kind of thing.
The text is more and less, the color doesn't really stand out.
That's the point.
the main image is freaking amazing, very well worked and the effect around it is awesome...
Then why does it need to stand out more?
Your best signature!!
thanks, but not even close.
Keep up? Or Keep IT Up? Keep up implies that I'm behind.
Sorry for the feedback, as far as I see over your comments, you are the only one who can complain and these are the only ones I saw from you, and I didn't like it (I liked the second one a lot more than the first one).

Since everything had a purpose in your sigs, you don't have a lot of imagination.
I've said that the squares are confusing and that the background is to bright, and the main render is to bright in the arm and dark in everything else.
As far as I see you don't need any feedback, because you must be the best photoshoper in the world, at least in your mind.

Stop coming to my Showcase saying stuff that you can't even dominate!
Every sigmaker have a style, or DO YOU THINK that each and everyone of us have the same style?
We haven't, and you should pay more attention to our sigs and tips, that is the way I launched myself here...
Compare my first sigs, to my last ones, and you will see that I've learned a lot with these guys.

I've said Keep Up!!
Sorry for the feedback, as far as I see over your comments, you are the only one who can complain and these are the only ones I saw from you, and I didn't like it (I liked the second one a lot more than the first one).

Since everything had a purpose in your sigs, you don't have a lot of imagination.
I've said that the squares are confusing and that the background is to bright, and the main render is to bright in the arm and dark in everything else.
As far as I see you don't need any feedback, because you must be the best photoshoper in the world, at least in your mind.

Stop coming to my Showcase saying stuff that you can't even dominate!
Every sigmaker have a style, or DO YOU THINK that each and everyone of us have the same style?
We haven't, and you should pay more attention to our sigs and tips, that is the way I launched myself here...
Compare my first sigs, to my last ones, and you will see that I've learned a lot with these guys.

I've said Keep Up!!
I never claimed to be the best Photoshop artist in the world. That would be silly. I've seen better work than mine before, just not on this forum. And it's not like I'm specifically picking on your showcase or anything, I've posted something in 10+ showcase topics, you were just the first to reply to my critique.

Every sigmaker has a style, but relying solely on one style is a bad thing. Ask anybody who knows anything about art, you can't use one style for everything. Your sigs vary a lot, but they're all reasonably formulaic. I've noticed that you have two or three different formulas that you've been using since you first posted in your showcase. Your first two sigs are essentially replicas of each other with different images. The next two (miz & mysterio) are different, style-wise, from the first two, but you're still using the simple formula of, from left to right, small faded image -> main image + text -> small faded image. The first sig that varied from that formula was your Dean Winchester sig, which, while different, might be the worst sig in your showcase. Terrible popout effect, no blending, unnecessary pattern in the background (if you're going to use a popout effect, patterns are useless) and you straight up erased his elbow. The Ziggler sig was solid but you've created a second formula. Instead of the last "small faded image -> main image + text -> small faded image" formula, now you started using a "main image -> font -> faded image" formula that is even dominant in your Daniel Bryan sig that you're wearing to this day. With the Edge sig you reverted back to your original formula. Christian & Sasuke sigs both adhere to the second formula, only difference being that the Sasuke sig has extra text in the bottom right corner.

I like your Cody Rhodes sig. It's different from most of the stuff you do and he looks warped as hell, which is great. The only complaint I have about that sig, and I do mean the ONLY complaint, is that the font in the bottom right doesn't fit; you can't use a fancy script font on a grungy sig, it just doesn't work.

The Sheamus sig reverts back to your original formula of small faded image -> main image + text -> small faded image. Same with Barrett, with the font shifted left a bit.

I love the Stewie sig. You used the popout effect very well, blended what needed to be blended, had great choices in font, and I love the cutout section, that looks great. The Sin Cara & Jeff Hardy sigs both use your first formula. Kane is formula #2. Orton is different, and like it, a lot. If you could use that sig and just change the "Sick and Twisted" font to something that actually looks a little more sick and twisted, it'd easily be my favorite sig of yours. You even blended the render on the right which is something that I've noticed you don't do much.

I understand that it's easiest to stick with a certain formula, but, in your case at least, breaking away from the standard creates either magic or disaster. You're 2/4 on non-formulaic sigs, and the 2 are probably your 2 best sigs; Stewie and Orton.

