Neck and Head Moves Banned from Saturday Morning Slam


WWE has banned head and neck moves ranging from a simple headlock to an RKO on Saturday Morning Slam. Many wrestling smarks fear that this rule could spread to Raw and Smackdown.

What are your thoughts on this rule?

What is the reason for WWE enforcing this rule?

Do you think that this rule will spread to Raw and Smackdown?
I think people are looking too much into this. The rule is in place because the show is on at a really early time and will be focused at a much younger audience. Avoiding head/neck moves in one match a week, that most of us will not even watch, is not gonna kill the product.

Why is WWE enforcing the rule? To try and keep kids from hurting themselves, but fuck them right? We need headlocks! We need Orton and his RKO on the kids show!

There is no way in hell this spreads to Raw or Smackdown. We should be thankful that WWE has one show to focus on kids and not pushing this on the main shows.
It's for kids. They don't want kids copying what they see and getting seriously hurt. There's nothing wrong with that. Besides, if an adult is watching a saturday morning wrestling show to get their fill of violence then they've got some issues of their own.
What are your thoughts on this rule?

It makes perfect sense. Little kids, no matter what a "Don't try this at home" ad says, will try some of those moves. By eliminating the dangerous ones, you're helping to prevent the kids from hurting themselves.

What is the reason for WWE enforcing this rule?

They, quite rightly, don't want to be help responsible for little kids hurting themselves.

Do you think that this rule will spread to Raw and Smackdown?

It would remove a third of their movesets, including multiple finishers. It would be incredibly unlikely.
What are your thoughts on this rule?

It makes sense, RAW & SD! are target for a broader audience, where as Sat. Morning Slam is being target directly toward kids, & kids tend to want to pretend they're wrestlers & imitate what they see, & we really don't need our kids going outside after getting their wrestling fix on Sat. morning & trying to DDT, RKO, hit neckbreakers, etc. on their little friends.

What is the reason for WWE enforcing this rule?

Um, so impressionable little kids don't fucking cripple each other trying to imitate their favorite wrestlers:shrug:

Do you think that this rule will spread to Raw and Smackdown?

No, why the fuck would it? As I said before those shows are aimed at a much broader audience, most kids watching at that time of night are likely watching with their parents, whom are hopefully smart enough to tell them not to do that shit to their friends when playing.
Its aimed at children and while the rule is a bit out there, if it accomplishes its goal of keeping kids from trying any dangerous moves then so be it. I dont see that many neck moves in today's WWE anyway so it shouldnt have much of an impact on the match quality.
What are your thoughts on this rule? As for the rule itself, it is stupid. Understandable, but still stupid. But I will stay positive because this specific show is aimed at the youngest members of the WWE Universe.

What is the reason for WWE enforcing this rule? Well what injuries are the worst? Head, neck & back, which the spine in your back is connected to your neck & skull. So what do they naturally not want to enforce with children? Head & Neck trauma. Children love to imitate any fighting/actions, especially ones on TV. It's a little "G" rated, but it really does make sense.

Do you think that this rule will spread to Raw and Smackdown? This is the only thing that scares me. At this time, I think there is no way. Orton's finisher (the RKO) along with several others are head & neck based. Even Cena uses a bulldog & legdrop. But what if Orton is released?? What if WWE starts developing talent without ANY head & neck based attacks?! And the rest of the roster just adapts over time?!? It really wouldn't be hard for them to make the switch over the course of a couple years. And as much as I have hated all the complainers, If Hilary....Oh I mean Linda, makes it past the election & God forbid, get's even deeper into the political game, WWE could start getting even more "watered down".
They should make the Saturday Show geared toward the kids and make Raw and Smackdown geared towards adults. They probably put this rule in effect because they know most likely kids will try to emulate what they see on the show with their friends. I don't think this will follow over to Raw and Smackdown, I mean seriously, No RKO? No GTS? No F5?
What are your thoughts on this rule? As for the rule itself, it is stupid. Understandable, but still stupid.

How is it stupid? In fact it's an extremely intelligent move on the part of the WWE. They're preventing young children ages 5-12 from attempting these moves themselves. They do not know how to reenact these moves safely, yet many will attempt to imitate regardless of what the WWE and their parents do. This is merely a safety precaution, and I'd like to know how that is stupid.

Children love to imitate any fighting/actions, especially ones on TV. It's a little "G" rated, but it really does make sense.

Then why is it stupid?

And as much as I have hated all the complainers, If Hilary....Oh I mean Linda, makes it past the election & God forbid, get's even deeper into the political game, with the way things look now, WWE could start getting even more "watered down".

The WWE did not get "watered down" due to Linda McMahon's senate run, and anyone that states otherwise is simply being an insolent buffoon. So what if Linda wanted to proceed into polotics.

**News flash!!**
The WWE went PG in 2008, and Linda McMahon didn't even attempt to run for Senate until 2010. Once again, no correlation between PG/Linda McMahon's senate run.

The IWC has been complaining about the WWE being PG since it's PG turn in 2008; however, the IWC is complaining about something that was the right business move for the WWE. Especially after the murder/suicide of Chris Beniot. The company was receiving an overwhelmingly large amount of criticism and negative feedback from the media that it was literally driving the WWE into the ground.

