Dolph Ziggler Sig


Deciding if I want to join WZCW.
Last time I posted a sig it got some heat and I didn't take criticism too well. This time I think I'll just post the sig and not say anything to negative comments. LOL


Dolph Ziggler. My favorite wrestler going right now.

So, how did I make the sig? To start out, all I had was a white canvas and a sick cut of Ziggler that I got from psd-dreams. I duped it a few times and smudged the background layers to create a background that blended with the cut's shape and color. I had 3 smudge layers, two of which I duplicated and set to 50% overlay to enhance the depth+color of the sig. Then to add some color I added a small brush layer to the top left and gave it a gradient overlay set to Color and lowered the opacity to get a rainbow-ish effect.

I tried a new blending technique on this one that I'm very happy with. I took a copy of the render and enlarged it so that it basically was a 10-15 pixel outline of the original render. I then used the Displace and Fragment filters to make it look almost like shattered glass, and set it to Lighten. Then I gaussian blurred the original render and just put it behind the main subject so that it still stood out to a degree.

At this point there still felt like something was missing so I went ahead and added another color layer behind Ziggler's head to make him pop a bit more. I then added another new blending technique that I came up with where I used the "make this thing look like it's on fire" technique that every goddamned tutorial site under the sun has, but set it to a bright yellow-orange color and set to Color blend mode so that it just looks like energy is radiating off of him.

I always try to work some geometric shapes into my sigs, hence the diagonal bars between his head and hand. I'm a real sucker for shapes, as strange as that sounds. Then, I did a simple color overlay to enhance the blue in his eyes - just trying to make him really pop out without compromising the overall blending and flow of the sig.

At this point the sig was complete empty in the top right corner so I added some pen tool lines that I thought added to the flow of the sig as well as adding something to the empty area in the top right. I put the #HEEL in the top right because I really wanted that to pop since it has almost become his new internet calling card, which I love.

As far as text goes, I tried to just use your basic arial black but it just wasn't enough so I went with a fancier font with his first name with the intention of making both his first & last name fancy, but once I changed the first name and resized it, I think it looks awesome. It almost looks like the ZIGGLER is an underline to the fancy-looking DOLPH and I wasn't even going to change that dynamic.

To finish the sig I added a border, but I get so sick of simple 1px black borders. I added a little flair with a 50% rainbow gradient overlay - I think it works. Then I did some finishing touches with gradient maps and a High Pass layer for depth and voila, this is my result.

What do you guys think? Is this one better than my Alex Riley sig from a few months ago? What could I have done to make it better? I'm all ears on this one.
I just made a John Morrison sig using the same technique that I used to make the Ziggler sig. I'm reserving it for a buddy of mine who I'm trying to get to register for this forum, so if you see it around, you'll know who it was made by AND why the guy wearing it is wearing it. LOL


I think the text got WAY better on this one than the Ziggler one. This one isn't blended nearly as well as the Ziggler sig but the background is probably better, too. I showed this one to a friend and she said it looks "electric" - I have no clue what she's talking about, though, so if anybody else thinks it looks "electric" please fill me in on why. =P

No real changes as far as technique goes. Should I make a tutorial on this style? I've never really seen any other work on these forums that looks anything like this.
I can't edit my posts so if a mod sees this, don't infract me, just merge my three posts together - I can't help that I'm unable to edit my original post, and if I can, I don't know how to. The edit button just isn't there. o_O

Made another new sig last night, this time it's MVP.


MVP has a new song out so I figured I'd make a new sig to keep things relevant. I did some brushing on the background this time, and I think it got quite good. Honestly I don't think this is one of my best works but for the render I had to work with it's pretty decent. I think the strong suit on this one is the font and detail work that I did with the coloring and other small stuff like the dotted lines around the font. This is kind of just the opposite to the style I was using for the Ziggler and Morrison sigs in that I started with a blank black canvas instead of white and didn't go all the way to the edges - I really like the way this style looks and I'm going to try expanding on it here pretty soon by removing the "400x150px rectangular sig" feel and making it more like a full-on fathead with a background behind it.

One thing I'd be curious about is if anybody here is interested in me making a tutorial for this new style or if my explanation in the first post is good enough to understand exactly how I achieved the effect. I've gotten a few reps saying the Dolph sig is good, but the lack of replies to this thread kind of tells me that there isn't enough interest for me to go all out and make a tut.
Good sigs. I think you really captured their characters with the flashy backgrounds. Especially the Ziggler and Morrison ones.

Nicely done. Keep them coming you're pretty good :)
Aw come on. I PMed you asking for a tutorial for how you did your Ziggler and Morrison sigs. You're just trying to make me feel bad so you can get people to reply, and as you see here it worked.

Anyway, yes, I'd love a tutorial. These sigs are very interesting in the backgrounds and smudging/brushing and I'm looking for any technique that would improve my game. Your sig finishing one was quite useful, so more tutorials, please.

As for these sigs, I really like the text in the Morrison sig. Very subtle, but pops at the same time. Another thing I like is the dotted line in the MVP sig. Another simple but effective touch that really finishes the sig off well.

Some great work in this thread.
Those are some pretty kickass sigs you've got there Kayoh. I'd love a tutorial for them. That MVP sig is sick. You should open up a request thread, I'd definitely request from you.

My favorite has got to be the MVP sig. Like DDP said, the use of the dotted lines is pretty impressive. The Ziggler and Morrison ones are great as well.
Typical Graphic Artist:


Damn right. Using the same technique(s) as the Morrison+Ziggler sigs, refining them a bit and adding a few elements from the MVP sig, all collaberated into a non-square piece of digital art. I HERD U LIEK BORDERS?
I like your style. Im curious as where you got some of your brushes at. like the stripes behind Ziggler, and the Arrows on Morrison.

The only thing I really dont like is the "fruity" colors around CM Punk, other wise its a great sig. keep up your good work.
I like your style. Im curious as where you got some of your brushes at. like the stripes behind Ziggler, and the Arrows on Morrison.

The only thing I really dont like is the "fruity" colors around CM Punk, other wise its a great sig. keep up your good work.
I didn't even think about it as "fruity", but you make a great point. As soon as I finished the sig I did feel like it got a little too colorful and I was tempted to lower the saturation of the background a bit, but I still like that it pops like it does.

The stripes and arrows aren't brushes, my friend. They're just shapes. I made a horizontal stripe and rotated it. For the Ziggler stripes, I deleted a horizontal section of the bar after rotating it to give it the angle. For Morrison, I literally just added an Arrow shape before rotating it and copied it a bunch of times. Call me old fashioned, I guess!
I love the bright and bubbly Dolph Ziggler one, glad to see that the lines and arrows aren't brushes either! (as weird as that sounds haha)

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