Just to defend myself, I'll admit that I occasionally get stuck into one style or formula, but I do my damnedest to break away from it if I notice it happening because nothing artistic can happen when you're recycling the same style over and over again. That's why I'm so proud of the new Riley sig, because it's so different from anything on this site; I didn't follow any tutorials, didn't use any brushes, didn't use any C4D, it's just purely me. My style, my tendencies, my methods, my sig. So yeah, I'm gonna ask questions when people criticize it. You're welcome to do the same when I criticize your work. :)
I've seen better work than mine before, just not on this forum.

Not even close, the only signature that you have made that really is awesome is the one from Drew McIntyre, and even there I can say that the main render looks low quality.
Your CM Punk Sig is maybe your worst after Riley one, it's just to confusing.
I don't know if you know, but people usually like to understand what they are seeing, and even the text looks like crap.

You Christian sig, only has one thing very good, and that is the text, the BG is confusing again (apparently you have a style)

You don't have any credibility to say that you are the best in the forum, if you want a Signature Battle against me, we only need to choose a theme over P.M. and in 2/3 days one of us post the thread and make a Poll...
C'mon, accept it, i'm like the worst sigmaker here, well i'm not even close to you as far as you see.

Do you accept?
Dude, seriously, what is so confusing? What is there to be confused ABOUT? What is there to UNDERSTAND about a picture? It isn't abstract Van Gogh stuff or anything like that.

If you really want to sig battle, so be it, but I don't really have anything to gain out of it. You can choose the topic.
Now, now, everyone could use some constructive criticism.

I happen to agree with the dude. Green isn't really Riley's color if you ask me, despite what WWE seems to be trying to push. The layout of the sig is also off. There aren't massive chunks of dead space but I think the overall layout could be shuffled somehow to use your sig's real estate more effectively. It's like all the small pieces of dead space (for example everything to the right of the text) add up to create a really unbalanced sig.

The background is really nice, though. Great pattern, very interesting to look at. However, the image and text really aren't working for me. I think the text could either be taller and blockier if you want to keep it diagonal, or you could just turn it horizontal and add an additional blended image of Riley in the background.

Also, a personal thing, I really don't like tiny banners. I understand conserving your space but when you shrink the render it looks like you made a bigger banner and then shrunk it down. Unnatural. Also, that banner size just screams tutorial.

As a background it's great, but as a banner it's really just not clicking.

Man, that is so fucking epic! I wish I was you.

Seriously though, your colouring just makes this signature an affront to my eyes. Green against blue is not something that should be done lightly. Yet you have launched right into it with no thought of how it would make people's eyes hurt or anything. If I need to pull out my colour wheel, then I will. Let's just say that blue and green should never meet in a signature. But you already knew that, right? You're awesome at everything, right?


I mean, this si a decent enough signature but the fact you have completely slammed someone who came into your thread to give you his thoughts makes me want to slap you upside the head with Milenko's cock. People have every right to post in here. Like it or not. If you don't want people's thoughts, then don't post it. Simple.

As for the signature again, it is mediocre, to be honest. The text is nice but could have done with losing some of it's opacity in my opinion. Your render of Riley is just far too bright. The sharpness plastered all over it actually make my eyes hurt trying to focus on it. Don't you see that? The fist is almost disappearing into the background but that likely just comes down to how it is placed more than anything.


EDIT: Oh! And if you are still deciding about whether to join WZCW, you should know that they don't taker to kindly to people who think that they are better than others. Food for thought.
I gotta say Kayoh, you are very talented at PS, but I agree with pretty much all of the criticism you've been getting. For you to hit back on Futureshock, a new guy that we should be welcoming with open arms, is pretty low. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you've buried him for having his. You get damn near racist at the end. If you had some brains you'd see that he is in Portugal and so whatever he writes has to be translated into English for us. Some of it gets lost in translation.

The first Riley sig, while technically pretty good, is damn-near painful to look at. I can see there are a lot of subtleties that make it a good sig, but it's just not something that's nice to look at. I think if you made your squares a blue they would suit Riley a lot more.

As much as I can appreciate the first one, I dislike the second one. It seems way too over-worked. I too see no reason for there to be Mr. Anderson in there. The background and colour scheme again aren't pretty to look at. It's halfway between shit-brown and beige. What I do like is the text and smudging around the main render.

