The Saturday Morning Wars


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For whatever reason, I could not post this comment on the WZ article, so I decided to try it out here in the forums.

According to a WZ exclusive, WWE might be looking into creating a new Saturday morning TV show. Here's the article link:

I remember watching LiveWire and Superstars on Saturdays back in the 90s as a kid. I think I watched those programs before I started watching Raw. I remember WCW had a couple shows on Saturday morning as well, which ran at the same time as WWE programming.

Everyone always talks about the Monday Night Wars...I would be interested in seeing a documentary about the history of the "Saturday Morning Wars". It would be an interesting little side story to the overall WWE/F-WCW rivalry, akin to the American Civil War battles that were fought in the Midwest.
Saturday morning wrestling is how I got started on wrestling as a kid. I watched Superstars and All American Wrestling. I believe WCW had one to like you said, but I can't remember what it was called. These shows were on long before Raw, and it was how I got my wrestling fix until my parents finally broke down and let me stay up to watch Raw. I think a new Saturday show is a good idea, and I hope it hangs around so I can watch it with my new daughter in a few years if she so chooses. It may or may not appeal to adult fans, but it will be great to have around for the kids. I would be interested to see how the ratings went for the Saturday shows when WWE and WCW both had one. Maybe someone will post that info.

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