Should WWE have a saturday night show?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So wwe has a show for Monday = WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW
wwe has a show for wednesday = WWE main event
and wwe has multi internet shows = wwe superstars and nxt
and then on Friday = Friday night smackdown

so this topic is about wwe ever having a saturday night show, now please don't come at me and say we have a saturday morning slam, 1st off its a kid show, 2nd it came on in the mornings, and 3rd the show most likely won't return back on tv ever again. WWE wants more air time, their never satisfied and they want more viewers then more and then even more!
so i think if wwe wants big ratings i think wwe should have a saturday night show, a 1 hour show that's all about wrestling!
no segment's no recaps and no hype or build up to any feud that is going on, but complete wrestling in ring competition
would you be interested in this? would you tune in?
and would this be good for business? what would be a good name for it?
Not sure that I see any real reason for it. Enough people complain already that WWE already has too many shows on television, even though Raw & SmackDown! are really the only ones that are relevant. Although, to be fair, it's not as if WWE isn't complained about or criticized for everything under the sun anyhow. Every so often, Main Event will feature something that carries over from Raw or will show an occasional title match. Most of the time, however, it's really just a much higher quality version of Superstars.

As for Saturday Morning Slam, it looks as though WWE & the CW have had creative differences. At least, that's the rumor I've read. Rumors state that CW wanted the show to be even more watered down than it was. For instance, they edited out moves in the match that display "choking" or shots to the head. Generally speaking, the show was little more than a means for WWE to collect even more money from television fees.

I suppose that a show for WWE on Saturday nights could be entertaining. There's little to no competition on television on Saturdays, so the potential to do good ratings is there. However, in my opinion, it'd be a waste of time if the show's format was along the lines of what we usually see on Main Event. If it was used to continue major feuds & storylines featuring top stars like we see on Raw & SmackDown!, that'd be one thing, but the odds of the show adopting that sort of format are virtually nonexistent. So, as a result, it's probably for the best that there isn't and won't be a WWE show on Saturday nights.
No, not a weekly show. However, instead of them going overkill with the pay per views, I'd love to see them drop 3 or 4 of them and bring back Saturday Night's Main Event a few times a year. I know it won't happen, but this is all hypothetical of course.

I'd get rid of Elimination Chamber, Extreme Rules, Battleground, Hell in a Cell and TLC. Then this would be my schedule:

January - Royal Rumble
Late February/early March - SNME building towards Mania
April - WrestleMania
May - Payback
June - Money in the Bank
July - SNME building towards SummerSlam
August - SummerSlam
October - Night of Champions
November - SNME building towards Survivor Series
December - Survivor Series
I'm one of the many people who thinks they should cut down on their programming. I don't even see a reason to buy their PPVs since they all seem like run-of-the-mill Raws and Smackdowns to me.
Raw and Smackdown are already on back to back for a nice 5 hours from 7 to midnight. You also have the a.m. Raw which takes the late night place of the old memphis and ecw shows.

I think WWE should get rid of AM RAW and put Superstars or NXT in its spot.

AM RAW is just a shortened recap of RAW, and with the ability to watch shows on the Internet, recap shows are pretty redundant.
Yes but only if it's like Excess or Confidential.

A 1 hour show with 3 or 4 segments about different superstars every week, and a classic match would be nice.

And then I'd have the episodes the night before ppvs be kinda like HBO 24/7. A mini documentary that takes you behind the scenes. Show them training and getting ready for the showdown at the month's ppv. It would give the shows more of a big fight feel and get more people invested.
I'm still trying to get past WWE moving Smackdown from Thursday to Friday. On Thursday, people are still dealing with their work week and will sooner be watching TV than they are on Friday, which is the start of the weekend. I figure the WWE braintrust knows better than I do, but still can't figure how they made that decision.

I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my Fridays & Saturday nights watching TV. If I couldn't tape shows, I would probably never watch Smackdown at all.

Even more than Friday, Saturday is the night to go out, have fun, see people. With a Saturday Smackdown, they might capture an audience of the very young and very old, but it seems to me they'd be sacrificing their target market.