I think your best work has been in the various competitions in the main art section.

You can bad rep me and bitch & moan all you want, but I'm not coming back here so it will be for nil. For you to crush someone's opinion, an opinion that is unanimous, is sad. What a sore loser. You've lost the respect of me and anyone else that stumbles across this thread.
Good thing you take kindly to criticism. :rolleyes:

The sig is alright, nothing too special, but it is very... Amateurish. It's too cluttered with the design. It seems like you're trying too hard, simpler is better most of the time. That being said, you could easily build on what you know and become a very competent sig maker, if you start taking criticism a bit better. You can't ask for feedback and then shit on the people helping you. I mean, Jesus, did you expect everybody to stroke your ego for you? People won't lie to you. FutureShockWWE went out of his way to help you out and you shat on him. Next time, don't ask for help. Simple as that. If you're going to be a massive dick just keep it to yourself... Or, better yet, take your head out of your ass and take it like a fucking man.
I was going to refrain from posting in this thread because the forumers did a sufficiently nice job of putting things in perspective, but I succumbed to my ire and decided to post anyway.

Forget graphics, Kayoh, your attitude has made you look bad as a poster. You appear to be a pompous delusional dick, actually.

One line of your ego-stroking post is notably laughable - when you implied that you are the best artist here. Now, if you truly feel that way, that's fine. Your vision may be a little obstructed, but that's fine. However, do not conduct yourself in an arrogant manner.

It was also absurd to make this thread and not take legitimate criticism. Instead you want to act like you're a superior graphic artist than everybody.

Understand that art is subjective. I personally agree with every criticism presented in this thread, but the real problem is not with your graphic ability, it's with your annoying arrogance.
Now, now, everyone could use some constructive criticism.

I happen to agree with the dude. Green isn't really Riley's color if you ask me, despite what WWE seems to be trying to push. The layout of the sig is also off. There aren't massive chunks of dead space but I think the overall layout could be shuffled somehow to use your sig's real estate more effectively. It's like all the small pieces of dead space (for example everything to the right of the text) add up to create a really unbalanced sig.

The background is really nice, though. Great pattern, very interesting to look at. However, the image and text really aren't working for me. I think the text could either be taller and blockier if you want to keep it diagonal, or you could just turn it horizontal and add an additional blended image of Riley in the background.

Also, a personal thing, I really don't like tiny banners. I understand conserving your space but when you shrink the render it looks like you made a bigger banner and then shrunk it down. Unnatural. Also, that banner size just screams tutorial.

As a background it's great, but as a banner it's really just not clicking.
Thank you. This is way easier to understand than "it's confusing". I'm not trying to troll, or be a dick, or even start a beef with FutureShock, but when I post something, and I get criticized, I like to know what, specifically, doesn't work. The original criticisms I got were either vague or contradicting, so I felt the need to defend myself.

When I made the sig I basically did it with Riley's tron in mind. Like I said in my OP, I was trying to make the big 3D green letters work but it just didn't, so I improvised with more subtle text. The only reason I wanted to get the big 3D letters to work is because they're on his tron and that was the theme I was going for.

I agree with you on the dead space, and I tried to compensate with that with the vertical green bars in the upper right. I thought it worked pretty well, and goes with the square-filled background. Maybe they don't stand out enough? Or maybe they just don't work and I should try something else there. What do you think?

The background was kind of my personal experiment here...I wanted to use the square wave (I never see that, like, ever) exclusively for a BG. I think it worked about as well as a square wave can. As far as the text goes, it was tough to work in because I don't think there's a font blocky enough to actually FIT into the BG, so I tried to make it blend more with the liquified part than the squares. Oh, and I've been using 350x150 as a standard sig size for a long time now...every now and then I go with 400x200 or 300x125, but I always find myself reverting back to 350x150. I have noticed that a lot of the sigs on this forum tend to be bigger (standard sotw size is 400x200?) but most of the gfx forums I've been to tend to use the shorter sigs and most of those blow me away, so I got into the habit of using the smaller sizes.