So you don't get to see your shock tv, your bloody matches, and the word "ass" anymore; if that's why you are a WWE fan to begin with then you probably shouldn't be watching wrestling. Wrestling was only that for a period of about 8 years, and I highly doubt it will ever be that again. The attitude era is over so stop living in the past, or simply change the channel.
I'm genuinely interested in seeing this type of match. I mean it's gonna be great to see how awkward wrestlers are gonna look when they can't do the majority of their moves. Should be interesting.

But yeah it's understandable and obvious why they are doing this because kids are easily influenced and as for it going to the main shows? No chance! It will severely limit all their stars and have a highly negative effect on match quality and realism.
The rule is pointless. The kids who watch it will have seen head and neck moves on RAW and Smackdown so it's not gonna stop them trying the moves!

They made the rule so that kids don't snap their friends necks.

No. If they did they would loose a big chunk of their audience.
I see this still as just a report. Are we sure this is real? No. It probably is. Looks like we'll find out starting next week. Here is my issue. You got people in this thread talking about removing some of the more dangerous moves. I'm curious to see if headlocks will indeed be banned, because those are basic and relatively safe. What about slams and suplexes? Flying moves from the top rope? Punches and kicks? Most of these moves are easy enough to do. I'm thinking this might have something to do with an incident that I recall happening Wrestlemania weekend where a guy died from being in a sleeper hold way too long. There's a move you don't want kids playing around with.
What are your thoughts on this rule?
I think with the show being based in the morning and aimed at kids, it's understandable that neck and head moves are off limits but on the other hand, it's not only neck and head moves that hurt people, it's also back and leg moves such as the boston crab. I remembering watching WWE when it was on in the mornings and when a chair shot took place, they aimed the camera at the audience so we couldn't see it. I am going to watch the show just to see what it's about. My cousins love to watch wrestling and of course, they love Cena :| so I'll watch it with them and see what they think about the show. With the exclusive match, I'll like to see what moves they do as they will need to work out what moves not to use and see how the flow of the match goes. If the WWE are doing a show for the children, then I don't see why the adults can't get a 30 minute show which features over PG ratings but then again, it's WWE, they won't.

What is the reason for WWE enforcing this rule?
Simply, it's for the kids. WWE is gaining more and more children's viewership each and every year. But I'm just think whether WWE is becoming too kid-friendly.

Do you think that this rule will spread to Raw and Smackdown?
Simply, NO! RAW and Smackdown will NEVER embrase this rule. Guys Like Orton, Big Show, Punk, Cena and many more would all have to switch their finishers which is something I don't see ever happening.
Thoughts on the rule: The argument that this makes the product safer to watch as it limits the potential damage copying the moves can do is flawed and seeming written by people not familiar with either wrestling moves or physiology. Examples: a 'pretend' kick to the gut copied wrong could easily result in a punctured spleen; a body slam could land someone on their head; is the zigzag more or less dangerous than an Irish Curse or Jacknife? A Dragon screw leg whip is far more likely to result in injury if done wrong than a headlock. - Any wrestling move has the potential to cause injury, and many non neck/head moves are far more likely to cause serious injury. including spinal damage.

Why have the rule
: From a business point of view, diversiving your age base to include the very young (e.g. potential John Cena and Mysterio fans) will do wonders for merchandising and even if the rule wasn't a prerecquisite of getting a G rating, it certainly helps. The cynic might also point out it helps further Linda's attempts to distance herself from complaints wwe is too violent and is rather all warm and fuzzy and child friendly.

Will it spread?: Quite possibly. Vince and co are not fans of wrestling and do not care about the art or the history of the business having done so much to rip the soul out of it. What they do care about is making money and if a new kiddy show pulls in numerous new Cena merchandise buying fans etc, then it would be logical to continue the santisation of the product. They know fans have no real alternatives (sorry but TNA has a looooonnnnngggg way to go to be considered competition let alone a threat.)
Good. Smart move. WWE Saturday Morning Slam (great name, by the way) is aimed at kids. Kids are impressionable. Fuck, when I was a kid I'd always try to copy The Worm (never successful however, due to an unfortunate arm strength to body weight ratio). It's understandable that if children saw say, an RKO, on a show they'd try to copy it. At that's dangerous, for both the children and WWE's contract with the network that carries the show.

Will this spread to the main programming? OF COURSE NOT YOU FUCKING IDIOT! It's possible to have one match a week, for a designated show with a certain audience, to not involve any head or neck attacks. It's not possible to do it for 15 matches a week on shows that are aimed at children and adults. That would affect the success of the product.

If you're even remotely irritated about this, you're a moron. And I hate you for that.
Eh, I remember Wrestling Challenge and Superstars of Wrestling both being Saturday and Sunday morning KIDS shows. They didn't have any ban then on the moves, why now? Creating this sterile world for children is bullsht. What's next? Ban kicking and punching? Shit why not just instead of wrestling, the "superstars" get in to the ring and talk each other through their problems in a non-violent way? That way, there is no chance for a kid to imitate anything that could hurt them.

It's really sad that the WWE would even humour such a ******ed concept.
You cant expect kids to ONLY watch a Sat morning Broadcast and thats it.

The words RAW and SMACKDOWN will be plugged in about 28 times during this SAT morning Kids show... and guess what... They will watch RAW and they might even watch Smackdown sometimes -_-

Once you get a taste of the WWE you are hooked 4-Life because its just to


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