New Age Outlaws Tag Division


Let The Outlaws run the tag division. With American Idol, The Voice and Americas Got Talent why not create a "talent" or "judging" storyline.

The Outlaws are handed the tag division by HHH on Raw. They create some bigass board they bring out with them that has the names of all the teams. They watch each match from a table on the stage and make comments after the match and reposition the teams on the big dumb board. They create the stories within the division.

As always with my ideas this takes a proven vet or vets in this case and uses them to elevate the youth or an entire division in this case. I think the funny bits could be endless.
For instance The Wyatts vs Usos and The Outlaws come down to ringside for this match. Gunn wearing glasses, pencil behind one ear another in his hand, clipboard in his other hand. RoadDawg spends his time watching and critiqing as the match happens. The announcers tell the story to us that Gunn is very precise and note savy while Dawg is vocal and wants the teams to hear his advice. Stuff like that.
Unfortunately, I think the Outlaws are going to become new tag champs at RR. I'd much rather see The Usos or The Real Americans win the titles next. They shouldn't be relying on past stars to carry the tag division when there's plenty of adequate teams on the current roster.

As far as your idea, I see no problem with letting them handle the division on tv. It would make sense with them being Triple H's friends, for them to join The Authority. I don't think it'll happen however, with my suspicion that they're the next champs.
I don't mind having The NAO win the tag straps next, but I don't really think your idea would work. They can show their friendship to HHH but you lost me with the whole "American Idol" concept. I think having the Outlaws win next may bring back some old viewers who haven't watched in a while. I think having old viewers watch they can have the Outlaws carry the straps for a little bit to showcase the new talent. Hopefully the Real Americas stick around long enough to get a run with the titles, because I think if done right they could be a decent face tag team.
Unfortunately, I think the Outlaws are going to become new tag champs at RR. I'd much rather see The Usos or The Real Americans win the titles next. They shouldn't be relying on past stars to carry the tag division when there's plenty of adequate teams on the current roster.

As far as your idea, I see no problem with letting them handle the division on tv. It would make sense with them being Triple H's friends, for them to join The Authority. I don't think it'll happen however, with my suspicion that they're the next champs.

This isn't a bad thing, and you're likely going to get your wish. Once The NAO had a match last week, and I realized their appearance at Old School Raw wasn't a one-time deal, I started getting the impression that they'd win the tag titles from Rhodes and Goldust.

This makes sense because the WWE will have to get the tag belts off Rhodes/Goldust prior to 'Mania if those two are going to have their long rumored match. So what's next for the NAO? Well, they'll have to defend the belts against a face team at WrestleMania, right? That team is almost definitely going to be the Usos - and I highly suspect they'll take the belts from the Outlaws on the biggest stage.
This isn't a bad thing, and you're likely going to get your wish. Once The NAO had a match last week, and I realized their appearance at Old School Raw wasn't a one-time deal, I started getting the impression that they'd win the tag titles from Rhodes and Goldust.

This makes sense because the WWE will have to get the tag belts off Rhodes/Goldust prior to 'Mania if those two are going to have their long rumored match. So what's next for the NAO? Well, they'll have to defend the belts against a face team at WrestleMania, right? That team is almost definitely going to be the Usos - and I highly suspect they'll take the belts from the Outlaws on the biggest stage.

I totally agree with this. I had been asking for this since they made their appearance on Raw 1000. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are in great shape still, and can put a team over better than any team currently in the division. The Uso's have been dangling near the belts for as long as I can remember, and a win over the tag champion New Age Outlaws at Mania would finally be their moment. As far as the OP's idea, I like the fact that it would create storylines in the tag division. It would make sense for HHH to hand over the division to them, and take out the American idol concept you mentioned, and I think it could work.
The American Idol part of the idea is that they are the judges of the tag team divisions matches. They choose who moves up and down the leader board and who deserves the title opportunities. Like a judge competition type show.
Definitely think that the New Ages Outlaws could be game players again short term. They are both in excellent shape. I would like to see them turn face again and get inducted to the HOF this year, whilst Tag Team Champions of the Woooooooooooooooorld. And then go on to put over a heel team mega strongly at WM; and I don't mean job- I mean really fight like mad and put them over clean in the end. The LOD did the honours for the NAO in 1998 - it would be nice to see them do the honours for an up and coming team in 2014.
To be clear; for your idea to work Mr. Ass will need to have a pencil behind his ear?