Green against blue is not something that should be done lightly.
Honestly, I didn't think I was doing it lightly. I intentionally lowered Riley's saturation so that it wouldn't be so hard on the eyes. The WWE needs to get him a new vest if they're going to keep his entrance as a green theme, ya know? :p

I mean, this si a decent enough signature but the fact you have completely slammed someone who came into your thread to give you his thoughts makes me want to slap you upside the head with Milenko's cock. People have every right to post in here. Like it or not. If you don't want people's thoughts, then don't post it. Simple.
I DO want peoples' thoughts. What I don't want is arbitrary, vague criticism that seems more like just criticizing for the sake of criticism than actually trying to help me to get better. I've never claimed to be the best GFXer in the world, and honestly, I never said I'm the best GFXer on this site, I just said that I haven't seen any work that's better than mine. And honestly, I HAVE seen at least one sig that's better than mine. The Zack Ryder + Cody Rhodes sig that BadApple is rocking is better than a lot of my work. But, BadApple didn't make that sig himself. See my point?

As for the signature again, it is mediocre, to be honest. The text is nice but could have done with losing some of it's opacity in my opinion. Your render of Riley is just far too bright. The sharpness plastered all over it actually make my eyes hurt trying to focus on it. Don't you see that? The fist is almost disappearing into the background but that likely just comes down to how it is placed more than anything.

Erm...I kind of already lowered the font's opacity. And as far as the sig being so sharp that it is painful to the eyes, actually, no, I don't see that. When I look at my sig, I notice Riley's face, then my eyes are drawn towards the wave in the middle-bottom of the sig, which leads me up to the font. I see that it's high contrast and sharp, but it doesn't hurt my eyes; it reminds me of HDTV. And yes, I did sharpen it, but believe it or not I also faded the sharpen so it wasn't AS sharp. I appreciate your input, but I don't see this as a 4/10. 6/10, I'd accept that, because admittedly, this isn't my best work; I never said it was. I said it was WAY better than my last Riley sig, and I stand by that. But I'd love to see a better sig than this that uses a freaking square wave as the primary source of a background. It isn't easy to work with, and that was my entire reason for making this sig in the first place.

Oh! And if you are still deciding about whether to join WZCW, you should know that they don't taker to kindly to people who think that they are better than others. Food for thought.
I don't think I'm better than others in general. I can't think I'm better than somebody that I don't know. I can't think I'm worse than somebody that I don't know. I don't know anybody on this forum; I don't pay that much attention to the username above the posts as I do the posts themselves when I'm reading the forums. But if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna join WZCW. I've tried RPGs before and I am always really into it at first, but I always run out of steam really quickly. There's only so much you can say before it gets repetitive. :p

For you to hit back on Futureshock, a new guy that we should be welcoming with open arms, is pretty low.
I didn't even realize that Futureshock was new. Regardless, he still has way more posts than me. Isn't post count the substitute for age on forums? XD

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you've buried him for having his. You get damn near racist at the end. If you had some brains you'd see that he is in Portugal and so whatever he writes has to be translated into English for us. Some of it gets lost in translation.
How did I bury him? I didn't understand his criticism. And apparently I don't have brains because I didn't know that he was from Portugal, I didn't know that his posts had to get translated. I just said it; I don't really read anything aside from the post itself. That little bar above every post with a slightly darker background color is just background noise when I'm on this forum. Maybe I should start paying more attention, because I'm starting to catch more flack for that than anything in this thread. <_<

The first Riley sig, while technically pretty good, is damn-near painful to look at. I can see there are a lot of subtleties that make it a good sig, but it's just not something that's nice to look at. I think if you made your squares a blue they would suit Riley a lot more.
This is the kind of criticism that I wanted. Obviously I don't like reading that something I made is "damn-near painful to look at", but that tells me to cool it on the saturation, sharpness and contrast. As far as the square color, like I said earlier in this post, I was trying to interpret his tron into the sig...apparently the WWE has terrible taste in color coordination. ;)

As much as I can appreciate the first one, I dislike the second one. It seems way too over-worked. I too see no reason for there to be Mr. Anderson in there. The background and colour scheme again aren't pretty to look at. It's halfway between shit-brown and beige. What I do like is the text and smudging around the main render.
I'm not a big fan of the second one myself, and I made the damn thing. :p

Anderson is in there because I made this the day I found out that Riley was on NXT. I saw him as a combination of Miz+Anderson...if you watch his NXT "Get to Know" tape, he acts a LOT like Anderson.

