shattered dreams
Hexagonal Hedonist
Not sure I understand. Are you really trying to tell me mailing costs less now than before because some people MIGHT not have used the streaming? That's silly.
I am saying that people that only can, or want, to use mailing now get the same service for cheaper. Sure it is a minority but probably more significant than some might realize.
Regardless of what you used, you paid for streaming + DVD. Even if you didn't use one or the other, the fact is you were paying for that service. As such, if you split the costs evenly, it was $5 for each service.
True but different usage patterns reflect different areas of cost on Netflix's end as well.
You're trying to claim they're going to make less money, and then question how much more money they really need?
When did I claim they were going to make less money overall?
I'm not the one complaining.
Complaining about people complaining is still complaining.
As you can see, adding subscribers, doesn't automatically add profit.
Of course it does not guarantee it but there is ample reason to believe that it currently will be adding additional profit considering they are doing quite well even with the current pricing. As we go to the future who knows.
I've never understood that mentality. Why should we be frustrated with someone trying to make money. America is a country in which profits are the driving motivation for any business. Any adult that does not understand that probably doesn't do well in society.
So if I steal your wallet you salute my capitalist spirit?
My comment was predicated upon the idea that Netflix is being charged more to carry content because the cable providers are increasing their license feeds. At that point, they're not carrying the price of doing business on to consumers, it doesn't cost them anything to license content to Netflix.
Are cable providers even the ones that own the content? It doesn't seem like that is the case, especially when it comes to movies. Maybe by providers you mean networks or something I am missing. Regardless, there is an opportunity cost of providing the content to netflix for sure (decreased DVD sales etc.) and it did cost something to make that content after all. Why are you allowed to question the "greed" of these people who after all are just trying to make money. It seems you may have never understood your own mentality in this case.
Which is likely offset by the fact they don't have to order as many copies of physical media, they don't have to pay for envelopes, they don't have to pay for postage, etc.
Probably but it should be interesting to see how it plays out anyway. Investing in the future is a smart thing but now Netflix has the pressures of stockholders and increased competition in the streaming market. Even if 75 percent of the people cancel one then they still break even. Seems like they will be fine from a business perspective.