As others have said, there are too many WWE shows on the air already. Why put another obstacle on their own path?
so i think if wwe wants big ratings i think wwe should have a saturday night show

That would be a terrible idea at the moment. Unless it's Saturday Night's Main Event coming back, no saturday show is going to generate interest, especially when we already have Raw and Smackdown. There's too many shows as it is. Raw, Smackdown, Main Event (for those who watch that) and even that divas show. Then you want to add ANOTHER show to the mix? Saturdays for me are generally for catching up with my recording of Smackdown. That's what I'd consider my saturday show. Anyone who does anything on fridays likely does the same.

a 1 hour show that's all about wrestling!
no segment's no recaps and no hype or build up to any feud that is going on, but complete wrestling in ring competition

No segments and no hype? What's the point then? The whole point of WWE's shows is to generate interest in upcoming matches. They need to make the fans care, so they need things like promos and segments. A show with nothing but matches sounds boring considering that all the bigger names will be on Raw and Smackdown. You basically would be stuck with the jobbers and maybe some midcarders who did not make it onto Raw or Smackdown that week. Think WWE's ECW but without any promos or hype of any kind. Do you not see how awful that would be? No one will care and that show would be lucky to last longer than the Lucky 7 show did.

would you be interested in this? would you tune in?

No, to be quite honest. After Raw and Smackdown I've had enough WWE for the week. If they brought back Saturday Night's Main Event then MAYBE.... but not without promos or hype. The show you suggested would do rather poorly.

would this be good for business?

No it would not. Now, if they brought back Saturday Night's Main Event and used it to further hype upcoming matches, MAYBE. That's still a strong maybe. With the brand extension gone WWE no longer needs more shows. Anyone who doesn't make it onto Raw or Smackdown still has Main Event, although I do not watch that show. Most fans are only going to watch the main shows.

what would be a good name for it?

The ONLY name they should use is Saturday Night's Main Event. That could draw in nostalgic older fans. The majority are not going to care and/or not going to have time regardless. Raw and Smackdown are enough. I would even argue that Main Event itself is not needed, let alone a new show.
Short answer: No they shouldn't. long answer: Nothing live or storyline driven. I rather the show be a documentary show like Livewire or confidential more or less showing the personal lives of wrestlers or what wrestlers encounter outside of the ring. they could even do interviews and before/ after match on the spot in the locker room segments. So I guess yes and no
That's a tough call. Back in the 80's and early 90's, wrestling was always a Saturday show. During the Monday Night Wars, WWF had Shotgun Saturday Night and later, Velocity. WCW had their Saturday night show as well.

Nowadays, wrestling isn't anywhere as popular as it was then. There isn't a demand for a Saturday night show. Personally, I think WWE has too much programming and should get rid of Main Event & Superstars as well as cut Raw back down to 2 hours, but that will never happen. Their focus is on making money and more programming = more $, even if the quality of the shows isn't all that great.
If they wanted a show for Saturday Nights I don't think a "wrestling" show would be the right move. We already have several of those and I doubt the ratings would be that great if the big names didn't feature. However, they could have something like a talk-show where superstars were interviewed about their schedules and what it is like being a WWE superstar. Also, bringing in celebrities that are interested in wrestling to share their memories and whatnot. It would be akin to Total Divas by giving us a different view of the WWE and, if done correctly, would be something I would watch.
I'm up for a Saturday night show. This then could lead into Sunday which would help build-up some momentum heading into a Pay-Per-View. Something along the lines of a Velocity or Sunday Night Heat sort of feeling. Something that will help add the midcard feuds carry over into the Pay-Per-View. If the WWE were to come up with another show on a Saturday night, it would be in the best interest to make it 1 hour. Either that or move Main Event to Saturday nights and rebrand it to become Saturday Night: Main Event or something like that. There are some boring months in the post - WrestleMania seasons, so from April to about June would be a good time to get in another 1 hour show. Obviously, WWE is staying away from programming on the weekends especially in primetime but if it was for 1 hour, who cares?
What I see being the best thing for any Saturday Night Programming is- Using the time slot prior to Saturday Night Live on NBC. Yes I know obtaining a spot on NBC is difficult but if they can manage it they would strike gold. It would be their version of Friday Night fights, which you showcase your upper mid card, to a bigger older demographic who are mature enough for SNL but young enough for Wrestling. It works for the NFL, it could work for WWE.
Saturday Night Main Event could be a great show if the WWE title is on the line and the belt changes hands occasional and be worth watching if the top guys performs on a network television on a regular basis. When I was young, I thought SNME was awesome with top guys performing in the late 80's, early 90's. The WWE could drop one of the useless PPV and replace them with the SNME show. Let the wrestlers do their promo leading up to the SNME on RAW or Smackdown to make this event feeling more importance.

Do not overdo the SNME and limit this event to four times a year on a fixed dates every year, such as first Saturday of every 3 months or last Saturday of every 3 months. Usually there is nothing good on TV anyways these days.

I feel that the WWE is overdoing the PPV and it would be nice to give fans a break from the PPV and do the SNME once in a while, replacing a PPV. This might draw the rating up across the board.

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