I think your best work has been in the various competitions in the main art section.
Thanks. I think the only competition I've done is the most recent sotw, but if that's a hit then I'm happy. :p

You can bad rep me and bitch & moan all you want, but I'm not coming back here so it will be for nil. For you to crush someone's opinion, an opinion that is unanimous, is sad. What a sore loser. You've lost the respect of me and anyone else that stumbles across this thread.
I don't bad rep anybody. I hope you do come back to this thread, if for no other reason to know that I never meant to bash FutureShock for critiquing me, I just wanted to know what was bad about my sig and he wasn't giving it to me I know now...whatever he uses to translate from Portuguese to english wasn't giving it to me directly. :8

It seems like you're trying too hard, simpler is better most of the time.
You're probably right. Actually, I'm almost certain that you're right. I was forcing myself to make that sig because I wanted to use a square wave for a background. Even earlier today I felt myself wanting to follow through with an idea that just plain didn't turn out well in PS. I deleted today's shitty project without saving it, so I'm making progress. :p

That being said, you could easily build on what you know and become a very competent sig maker, if you start taking criticism a bit better. You can't ask for feedback and then shit on the people helping you. I mean, Jesus, did you expect everybody to stroke your ego for you? People won't lie to you. FutureShockWWE went out of his way to help you out and you shat on him. Next time, don't ask for help. Simple as that. If you're going to be a massive dick just keep it to yourself... Or, better yet, take your head out of your ass and take it like a fucking man.
Why is everybody acting like I took a huge dump on FutureShock? I didn't personally insult him, I didn't even attack his work that much. I gave him a personal critique on all of the work he's posted to illustrate the point that I'm trying to be different than everybody else on this site. Every time I go to a wrestling forum with a GFX section, all I see is sigs with a brushed background, a blended action-pose render of the wrestler, a full-color render of the wrestler, usually on the other side (or in the center), and font. That is what 99% of the sigs that I see on wrestling forums look like to me. That's what most of his sigs looked like to me. I guess I did kind of target him a bit too specifically, but it's frustrating seeing everybody with the same bloody style and they all get praised for it, and then when I come in with what I think is a neat, different style that breaks away from the norm, I get ripped for it. He said it was confusing and didn't make sense, so I assumed that he meant that because it wasn't a prototypical Pro Wrestling sig. It's easy to fall into a trend and not even realize that you can't get out of it; I've done it before. There was a point in time that I thought every sig ever made was complete shit unless it was a pure photomanip because anything else was just too easy to juxtapose onto a 400x200 pixel rectangle. I was wrong then and I see that now, but back then I was set in my ways. I've experienced it so automatically I feel like a lot of other people experience or have experienced it as well.

you implied that you are the best artist here. Now, if you truly feel that way, that's fine. Your vision may be a little obstructed, but that's fine. However, do not conduct yourself in an arrogant manner.
I don't KNOW if I'm the best artist here. I've been through a few gfx showcase topics and I haven't been impressed; that's just me. When you see the work that they do on sites like NSL it tends to jade you a bit. There could be a bunch of absolutely amazing GFX artists on this site that would blow me away, and I would definitely succumb to that if I'd see it, but the fact of the matter is I haven't seen them yet. Yet being the key word, because I'm not one to go digging pages and pages in the Digital Arts forum just to find something better than what's on the first page.

It was also absurd to make this thread and not take legitimate criticism. Instead you want to act like you're a superior graphic artist than everybody.

Understand that art is subjective. I personally agree with every criticism presented in this thread, but the real problem is not with your graphic ability, it's with your annoying arrogance.
Art is subjective, yes. So is everything that isn't created by math or physics. Wrestling is subjective, but there is still a general consensus that CM Punk is a better wrestler than David Otunga.

Everybody that's criticizing me, I obviously came off as a huge douche bag, but despite that, you all actually put me in a better mood. ^_^
NOTE: Apparently I can't edit my posts in this forum? I dunno, I don't see an edit button. *shrug* This isn't meant to be spam, so if a mod sees it just merge this post with my last post and delete this little tidbit. *ahem*

So much of a better mood, in fact, that I decided to do some editing.

First is what I call the de-contrasted version.


This one just feels incomplete to me so I kept going.

The "wtf are you trying to make him a goddamned angel?" version:


and my last one of the night... (most likely the best too, I'm too tired to tell)


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