Should the New Age Outlaws return full time?

I'm probably the biggest New Age Outlaw fan in this thread and I would hate to see them back full time or part time. All having these guys back would do is hurt their reputation and legacy, they're old as shit. You could see it just from their coming down to the ring and jumping around a little, they would look tired and out of shape getting through even a short tag team match. They've had their time on top and we'll all remember them for that, but right now should be a time for the next generation to shine. Road Dogg coming back for a special entrance into the Royal Rumble was great and last night's reunion was great but let's just be thankful for that and focus on new teams.
I could see them coming back for one or two matches maybe against whoever the tag champs are, but not full time. I was a huge fan of them back when they were on top of the tag division, but I think they are at the point now where the nostalgia would were off after a while and they would fade away. Was great seeing them last night, would be great to see one or maybe a couple of matches, but that is it.
It simply would be a good BUSINESS move because people pop and mark out for these guys (myself included).

They would pop for a couple weeks before people started criticizing them for being old and past their prime. We were all in a nostalgic mood last night and seeing NAO was fun but I don't see them coming back full time. No one in the tag divison will benefit from getting a win over a team that had their prime 14 years ago. Besides the New Age Outlaws aren't new age anymore. When they were young they had a rebellious gimmick and represented a new generation. Seeing all those guys in their 40s doing the suck it skit last night was kind of silly. It was cool for one night but now they are the ones who are the old timers that they made fun of years ago. Back then the kids who didn't grow up on Hogan, Flair, Savage, etc. didn't respect the old timers and thought DX was the hot new thing for the younger crowd. Now they have to accept that DX are the old timers. After all, Billy Gunn is older now than Hulk Hogan was in 1998. Just some perspective.
If the Outlaws returned, it shouldn't be as a tag team, they should each have seperate roles in the company. The team already established themselves and its time for them to evolve like the rest of the members of DX did. They're older now and it would be better for them and others if they spent their energy on doing work back stage. Instead of using them on camera to help reform the tag division, why not just use their brains to help make current tag teams more likeable?
Just re-reading this thread, I have already posted but now I have another thought.

Road Dogg's strength was always his ability to talk. Very few wrestlers have the mic skills of the D-O Double G, so why not capitalise on that by having Road Dogg manage an up-and-coming talent, using his skills to help get the new wrestler over and teaching him along the way?

It makes sense to make the most of the people you have on your payroll, and it would benefit the younger guys to learn from someone like Road Dogg, who can get a crowd reaction every time he opens his mouth. It could also be another step in the right direction of moving back towards old-school managers who can talk for the wrestlers who currently lack in mic skills.
Billy looked great but he's pushing 50. I'm not ageist, but you have to be careful how you use guys who are nearing the half century. There is a place in Wrestling for older stars but generally speaking, I think that place should be reserved for people who left a thumbprint on the industry, proper legends who have earned the right to stick around after they're passed their prime.

It was nice seeing him again, but Billy Gunn is no Hall of famer.
This is like when The Rockers reuinited... At that time it appeared that they would for a short-midterm run. Jannetty looked sharp, Shawn seemed up for it... but for whatever reason, it just didn't happen. That one really should have happened...

NAO? Hmm, not sure it would do much good for the younger teams to work against them to be honest, Gunn was never the best worker to begin with and Dogg would be limited now. That the Brothers of Destruction also appeared, that seems a more likely thing and a way to get Taker into more matches (as Vince wants)

There are better options they can bring back, guys like Goldust & Booker T, WGTT, London & Kendrick or a new iteration of Demolition. Hell how over were APA?
You know, generally I'm not a fan of nostalgia acts lasting for more then one episode, but I think I could enjoy a few months of the New Age Outlaws. Here's why;

The appeal of the Outlaws was NEVER their in ring ability. Even when they split up, Billy Gunn's push flopped hard. As an above poster mentioned, they were showmen. They were most entertaining with their antics and their attitude. If you want to continue to argue that their in ring ability will be hindered, remember, they are a tag team! They can protect each other's in ring weakness by limiting their in ring time.

The complete lack of storyline in the tag division can be fixed by a brief run. Even without the titles, teams like the Prime Time Players would love a shot, setting up a Rocky Balboa like storyline in the tag team division. Even if they did win the gold, would that be a huge deal? No, it wouldn't. Which brings me to my next point.

The tag titles are NOT a major draw, nor will they ever be. Even when the tag division was at it's peak of E&C/Hardys/Dudleyz, it was extremely entertaining, but not the reason people bought the PPV's. A New Age Outlaw reunion, with gold on their waist hurts no one, and will give some minor rub to some younger teams, and inevitably put some team over, whether you want to admit it or not.

All in all, there's nothing wrong with this idea, unless it's suggested as a full time act.
I'm just surprised we haven't seen the "Will Doink the Clown return to action" thread yet. Every legend that made an appearance building up to RAW1000 was just a one night appearance. They were simply giving you a taste of what to expect for the July 23rd spectacular.

There are ways that legends make returns. They can make a surprise attack; royal rumble, music randomly hits, or they jump the barricade. Or there can be weeks of hype with vignettes and promos. WWE creative is smart enough, which is saying something, to not have a camera zoom in on a damn door in order to set up some epic return.

Much less, I'd rather watch a "legend" return who is in a formidable condition to wrestle full time.

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