Whew, boy. This does bring to mind a common see-saw effect in the writing practices of a sports-entertainment franchise. Right now we have very serious story-lines. HHH and Steph are posturing up to everyone in an attempt to come across as arrogant pricks, maybe they'll get up-ended or maybe they just really like being portrayed naturally. Brock Lesnar and The Big Show hate each other because Brock beat up Mark Henry(?). CM Punk is upset with The Shield for being mean to him.

John Cena is upset with Randy Orton for hurting his dad, from this we learn that his Dad is a chauvinistic ass-hat as he would say that Randy Orton "hit like a girl." Oh okay, so either it was an insult because all girls are pathetic and weak or it was an attempt to broadcast his sado-masochistic sexual fantasies for the world.

Big E is upset for being called a rookie. Everybody is mad as Hell and they're not going to take it anymore!

When all this garbage manages to work itself out, chances are the writers will digress into angles that are silly if not fucking stupid. If anybody remembers Howie Mandel's "Do the Watusi" music video, it will basically turn into weekly episodes of that.


Brock Lesnar will admit that he's been having nightmares of having his underwear stolen, setting up a fued with The Repo Man. Paul Heyman will get a DQ win over the current Champion at a major PPV. HHH will carry on the tradition of the "Kiss My Ass" club. Brodus Clay and Bray Wyatt will fued over who ate the last apple dumpling. Your idea will possibly be considered too intelligent for this phase in the WWE's creative process.
To be clear; for your idea to work Mr. Ass will need to have a pencil behind his ear?

Not for it "to work" it'll work either way. However the pencil, glasses and clipboard accessories are clearly Billy Gunn/Mr.Ass character territory. He's always been the goof of DX. As far as the silliness yes it has its silly moments but Dawg and Gunn level each other out with Dawgs actions and emotions always being a bit more mature and serious. The seriousness of being considered top Tag Team contenders in the WWE is emphasized.
New Age Outlaws are surely the tag champs based on their repute and being buddies with triple h. Their in ring ability isn't the best but wwe's tag team division is in bad shape so they got their chance.

Goldust and Cody Rhodes finally had their opportunity as bros to have a long run as champs but most agree that the outlaws are unworthy champions.
Personally, I don't see the problem with them holding it, at the moment. I kind of have myself leaning with most on the idea of a Goldust/Cody set-up for WM, so taking the titles off them now sounds like the best route to take.

The way the Uso's have been going, I wouldn't be surprised if during the pre-show we see, the New Age Outlaw's vs. The Uso's, which I would be fine with. Hopefully, they keep Cody off the the pre-show, I honestly don't want to see him anywhere near there.
While I wouldn't really care to see any of that happen I do give you props for the imaginative idea. I have no problem with the NAO having the belts, they can still wrestle and they're funny as hell. The rematch on RAW was some of the funniest shit I've seen in some time and as long as they drop the straps to the USOs at The Elimination Chamber I'll be fine. Triple threat tag between the NAO, The Usos and The Brotherhood.
Not a bad idea honestly. Maybe just put them on commentary for this. Have them be arrogant old guys. All young people hate old people who pull the stupid "I'm old so I know" shit. Maybe the NAO can condescendingly critique the young guys.
Unless the title is dropped to the Uso's at some point in the near future I do not really see the point of having the NAO as tag champs. They don't bring any longevity to a division that is in a rebuilding phase. If the titles were dropped solely for the fact that the Rhode's brothers are about to enter a feud against one another then that is also another interesting scenario.

All in all I'm not a huge fan of having the NAO as tag champs but some interesting developments could arise.
Every single time their music hits... The ONLY thing I can ever think anymore is:

I see a lot of marks who don't have any idea what wrestling ability is, all trying to talk shit on NAO. The fact of the matter is that they're 6 time champs, they're over, and they've forgotten more about wrestling than anyone here will ever know.

Repped. This is a great idea, and almost too good for the WWE.

This is how you are supposed to bring humor into the WWE. Not fucking dance skits or having Betty White on Monday Night Fucking Raw.
The New Age Outlaws will not have the championships for long. I see a short nostalgic reign that will end late February/ early March with them losing the belts to The Usos or maybe even Dolph Ziggler and The Miz? Anyway the Outlaws are still good in the ring, but they have lost a bit of flare that they used to and their age is starting to show. It's a good last run for the group, but I don't expect it to last long. They won't be around in a few months.

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