Need some help guys.


The Backbreaker Machine
This a very serious thread im making, i'd appreciate no trolling or jokes.

So back at the end of May this year i was in a relationship with my girlfriend for a month as boyfriend and girlfriend, then at the beginning of last month till yesterday me and the ex had been seeing each other again and were still kind of together. We'd had alot of drama's both blaming ourselves for the failures, then yesterday we ended things completely, we came clean about certain things and got pissed at each other.

Now last night we got into an argument of sorts over facebook and it became public knowledge on our FB walls. So we decided that were no longer going to talk to one another again and that we'd be better off and we get rid everything that was memory of us, i did that even took her off my friends list..

Now today i see her wall as its still for all to see who arent friends, and it almost looks like a suicidal goodbye, mind you she has mental health issues and such. I'm scared what to do, if i should try and tell her not to do anything or just leave it even though i've started to move on already.
This is why it's probably best to handle private issues like this on a cellphone or in person instead of Facebook. Try to talk to her to see if she's ok.
i dont have her number anymore and i can't remember it anymore, if i can talk to one of her close friends to she if she's ok, maybe i cant get through to her, as i'd never forgive myself if she took her own life.
If you honestly believe that she is on the verge of doing something like that, then definitely try to get ahold of her or even see her in person. Tell her that even though you have your differences you want to make sure that she's ok. Hope it works out ok bro
Thanks guys, i have tried contacting her, also what makes this harder she is starring in an up coming tv show here in Australia on of the biggest Tv stations in the country, and seeing her face won't make it any easier. I just hope nothing has happened to her, because it would be hard to live with.
Christ that's pretty heavy stuff.

If she wont talk to you then get in touch with her friends or even family (brother/sister?) and reiterate your concerns to them. Hope it all gets resolved fella
I'll give more detail on why all this happened tomorrow as if i havent heard from her or anything like that i will be more concerned, it has alot to do with her committment issues and such and her confused feelings for me when we were together.
You may want to attempt and gain contact with one of her friends or family members and just say that you're worried about her; wouldn't directly say, "I think she may kill herself" because they could panic, she may be fine and you'll come off the worst I'm afraid.

Or even if you know where she lives, just visit her but don't get into an arguement. Talking is an option you know, its that thing where you keep your voice at a normal volume and speak without any emotion. Her offing herself is a little bit drastic, I must say, but you have to try and gain contact through either a secondary source or through your own power, J.
IMO it sounds like shes looking for attention not just from you but from others, If i was in your situation i would just let it go, dont worry about it too much and let her just move on with her life because if you do it now she will constantly keep doing this to get your attention.
I found she's ok, she has kidney stones and possible fractured skull from an accident today though.
Well she said it could be a concussion not a fracture, it has me concerned but I know she will pull through cause she is a determined girl and will get better.

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